Right do we know how many light-years this Dark-Eldar world is away from our own? I am asking this to mostly get a rough idea of how long it would take to check up on Atlas.
@durin Was the Viper-Class Sloop included in our STC catalouge?
Right do we know how many light-years this Dark-Eldar world is away from our own? I am asking this to mostly get a rough idea of how long it would take to check up on Atlas.
We've been told this - when the Warp Storms end it will take two years to get to Atlas, and two years back. provided a Navigator is used. Otherwise it'd take twenty.
@durin - I recall the initial report had their defenses all around the planet, rather than concentrated over the cities like we had them in Avernus. Is that still the case here?
Right do we know how many light-years this Dark-Eldar world is away from our own? I am asking this to mostly get a rough idea of how long it would take to check up on Atlas.
@durin Was the Viper-Class Sloop included in our STC catalouge?
Arzek, commanding officer of the Torture Cruiser Agony of Innocent Children, looked at the readings on the mon-keigh fleet and grimaced. When his kabal had been driven out of Commorragh along with all the others by that damnable god of death they had been fortunate to find a world they could terraform and colonize. No longer suffering from the constant drain caused by She Who Thirsts allowed such a thing to be possible, at least. But of all the places to end up, they had to end up so close to a heavily militarized group of mon-keigh worlds that had somehow not fallen into complete disarray after their vaunted Emperor had finally died.
They had all hoped that their presence would continue to go unnoticed until they had finished fortifying their new home, but no such luck. The primitives had managed to find them, and they'd brought a massive fleet and enough transports to hold an army that may well be enough to crush them utterly. On the other hand they'd been running low on slaves, and this was an excellent opportunity to capture some. They just had to win. His ship among others approached the mon-keigh fleet, protected by stealth technologies the enemy couldn't even dream of replicated. He chuckled. If, no, when they won, the mon-keigh worlds would be ripe for raiding. Today would be a good day.
"Admiral Freyr, I do believe that we're about to come under attack." Headmaster Ridcully stated matter-of-factly. Pointing the holographic map, he indicated an area of interest. "Have the escort ships focus their active scans here."
The Admiral nodded. "Alright then. Comms, send the order."
Arzek's first mate spoke up. "We're picking up some strange readings from the enemy fleet. Some kind of active scan, I think."
He waved it off, unconcerned. The mon-keigh would be lucky to find any of their ships with their pathetic technology.
"Found them, sir. Escorts are relaying data now."
Freyr smiled. The Dark Eldar thought they'd have the element of surprise, but the tables had turned. "Order all ships to prepare to fire on my mark."
Arzek could only stare in shock as his ship shook from enemy weapons fire. How? How had the mon-keigh known where to find them? No, now wasn't the time to think about that. It had happened, and there wasn't anything he could do to change that.
"Return fire! Prepare to fall back to the defenses! I want"
A hole was blown clean through the hull into the bridge. As Azrek was sucked into the cold void of space, his last thought was that today was not such a good day after all.
A hole was blown clean through the hull into the bridge. As Azrek was sucked into the cold void of space, his last thought was that today was not such a good day after all.
No, blown out would imply that he was thrown out by something from the inside. Space is mostly empty, so it serves as a vacuum - a hole in your ships means stuff gets sucked out of it. Like so...
Now get your mind out the gutter - that way lies the corruption of the Dark Eldar!
No, blown out would imply that he was thrown out by something from the inside. Space is mostly empty, so it serves as a vacuum - a hole in your ships means stuff gets sucked out of it. Like so...
Both interpretations are correct really. Since space acts as a vacuum, as you said, it means that all the air within the ship leaps out of the ship to equalize pressure. The air is pulled out, but everything else is pushed by the air.
Both interpretations are correct really. Since space acts as a vacuum, as you said, it means that all the air within the ship leaps out of the ship to equalize pressure. The air is pulled out, but everything else is pushed by the air.
Hence: Blown out. ^^ and technically, the air isn't being pulled out either, it's being forced outward by the airpressure inside the ship, blowing out anything in its path. It's the same phenomenon that happens when a pressurized can gets punctured, just on a larger scale.
It's an omake. (Japanese for 'extra' or 'bonus') We write stuff based on the quest sometimes - there are lots of omakes linked on the first page. Durin often gives bonuses for them. Canon status is decided by durin.
Oh I know what an omake is. SV has shown me how much of a nice touch they are. I was just confused because there was nothing to say it was an Omake. Cool story though
EDIT: Funny things..There was at the very top. My eyes require better glasses.
Assault on Fjol IV Part One: A most vexing approach
As the Imperial Trust Navy begun to approach Fjol IV Admiral Freyr had his fleets take up classical escort formations, with the capital ships taking up positions surrounding the gathered transports as the escorts patrolled the surrounding areas. It will take around fourteen hours for the convoy to reach Fjol IV, a period of time in which Admiral Freyr expects to come under heavy attack.
For the first hour the only movement among the Dark Eldar that is detected is the known Dark Eldar warships engaging their shadowfields and disappearing. Admiral Freyr is certain that they are moving into position to ambush his fleet and continues to have his force search for the enemy. While this was going on Headmaster Ridcully and his Diviners begin to attempt to use their powers to detect the Dark Eldar ships, attempting to determine both their plans and their current locations. They managed to locate several of the initial ambush groups and provide warning of several attacks, providing a major advantage against the initial Dark Eldar attacks. Sixty-eight minutes after leaving the Warp the first Dark Eldar attacks on the convoy began. Even with the aid of both Headmaster Ridcully and the advanced sensors on the escorts the Dark Eldar were able to launch several successful attacks and take out a decent number of your warships along with five transport ships in the first three hours. Admiral Freyr has managed to determine that his Dark Eldar counterpart is a significantly better admiral then he is which when combined with the situation means that the Dark Eldar will be able to cause a lot of damage. This conflict continued for twelve hours until your fleet started getting close the Fjol IV. Highlights of the fleet engagement included a perfectly timed trap that Admiral Freyr and Headmaster Ridcully pulled off resulting in the destruction of half a dozen Dark Eldar Cruisers and some brilliant ambushes that the Dark Eldar admiral pulled off killing two of your venerable Grand Cruisers.
