Objectively I know that his stats are actually pretty good. But in comparison to all the other governors and major characters… he looks fairly pathetic.
No he's human, not pathetic.
Yeah, somehow I don't see Vanaheim ever being the greatest power in the trust. Not with a planet of Space Marines in the running.
Again largest ship yards in the trust, they're always going to be one of the great powers of the trust.
Notably however the Craftworld Eldar use souls as the hard-drives of their expendable cannon-fodder and the old Imperium taxed souls to feed the Emperor.
Well the Craftworld eldar are using their own souls which is odd, but the soul in question is agreeing too it/ given how their after life works its more like a Dreadnaught than anything else.
As for the Emperor taxing souls isn't the right way to put it at all.
Sacrificed certainly, but they weren't taxing people for their souls.
We live on a Death world and import new sacrificial population whenever we can
Not really.
We haven't done that in centuries now.
Probably because nobody wants to come here for some reason
We slaughter anyone born deformed. We slaughter anyone who believes in religions other than ours, even ones that aren't a mimetic contagion
As I recall we don't do either of these any more.
Religion is free the state religion of the trust is the Imperial truth, but per the constitution only chaos and xenos worshipping the emperor is perscribed.
As for Deformed again IIRC we don't do that any more either.
We are in the (very slow) process of invading and conquering a world that already has sapient inhabitants.
"Conquer" is a very strong word there.
We are not conquering avernus, we're dipping our toe in and getting bitten by Pirana's we're not going to be conquering anything on the planet never mind one of the People.
From the first turn this quest has been one 'evil necessity' after another, in the finest traditions of warhammer. Why is this particular atrocity so special?
Well one evil necessity by the standards of the Imperium.
This new thing is an evil necessity, one I personally agree with, but don't want to take any further.
Subsector yes, but not sector. At least not with any speed or reliability.
And since defences against serious attacks are usually organised on a sector-basis, same as many supply-lines...
Eh fair enough.
Large human polities do fly in the face of this, but exception not the rule.