The Long Founding (Warhammer 40k)

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none of these seem to have a request chosen
which on should they get?

i can see giving them The Shamed, as they can be the chapter that has an "acceptable" POV on IoM politics and able to make good judgment, watching over wayward marines with extra chaplains and political training whiles still being "Free" of typical imperium tought, a place where said wayward marines can be redeemed without 10000+ page,100+ lb hardcover Brick Codex smashed into there face (planning for them to be whitescars)

it's that or picking Ork Hunters to feed some 11-12 ft tall horses with fungus/animal protein
-[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[ ] Alpha Legion.
We already have access to Alpha Legion gene seed. That's why it was still available as an option even after we first used it.

I think it's just the free-with-task Thousand Sons geneseed from last turn that we didn't get to keep afterward and that we'll need to buy properly if we want to make more Thousand Sons successors. Unless that's been changed since the bits of discussion I read.
This one we can do cheaply with Ravens Guard Geneseed. The Cauter Blade also seems ideal for an iconic subdual weapon rogue inquisitors will fear.

If we're lucky we might get a "live capture" specialization, which will be useful if we ever do that one Emperor's request.
I'm with you on a cheap live capture Chapter, but I disagree with you on the specifics.
[ ] Plan: Inquisitorial Affairs
-[ ] Secure and Capture: Another request from the so-called 'Inquisition'. It appears they want a Chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets... 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning. You truly do wonder what Malcador was thinking some days. An update on this request has revealed that the primary target is actually other Inquisitors of all things. You still don't comprehend Malcador's logic.
Goal: Create a Chapter specialised in combating planetary rebellions.
-[ ] Potent Gene-Seed Charge: Some samples of a chapter's gene-seed are more likely to retain their stronger traits, and you have isolated such samples. 5 Points for each charge. Burn a charge to make the chapter roll for two traits from their parent legion.
-[ ] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialized training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option. 2x.
-[ ] Adaptive Gene-Seed: Some samples of Gene-seed are more capable of adapting to different conditions on different planets. 5 Points each charge. Burn a charge to roll an extra planetary trait.

The idea is to use Dark Angels geneseed here for two reasons. First, they are already really good at bringing dangerous individuals in alive. Second is that the sons of the Lion are damned good at making sure that their brethren stay on the straight and narrow, massively reducing the odds of this Chapter going Radical.

Of course, Dark Angels geneseed has issues as well. That's why I want to place them on Atherena. I figure that placing them on one of the few democracies in the Imperium should keep them from getting away with too much in the name of secrecy. Now, they will probably still take advantage of their position to hunt the Fallen. However, I still think that the pros outweigh the cons, especially since Dark Angel Successors usually channel their guilt about the whole "Fallen hunting" thing by being extremely zealous with regards to their other duties. It's why the descendants of the First Legion have won more accolades than any other geneline, despite operating with a handicap.
On one hand there will never be a better time politically to get Ork Hunters through but abusing the Rebellion Crusher remit to get a Chapter that executes corrupt and abusive Governors/forces reforms as one of their standard solutions is a golden opportunity. It would be pretty funny to have the door-kickers of the High Lords with all the nasty toys swoop in and... explain firmly to the Governor they need to address abuses by the factorium foremen and negotiate better working hours and healthier conditions, which will actually improve output by keep skilled laborers alive allowing them to reinvest to meet the tithe while still improving the city's conditions. Because they're Grimm's boys and Grimm didn't raise no idiots.
Uh, how exactly do people expect to get a chapter get goes after corrupt nobles by going with the option that specifically targets crushing rebellions which would involve going after the people actually rebelling?
Okay hear me out

[]Plan: Second Try
-[ ] Rebellion Crushing: An odd number of rebellions have been spreading throughout the Imperium. Many among the Imperium's upper crust have backed a request for a Chapter dedicated to crushing these revolts, preferably before they escalate to a point where they are forced to commit ludicrous amounts of Guardsmen to take back a single willful planet instead of fighting actual threats.
-[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[]Night Lords
-[] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialized training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option
-[ ] More Equipment: You've managed to secure extra equipment for a Chapter. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to add an extra equipment slot for the Chapter.
Last edited:
Okay hear me out

