The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

[X] Plan: Hold Completed

[X] Twins
-[X] Boy and Girl
-[X] Nurn and Brunna

[X] Thane Nirvid

Im sorry if its obvious but where can i find the potential mines?
Bc i think we should get some trade goods going if were going to build a trade post.
Underhold description. Right now there's the Major coal vein we're already working at and we just found a minor coal deposit. And yeah, until we get a reliable source of resources to sell we aren't going to be doing a lot of trading. Thankfully all we need is a decent iron deposit and we're in business.
[X] Plan: Hold Completed
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Smelting Hall, 214/220. (1 Warsmith)
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Throne Hall, 173/190. (1 Stonemason)
-[X] Storehall. 0/100 - Ale, Under the valley (2 Brewer, 4 Beardling)
--[X] +Huge, +50 to target
--[X] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Storehall. 0/100 - Meat, Under the valley (2 Farmer)
--[X] +Huge, +50 to target
--[X] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Vaults. 0/150 Under the valley (1 Warsmith, 1 Stonemason, 1 Beardling)
--[X] +Huge, +50 to target
--[X] +Second Guardroom, +30 to target
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Establish a Major Coal Mine, 48/50. (1 Miner)
-[X] Establish a Mine. 0/50 Minor Coal Deposit (1 Miner)
-[X] A Feast for the Hold (Daungrumm)
-[X] Elgi, but not The Elgi. (Gartrim)
-[X] Range Out From the Valley
--[X] Northern and Eastern Rangers will continue to observe the humans, especially the people of this "Fram", and will share the duties of the South and West when they are at Urbaz
-[X] Guard Kazad Urbaz
--[X] Southern and Western will take turns guarding Urbaz

Finishing whats left of what the clans consider to be their requirements this. Turn. Thus all the dice on the Ale Storehall. If luck is on our side Gutfroy will also finish our Crown this turn and our wife won't flub her Feast roll and that's just too perfect a timing to pass up.

Also, yet another coal deposit. Lol. Just a minor one though.

[X] Twins
-[X] Boy and Girl
-[X] Otrek and Valain

[X] Thane Nirvid

Edit: noticed that the Farmers can't work on the Vault. Put them back on a Meat Storehall.
Is there any chance of switching that meat storehall for starting a fully pimped out clanhall for the stonebeards? Meat comes in so slowly that we don't need any storage for it for decades but the engineers will want their own clanhall in two turns, so I'd like to have the miner's forever home done so that the engineers can move into their old one. Also I'd prefer to send the miners sniffing for iron over making a third coal mine.
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Well, now I want to see that scene from the elves side, the sheer confusion, just the thought makes me laugh.
We should consider expanding towards one of the peaks, North is almost full.
The problem with meat isn't the fact that we are gaining little of it, is that we are having a feast before we can start to fill our stores.:V
@P41erman omake it?
Also with Erebor jut being founded I think Kar will actualy have a potential marriage outside the hold worthy of consideration.
Or another of the sons/daugthers.
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Sadly, Im not realy the best writer, plus, I wouldent even know where to start with it. Closest thing I have any confidence of actually writing is a poem,. No idea how fiting that would be.
dude you are joking?
A poem about it would be pretty fitting.
Do not worry, read my omakes in rings and grudges, it should fill anyone with confidence about their writing.:V
By the way people, gold sikness is absolutly a thing for Dawi so we should stick away from dragons hoard, whose gold has been widly know to bring misfortune if not divided.
And I am speaking based of Tolkien history.
@Skitzyfrenic I ain't making omake for a while, got exams and even if my writing is garbarge I try to make stuff that inspires me and I think would be able to make almost worthwile reading.
@Hadrian.Caeser that would be an enormous number of runesmiths, sure wakey is taking the optimistic estimate of the time needed to make one.
Not even a century? that is a very quick runesmith here, but even if we could train a runesmith evry year ultimatly the gift is a unavoidable prerequisite before we can train one, if only two beardling now have it it wouldn't surprise me.
Also five years to make an engenier, guys I hope you realise of little time that is, I have been studing for SIX and i am just close to done.
@KaldorDraigo fertility runes do not exist, if they did they got forgotten millenia ago.
The cult of Vallaya probably know of some herbs, but the real brakes on Dawi growth wans't a low natural fertility but the societal cultural and enviromental situation in which they found themself.
A safe happy and bountifull hold will probably help more than any combination of herbs could.
The Elves find the Door
One day the fare elves found a sight most strange,
The far mountain folk, traveling woods.
So they set out, to find the truth
Of whense they came.

Far they traveled, wide they went,
Till they came 'pon one cloudy 'mount.
There they found a heavy gate
And 'crosses top the wall.

Our brave travl'ers called out a greet
Yet what came in turn, was a tongue most strange,
So they tried a 'nother, and another more,
Till, the mountain folk began to sing.

It seemed a test of sorts,
Of what kind, none there knew.
Its seemes they passed, for the mountain folk,
Gave a message 'pon a slab of wood.

So our travelers and elves most fare,
Having found the truth of whense they came.
Traveled back to their wood 'an home,
And told a tale most strange.
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One day the fare elves found a sight most strange,
The far mountain folk, traveling woods.
So they set out, to find the truth
Of whense they came.

Far they traveled, wide they went,
Till they came 'pon one cloudy 'mount.
There they found a heavy gate
And 'crosses top the wall.

Our brave travl'ers called out a greet
Yet what came in turn, was a tongue most strange,
So they tried a 'nother, and another more,
Till, the mountain folk began to sing.

It seemed a test of sorts,
Of what kind, none there knew.
Its seemes they passed, for the mountain folk,
Gave a message 'pon a slab of wood.

So our travelers and elves most fare,
Having found the truth of whense they came.
Traveled back to their wood 'an home,
And told a tale most strange.

Don't forget to @Warkeymon it helps the gm find your work btw it was a nice poam
Never done this sort of thing, should I @ him in a seperat post or edit the one with the poem? Also never had to @ someone so a little help would be appreciated.
We will have to defend from Smaug if we ever found gold silver or gems.
Copy warkeymon name on his characther pick, then cntrl+c on your writing to make him see it, it should put the @, otherwise just write @ and then the person you want to notify.
Yes edit your post with the poem, then put warkey name with the @ in it.
[X] Plan: Hold Completed
[X] Twins
-[X] Boy and Girl
-[X] Nurn and Brunna
[x] Thane Dosgrolir

This seems like a good plan.
So next turn we should have everything except the iron mine we need done for the hold basics. I think it is time to get all of the surface hold defenses up to snuff next. Having three walls plus all the addons on each side should let us feel pretty secure against any attacks, which I feel are inevitable. I don't think Sauron will let us just build up in peace forever.
[X] Plan: Hold Completed

Should we try and help make somthing out of Arnor? right now it has no leadership and its only been 25 years since it got taken out, so there is still a chance to rebuild it