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I meant in terms of which slots you were preferring to use.
Well, we are already using X-Com as much as we can, it doesn't have any real build potential, it's just a start up. As we advance, we get more, better stuff from either Starcraft or Mega Man which we can combine together to make some really awesome stuff that puts X-Com to shame.
X-Com is about stopping the aliens, not the exaltation of human kind. Robots are the most efficent way to do that. And most everything else.
Plus, it's more Doctor Light than Doctor Wily. We ain't seeking world domination (at least, not via miliatry means), we are seeking to improve everything, get robots to do all the hard-work for humans.
While we can upgrade the body of humans, it will be a long while before we can start tampering with their mind well enough to get them on level with robots. While we can use the sleep-learner upload them with skills, even the most skilled human can not beat a robot. We have to work around the human brain, while we can work directly with the robotic one, design it explicitly for the intended task rather than trying to coax a already existing one into what we want.
Yeah. And we don't got robots working for robots. We got Robots working for people. And we are stopping the Aliens. Filling both the rolls of Doctor Light, and X-Com
Physically, sure. And Joes aren't smarter, but smarts isn't super important in combat. It helps, sure, but reaction time is more important, as is the ability to process sensory information, and their ability to rapidly aim. Robots are able to do all this astoundingly fast, humans not so much. Plus, Joes don't have to worry about bleeding out if something gets through the armor, and since the armor doesn't have to go around a squishy human body they take up much less space, and thus are harder to hit, are lighter, and can sneak better.Humans in power armor are comparable to Joes in terms of combat, and our Joes aren't smarter than humans AFAIK.
Please bear in mind only counts the cost of raw materials. If you were buying rather than making your stuff it would be much more expensive.I'm checking out the cost of our various things, and man, not only does our stuff way out perform standard military equipment, it does it for cheaper, generally much cheaper.
Interceptor Body Armor $1,585 a pop. CMC-400 $1,252
AK 47 averages $534. C-14 $120.88
M1 Abrams $6,210,000 A2 Viking $72,440
Black Hawk Helicopter $21,300,000 Avenger Transport $1,164,000
Apache Longbow $35,500,000 Fire-storm Interceptor $420,000
Frigates $704,000,000 Pitbull $15,480,000
@I just write what does a Teleporter Satellite cost BTW?
... Well yeah, if we were making our own stuff there wouldn't be a price attached at all, considering we already got the stuff and didn't need to buy any thing, just process it which only takes energy (how much, who knows, probably not a notable amount, especially since with Fusion we pretty much have free energy as long as we have water). All the prices given were for if we were just straight up buying the resources. Atleast, that's what Elerium and Superconductors were given as, and Neosteel was certainly phrased that way.Please bear in mind only counts the cost of raw materials. If you were buying rather than making your stuff it would be much more expensive.
Anyways, a standard teleporter satellite uses 500 Neosteel and 80 Superconductors.
Currently still at school stupid car won't start so can't do one myself. Fairly certain my vote win though.
OK, I'll do it in a bit.Now that I am home, I can ascertain that my vote did win
Vote Tally : The SPECIFIC Gamer quest | Page 67 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.17
[X] Build something new
-[X] Analyze Anna's brain-patterns, and see if you can program Mage-ness into other robots.
[X] We are going to first make some fully automated production lines with Time Stops, and then buy a whole bunch of materials to make into a whole bunch of weapons which we will give them.
[X] Ceratanium
[X] Build a Time Lab, so we can get much more work done.
[X] Free Action. Outfit our Mules, material processors, Joes, CMC-Power Armor, and pretty much everything with Time-Stops, in that order of priority
[X] Recruit a lot more Engineers and Scientists, and build some more Joes, to fill up our ranks up on the Moon Base.
