The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

In the name of Grimnir the Slayer
In the name of Grimnir the Slayer

Silver wrought by Dawi hands will be the price of last night's misdeeds. Already you have sent word for the Silver to be brought up from the Vaults and placed into wagons bound for Imladris. The Greatbeard and North Throng have escorted the Noldor out onto the High Pass to go homeward and Lord Elrond has chosen to claim the middle-ground as far as recompense goes. You had suggested that that the Dawi might pay twice over that which the Noldor were asking or half again at the least. There between the two Lord Elrond can show to his own folk that he is a power to exact tolls upon those who wrong them but can show to the Dawi as well that he is not the hand that takes greedily.

And now Lord Elrond calls upon you to show that the Drekfut Ankor Rik shall take this matter seriously, that his crown is more than a pretty piece. The Greybeards who partook of this foolishness shall be held to the exacting standards of the Dawi and taught the wisdom of their ancestors. The Lorekeepers shall take them down into the libraries of the Hall of Remembrance and they shall not return until they have been vouched for by those elders as learned in the histories of Reckoning and especially those Reckonings as spoke of the butchers of Sanctuary and Hospitality.

There was a curse that the mere speaking was like to see whole Clans march to Kin-Strife. Unbaraki. Breaker of Oaths. Not an accusation lightly laid, or willingly borne. But to lay harm upon one who has been sworn the safety of the Hold? There are those who would risk uttering the word, even if the ones harmed were not Dawi.

Perhaps Lord Elrond, and representatives from the injured families would visit the Hall of Remembrance and hear those lessons for though it will be Dawi Reckoning that writes justice, you shall allow the Noldor their own hand in the matter. You would not have the Noldor think that the Dawi treat such matters lightly. The Lord of the Noldor alone has elected to join the lessons, the other Noldor treat the mountain as if it is stained. Until the Reckoning is wrought, it may be right of them to do so.

You take Lord Elrond down into the Karak and to the Hall of Remembrance where the Lorekeepers have the Ironploughs already in hand. The lesson of the moment is of a Dawi born to the name Humnoc though Yulgun was his name at his death. He had been wrought by Clan Rubybeard in Karak Ziflin where Umgi went to ply their wares and enjoy the safety granted over mountain passes through the Grey Mountains by the Karak.

A Knight of the Quest had sworn to spend no two moons in one place as he journeyed upon an endeavour to slay the foes of his folk until he had proven his worth. And he came to Karak Ziflin for a time, but a quarrel had been spun between he and Humnoc. In anger, within the sanctuary of Karak Ziflin, Humnoc had struck down the Umgi and there had been Reckoning then. The King Granitehand had taken Humnoc to task and declared him ashamed beyond resolution. The Rubybeards had swiftly cast him from their number and Humnoc had shaved his beard and gone East.

They told again another tale, Jandral and Norbulim. The birth name of Jandral is little known though he had been of Clan Icefoot of Karak Azgaraz. He had bound Norbulim of Clan Cragstrider who had travelled there as a merchant, and he then went about his belongings and claimed some number as his own. A thief and a breach of hospitality, and when others of Clan Cragstrider had come from the Hornhold to seek after their kin he had turned them away and declared them liars. The accusation of Unbaraki had stirred then and Kin-Strife tore Clan Icefoot and Clan Cragstrider apart as they mustered the warriors amongst themselves and battled in the land that later was held by the Umgi of the Empire.

When the Kin-Strife seemed beyond ending, the High King had sent forth the Reckoners from Karaz-A-Karak to settle the matter and Norbulim had been found. This assault against one who should have been under the protection of Karak Azgaraz had been most shameful. The Reckoners had bound Jandral in chain and shaven his beard and he had been taken to Karak Kadrin.

And who knew not the tale of the War of Vengeance, when messengers of the Starbreaker had gone to Lothern and spoken with the second of the Elgi Dragon Kings and had been abused most fiercely in that Hall. And who knew not how that war ended, with the Dragon shattered under the Starbreaker's hammer.

Lord Elrond is a patient guest in these lessons, he sits beside you watching the Dawi as the weight of their misdeeds and history lays heavy on them. Where the Dawi need no explanation of what happens at Karak Kadrin, you speak with Lord Elrond quietly in the back of the room.

