1. I've been having a bit of trouble finding exactly how much damage our fleet took, is it fair to say that the heavy ships (grand Cruisers up) haven't taken too much of a pounding, but below that everything's been trashed?
2. Do we know how well Syr did in the space battle?
3. Does Scott think that she'll be able to use this (the orks) to push her agenda much? IIRC you said its a blow for the conservatives like Bertil who think that the orks are not a big deal, but what about the admech? I imagine some of them were banking on the orks changing so little that they didn't have to alter themselves much?
We use a combination of the Cadia milita system, combined with Catachan levels of constant combat/survival experience.
Training starts as soon as a baby can start thinking IIRC.
Not sure where we could add more training, but if you have suggestions we're all ears...seriously more training is needed.
Makes sense.
That powerful a warband does suggest a rather old waaargh,