One day the fare elves found a sight most strange,
The far mountain folk, traveling woods.
So they set out, to find the truth
Of whense they came.
Far they traveled, wide they went,
Till they came 'pon one cloudy 'mount.
There they found a heavy gate
And 'crosses top the wall.
Our brave travl'ers called out a greet
Yet what came in turn, was a tongue most strange,
So they tried a 'nother, and another more,
Till, the mountain folk began to sing.
It seemed a test of sorts,
Of what kind, none there knew.
Its seemes they passed, for the mountain folk,
Gave a message 'pon a slab of wood.
So our travelers and elves most fare,
Having found the truth of whense they came.
Traveled back to their wood 'an home,
And told a tale most strange.