Diviners initial roll d100=76+20(Diviners)+42(Headmaster Ridcully)=138: Critical Success +66 to rolls against first Dark Eldar ambushes
Dark Eldar Harassment force initial roll d100=37+40(skill)+40(Dark Eldar)+50(Speciality)+82(Martial)=247
Imperial Defence d100=6+30(skill)+10(tech)+15(Omake)+66(Diviners)+50(Martial)=177
Dark Eldar kills 3 Cruisers
7 Light Cruisers
30 Escorts
2 Military Transports
3 Merchantmen
Imperial Kills 6 Cruisers
23 Escorts
Diviners second roll d100=75+20(Diviners)+42(Headmaster Ridcully)=137: Critical Success +64 to rolls against first Dark Eldar ambushes
Dark Eldar Harassment force second roll d100=58+40(skill)+40(Dark Eldar)+50(Speciality)+82(Martial)=268
Imperial Defence d100=34+30(skill)+10(tech)+15(Omake)+66(Diviners)+50(Martial)=203
Dark Eldar kills 4 Battlecuisers
5 Cruisers
3 Light Cruisers
30 Escorts
8 Merchantmen
Imperial Kills 14 Cruisers
13 Escorts
Diviners third roll d100=37+20(Diviners)+42(Headmaster Ridcully)=99: Success +19 to rolls against first Dark Eldar ambushes
Dark Eldar Harassment force third roll d100=96+40(skill)+40(Dark Eldar)+50(Speciality)+82(Martial)=306
Imperial Defence d100=43+30(skill)+10(tech)+15(Omake)+19(Diviners)+50(Martial)=167
Dark Eldar kills 1 Grand Cruiser
9 Battlecuisers
6 Cruisers
13 Light Cruisers
33 Escorts
15 Merchantmen
Imperial Kills 2 Cruisers
21 Escorts
Diviners third roll d100=85+20(Diviners)+42(Headmaster Ridcully)=147: Critical Success +84 to rolls against first Dark Eldar ambushes
Dark Eldar Harassment force third roll d100=97+40(skill)+40(Dark Eldar)+50(Speciality)+82(Martial)=307
Imperial Defence d100=13+30(skill)+10(tech)+15(Omake)+84(Diviners)+50(Martial)=202
Dark Eldar kills 1 Grand Cruiser
4 Battlecuisers
2 Cruisers
5 Light Cruisers
19 Escorts
8 Merchantmen
Imperial Kills 7 Cruisers
34 Escorts
Total Imperial Losses
2 Grand Cuisers
17 Battlecuisers
16 Cruisers
38 Light Cruisers
112 Escorts
2 Military Transports
34 Merchantmen
Dark Eldar Losses
29 Cruisers
91 Escorts
As the Imperial fleet closes to within engagement range of Fjol IV's orbital defences Admiral Freyr reorganises it to prepare for planetary assault and to fill the holes in the battle-lines left by the recent casualties, almost half of your warships. In particular the destruction of almost all of the Light Cruisers in the Imperial Trust fleet has shown exactly how much the Dark Eldar have been focusing on them and how useful their speed and fire-power is in convoy defence. On the other hand the majority of the Dark Eldar Cruisers identified have been destroyed along with a major portion of their escorts.
Admiral Freyr is confident that what is left of his fleet, in particular his two battleships, will be able to blast a hole in the orbital defences large enough to allow your forces to be landed but is not so confidant about his ability to take out all of the orbital defences without suffering heavy enough losses to leave his fleet overly vulnerable to raiding by the surviving Dark Eldar ships. Due to this he will attempt to destroy the Dark Eldar Defence Stations and around a third of the Orbital Weapons platforms but will leave the reminder alone.
2 Battleships
4 Grand Cruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
10 Battlecruisers
26 Cruisers
2 Light Cruisers
134 Escorts
4 Mass Convoyers
41 Troop Transports
191 Merchantmen
Due to this he will attempt to destroy the Dark Eldar Defence Stations and around a third of the Orbital Weapons platforms but will leave the reminder alone.
On the less grim side, all of those Cap ships were obsolete and are thus relatively expendable. The bigger question is how much of the trained and experience crew survived. I don't even want to think about how this would have gone without Ridicully though.
Ugh, not a single imperial defense roll above 50. At least the crit on diviners helped make up for some of the failure. Super glad we all agreed to stick Ridcully up there.
On the less grim side, all of those Cap ships were obsolete and are thus relatively expendable. The bigger question is how much of the trained and experience crew survived. I don't even want to think about how this would have gone without Ridicully though.
Well, that could have gone worse, I suppose. Hopefully some of the destroyed ships can be repaired. As we continue to tech-up we'll make up for our numerical losses with greater quality in our ships.
No, they did quite fair considering what they were up against. Dark Eldar ships are glass cannons, and they can do a lot of damage - I think only the Necrons do better in terms of damage pound for pound. This could have gone significantly worse