If we were ever to fall to Chaos it wouldn't be because of the Siren Trade, it would be because of actions we took that went through quietly because the careful people(both IC and OOC) were too focused on it to pay attention to(and yes that that includes whether we went through with it or not). That is a fitting way to corrupt a character that would normally be too much for it to occur and would would show beautifully just how much of a threat Chaos truly is. Yes you are intelligent, wary and wilful enough to defeat risks you understand as one, (un)fortunately you were paying attention to the wrong direction.
I mean we live on Avernus that means we willing prolong continuous horrible suffering and death of millions for the sake of power. We are radical radical changers that, OOC especially, think we know better than anyone in verse, that we can change all laws, rules and traditions at will with everyone else being dumb to oppose us. We call ourselves 'progressives' and dismiss the people willing to change pretty much everything on how the Imperium worked just at breakneck speeds instead of a rocket strapped to their backs as 'conservatives'. We built the Imperial Trust around the concept of protecting ourselves only, and when we find a polity who have done their best in this shitty galaxy to protect as many as they can, who is willing to extend a massive trust in sharing key technologies that we have no hope of getting otherwise any time soon, we have ourselves as being generous to trade more than the fraction that we don't give a fuck about into a bit of the fraction we barely give one.
Honestly there are dozens, perhaps hundreds or thousands even, of decisions we(as in the Imperial Trust as a whole) made that got us closer to falling to Chaos than the Siren trade did even before you take into account the fact that one stands out enough it will receive plenty of attention and thus be less likely to be the one that fucks us over. It really is good that we are doing a lot of work against the whole xenophobia, pysker hate and such because without things like that I wonder if we wouldn't be more prone to Chaos than the Imperium ever was.
So here is what is going to happen. We are not going to change anything in how we do things, we give the 40% we can capture without issues to the Sirens, if we are invaded they may get more and that is it. Stop the scaremongering until any of the measures posted by random people actually get actual support in a plan because all it does is make people think your point has no weight and take attention away from the thousand other issues we have to deal with.