A Dawi who's shame and dishonour is grave and great and who has no recourse to restore it will take the Slayer's Oath. The Slayer Hold of Karak Kadrin was the traditional place for such Oaths, for at the Shrine of Grimnir there were great columns into which a Slayer laid their name for the last time. A new name rested upon their brow when they departed that Hall, their Oath sworn, and their life passed.

A Slayer was no longer a Dawi, no longer alive. They could not claim the sanctuary of a Karak, the Gates to them were sealed and no Dawi would ever offer to them aid or good will. For battle in the name of the Dawi or to beg the way to a fair Doom alone could they make entry behind the walls of a Hold. For the Oath commanded the Slayer to seek only his Doom, to hunt the enemies of the Dawi forever and slay them all until at long last Grimnir granted them their release from their Oath with an honourable Doom.

Sometimes a Slayer who found their Doom was reclaimed by their Clan and permitted to lay at rest in the Clan Tomb. Some Slayers however were so accursed for their shame that their hunt for their Doom would carry them across the turning of the ages.

And when it is the time, the Ironploughs come to the Throne Hall where you are seat above them and Lord Elrond has stood partway up the steps to one side. "One week you have studied your histories and traditions under the guidance of your Lorekeepers. You wrought your deeds. You wrought the consequences upon your Clan and your Hold and all your Folk. Now your consequences shall be your own work as well. If you were seated, where now I am, what Reckoning would you demand?"

The Greybeards look down in shame, one of them looks up at you. "The Slayer's Oath?" Your gaze is fixed, stern and stone. The Greybeard nods. "The Slayer's Oath." You turn then to look to the next of the three. He does not look up, though he speaks quietly to agree with the first. The third of the Ironploughs mutters, but his agreement that it should be the Oath is apparent enough.

So, you look then to Lord Elrond. "They would concede to the Oath. If that be a Reckoning to lean and light in your eyes then now you may demand a heavier penalty and they shall be asked again."

"I would not demand heavier." The Lord of the Noldor looks down at the Greybeards.

"So be it. Your Reckoning is thus," And you turn again to the Slayers. "The Oath is yours; you shall go up to the Shrine of Grimnir and forsake your names as your once kin must now forsake you. May Grimnir grant you the Dooms you deserve."
You know I have to wonder that Elrond thinks of all this, this sort of living death is likely to be more disturbing to the eldar than actual suicide would be. For all they have suffered much all the elves know that for them Valinor is open and by roads short or long, dark or light they will have peace in the end. For a mortal being like a dwarf to dedicate all they are and all they could be to war...
I believe a golden lining might be that it happened early and with a reasonable king like Elrond, this way we can hopefully prevent anything similar from happening once we might have a bigger or less forgiving group of guests.
That being?

And if so it says a lot you still think they might well find Slayerhood excessive.

The Kinslaying in addition to being kinslaying was also technically breaking guest right and from there came the Doom of Mandos and the fading of the elves, the Long Defeat as Galadriel called it and these are the elves who have drunk that cup the deepest

I think Slayerhood as a self imposed punishment would be deeply alien to the elves who have no gods and who for the most part see war as a grim necessity and not a cause for honor
In the sense that it would kill them all without even blinking perhaps, but I question their ability to get past all the orcs and not die from them.
If there even are any yet.

I say send them west into Angmar. March them past the Noldor.

I'd be surprised if the Elves couldn't outright feel the weight in their souls. Hammer this nail in hard and end the strife.
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In the sense that it would kill them all without even blinking perhaps, but I question their ability to get past all the orcs and not die from them.
There shouldn't be any orcs for a few hundred years according to the wiki:
The monster, later revealed as a Balrog of Morgoth, remained alone in Moria for nearly five centuries until it was populated once again, but not by Dwarves. The Orcs, refugees from the north, began to raid the abandoned city of its treasures and occupied it.
'It is a custom amongst the Dunedain that their heirs be sent to Imladris to study under the Noldor and be safe until they are grown. Young Gisilhari suggest that he would be opposed to also taking up residency in Imladris, the affairs of last night are evidently not all that is to be found in the Drekfut Ankor. But perhaps he should know fellows of an age, and a race. Consider offering Gisilhari some time under my wing in the years to come, he may need the kinship of fellow Umgi.'
Rereading I cannot help but feel there is something very meaningful in him using our term for humans.

