Wait, quick question, would the solar cores be strong enough to power our Laser weapons?

As if they could, that would let us be able to turn that type of gun into our version of the AK. Something really cheap, effective and long lasting.

So if we use cold fusion cells as standard for the bots, what kind of upgrade in power could we get if we gave them a alien powered one?

Do they give more punch then are other firearms of the same scale or are they only as good as standard plasma weapons?

Also, what would be the charge limit on a buster weapon?
1: That'd basically just add a slow auto-recharge when in daylight.

2: Elerium has a much higher power output, but it's a lot harder to make and more expensive.

3: A normal Buster shot is roughly comparable to an Elerium plasma weapon of the same size, but a charge shot can be up to 5* that.
While you can certainly use them to teach someone how to use magic
We should probably load ourselves up with that knowledge. We can make ourselves as good at magic as Gio. Won't even take long if we use the Time Dilation tech to allow us to spend more time in the Sleep Learner than actually passes outside. Possibly combined with a stasis bed to help with the fact that on our end we are spending 168 hours unconscious (assuming his level of magic counts as a AWESOME skill). And while we are there under such heavily dilated time, might as well program a bunch of other things.

Edit: Doing the learning under a time-stop, it would take 2.52 minutes to learn a AWESOME skill.
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1: That'd basically just add a slow auto-recharge when in daylight.
How slow we talking?

As we taking a hour to refill or something longer?

2: Elerium has a much higher power output, but it's a lot harder to make and more expensive.
Should be fine then, as we would only plan to give such to Robotmasters and other hero tier Robots/uplifted.

Though are we giving a Elerium core to the hero we are upgrading this turn? Or will that have to be something we do later?

Since giving him more power to play with as a Sparkman type couldn't hurt.

3: A normal Buster shot is roughly comparable to an Elerium plasma weapon of the same size, but a charge shot can be up to 5* that.
So a buster weapon is like a variable Xcom plasma weapon, that can fill both the assult and heavy weapons roll.

That has some interesting uses there.
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Interesting, that makes using Solar Cells for the laser weapons a real option here.

As with that kind of recharge rate, we can get some real good field use out of them.

So what is needed to make a solar cell? Does it require any super materials or is it just made of common stuff?

Anyway, time for me to get to actually writing the update.
Ugh, freaking writer's block. It's been hours and I've only got 4 sentences to show for it.
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Our Time-dialation technology is hilariously good now that I think of it. With 1 kg of Bassnium, we could power a Time-stop for 224 years, and that's assuming we are stopping a full cubic meter, when a person physically only takes up about .066 cubic meters. Even a far less skin-tight profile of 2 ft x 2 ft x 6 ft is only .68 cubic meters, giving us an extra 47% of stopped time.
Strategic Turn 4/A Knock On The Door 1
Today you start in on a couple projects. First, you order Otto to report to your lab for some upgrades. He does so, and in a few hours time you've transferred him to a new body that's a major upgrade from either of his previous shells. His new body can swap between a civilian mode similar to what Joes can get, and in combat mode he's an absolute monster.

Able to project extremely powerful electrical arcs that circumvent the Faraday Cage effect, and able to stand up to a truly tremendous amount of abuse, Otto is now an extremely well-made war machine.

Later in the day you talk with your new PR department, and arrange for a press conference tomorrow. You also check in to make sure the work on expanding Von Braun is going well, which it indeed is.

Your late afternoon and evening is spent in the labs, making a new device that will be a complete game-changer. You're building a time dilation device. It's rather frustrating, with all sorts of issues relating to field instability, waste heat, and power consumption. Still, you make a lot of progress and go to bed content.

In the morning, you do some more tinkering on your time stopper device before breakfast. Afterwards, you do a bit more work on it and finally manage to get that infuriating problem with the waste heat solved.