[]Plan: Second Try
-[ ] Rebellion Crushing: An odd number of rebellions have been spreading throughout the Imperium. Many among the Imperium's upper crust have backed a request for a Chapter dedicated to crushing these revolts, preferably before they escalate to a point where they are forced to commit ludicrous amounts of Guardsmen to take back a single willful planet instead of fighting actual threats.
-[ ] Traitor Legion Geneseed: Traitor Legion Geneseed: If you wish, you could gain access to the gene-seed of the traitor legions, each will have its benefits and costs, but all of them will have their gene-fathers concealed for practical reasons - little point creating a Chapter only for them to be wiped out by some overly paranoid fool. Write in a traitor legion. 10 Points for each time this is taken.
--[]Night Lords
Maybe add an Extra Trainer and Equipment to the list for Elite Assault Marines, Marksmen, Heavy Weaponry and Extra Thunderhawks
On one hand there will never be a better time politically to get Ork Hunters through but abusing the Rebellion Crusher remit to get a Chapter that executes corrupt and abusive Governors/forces reforms as one of their standard solutions is a golden opportunity. It would be pretty funny to have the door-kickers of the High Lords with all the nasty toys swoop in and... explain firmly to the Governor they need to address abuses by the factorium foremen and negotiate better working hours and healthier conditions, which will actually improve output by keep skilled laborers alive allowing them to reinvest to meet the tithe while still improving the city's conditions. Because they're Grimm's boys and Grimm didn't raise no idiots.
Ooh, someone else has this idea too?
Uh, how exactly do people expect to get a chapter get goes after corrupt nobles by going with the option that specifically targets crushing rebellions which would involve going after the people actually rebelling?
Not sure about other people, but mechanically the way I was thinking of it is focusing their training and traits on civilian empathy, governance, leadership, politics, counterintelligence, etc.

Narratively I'm thinking of it as emphasizing a starting culture of "stopping a rebellion by fixing the underlying problems still counts as crushing a rebellion", and trying to get that to technically be true legally.

I think we have enough political capital for a creative reinterpretation of a request.
Name: Seraph Brotherhood
Chapter Colors: Silver primary with red shoulder guard and gold trim
Chapter Symbol: A Helmet With Spread Wings
Chapter Creed: "We fly for Sanguinius!" "Hunt the Beasts of the Warp!"

Homeworld: The world of Yararara is an ancient Hive World, yet the planet still retains patches of greenery that seem to effortlessly shrug off the horrible pollutants that constantly exude from the Hives themselves. Yararara's Hive Cities are elaborate constructs, decorated with seemingly religious iconography that long predates the arrival of both the Great Crusade and the Imperial Creed. Given that the Emperor Himself once set foot on this planet and notably did not raze it to the bedrock for said iconography leads most to believe that it either was something He didn't consider a threat, or that this iconography has some hidden, non religious purpose He discerned where others could not.
So Hive world that still have patches of greeny.... Man Frog you are just torturing Grimm with him knowing at least the basics of the world and that another hive World has patches of green, He would want to know just why they remain and haven't died off yet and take samples to help him with his research but isn't allowed to go to get samples due to the risk of chaos cultists all around the Hive World.

Hold up, this had seemingly Religious Iconography that predated the Great Crusade and Big E just left it up without razing the world down? something's up with that and strange or they were something else entirely and fans are free to make up whatever they want since GW would never go into the details of it at all.

Even more so than other Hive Worlds, the lower levels of the Hives of Yararara are in a state of near constant warfare. This is mostly because of the excessive numbers of Chaos Cultists that eternally lurk in the depths of the Underhives, almost all of whom are not native to Yararara itself - the locals seem to have adopted an almost instinctive revulsion and hatred of anything related to the forces of Chaos. This hatred has permeated every level of Yararara, and even the nobles at the very peaks of these Hives are more concerned with aiding the lower levels against the hated foe than anything else - a stark contrast to what most foreigners would expect, used as most well travelled Imperials are to Spire Nobility being arrogant, vain and irresponsible to the highest order. This trait has led to Yararara's Hive Nobles seeming almost obsessed to the nobles of other Hive Cities, not that anyone on Yararara cares beyond that their aid is valuable for the destruction of the everpresent Cults. Even the gangs of the underhive are divided not by any arguments of territory or allegiance, but instead based around the preferred method of killing Chaos worshippers!

It is not without reason that Yararara is home to what is said to be one of the most, if not the most violently anti-Chaos Space Marine Chapters across an Imperium overflowing with Chaos-hating Space Marines, as well as being the planet of origin for many of the finest Ordo Malleus Inquisitors.
Hahahaha, yah just the thing of 'these cultists just keep popping up no matter how many we kill' and it just never ending made me laugh at it but damn. I guess this more 'meme vs lore' of it, since the fact that almost ALL of them are off-worlders who just came to Yararara for some reason. I can understand why there is an almost instinctive revulsion and hatred regarding anything of chaos considering its been a war against cultists and they just keep coming, to the point where its sport to try to kill the cultists in creative ways or which ways to kill them.