A sign of his knowledge to translate it into Sindarin, perhaps.
We have many places to send them: to look for the undead monster below, to fight Urks and Grobi to the East and in Angmar or to make the journey to Kazad Dum.
Turn 18
You have 4 Beardling dice which can be used on any task in the hold. You have 2 Warsmith, Brewer, Farmer, Miner and Stonemason Dice and 1 Engineer Die. The Warrior Clan dice are inside of the Throng Duties options.

The Eotheod who have come to Karak Drekfut are willing to work in any way while in the sanctuary of the Hold. The Eotheod are Umgi, and worse yet they are the scattered and diminished remnants of their people. They suffer a -15 to all Eotheod Dice.
The Eotheod supply 2 Eotheod Dice.

Multiples of the same task can be undertaken at once if you want to split work between multiple clan housing, or multiple types of storehouse etc.

You have 7 unused Excavation Dice from last turn.

New options have been highlighted in yellow to make them easier to see.

The King's Matters
The Expedition into the Ered Engrin was turned back last year by the forces of Angmar that remained in that broken kingdom. Supposedly the greater portion of its might dwelt about Gundabad or had before reclaiming the lands of the Eotheod in recent years. And yet some of the Urki ride upon great wolves on the plateau of Angmar.

Nendumir has come to you again to speak of his volcano in the Ered Engrin. He would go with the Throng and some Beardlings and raise up a Mighdal in the Ered Engrin to stand over the Sulphur Vein there. Such an expedition would be a considerable expenditure of Dawi and so would need to invest considerable time into the Mighdal to make it a worthwhile project.

1 Engineer, 1 Beardling and 1 Minor Throng would be devoted to the Expedition.
[] Yes
(Choose which Minor Throng)
[] No

Elder Grazur has his Map Room now. There he sits on many a day studying the world beyond Drekfut Ankor. Of all folk in this Middle-Earth you have found the Noldor to be the greater friends amongst them, though the Eotheod are not far from their noble nature either. When looking over the maps then Elder Grazur has suggested an expedition to one of their kin-kingdoms. There are Noldor in the west by the sea where the Sindar Lord Cirdan rules, or he might go across the High Pass and down through the South Vales of the Anduin to Laurelindorenan where the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn rule over the Avari.

Grazur has not yet decided whom he might visit, but a group of Greatmantle Longbeards have gathered around him and would go with him on a voyage to meet one of the powers of Middle-Earth. You could even persuade him to go on to a land without Noldor.

[] To the Gray Haven of Mithlond
[] To the forest of Laurelindorenan
[] Stay at Home
[] Write-In

Elder Urtain has gone down into the woods in the west every year for much of the year for many years. The Westerly Throng has struck down Trolls, it is true. But not so many that the woods should be so devoid of them. He has been keeping track of their numbers and movements and is concerned that they have gone somewhere in number. He would track the last few Trolls of the western woods and know where they are gathering. It is likely they are fleeing the West Throng, but perhaps they are being called to a place instead.

[] Yes
[] No

The Slayers
The three Slayers go up to the height of North Peak and when they come down they are clean-shaven, and their hair is the orange of the Slayer. They have cast aside their names and sworn the Oath and now they will seek an honourable Doom. Lord Elrond appears to be satisfied with your Reckoning, although there is something to his bearing that you can't quite place as the Slayers come back to present themselves. This is the last day they shall spend behind Dawi walls, and they come before you to hear where the Drekfut Ankor Rik believes they will best find their Doom.

[] Go into the North
[] Go into the East
[] Go into the South
[] Go into the West
[] Write-In a specific quarry

The Grand Stall
The Market Hall has been built and some traders who ply the High Pass are buying licenses for stalls in the Hall. The Eotheod are a poor folk now and do not attract many traders, but those who dwell to the east of the Ered Hithui will use the safety of the High Pass provided now by the Door to reach Imladris. The House of Elrond has had many guests of late. And on their way there those who go behind the Door and visit the market, for their own stalls or others.

Selling stall licences is one way to make money from the Market Hall. But another is to stock a Grand Stall with that which the Ankor will sell.