[X] Build a Automated Assembly line for Mules, of course outfitted with a Time-Stop
[X] Get in contact with Sybil, and coordinate with her to take down Mauno Laaksonen
No. of Votes: 4
[X] Upgrade something
-[X] improve the Avenger's FTL
-[X] x400 CMC Suits, x100 TITAN Armor, x44 Ghost Armor
-[X] x25 Archangel, x64 MELD, x272 MELD Tanks (27 backpack), x100 Sensorb
-[X] x4 Avenger, x13 Firestorm Interceptor, x5 A2 Viking Variable Fighter, x4 Banshee Gunship, x4 Pitbull-class Gunship
-[X] x68 HWWP, x136 Joes
-[X] Manufacture the military equipment at a profit or at-cost, depending on what kind of beneficial informal concessions we can get. Prioritize space vessels, followed by natl. military equipment and the rest of our equipment.
-[X] Transfer 275 people from Weisshorn to Von Braun.
-[X] Drafting military equipment for national militaries, split in roughly 3 tiers: Tier 1 for equipment that's 66% as good as our own, to emphasize mass production and a lower price. Tier 1 would basically be for first world countries. Tier 2 would be for larger, more wealthy second world militaries. Tier 3 would be somewhere between Tier 3 & 4. Tier 4 for equipment that emphasizes cheap cost and being the bare minimum to challenge Aliens. Neosteel, Gauss and Laser is the most advanced we"ll offer them.
-[X] Media campaign to explain our actions, and to hold an arms show for legitimate countries (G20, smaller countries part of supranational entities like the EU or NATO, ones with money that also aren't batshit, so no new toys for third world despots).
-[X] Interrogating the shit out of our new prisoners.
-[X] Fill up the slots for both bases with another recruitment drive. We got billions of dollars so we can fill them up. Emphasize recruitment for possible candidates for pilots, but otherwise similar as last time. 20% of the slots will be filled by Joes.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Build something new
-[X] Analyze Anna's brain-patterns, and see if you can program Mage-ness into other robots.
[X] Spend that money on building up infrastructure around the world. We want factories building some of our lesser tech that would still greatly improve quality of life, and cheap energy for everyone. For countries that don't have clean water we build facilities to purify and collect said water.
[X] Have our research team work on mass food production that we can implement world wide.
[X] Build a Time Lab, so we can get much more work done.
[X] Outfit our Mules with Time-Stops
[X] Outfit our Material Processors with Time-Stops
[X] Build a Automated Assembly line for Mules, of course outfitted with a Time-Stop
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 6
About the same size as a human brain actually. It's mostly solid state, with microscopic corridors for the maintenance nanites.
How powerful of a computer would you say the computer that Technomancer was using was? Was it up there, as super computers go, or was it about average for a corporate mainframe?About the same size as a human brain actually. It's mostly solid state, with microscopic corridors for the maintenance nanites.
Aren't you lucky I don't take pleasure at causing suffering then. Admittedly I do like the occasional mind screw though.Nope you guys voted for spreading the tech around to thoroughly fuck us over. At this point the only thing holding back the GM from inundating us with minor problems is the GM himself now.
You've given him what he needs to legitimately bog us down in minutia.
The only thing ever holding him back was himself. He's the GM, he can cause us problems of every variety he wishes, especially with all those savants about with who-knows-what powers.Nope you guys voted for spreading the tech around to thoroughly fuck us over. At this point the only thing holding back the GM from inundating us with minor problems is the GM himself now.
You've given him what he needs to legitimately bog us down in minutia.
Speaking of mind-screws, you have yet to explain why that one guy was using a DnD game to stage a attack on our base. When's that interlude you mentioned coming?Aren't you lucky I don't take pleasure at causing suffering then. Admittedly I do like the occasional mind screw though.
Not many as you're still getting the production line warmed up, and humans can't carry the power plant needed for one of them without being in a full power suit, but yes.Since it will take a whole half hour, we should have more than enough time to finish the talk with Sybille and get her on board, port her over, and have her lead the small team to take him down. We could even just wait for him to arrive at Rio. Not sure which we should though.
Actually... @I just write Do we got Time-Stops we can equip our troops with yet?