Zahhak: the mercurial devouring goddess. Zahhak is a bizarre creature that seems to feed on other warp entities rather than worship, primarily daemons and one of the strangest, and in some ways both the most and least sane members of the Aetheric Concordat. Zahhak is primarily responsible for the creation if the Aetheric Concordat and it still considered by many to be its leader. She managed to survive the recent years but lost a good deal of her power, including most of the Blackend, her Daemon Princes and in some strange manner her family.
Ugruer: the god of greed and trade. A ancient Primal God who is able to easily transfer power between members of the Aetheric Concordat his presence has been key to allow the Aetheric Concordat to work togather as closely as it has. While he still survives he has lost many of his mortal servants to the forces of plague, and has had to sacrifice much of his power to escape death.
Sophont: a machine spirit that somehow ascended to godhood, Sophont had hidden itself in the Materium, incarnated in countless iterations in the avatar mainframes of its terminal worlds where it relied on vast armies of automata and fleets of autoships to protect it. Between its powerful armies and fleets and advanced technology Sophont was one of the most members of the Aetheric Concordat before its destruction at the hands of the forces of Decay.
Qhaysh: A religious goddess of serenity and harmony formed from the belief of a number of humans. Her creation was a plot by the Aeldari to create a deity that could hard-counter the forces of Khorne. As such it surprises few that despite the best efforts of the Aetheric Concordat that she eventually fell to the forces of blood.
Zaghâsh: Zaghâsh is a god of death and fire, formed from worship and the ritualistic mass-suicide of many of his followers. He maintains an afterlife and has an extensive history of fighting the forces of Nurgle. He was one of the few gods who managed to maintain the power gained in the raids on Nurgle, and as such is now one of the most powerful members of the Aetheric Concordat.
Emerlyn: A transcendent goddess of assassins. Moral and sane by the standards of minor gods, she survived long enough to join the Aetheric Concordat only because of her youth. Like most of the younger members she fell to the forces of Chaos.
Ilfeliare: A sun goddess that has survived partly thanks to her home field advantage - a star - and partly incarnating in the Materium with an avatar, which she uses to rule her polity as its head of state. Her polity is very advanced in the fields of plasmatics, fusion, and astromancy. She formed a pantheon known as the Firmament with the two gods Karzarot and Zuntîram before their deaths. Despite that she is one of the few gods more powerful then they were at the formation of the Aetheric Concordat, due in large part due to the sacrifice of her comrades to protect her. These sacrifices have granted her a protion of her comrades domains, making her one of the most powerful and flexible gods of the Aetheric Concordat.
Karzarot: A vengeful storm god. He embodied both the storm itself and its calm eye; the latter aspect has allowed him to build a positive relationship with his followers and other deities. He was allied with Ilfeliare even before the formation of the Aetheric Concordat, and died protecting her.
Zuntîram: A Xenos god of the earth who's tied very strongly to his homeworld. This tie gives him an immense home-field advantage and lets him freely incarnate in the Materium, but it also means he can never leave his world. It was on his world that one of the plague gods major assaults was stopped, at the price of his life.
Hagal: Human transcendent god. He consumes the souls of all his worshippers upon their deaths, makes extensive use of runes, and has declared war against Chaos. Like most of the other young gods, he proved to be unable to survive against the forces of Chaos for long.
Gatta: Goddess of guns. She represents both the creation and usage of guns. Her domain is very popular and her worship has been spreading extremely rapidly, however, she is targeted by both Nurgle and Khorne for destruction - the former for raiding his worlds, the latter for being a war god. Between her youth and having the emnity of two of the Great Gods of Chaos, it is no surprise that she fell, though not before creating a final masterwork with the aid of Faust and Ilfeliare.
Faust: a goddess of friendship, Faust has always been ill-suited to the hostile galaxy she has found herself in. Her powers are primarily based around enhancing others and moving between those she holds dear. Her fortunes have vastly improved since the formation of the Aetheric Concordat, ensuring she has others to help and fight beside. Within the Aetheric Concordat she has come into her own, becoming one of its most valuable members and gaining a significant amount of power.
Auralvic: a xeno god of law and justice, his birth was hastened to assist with the raid, and doing so was one of his first acts. Since then his followers have benefited greatly from their god, catapulting them from a minor race just beginning to spread out into their home system, to a technological peer to some petty forge empires. However this rise was followed shortly by a fall, with his people exterminated and his worlds turned into worlds of rot and decay. Auralvic died along with his people, working to ensure that a handful could be spirited away by the Aetheric Concordat to prevent their genocide. They now reside far from their original home as a protectorate of the Krork.
The Colonel: a god of unknown origins, the Colonel had the ability to scar the souls of his foes, forever hindering them. He fell fighting side by side with his ancient enemy the The Lionsmith in one of the final pushes by the forces of plague against the Aetheric Concordat.
The Lionsmith: a god of unknown origins, the Lionsmith's power is that of creation. He can easily create potent servitors from raw warpstuff, including ones that act as seeds from which he can be reborn if slain. This proved to be insufficient in the final assault of the forces of plague, where his core was infected with an inescapable plague, claiming his life hours after the battle was one.
Yharim and Yharon: Technically two gods, a brutal warlord, and his draconic steed, but their stories and deeds have become entwined to the point where in many ways they are a single divinity. Together they were one of the most potent gods in the Concordat. As a God who ascended through a religious ritual, they remain moderately rational. While the ruthless warlord Yharim has kept the majority of his power, and still schemes to replace Zahhak as the head of the Aetheric Concordat he has been weakened greatly by the death of his mount Yharon in the final clash with the forces of the plague god.
Zaeed: the sellsword god of mercenaries. Zaeed's origins have been lost to the mists of time, and his power is difficult to judge, being mostly invested into his legions of servants. Zaeed has done extremely well in the Aetheric Concordat. Countless gods purchase his services, enabling him to swell their ranks and might. His endless armies of mercenaries serve as the primary warp forces of the concordat. They can be called forth into realspace or march upon the battlefields of the warp. So far, he cleaves to his contract with Yharim, though as his power grows, some begin to wonder if he will remain a junior partner in the pantheon much longer. With the recent of death of Yharon these murmurs are getting louder.
Valanar: an enslaved smith god of great skill and power, his was enslaved by Yharim after one of his works failed, an failure that many suspect that Yharim himself ensured. Where once he was only able to work as his master commanded under the Aetheric Concordat he was able to escape from many of his limitations. Like Zaeed Valanar has gained much power in his time in the Aetheric Concordat, and has managed to break several of the
Bulwark: a xeno god of fortresses and defense, he was one of the two surviving gods of a region known as the Caligo Expanse. He has formed a close pantheon with Ruick. When the Caligo Expanse fell to the Second Miasma Crusade Bulwark and his followed covered the retreat, dying buying time for their allies. With his sacrifice he was able to will his domains and remaining power to his oldest friend.
Ruick: Bulwark's partner, Ruick is a god of the frontier and its exploitation, be it establishing mines, terraforming worlds, or paving the way for further development. He led the exodus from the Caligo Expanse after the Second Miasma Crusade, and has found himself the leader of a massive nomadic fleet traveling the galaxy. Bulwark was able to pass on his power, knowledge and domains to Ruick, giving him a far more borad protfoloi and setting him up to be one of the most powerful gods of the Aetheric Concordat