The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[x] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
What would be cool is if we can incorporate a hint or two into our speech that it's us. While they maybe able to recognize our voice, they've only ever heard us once or twice.

It would be really fun if they hear a speech from what looks like a new and unfamiliar charmcrafter, only to realize "Wait a minute, he's that guy from before!". Especially if we can use it to demonstrate "Hey, this is what you could do as a Charmcrafter, if given the right materials and enough training."

That's not necessary. They already have realized it's Zhi. That's why they're so gobsmacked. These people have seen Zhi before, in his previous form, at the last judging. The box on his back is something that would be openly associated with him, given it was what won him the duel against Jin Yazhu. And they know Kong Zhi is supposed to be judging this contest. Oh, and he's wearing a beautiful ruby puzzle box that is most certainly a charm.
That's not necessary. They already have realized it's Zhi. That's why they're so gobsmacked. These people have seen Zhi before, in his previous form, at the last judging. The box on his back is something that would be openly associated with him, given it was what won him the duel against Jin Yazhu. And they know Kong Zhi is supposed to be judging this contest. Oh, and he's wearing a beautiful ruby puzzle box that is most certainly a charm.

That does highlight our fondness of making cube masterpieces.

Are we a... Square Crafter?
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

No need to do anything too fancy speech-wise, just some earnest yet boilerplate stuff should do the trick.
Lu Survival Check: 2d10s8(1.0). Dice Rolled: 7, 4. 0 Successes!
Survival Check: 6d10s7(1.0) (Includes Bonus Dice). Dice Rolled: 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 6, 2, 9, 3. 6 Successes!

Zhi is fitting right in amongst the bloodhounds. Seemingly better than one of their numbers even.
Finally, your rolling struggle takes you into the creek. You hit the water with a splash and it rises up, dousing the two of you and forcing your eyes shut.

When your eyes clear, you blink- and find yourself on top. Nokai is pressed into the river mud, your hands on her shoulders, water pooling around her face and soaking her half-trimmed hair. Even now, she tries to escape, but between your greater size and the help of the mud, there is no escape.



You have never really thought about it before, but here, in the water and mud, with Nokai pinned beneath you, you are forced to confront one fact that hadn't really registered with you before this very moment.

Nokai is...


We did it! The Nokai route is on! Now we just need to keep up with her when it comes to survival/hunting skills and learn the Sunholder language to properly start The Dating Phase.

Then we need to punch the Geng's collective faces in.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
That does highlight our fondness of making cube masterpieces.

Are we a... Square Crafter?

We already have the inventory all we need to do is craft a pick that brings up the ground in cubes and we could be a Minecraft character.
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[x] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
Sure enough, the audience and competitors are still staring at you with various degrees of shock and surprise on their face- and something else on Ta Riou's. You glance at her, trying to read her expression, before falling into your breathing pattern on instinct.

is she generating anam?! What aspect even is that?!
Forget the competition, forget the prestige. Ta Riou just got at least +0.2 to her Drive right now, and that's going to serve her for much longer than whatever this contest would give her.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

I would like to combine this idea with Evonix's
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

except suddenly breaking out singing at the end of our short speach with a better version of..

Although in hindsight, it's not really a good idea revealing our core stuff to the open public- especially when our techs are still under development.

In the end, I'll have to trust the recommended choice for Kong Zhi speeches:

[X] Walter
The link did not take me to a Scene of Mr Referee from Medabots, and for that reason alone this vote cannot be allowed to succeed./s

Now unless theres another vote similar to this

[X] Tell the audience how this (Your form) is but one example of the potential of the path of a charmcrafter - And how you know for a fact that there are those who would make it look like a childs toy. Regardless of who stands as victor, all those who have reached this stage show talent, and you hope that they continue to walk this endless path long after the judges make their decision.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
Lu Survival Check: 2d10s8(1.0). Dice Rolled: 7, 4. 0 Successes!
Survival Check: 6d10s7(1.0) (Includes Bonus Dice). Dice Rolled: 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 6, 2, 9, 3. 6 Successes!
These dice are an absolute meme.
The S.S. Nokai is coming in at full ramming speed!

[x] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[x] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
[X] Tell the audience how this (Your form) is but one example of the potential of the path of a charmcrafter - And how you know for a fact that there are those who would make it look like a childs toy. Regardless of who stands as victor, all those who have reached this stage show talent, and you hope that they continue to walk this endless path long after the judges make their decision.

I like this one
[X] Tell the audience how this (Your form) is but one example of the potential of the path of a charmcrafter - And how you know for a fact that there are those who would make it look like a childs toy. Regardless of who stands as victor, all those who have reached this stage show talent, and you hope that they continue to walk this endless path long after the judges make their decision.
I can't wait to see the audience and competitor's reactions when the finals are actually being presented and Zhuan comes out to demonstrate one of the charms. They're already gobsmacked as it is by Kong Zhi's appearance and I wonder if Zhuan's participation will be the thing that pushes them over the edge.

This is going to be really fun to read!
that information? I can't find the scepter in any info sheets. Plus it's been a week since we got it, it's bound to at least have 5 points of anam. Unless [Redacted].
I've been operating under the assumption that since it's not listed in our possessions, it's not usable yet. Probably would be a good idea to let it refill completely after however long it's been drained by [Redacted].
[X] Tell the audience how this (Your form) is but one example of the potential of the path of a charmcrafter - And how you know for a fact that there are those who would make it look like a childs toy. Regardless of who stands as victor, all those who have reached this stage show talent, and you hope that they continue to walk this endless path long after the judges make their decision.
[] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.

This one will probably win, but the "it's" <--> "its" mistakes are bothering me more than they should. It's also kind of boring. I'll go for this one instead:

[X] Congratulate the contestants on their work so far and your hopes that they have been able to use these last few weeks to show us their full potential today. Tell them that Charmcrafting may be a difficult path, but it is a path you find well worth the effort and you hope to see them continue to improve.
-[X] Cycle from Ta Riou as you talk, what is that Anam?