The Path Unending (A Cultivation Quest)

Someting I noticed this update was that the 7 sect specializations mirror the 8 basic anam types Sela told us about:
Elder Sela continues with knowledge you've already learned. She goes into detail about the eight basic types of anam (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Light, Blood, Force, and Beast)
Matching this up with the info we got from Xiong: Delving Heart (Earth), Resolut March (Fire), Cerulean Summer (Water), Breath Undying (Wind), Rose Triumphant (Light), Nightwatch Grove (Blood), Whispering Jackal (Beast) and ??? (Force). I wonder if there ever was an 8th sect or if force anam is the specialty of some other institution in the empire?
Someting I noticed this update was that the 7 sect specializations mirror the 8 basic anam types Sela told us about:

Matching this up with the info we got from Xiong: Delving Heart (Earth), Resolut March (Fire), Cerulean Summer (Water), Breath Undying (Wind), Rose Triumphant (Light), Nightwatch Grove (Blood), Whispering Jackal (Beast) and ??? (Force). I wonder if there ever was an 8th sect or if force anam is the specialty of some other institution in the empire?

Well if you look at the map, all the sects are arrayed roughly in a circle around each other. Anybody here willing to bust out the classical Wuxing diagram to crack the code?

- Though maybe it's Darkmoon Gate... But that way's close to the wastes. Probably defunct from previous fighting with the Sunholders?
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It would be super interesting to actively channel BSA through Chui Dao, we got our first insipiration when we crafted with our favorite Kukuni, using it offensively with Chui Dao may trigger a second inspiration
Worth a shot. Might be best to let it know first though :p

I don't think we'll get insights that easily, but it might do something else.

Also, even if letting Chui Dao learn the techniques doesn't give insight to KZ, it'll atleast give Chui Dao some sort of foundation to work with.
You cannot take your eyes from the beast. "Sister Xiong?" you ask faintly. "What… happened to it?"

The smile on Sister Xiong's face doesn't waver in the least. "Nothing intrusive or unwanted by my new friend, Kong Zhi," she states, reaching out and patting Songlu on the head. The pig preens and presses up against her palm, searching for more affection. "Songlu was a touch coarse and unrefined before, certainly. But it was nothing my anam could not fix."

...well. The implications of that statement are terrifying.
Pig's alive at least. And we see a new side of Sister Xiong. She apparently likes cute things. Also, it is notable that the Pig's ability to sense Anam was good enough that they kept it around.

You are broken from your reverie as Sister Xiong begins to explain. "Master thought that you would benefit greatly from a spatial ring, and he went to no small trouble to procure you the best one he could find. The Wandering Estate is no simple storage, though. It has a variety of uses."
This is a big help tbh. Our Royalty Treasure, unlike Cloud's Breath, can be stolen from us. Now, with a spatial ring, it is a lot more secured.

You just stare at Sister Xiong.

The Warren… the headquarters of the Caretakers… has mysteries and treasures locked away in it's lower levels… and you will only find them if you pass tests set by the Warren itself.
Glad we ended up taking this action. Sun Yijun has been exploring this place for weeks now. I wonder how far ahead of us he has gotten.
So... since we know we are going to get raised to the 7th soon (likely without any more warning) getting our techs down fast has jumped up in priority I think.

Especially since we may not get the time to cycle during our caretaker actions if we have to study more.

This, along with a few other things, gives me an idea. Shouxi was able to make an elixir for Water anam that make cycling water more efficient IIRC, We should see if he can make one for Steel. We might even be able to provide him with the proper ingredients.

If you recall, beasts cultivate via eating for the most part, like the Ingersroot! The Ingersroot was also a Refining/Alchemy mat. When we first found the Thicket, we saw the Phantom Point eating the metallic Fruit/Nuts that grew on the trees.

So... perhaps we could harvest some of those fruits/nuts and see if Shouxi can use them to make a concoction that will speed up our cycling for Shadow of the Prince? It's the tech that will take us the most time at this point
[X] The metal door that is hot to the touch.

So... since we know we are going to get raised to the 7th soon (likely without any more warning) getting our techs down fast has jumped up in priority I think.

Especially since we may not get the time to cycle during our caretaker actions if we have to study more.

This, along with a few other things, gives me an idea. Shouxi was able to make an elixir for Water anam that make cycling water more efficient IIRC, We should see if he can make one for Steel. We might even be able to provide him with the proper ingredients.

If you recall, beasts cultivate via eating for the most part, like the Ingersroot! The Ingersroot was also a Refining/Alchemy mat. When we first found the Thicket, we saw the Phantom Point eating the metallic Fruit/Nuts that grew on the trees.

So... perhaps we could harvest some of those fruits/nuts and see if Shouxi can use them to make a concoction that will speed up our cycling for Shadow of the Prince? It's the tech that will take us the most time at this point
A decent Idea, just note Elixirs apparently cost a lot more than your average pill of the same grade. So we're going to need to be careful on how many we want to try and get. A smoke Elixir would also benefit us as it'd allow us to make sure we have no lost anam from the wind pill(s?) we got from Shouxi. We're just going to need to be mindful of cost because even with discount and maybe giving him mats it'll cost a lot.
just going to need to be mindful of cost because even with discount and maybe giving him mats it'll cost a lot.
Well about that...

Once we are a 7th and are outside the Sect, we can't very well spend Sect points can we?

In that case we might as well spend them while we can no?

Having more tech phases and Stats will be more useful than Sect points we cannot spend
Well about that...

Once we are a 7th and are outside the Sect, we can't very well spend Sect points can we?

In that case we might as well spend them while we can no?

Having more tech phases and Stats will be more useful than Sect points we cannot spend
Very true, do note we also use the points to shop for mats and other things on occasion too. Just need to make sure we're not shooting ourselves in the foot getting them is all i was cautioning for.
I was hoping we could find out what Delving Heart's specialty is. I thought it might be crafting given the amount of natural resources that have likely been extracted from the endless caves and the previous societies they housed. The Warren being the first building in the sect housing thousands of charms also supports this idea since they all had to have come from somewhere. But perhaps they were just collected there. Based on Xiong's words it seems the Heart is well-rounded, but I'd be interested to hear what other sects have to say about it.

Also, getting a unique Delving Heart Earth technique sounds fun, but I'm wondering what kind of application it could have for Zhi when he already has Steel for defense. Xiong said Light artists are good at tricking the eyes and Blood artists are good healers/monsters. Earth artists...are good at defending? Has Zhi even come across an Earth artist in the Delving Heart yet?

[X] The wooden door adorned with an eye.

No idea on this vote.