Goat Meat 1=1SC
Ankor Grain 1=1SC
Noldor Grain 1=1SC
Noldor Fruit 1=1SC
Noldor Vegetables 1=1SC
Noldor Wine 1=20SC
Dawi Ale 1=20SC
Steel Ingots 1=100SC
Coal 1=5SC
Sulphur 100=1SC
Wood 1=1SC
Warsmith Services 1=500SC
Warsmith Services each cost 1 Steel Ingot and puts -5 on the Highest Warsmith Die.
SC is turned into Silver at 200SC=1Silver
Any turn plan may amend the Grand Stall in the future, but a Grand Stall set up will continue until it is changed.

The Rune of Fate
You are upon a jetty made of wood and loosely bound in rope. There are long wooden barges moored at posts and a river runs south past them all. This is a dream again you think. You look about yourself and can see there are Urki on your bank, the barges are on the other. But you see wood brought across the grass and to the river. It looks more like stolen carpentry hacked from walls than it does timber felled from woods.

They have carved out from the wood places to rest, and oars come next. The Urki cross the river in small groups, and they carry flaming torches that burn the barges and the mooring posts. Most then come paddling back but some few delve into the treeline that dominates the far bank. There are trees there tall as to rival the outer princedoms of Athel Loren though to look further over the canopy it is clear this is no forest of that sort. There are no inner princedoms where trees surpass the mountains.

Some of the Urki come back from the treeline, many are injured, the rest have Umgi bound in rope or tied to shafts that they carry together.

Beyond the Passes
The immediate area is secure enough that endeavours that need more space than can be provided within the protection of the Surface Hold and cannot be performed within the Karak may be undertaken beyond the Passes.

The Surface Hold
A valley in the dip between four mountain peaks with a pass out on each of the four cardinal directions is the current home of your host. The valley is filled with wagons of supplies and tents for the Dawi to sleep in. While most of your hold will one day be below ground, there will always be a need for some presence on the surface. The Valley has space for 3 more structures.

[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Guest Housing, 28/190
(All Clans can work on this task. Costs 10 Wood per dice. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)

The Hold
An Entrance Hall has been excavated from North Peak and the Karak can now form around it. Routes up into the Peak and down under the Valley will allow for significant expansion and there is currently space for an additional 0 Halls to be carved from North Peak, 7 Halls under the Valley and 17 Halls in West Peak. Specify which Hold Area to build new Halls in.

[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Engineering Hall, 164/190.
(Stonemason, Engineers, Artisan and Warsmith Clans can take this task.)

[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Upper Stairs, 104/140.
(All Clans can work on this task.)

The Under Hold
The Under Hold is the deepest parts of the Karak. Here are the mines that venture far below the rest of the Hold and here are the places where the Holds of the Karaz Ankor are joined together by the Underways. 2 Minor Coal and 1 Major Iron Ore Vein have been identified. Behind the Underhold Fortifications lies only a limited space. There is room for 0 more Halls within that protection.

[] Establish a Minor Coal Mine, 45/50.
A Vein has been found to establish a long-term mine around.
(Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)

Runelord Challenges
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has the time to start a new challenge this year. An Item Rune will complete this turn. A Constructed Rune will complete in 2 turns. A Hold Rune will complete in 4 turns.

Personal Challenges
Both yourself and Lady Daungrumm are capable of taking on Challenges as the ruling couple of the Karak. Mostly affairs of the Clans and the family but sometimes you will be moved to greater action than settling disputes.

[] King Gisilhari
-[] Write-In a subject an Apprentice King must learn. (E.g. Combat at Arms, Commanding a Throng, Healer's Work, Managing a Workforce, Diplomacy with neighbouring Kings, Wooing a Woman, Smithing, Dawi History)
Challenge Level: 20
Gisilhari is now your apprentice. You should decide what part of Kingship he should learn next. It will be an ongoing thing through the year but you'll have time to attend to ordinary duties as well.
(King Gisilhari is your Apprentice King. He imposes a -5 on your dice until he is an adult and you may still do one other task while teaching him. Each year you may write in a subject that he should be taught that year or select a suggested option.)

The Lorekeepers
The Clan Lorekeepers have prepared a place for Beardlings to be properly trained into the many trades of the Karaz Ankor. It will take some five years for a Clan's Beardlings to be trained in a new trade, but only three for trade from an existing Clan.

[X] Carpenters, 3/5

Throng Duties
Remember to assign all of your Minor Throngs to duties. Additional notes on specific purposes or tasks can be written in as you want.
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