The population of Avernus grew by an average of 1.59% over the last five years, which brought the system's population over eleven billion for the first time. A quarter of this growth was counteracted by the migration to Fjol IV.
The population of Dis has grown by an average of 1.63% over the last five years, bringing the population over one and a half billion.
The population of Avernus' Spine has grown by an average of 1.01% over the five years, despite a rise in Blink Spider deaths.
The population of The Azure Islands has grown by an average of 1.41% over the last five years, brining the population over one point two billion.
The population of Lindon has grown by an average of 2.29% over the last five years, bringing the population over a billion.
The population of the Everglades has grown by an average of 0.19% over the last five years as a result of a rise in wildlife attacks, despite this the population rose to over eight hundred million.
The population of Elysium has risen by an average of 2.49% over the last five years, with another hundred million of its citizens being forced to migrate.
The population of Aridia has grown by an average of 1.73% over the last five years, keeping the population over one point one billion.
The population of Duat has grown by an average of of 0.51% last five years, with the drop being due to a series of defence breaches by the wildlife. It says a lot about Avernus that Orks need superheavy assets to stand a chance of breaching your defences but the wildlife still manages it.
Underground Railways: Duat- Currently your underground railways connect all of your continental cities bar those in Duat. Edvin has put forward a proposal to change this. Expanding the underground railway network to Duat will provide a major economic boost to the region as well as providing a massive increase to the regions defensibility by adding to your main transport network.
Time: 9 years.
Cost: 240,000,000 Thrones, 80,000,000 Material, 200,000,000 Metal, 40,000,000 Promethium, 8,000 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 96,000,000 Thrones, 16,000,000 Materiel, 40,000,000 Metal, 8,000,000 Promethium, 800 Advanced Material.
Reward: Expand rail network to Duat, +10% Thrones and +5% production in Avernus Spine, Lindon, Everglades, Elysium and Aridia, +80% Thrones and +37% production in Duat.
Three years ago Edvin informed you that the final underground railway connecting Duat to Aridia had been opened. The addition of Duat to your main transportation network has done wonders for its economy, which while still smaller then any of the other regions has a similar productivity per person. Perhaps more important though it the defensive benefits that being able to be quickly reinforce in times of danger provides, or even evacuated if given a bit of warning, though it would be an administrative nightmare to evacuate ten of millions at a time without prior preparation.
Upgrade Defences: Nagrod, City of Glass, Roke Island, The Unseen University- Edvin Dieuwer has recently finished making plans to upgrade the defences of Avernus' cities to the next level. The final option would be to start with your major cities, which would be far quicker and cheaper to upgrade then the Hives. You could upgrade four cities at a time, allowing you to quickly reinforce the defences of your most vulnerable cities.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 1,040,000,000 Thrones, 1,010,000,000 Material, 950,000,000 Metal, 228,000,000 Promethium, 1,710,000 Advanced Material, 11,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 10,400,000 Thrones, 10,100,000 Material, 9,500,000 Metal, 2,280,000 Promethium, 17,100 Advanced Material, 114 Exotic Material.
Reward: Upgrade selected Major Cities' defences to Incredibly heavy (level 7)
Three years ago Edvin finished upgrading the defences of your Psyker Cities, which are now ringed by a layer of defences wider then the city itself. You are certain that these defences will be enough to protect your psyker cities from almost any assault barring extended siege, which they do not have the population to withstand for more then a decade or two. Given that the Psyker cities represent the centres of learning for the Avernite Psykers which are one of Avernus' greatest and most unique resources these defences are only barely sufficient.
Upgrade Defences: Storm's End, Lorien, Mirkwood, Doriath- Edvin Dieuwer has recently finished making plans to upgrade the defences of Avernus' cities to the next level. The final option would be to start with your major cities, which would be far quicker and cheaper to upgrade then the Hives. You could upgrade four cities at a time, allowing you to quickly reinforce the defences of your most vulnerable cities.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 1,040,000,000 Thrones, 1,010,000,000 Material, 950,000,000 Metal, 228,000,000 Promethium, 1,710,000 Advanced Material, 11,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 10,400,000 Thrones, 10,100,000 Material, 9,500,000 Metal, 2,280,000 Promethium, 17,100 Advanced Material, 114 Exotic Material.
Reward: Upgrade selected Major Citie' defences to Incredibly heavy (level 7)
One year ago Edvin's efforts to upgrade the defences of Storm's End, Lorien, Mirkwood, Doriath were completed. These cities include one of your most isolated cities and three from within the central region of Avernite civilisation. In many ways the upgrading of the cities orbital defences are more important for the central cities, as that adds to the firepower that can be brought to bear against anyone using massed orbital bombardment.
Expand Thundabeast Pens- Currently your Thundabeast Pens can hold a hundred thousand Thundabeasts at a time, which while more then enough for most purposes will likely be insufficient once you start deploying them with military forces, especially given how the power of a Thundabeast shield increases with the number of Thundabeasts in the area. As such Edvin has suggested that he expand the current pens fourfold, which should take decades to fill.
Time: 5 years
Cost: 490,000,000 Thrones, 100,000,000 Material, 100,000,000 Metal, 10,000,000 Promethium, 207,500 Advanced Material.