Holy shit even the the Hive Nobles care about the lower levels as more then just something to squeeze taxes and the like out of? that's something I didn't expect at all and it just sounds insane, Hive Nobles helped the lower levels and doing their jobs, mostly just to give enough equipment so more cultists can be killed. Oh joy based on that description we made another Anti-Chaos Space marine chapter, the most violent so far. wait seriously? planet of origin for some of the finest Ordo Malleus Inquisitors as well? Well any recruit would certainly have the reason and drive to kill the cultist and those aligned with the Runious Powers.

Chapter Monastery: The Seraph Brotherhood's Fortress Monastery is located on the planet's largest natural mountain, an imposing behemoth that rivals even the largest of the Hives in size, and is nearly coated in the vibrant green plant life of the world's wilderness. As with quite literally every other inhabited structure on the planet, many Cultists routinely attempt to launch a sneak attack upon this stronghold via bases in nearby Hive Cities, but almost all attempts are foiled with little actual effort by the Seraph Brotherhood themselves - a combination of the local wildlife, which seems to share their human neighbour's hatred, and the native human tribes who do not dwell in the Hives often end up destroying such forces wholesale without the world's greatest guardians needing to raise a finger.

Within the Seraph Brotherhood's Fortress Monastery lies the Chapter's greatest defence against the Red Thirst, the venerated Sanguine Cistern. This strange device allows the Chapter to store large quantities of blood within, and keep the blood in question eternally fresh - while at the same time only needing to take a very small amount from any one individual among the local populace, so as not to harm those they are bound to protect. This Cistern is, of course, not the only one of it's kind, but instead merely the greatest, with several smaller Cisterns located throughout the mountain. Both the grand Cistern and it's smaller cousins are carefully watched by both the Chapter's Apothecaries and an ancient Machine Spirit, said to have been born from the self sacrifice of pre-Great crusade martyrs. It is said this holy Spirit's ten-thousand Servo Skulls keep an endless watch over both the Chapter Monastery and the local planet, standing in eternal vigil against Chaos…. Though by this point in time, 'ten-thousand' is a figurative description - more skulls have been added to the Spirit's vast network of sentries over the years. Regardless, the Cistern, superior transportation methods, and the hard work of the Chapter's many Apothecaries has led to a Chapter that has kept the Red Thirst well under control, despite the fact that the Seraph Brotherhood actually needs more blood per Marine than average.

Finally, within the deepest bowls of the monastery is the home of the Chapters dedicated anti-Chaos task force, the Blood Slayers barracks.
Oh shit, the Fortress Monastery is huge and is its own Hive city on its own anddddd its coated in vibrant green plant life..... how much did Grimm have to be restrained from going there in person to take samples? Seriously this planet would be such a boon to Grimm's research but he can't got there since it would be such a security risk.

Still not surprised there were attempts by the cultists to launch attacks and try to do damage to the Chapter here since that would get them into the good graces of their warp tumor patron but getting killed by the nomadic tribes outside the Hive Cities and even the wildlife who also hate chaos just as much as the Humans. that's a feat and a good defense measure against the local cultists.

Oh so this is how the Brotherhood deals with the Red Thirst. Ahhh I'm guessing the Red Thirst did have a problem the blood needing to be fresh and that being a problem, so having something that kept the blood fresh would help alleviate some issues with having enough on hand and of course only for those stationed on the homeworld. It is nice they don't need to take too much from anyone person to keep the Cistern filled, might be lost tech or something to keep the blood eternally fresh. Oh okay so there are smaller ones and I am assuming other Cisterns located on ships as well as the ones on throughout the mountains. Ancient Machine spirit overseeing it huh? and made from the Self-sacrifice.... of PRE-Great crusade martyrs? so this was laying around here before Big-E visited? alright not gonna question it but many fans would and it would be interesting to see the theories for this.

Huh, neat. So even if the Red Thrist is worst then other chapter of Blood Angel Geneseed, the Cistern and the transportation methods combined with the Apothecaries hard work it IS kept under control. Nice to see it is managed well.

Organization: The Seraph Brotherhood is, for the most part, Codex compliant - though like all Blood Angel successor Chapters, it sadly does maintain a Death Company, and the exact size of the Blood Slayers is unknown.

