Good point. An ancestor of his than, we know the ability was in the blood and his descendants.
In a very real way, Beorn *was* an Ancestor to the Beorning people, so it'll be interesting to see how things change.
Still going to take a *lot* of time, and arguably that will happen so far in the future that it won't help *now* when we're still trying to set up.more like let us have a dozen runesmiths before we do anything with the runelord I would hire out the rune smiths for simple stuff the rune lords time is precious
I mean...I can think of far worse things to do than make epic magical weapons that will let people be awesome.So a thought about the kid we are going to be sheiltering: what if we make Rohan their own Runefangs?
*tries to see problem inherent in this...fails*they would have to be out of mithril or steel gromril is a bit much as its finite
Joking aside even steel and mithril forged Runefangs will still be weapons that legends in Arda will be told about.