Come 11:00 though, you set the prototype down on your workbench and go to the teleporter room. You have a press-conference in New York that you need to appear at after all. After a quick bit of teleportation across the Atlantic you materialize behind a podium bearing the X-COM insignia. You stare out into the sea of reporters and announce "Ladies and gentlemen, I am commander Harry Brady of X-COM. For the past month we've been working tirelessly to prepare the world for the incoming alien invasion. Any questions?"

Things continue in this sort of vein for some time, but around halfway through you get an alarm through your smartclothes that some alien ships have just de-warped 1,500 km over Earth, on the opposite side of it from the Weisshorn. You groan and say "Sorry to call this over so quickly, but some more unwanted visitors just arrived." Then you beam back to the Weisshorn.

When you arrive in the command center you immediately order
[] Write In (1 paragraph/4 sentence limit)
[X]"I need a sitrep people, tell me what we are dealing with here and what resources we can deploy at this current time."

As short and simple is always good in a live combat scenario.

An we need to know what we are dealing with and our current options, before we can decide on any action here.
If we felt truly abusive, we could use run-on sentences to fit as much stuff we want in there.

[X]"I need a sitrep people, tell me what we are dealing with here and what resources we can deploy at this current time."
Yeah, we need to know the details of what's going on, and the time it takes to be told hopefully won't be long enough for anything big to happen.

I say we should TRY to contact the Aliens before blowing them up this time. We did do a pretty good show of force last time they were here, they should know that we aren't completely pushovers. And if they don't back-off and settle for talks, we will just blow them up again with some tactfully placed bombs. They are well within range of our teleporters afterall.
If we felt truly abusive, we could use run-on sentences to fit as much stuff we want in there.

[X]"I need a sitrep people, tell me what we are dealing with here and what resources we can deploy at this current time."
Yeah, we need to know the details of what's going on, and the time it takes to be told hopefully won't be long enough for anything big to happen.

I say we should TRY to contact the Aliens before blowing them up this time. We did do a pretty good show of force last time they were here, they should know that we aren't completely pushovers. And if they don't back-off and settle for talks, we will just blow them up again with some tactfully placed bombs. They are well within range of our teleporters afterall.
You can probably guess why they picked the specific location to de-warp that they did.
Yeah, they don't wany another helping from our plamsa emplacements on ground. :)

But what about our base on the moon?

Do they have any weapon/defense systems up yet and do they have eyes on the Xrays currently?
We don't need to bombard them or anything, we got teleportation this time. We can place bombs directly on their ships. We could even go for just crippling them, instead of blowing them to kingdomcome if we want, would allow us for more scavenging.
We don't need to bombard them or anything, we got teleportation this time. We can place bombs directly on their ships. We could even go for just crippling them, instead of blowing them to kingdomcome if we want, would allow us for more scavenging.
Can we even do that though?

As can Mega-man teleporters lock on and send people/things to a moving area? As I ever only seen that system used to send stuff to stationary targets.
Can we even do that though?

As can Mega-man teleporters lock on and send people/things to a moving area? As I ever only seen that system used to send stuff to stationary targets.
Don't know why a objects momentum would effect our teleportation, I'd think it would only be a problem if it was going far enough that we have a hard time predicting where it actually is due to light lag, and by then it's probably out of our range before we can do anything.

Plus, we teleport up to our moon base, and the moon definitely isn't stationary.
You can use it to go to a space station/ship in a couple games, and those aren't stationary.
Don't know why a objects momentum would effect our teleportation, I'd think it would only be a problem if it was going far enough that we have a hard time predicting where it actually is due to light lag, and by then it's probably out of our range before we can do anything.

Plus, we teleport up to our moon base, and the moon definitely isn't stationary.
Good points, guess we will just need to find out then if the aliens have anything on their ships that might prevent us from doing so then.
Why would they? They don't even know teleportation is possible.
True, but they might have some kind of energy type shield built into their hulls that play merry hell with our teleporting systems. Or some kind of passive EMC device to counter sensor systems that do the same or something else.

As just because they have never run into something that coud do such, doesn't mean that don't have some device that screws with how we can teleport.

Since we still need to get a sensor lock before we can beam around people to some place.