Notable Events and Battles
-An attempted infiltration by the Alpha Legion is rebuffed, leading to a supremely violent confrontation that ended in the entire Alpha Legion force being killed to the last and their severed heads promptly being thrown into the nearby sun.
-A bloody battle between the World Eaters and the Seraph Brotherhood ends in a slight Seraph Brotherhood victory, one later attributed in no small part to the fact that the winged warriors of the Seraph Brotherhood prove to be especially dangerous for the World Eaters, who find their minds addled when the all consuming rage they are so known for is partially dismissed from them by the shining aura the Wings of Sanguinius emit.
-The Seraph Brotherhood engage in battle with and defeat a powerful Black Legion warband in one of the larger battles of the 6th Black Crusade. The Black Legion fought intensely, but wound up routed when the Seraph Brotherhood's Death Company and Blood Slayers both took to the field at once, unleashing an assault of such fury many of the traitors would be heard remarking that it reminded them of the Siege of Terra itself.
So standard Codex Compliant for the most part with the Blood Slayers not known how many there are and it might be larger then one thinks and allowed because of how good/needed the blood slayers .

So lets see... HAHAHA, yah even excluding the Wing of Sanguinius making them uncomfortable since it is chaos repellent, they just cannot FAKE that sheer unbridled HATRED of the chaos cultists that the people of this world and the Chapter embody. Its not something you can just fake and keep up all the time. the heads thrown into the sun was the extra insult for trying to sneak in.

well damn even with a low roll it comes off as the Wings of Sanguinius ekk out a slight victory, I'm guessing the rolls determined the effects of the wings as the Rage was only partially dismissed but that is still enough to get a victory out of it.

So the Seraph Brotherhood fought in the Sixth Black Crusade and broke a powerful Black Legion warband in one of the larger battles, that's a good feather in their hat and that it went to hell for the Black Legion when the Death Company and Bloodslayers they were reminded of the Siege of Terra. I feel that's going to be a recurring trend and shows just how much they hate chaos and fight against them so well. fairly generic but gets the point across.

-The Thousand Sons launch a raid on a major Forge World, only to find themselves met and countered by the Seraph Brotherhood. Their sorcery proves to be a poor match in the face of the winged Marines, whose aura caused several Rubric Marines to outright collapse - A sight that caused a great deal of panic among the Thousand Sons Sorcerers, allowing the rest of the Chapter to close in on them for the kill.
-The Death Guard find to their horror that the aura of the Seraph Brotherhood's winged Marines renders the vast majority of their plagues utterly useless, and are brutally slaughtered in a massacre so one sided that the 14th Legion as a whole has developed a powerful fear of the flying Sons of Sanguinius.
-In a particularly legendary campaign, the Seraph Brotherhood kill every last Chaos Cultist within 10 sectors of their homeworld, with not even the desperate mass summoning of Daemons slowing down the Blood Angels successor Chapter. Sadly, even this legendary feat could not completely stamp out Yararara's infestation of cultists, who remain stubbornly extant against all logic.
AHhhh now here we go. this is the details and specifics we love! okay so... Holy Shit, the Wings of Sanguinius go hard and just straight up no sell the Thousand Sons, considering Ahriman's thing turning a good amount of the remaining Thousand sons into Rubrics. So the Wings of Sanguinius can stop that from working and considering how a lot of Rubrics just dropped without any explanation and throwing their defensive plan into tatters, causing panic and letting the Brotherhood close the distance to butcher them.

Same with the Death Guard that because of the Wings of Sanguinius the Plagues they tried to spread is useless and counters their normal strategy for fights and just got slaughtered, the trauma they have is well earned when they were put into a straight fight that relied on combat prowess. So that's two to one for the chaos tumors with outright routs/slaughters to one slight victory.

and we have the slaughter of cultists in... wow 10 sectors range starting from their Homeworld? they did not hold back at all and rooted out any cultist in that range, so that will be some breathing room in the nearby sectors for a while and for some to have some peace and quiet... Sadly the cult problem on their planet STILL persists. This HAS to be a dumping ground for cultists because that's the only way that would explain this problem lasting this long.

-A large Ork WAAAAAAGH! is confronted by the Seraph Brotherhood before it could enter Segmentum Solar. The battle between the Chapter and the Xenos horde is said to have raged for a full century, before the Greenskins were finally driven off.
-During the 12th Black Crusade another major battle between the Black Legion and Seraph Brotherhood begins. During this conflict, the Chapter Master of the Seraph Brotherhood is said to have single-handedly banished a Black Legion Daemon Prince back to the Warp, before ripping the presiding Chaos Warlord in half before he could salvage the battle.
Well damn, they did well against the Orks to keep them away from the Segmentum Solar with intense battle but not much else description there.

There we go! 12th Black Crusade and the Brotherhood did well with the Chapter Master banishing a Daemon Prince back to the warp and kill the chaos warlord of the warband. some notable mentions during the Gothic Wars games.

