Your standard Robot master only has a power output in the single-digit megawatts. That includes those two. You're probably getting wattage and voltage confused, common mistake there.
That makes some rather low-powered superweapons then.
As your standard taser can produce a 50,000 volt shock and that is 0.05 megawatts, so being about to get tech like blackholes, time tech, weather effects and so on there with something 20 tasers could do here seems kind silly.
Also, just as a side note, nuke plants in our day here can produce up to around 1500 megawatts a hour depending on how you push them and what fuel is used. So Elec-man there can at least play around with that much power at once, since I'm betting future mega-man tech plants can at least output that kind of power.
So if all he had to help control the current he was using was single digit megawatts, how would he be able to do that?
Because if he can use a power to control something a near 150-1500x his own, then we really need to figure out how that stuff works and abuse the fuck out of it on all of our gear here.
As shit like that would be amassive boost to how much punch our energy weapons could have here. Since I know xcom reactors can pump out some silly levels of power here.
Good to lock I would say, since we seem to have already pretty much decided things here.
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