The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

[X] The life of a cultivator is full of challenges and rewards, and no Path might be as challenging and rewarding as that of the charmcrafter. Rest assured, I know the challenges each of you have faced over the past weeks, because I have lived through them. I know that each of you has brought forth your best, and whatever happens, I want you to know that I consider you a brother on the Path.

Too detailed?
[X] The life of a cultivator is full of challenges and rewards, and no Path might be as challenging and rewarding as that of the charmcrafter. Rest assured, I know the challenges each of you have faced over the past weeks, because I have lived through them. I know that each of you has brought forth your best, and whatever happens, I want you to know that I consider you a brother on the Path.
I wonder if any of these craftsmen would make worthy rivals. We're in dire need of one of those since the Jin seems to have either fled or given up.
Best friends doing best friend things, in a creak, the most wholesome nature place ever formed.

Zhi, with the huge roll, styling on Lu and getting one over her. Fluffy boy does things he is not supposed to.

Also, Mo is a troublesome, impossible girl, putting Zhi on the spot like this. Why do we even keep her around /s

But I think Zhi should light a fire in the contestants bellies, because they already know he's a complete nerd and softie from last time. Now's the time to treat them as potential peers, and boast of his masterwork, challenging them to reach his level less he lord his superiority over them forever. Right now they may only be fit to lick his boots, but one day, they may rise, and become as awesome as him!

Ta Riou is, as always, very amusing, and with Zhi proving that someone in her relative ballpark can charmcraft a mutation, it opens option for herself without needing to pick up weird techniques.
[X] Congratulate them on making to the finals, then make a call-back to Hanying's suggestion that competitors lean on the previously eliminated & the great opportunity they have a chance to seize before transitioning into how you're looking forward to seeing the excellent charms submitted.
I think we should we talk a bit about how difficult charm crafting is, while also pointing out that it is fundamentally similar to being an Artist. It is about finding inspiration in the world, and then giving you own inspirations back.

Cos a lot of the audience probably think that charm crafting is all about following set diagrams, and just think it is some sort of tedious work that requires no more skill than having a steady hand.

We should also point out that these competitors are here because they haven't really had a chance to show their potential with charmcrafting before, and that they have shown a lot of determination to make it this far. And that even if something they have created doesn't seem particularly special, these competitors have created it on their own. They are to be congratulated for their progress as well as their result.
A perfect roll, wow. I really thought something exciting would happen there. Ah well. Excited to see the conclusion to this crafting competition! I'm guessing since Mo already knows about KZ's new form she also knows about that fighting noble being involved. No way she has KZ being tailed and not that guy.
[X] Congratulate the contestants on embarking in the art of charmcrafting, extolling its virtues as an art and welcoming them to the Path.
[X] Flex on these bright eyed guppies with your unimpeachable masterwork, and dare them to get on your level. You've blown yourself out the water, and you plan to do it again. Think they can keep up?
- [X] Attempt to cycle from Ta Riou as you talk.
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I think we should we talk a bit about how difficult charm crafting is, while also pointing out that it is fundamentally similar to being an Artist. It is about finding inspiration in the world, and then giving you own inspirations back.

Cos a lot of the audience probably think that charm crafting is all about following set diagrams, and just think it is some sort of tedious work that requires no more skill than having a steady hand.

We should also point out that these competitors are here because they haven't really had a chance to show their potential with charmcrafting before, and that they have shown a lot of determination to make it this far. And that even if something they have created doesn't seem particularly special, these competitors have created it on their own. They are to be congratulated for their progress as well as their result.
So something like this?

[X] Talk a bit about how Zhi's charmcrafting philosophy. Also point out that these competitors are here because they haven't had a chance to show their potential with charmcrafting before and have shown a lot of determination to make it this far. They should be congratulated for their progress as well as their results.

nvm Evonix wrote it better down there
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[x] You have all struggled to get here. Not all of you can win, but getting this far is an extraordinary achievement in itself. Even if you don't win, you will find great opportunity, but the winner will receive the greatest opportunity. May the best charmcrafter win.
So something like this?

[X] Talk a bit about how Zhi's charmcrafting philosophy. Also point out that these competitors are here because they haven't had a chance to show their potential with charmcrafting before and have shown a lot of determination to make it this far. They should be congratulated for their progress as well as their results.
You missed: Threaten the audience with immeasurable suffering if they don't appreciate each presented charm as an amazing achievement.
[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a fourm in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
You missed: Threaten the audience with immeasurable suffering if they don't appreciate each presented charm as an amazing achievement.
As much as I'd like to, I don't think Mo Hanying would appreciate that.

Oooooh that's much better written

[X] Stand and greet everyone loudly and clearly. Speak about charmcrafting and it's potential, it's nature as art and creation. Talk about the competition and how it's not simply a demonstration a skill but a forum in which to demonstrate the drive to excel. Finally show respect to each contestant and their team in turn.
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