Unique Units
-Heralds: Members of the Seraph Brotherhood who are so blessed as to develop Sanguinius's Wings are inducted into the Heralds. The Marines utilize their wings and specially crafted bolter-spears, developed based off a Guardian Spear lent by one of the Adeptus Custodes in honour of the Ninth Primarch, strike at enemy forces both at range and in melee. The aura radiating from the Wings of Sanguinius, said to be a physical manifestation of the Great Angel's defiance of the Ruinous Powers even in his final moments, is repulsive to the forces of Chaos, and makes damaging even the weakest of Heralds an immensely difficult task for any follower of the Dark Gods, from the lowest cultist to even some weaker Daemon Princes.
-Librarian Heralds: On occasion, the Wings of Sanguinius will manifest in an active psyker, amplifying both the Wings themselves and the psychic abilities of the Librarian Herald. Due to this, the Libertarian Heralds are a devastating force whenever they join the battle, destroying swathes of enemies with their supernatural abilities as their mere presence actually causes Lesser Daemons to outright melt from exposure to the Great Angel's Light. When a Librarian Herald dies, the entirety of his power is channeled into his Wings in his last moments, turning each of his feathers into powerful Chaos-repelling artifacts. These feathers are, as one may expect, implanted into a wide variety of the Seraph Brotherhood's weapons to make them even more potent against the traitors. The aura of a Librarian Herald becomes more powerful with age, and so the older the feather, the more powerful the weapon made from it becomes.
Okay wow quite a few of them. So Heralds are the ones with the Wings of Sanguinius... holy shit they have the Bolter Spears the Custodes have? sweet, I love seeing them in action and used, glad the Heralds get to use them. maybe we should have given them spear training. Oh shit the radiance of the wings makes it that hard for chaos followers to hurt them? damn that gives them a huge edge and no wonder they reaped a bloody toll when paired with how they are trained in combat.

Oh and it gets better when its a Librarian Herald since its a feedback loop of the Wings boosting the Pysker power and the Psyker Power boosting the radiance of the Wings. Oh hell yah, so with that they can mow down swathes of lesser daemons just from their presence? damn, the Steel Champions give the ability to seal up and transport the greater daemons and the like to be disposed of by the Grey Knights in a more secret location with few witnesses and now just a few Librarian Heralds can clear up the chaff that around the greater Daemon or just stop any incursion or summon by cults when fighting them. And it just doesn't stop! so when they die, they also channel all the power into the wings and turns the feathers of said wings into Chaos Repelling artifacts... you KNOW there are shrine worlds and Sisters of Battle covenants enshrining them as relics if they can get their hands on one and the Inquisition asking for the Heralds Assistance and maybe their weapons imbued with those feathers.

Given how many feathers are in a wings.... I have to wonder about how many Heralds have been and just how many weapons with them have been created? Ohhhhh shit, the older the Herald Librarian the stronger the feather is when they die? damn given this chapter also have Long Lived trait.... holy shit if they push past 1,000 years those feathers can be weapons on their own against Chaos.

-Cultist/Marine/Daemon Slayers: The Blood Slayers are a revered order within the Seraph Brotherhood, whom specialize in dealing death to the forces of Chaos. Three ranks form this great order - The Cult Slayers, the lowest rank, who specialise in slaying vast numbers of enemies in a short amount of time; The Marine Slayers, the middle rank, who carry an arsenal of anti armor weapons to destroy their traitorous cousins; And highest of rank and greatest in skill, the Daemon Slayers, each of whom bear mastercrafted armor and weapons holding the feather of at least one Librarian Herald, making their panoply dangerous for Daemons to even approach let alone make physical contact with.
-Slayer Chaplain: Winged Marines that decide the Heralds do not kill the forces of Chaos often enough instead join the Blood Slayers, and are trained in the ways of the Chaplains. These Slayer Chaplains have refined their aura to the point that even the most iron willed and well hidden Heretic or Chaos Marine will be unable to do anything but squirm beneath their gaze - and in doing so, revealing themselves for the filth they are.
-Cistern Keeper: These venerable Seraph Brotherhood Apothecaries are tasked with keeping the Chapter's supply of blood both of high quality and in sufficient quantities to protect their brothers against the curse. When they take to the battlefield, the Cistern Keepers often keep injectors filled with a high quality dose of blood, which when it reacts with the Red Thirst becomes capable of temporarily enhancing a Marines regenerative abilities far beyond what they can usually achieve, letting Marines who would otherwise have been bound for a dreadnought or consigned to death rejoin the fight in short order.
Not a surprise there and damn those are some very specialized units there. Each with its own role and not as much rankings as much as duties. So three ranks and one kills the Cultist chaff and stops summoning's, one kills their traitorous brothers who are kitted out for Anti-armor, and then one made to kill Daemons with mastercrafted armor and weapons with Librarian Herald Feathers making them even more deadly against Daemons. HAH get fuckked, can't even approach the Daemon Slayers without being unbalanced and its being deadly to approach them! they truly are the best and might be the Anti-Daemon chapter besides the Keepers of Truth.