Upkeep per year: 40,000,000 Thrones, 10,000,000 Material, 10,000,000 Metal, 1,000,000 Promethium, 20,750 Advanced Material.
Reward: Expand your Thundabeast pens to allow up to 400,000 Thundabeasts at a time
Locked- Three out of Five years completed
For the last three years Edvin has been overseeing the expansion of your Thundabeast Pens fourfold. This will allow you to increase your herd sizes to around four hundred thousand, which should be enough to supply Thundabeast Riders with sufficient mounts. Work is going well on the expansions, which require thicker defences due to the increased amount of Thundabeasts contained within. Tyrant-Lizard make regular attempts to get at the small Thundabeast Herds that you keep, considering them more vulnerable them members of a large herd.
Expedite: Region Iota: Found City: (Desert)- Now that you have found the exact place to build the cities and put up some basic fortifications in the area it is time to begin the colonisation of Region Iota. It would be best to build one city at a time, and to draw the colonialists from a variety of different regions.
Time: 8 years. (can be taken multiple times, must also take Hold Ground, Region Iota)
Cost: 642,900,000 Thrones, 154,600,000 Material, 134,100,000 Metal, 26,820,000 Promethium, 146,900 Advanced Material, 900 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 30,527,211 Thrones, 4,107,723 Material, 3,295,626 Metal, 520,337 Promethium, 4,834 Advanced Material, 13 Exotic Material.
Reward: Build city in selected area of Region Iota
Locked- Two out of Seven years completed
For the last two years Edvin has been overseeing the founding of another city in the deserts of Duat. He tells you that this is a far easier process then founding the earlier cities due to the fact that he has nearby cities to support the construction efforts, at lot more knowledge of the dangers of Duat and a large number of soldiers native to the region to defend his construction site.
Expedite: Region Iota: Found City: (Lake)- Now that you have found the exact place to build the cities and put up some basic fortifications in the area it is time to begin the colonisation of Region Iota. It would be best to build one city at a time, and to draw the colonialists from a variety of different regions.
Time: 8 years. (can be taken multiple times, must also take Hold Ground, Region Iota)
Cost: 642,900,000 Thrones, 154,600,000 Material, 134,100,000 Metal, 26,820,000 Promethium, 146,900 Advanced Material, 900 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 30,527,211 Thrones, 4,107,723 Material, 3,295,626 Metal, 520,337 Promethium, 4,834 Advanced Material, 13 Exotic Material.
Reward: Build city in selected area of Region Iota
Locked- One out of Seven years completed
For the last year Edvin has been overseeing the founding of another city by the final lake in Duat. He has currently surveyed the ground and is working on setting up the foundations, a process he expects to finish next year. Between this and the other city that is being built in Duat the region is starting to take it place as a fully developed region of Avernus, all that remains is to expand a city into a small hive to act as the regional capital.
Thaddeus Expertise: Upgrade Defences: Bonud, Babylon, True Grit, Iota One- Edvin Dieuwer has recently finished making plans to upgrade the defences of Avernus' cities to the next level. The final option would be to start with your major cities, which would be far quicker and cheaper to upgrade then the Hives. You could upgrade four cities at a time, allowing you to quickly reinforce the defences of your most vulnerable cities.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 1,040,000,000 Thrones, 1,010,000,000 Material, 950,000,000 Metal, 228,000,000 Promethium, 1,710,000 Advanced Material, 11,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 10,400,000 Thrones, 10,100,000 Material, 9,500,000 Metal, 2,280,000 Promethium, 17,100 Advanced Material, 114 Exotic Material.
Reward: Upgrade selected Major Cities' defences to Incredibly heavy (level 7)
Two years ago Thaddeus oversaw the final stages of upgrading the defences of the cities of Bonud, Babylon, True Grit and Iota One. This leaves only a dozen of your major cities left without upgrades defences, many of which are in the process of having their defences upgraded.
Thaddeus Expertise: Upgrade Defences: Iota Two, Iota Three, Iota Four, Iota Five- Edvin Dieuwer has recently finished making plans to upgrade the defences of Avernus' cities to the next level. The final option would be to start with your major cities, which would be far quicker and cheaper to upgrade then the Hives. You could upgrade four cities at a time, allowing you to quickly reinforce the defences of your most vulnerable cities.
Time: 6 years.
Cost: 1,040,000,000 Thrones, 1,010,000,000 Material, 950,000,000 Metal, 228,000,000 Promethium, 1,710,000 Advanced Material, 11,400 Exotic Material.
Upkeep per year: 10,400,000 Thrones, 10,100,000 Material, 9,500,000 Metal, 2,280,000 Promethium, 17,100 Advanced Material, 114 Exotic Material.
Reward: Upgrade selected Major Cities' defences to Incredibly heavy (level 7)
Locked- Three out of Six years completed
For the last three years Thaddeus has been working on upgrading the defences of the remaining four cities of Duat. He has already torn down many of the now obsolete defences and is in the process of replacing them with more advanced versions. You are told that despite having several hole the current defences are every bit as strong as they were before he started work three years ago.