Oh Shit, so the Slayer Chaplain are Heralds that can get Cultists to out themselves? the Inquisition must being flooding the mailbox of this chapter with requests for help and I'm guessing how they discovered the Alpha Legion infiltrators. Those Wings are really putting in work there.

and Cistern keeper being the Apothecaries that watch over the Cistern to keep the Red Thirst in check. Oh they are the ones who carry the injectors and step in right away to stop the Red Thirst as it appears... which then temporarily enchances a Marine with Regenerative Abilites? Okay I HAVE to ask frog, how overpowered would this chapter be in the tabletop, because some of this are OP to all hell and i love them. Also helps the Long Lived Space Marines outside the Dreadnoughts.

-Cistern Monitor: A subsect of the Seraph Brotherhood's Techmarines who are dedicated to collecting components to add to the Sanguine Cistern's Machine Spirit. All of them take extreme care and pride in in their duties, for the venerable Machine Spirit deserves only the best maintenance for all it has done and continues to do for Yararara and her people.
-Assault Slayers: The Blood Slayers often recruit the best among the many Assault Marines of the Chapter to join them on the battlefield. These Slayers are equipped with weapons that can best be described as Power Chainswords, and are given custom made bolt pistols that are said to be capable of piercing through even Terminator Armour - though sadly, they can fire only a handful of shots compared to normal.
-Herald Dreadnaughts: Dreadnaughts with one of the winged Heralds entombed within. Over time, the power of the Herald's aura seems to seep into the Dreadnaught's own chassis, causing mere contact with these ancients to eat away at the forces of Chaos. Due to the Seraph Brotherhood being a Blood Angels successor, they have also gained the ability for Dreadnaughts to still actively use psychic powers, something that is employed to merciless effect whenever a Librarian Herald is entombed. To the immense chagrin of Chaos, the aura of these Librarian Herald Dreadnaughts does not stop getting stronger while the Dreadnaughts slumber. It is said the eldest of these heroic Dreadnoughts, an ancient named Germeh Scourge, has become so powerful in his millenia of life that even the mere act of him waking up is enough to banish swathes of weaker daemons.
Oh neat little lore there with the Tech Marines maintaining the equipment and parts for the Cistern and seems it is lost tech that keeps the blood fresh and it does make sense as to why the focus is on that. If the Cistern fails the Chapter WILL suffer hard from the Red Thirst.

So Assault Slayers... I'm sorry did you just write Power ChainSwords? didn't expect that at all but okay. So Power Chain Sword in one hand, custom made bolt pistols in the other that can pierce Terminator Armour, and with a Jetpack that get them in and out fast. Holy shit these guys are a terror on the battlefield from that, granted the Bolt Pistol is low magazine count with the ammo in it but still!

Oh right Long Lived on this chapter... and we do in fact have Herald Dreadnaughts. and paired with the Long Lived trait and Wings traits... they just keep building up power. Oh? it sepes into the Dreadnaught's chassis? so just ramming or bodychecking could be enough to banish a daemon. And here is where the Long Lived trait just stacks to all hell when synergized with the Wings and others. So when a Librarian Hearld is Entombed they just growing stronger along with being able to use their Psychic powers, man so many chaos players call HAAXX and bullshit when these take to the field.

Well damn. Germeh Scourge can banish daemons just from waking up? I wonder how him fighting would be like?

Diplomatic Relationships
-Blood Angels: The Seraph Brotherhood and the Blood Angels share a deep bond of mutual respect and admiration for one another. Both have fought Chaos alongside one another on many occasions, and though one would think that the Brotherhood being the ones inheriting Sanguinius's Wings would lead to envy, the Blood Angels in truth consider the Seraph Brotherhood to be by far the most worthy of their successor Chapters to receive such a gift.
-Grey Knights: The Grey Knights and Seraph Brotherhood have fought together on countless battlefields, and have all but sworn oaths of friendship to one another - a stark contrast from the Knights of Titan, who usually psychically remove the memories of any who witness their deeds to prevent Chaos taking hold of them.
hmmm standard part of the Parent-Successor Chapter relations and there being no salt or bad blood over the Seraph Brotherhood getting Sanguinius's Wings is a sigh of relief.

Grey Knights being friends with this chapter? hot damn that's an interesting bit there.

-Sisters of Battle: Very few Sisters of Battle would dare to disrespect one of the Seraph Brotherhood, even among the most ardently anti-Space Marine conclaves. The sheer holy presence of the Heralds is simply too much for any true follower of the Emperor to deny, and indeed, the Adepta Sororitas' own miracles actually become stronger when a Herald is present.
-Cadia: Yararara is one of the most Chaos besieged planets in the entire Imperium. Needless to say, the people of Cadia can empathize. To a great degree.
-Blood Ravens: The Seraph Brotherhood have 'gifted' many relics to the Blood Ravens over the years, so surely relations between the two Chapters are nothing but positive!
Again not surprised the Sisters are... wait the Sisters of Battle's miracles become stronger when a Herald is present? huh, so synergized support and good support for Sisters of Battle armies for tabletop. But it makes sense that even the most Anti-Space Marines chapters can have that disrespect except in their heads when they feel the presence from the wings.

Hah empathy from the Cadia of their planet being under siege on constantly. That says something about how Yararara is and brings up how all those offworlder cultists keep getting there!

Ohhhhh boy, the Magpies doing what they are doing. I bet any money there will be relics that had the feathers of a Librarian Herald or custom Bolt pistol with it. it seems the most likely barring any attempt to 'acquire' anything else from the chapter.
[]Plan: The Inquisition's Hounds
- [ ] Secure and Capture: Another request from the so-called 'Inquisition'. It appears they want a Chapter specialized in tracking down and capturing select targets... 'alive'... you would rather not try and comprehend the reasoning. You truly do wonder what Malcador was thinking some days. An update on this request has revealed that the primary target is actually other Inquisitors of all things. You still don't comprehend Malcador's logic.
- [ ] Extra Land Speeders: The Chapter has access to extra Land Speeders of various Patterns, granting them a more capable fast attack force. 10 Points.
- [ ] Extra Assault Bikes: The Chapter has access to more Assault Bikes than average, expanding their capability in hit and run tactics. 5 Points.
- [ ] Extra Trainers: With some extra effort and yelling at a few more bureaucrats, you ought to be able to arrange things so the new Chapter is able to get in some extra specialized training before proper deployment. 5 Points. Burn 1 charge to get an extra training option.

My plan is this:
  • The Dark Angels gene-seed serves this perfectly, due to their secretive nature, and, let's be honest, they're more Inquisition than the Inquisition themselves sometimes.
  • We want them to do this quick and easy, so I put Land Speeders and Assault Bikes on them to really emphasize their need for a quick getaway.
  • The Extra Trainer would allow them to diversify them from their founder legion.
  • This plan saves us 20 points.
Uh, how exactly do people expect to get a chapter get goes after corrupt nobles by going with the option that specifically targets crushing rebellions which would involve going after the people actually rebelling?
Mostly? Give them political training and more Scout Marines and hope for the best. Also, not all rebellions are done by the oppressed people of the worlds, there are also rebellions started by the corrupt rulers who got over their heads and so decided to secede.

But you are correct on this.
I really don't get the hate for Deathwatch. Yes they are terrible but so is pretty much everyone in the setting. If anything they are just one example of how awful the Imperium is in a large galaxy. Feels like a huge needless waste of energy to focus so much on trying to stop them when it doesn't even seem like it would work in the first place.

Now if people want to do the shamed because they genuinely think it's interesting that's a whole other matter since it does seem like a genuinely interesting choice on its own.
You are right but the Deathwatch is just the particular brand of stupidity I can't stand. There are plenty awful people in the setting, but few are so awful that you can summarize them as "As long as Ewoks die first I'm fine with Demons eating Humanity" especially when we are talking about Imperium factions. But still, I can't say that you aren't right on this.

Also, yes, I still want to do Shamed, it just that I hoped we will be able to weaken the Deathwatch but people already explained I was wrong on that and well, it was also pointed it's already too late with the War of the Beast. But Chapter that helps ostracized super soldiers who don't agree ideologically and culturally with the rest of their Chapter or commited for one reason or another a crime, genuine or otherwise, just feels nice, so I still want to do it.
Btw, if you guys go with Shamed request and Luna Wolves will create Imperial version of Black Legion.
I get the point why people want the Horus boys for this request, but even then, Word Bearers were one of the first if not in infamy like the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus, to have been corrupted by Chaos and let's be honest, definitely done the most damage and organized the whole Horus Heresy in the first place.

Also, it's just feels nice to me, to create this time, "pure" Word Bearers, especially because Keepers who were supposed to be Lorgar's boy just had secondary geneseed, and especially for role of counseling.

Lorgar was always the least war-like of his brothers, prefering to search for "Truth in the universe" and like Guilliman he prefered to peacefully bring into compliance various worlds, rebuild them properly so their will be integrated into wider Imperium, with the problem being that he also wanted them to fully commit to his Imperial Creed, hence why his "conquests" were so slow compared to his brothers, when Guilliman was done with the infrastructure of the planet and was ready to leave, Lorgar started preaching across the planet and wouldn't leave until he convinced basically everyone.

So it feels just nice, to have Chapter from Lorgar, which helps Imperium in ways that aren't strictly "Kill this Ork Horde, there might be Space Elves on this planet, set everything on fire. SPACE DEMONS ATTACK! GET THERE IMMEDIATELY!!!" .
I kinda want to do a World Eaters / War Hounds Shamed chapter. Pre-Angron they were noted for both their discipline and ruthlessness, along with a strong internal brotherhood. All seem like they'd be good natural traits to form the "Warden" core of the Shamed.
I kinda want to do a World Eaters / War Hounds Shamed chapter. Pre-Angron they were noted for both their discipline and ruthlessness, along with a strong internal brotherhood. All seem like they'd be good natural traits to form the "Warden" core of the Shamed.
To be honest, Angron was the most empathetic of Primarchs, literally able to feel emotions of other Sapient beings.

He felt the hot thrill of triumph as––another of the things dies. The boy feels its pain lashing out through its body until he pulls away his touch and it goes still. He can barely keep hold of the stone now, so slick with the blood of the slender monsters that were hunting him. Now, as the boy rises from the corpse, he sees the fear in the other creatures' eyes. He feels it in what beats in place of their hearts. The roles have reversed.

The boy struggles against the heaving mass of frenzied slaves around him. He is easily stronger than any of them despite his size, and even several of them working in concert fail to pull him towards the edge. The urge to lash out and send them falling into the mire builds inside him, fuelled by screaming faces and the utter senselessness that surrounds him. The choice to fight feels right, deep in the marrow of his bones, and he knows instinctively how best to imbalance, disable and overcome every one of the other slaves. It would be so easy.

But he fights it. Every time one of the slaves hits the water, it hurts him. He doesn't understand how, or why. As more and more are killed it merges into a lightning storm behind his eyes, amplified by the grasping, clawing hands and gnashing teeth tearing at his skin. He fights against the environment that has ensnared him and not his fellow man, using only enough force to keep his footing without throwing those attacking him off. He fights not to kill, but only to survive.

Of the hundred men and women who had been herded to the base of the ziggurat, only a dozen remain. There is only the final step left above them, and it is only wide enough for a single person to stand on.
The water is now a blurry pink sludge of decomposing humanity. The stink is indescribable, and more of the slaves fight with vomit stringing their teeth than without. A skull stares up at the boy from the surface as the flesh wrapping it melts away into a brownish-red slick. There is no longer any choice left for the child. He has reached the point where, against his will, he must end the lives around him to survive.
But like I said before, Astartes aren't perfect little copies of Primarchs. War Hounds had no problem with killing and prized themselves as the only Legion who understood their "true purpouse" without any "pretenses" to be anything more than biological weapons of destruction that shall "burn this world, leaving place for the next", again, also from Slave of Nuceria.

'Dorn made builders, and Magnus thinkers. Guilliman raised bureaucrats, while Lorgar made priests and the Khan vagrants. Of all the Legions, we are the only ones who are exactly what the Emperor wanted, all that the Legiones Astartes were ever meant to be.


We aren't meant for the world that is coming, the new world that will rise from the ashes. We are only meant to burn this one down.'

Attributed to Gheer, Master of the War Hounds Legion.
And again, those were War Hounds, before Angron who was completely destroyed by the nails. So yeah, very far from empathetic people, when they don't even care about their own lives and very much believe that "they aren't meant for the next world" the world after The Crusade is done that is.

So yes, we can make a Chapter from World Eaters that will fulfill Shamed request perfectly, but as proven by this quest and the Chaos Founding, what we want and what we will get is very far apart. We aren't getting to choose the geneseed traits, we are getting them randomly and then comes influence of the homeworld, which also is random, especially the specific traits and abilities we get from it. It might as well turn out we get Chapter of Loyalist World Eaters and nothing more.

So although, again, I understand the point with brotherhood and war bounds, I think Word Bearers will be safer option here, even with free political training for the Shamed request. If nothing more, Word Bearers will allow us to fully maximize the extra Chaplains we also get from the Shamed request.
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