You have 7 Beardling dice which can be used on any task in the hold. You have 2 Warsmith and Brewer Dice; 3 Farmer, Miner and Stonemason Dice and 1 Engineer and Carpenter Dice. The Warrior Clan dice are inside of the Throng Duties options.
The Eotheod who have come to Karak Drekfut are willing to work in any way while in the sanctuary of the Hold. The Eotheod are Umgi, and worse yet they are the scattered and diminished remnants of their people. They suffer a -15 to all Eotheod Dice.
The Eotheod supply 3 Eotheod Dice.
Multiples of the same task can be undertaken at once if you want to split work between multiple clan housing, or multiple types of storehouse etc.
You have 7 unused Excavation Dice from last turn.
New options have been highlighted in yellow to make them easier to see.
The King's Matters
Elder Grazur has returned from the old Forest with a tale of a being that seemed to unknowingly take on the form of a Living Ancestor, who was married to a powerful sorceress and who had absolute mastery over the land in which he lived. And it was a tale of far too much magic for the Elder's liking. He has gone back into the Map Room and looked for something to balance out matters.
The Quendi Realms are overseen by powerful mages, the Dwarvish Kingdom is besieged in the north and the Kingdoms of Umgi are mostly scattered and even amongst them there seems to be the presence of magic in some manner. But not all the Dwarves are behind the gates of Udrabax, the ways of the Ered Mithrin are high in those mountains and barred from you by Urki but they have colonies in the east. Erebor the Lonely Mountain, or perhaps the Iron Hills. Or even further east to the lands from which the Eastern Dwarves have been coming with their raiding bands. Though such a journey would take considerable time.
[] Erebor the Lonely Mountain
[] The Iron Hills
[] Buzan of Thulin's Line
[] Gabilzahar of Bavor's Line
[] No
[] Write-In
The Order of the Guardians have been drilling at arms with the heavy and razor-sharp greatswords of their Order. Under the stern watch of their Head Priest, they have come a long way both in combat and in matters of the Cult. Their noses are honed to detect the presence of Uzkular with pinpoint precision and each of them has a firm grounding the Last Rites and other such rituals to abate Necromancy.
And now Gazric has decided it is time for the Order of the Guardians to strike out against the enemies of Gazul. Uzkular or Dawi Zharr, though the latter are more than unlikely to be found. You find before you six Dawi clad in black with greatswords strapped over their backs and the fires of Gazul worked into their armour and the robes that are worn over them.
[] Rhudaur
Beyond West Pass lies a broken black castle where the Uzkular were first come upon. The whole land is blanketed in the presence of the Uzkular but there are traps laid in the ruins of the once-kingdom that can draw in that presence and stir the dead to act as ambushers. The Order of the Guardians should trigger and annihilate those traps.
[] Angmar
The Witch King of Angmar was a powerful Necromancer and many of the foul workings of the near world were his make. Lesser Necromancers studied under him and the tribes of Umgi and Urki who dwell there may be harbouring Necromancers still. The Order of the Guardians should hunt upon the Plateau of Angmar for the Necromancers who survived the fall of that kingdom.
[] Cardolan
South of Bree are the Barrow Downs. It has proven troublesome land to travel through and you aren't pleased that when the gates of Bree are closed you are left with little choice but make way through it. Here the presence of the Uzkular is overwhelming and many of the dead regularly waken to battle travellers in that area. The Order of the Guardians should tear down the workings there.
[] The Depths
The Thing in the Depths has not re-emerged since it was first discovered. The Ironbeards haven't engaged it in battle and the Rangers haven't determined where the breaches in the Depths open out into the surface. Whether the Thing in the Depths really fits the duties of the Guardians is perhaps questionable, but the Order is willing to set out on a hunt all the same.
Elder Drindut of Clan Ironplough has overseen the entombing of her predecessor, Elder Garin, and has moved quickly as the new Clan Elder to bring her Clan firmly into hand. There's been trouble between Ironploughs and other Clans and between the Ironploughs and other peoples that has caused trouble for the Dawi as a whole. When she was nominated for Clan Elder it was for her skill as a Farmer and for her willingness to adapt to the techniques of other peoples.
She has come before you to request that she and some trusted Ironploughs set out for Imladris and request a Noldor teacher teach them to sing to plants. It makes some sense, the Dawi are no stranger to the use of song in carrying out duties. There's working songs for Forge and Mine, there's marching songs for the Throng and there's Dooming Songs for dark days and insurmountable odds. Why should farming be any different?
[] Yes
[] No
Elder Korin presides over your Queen's Clan. He has an interest in arranging a trading expedition, the Hold is bountiful in Ale and spreading it around a little might be worthwhile. Besides, Elder Korin has a few youngsters who could do with stretching their legs. He wants to load up some wagons with 50 Ale and set out to the markets of the world and trade it away for fair prices with ordinary folk.
[] Yes
[] No
The Rune of Fate
Just as you're falling to sleep there's a soft silver glow and you know to anticipate a waking dream. You find yourself stood upon the highest level of Udrabax. Three Levels above the besieging Urki host on the road to the south affords you a good vantage point to watch as the siege moves through several days. You note the sun and moon circling overhead as day and night take their turn in joining you watching over Udrabax.
You think you've been stood there a year or more when a horn sounds to the north and there is the grinding of stone as a great gate shifts. The siege camps quickly grow more active and stout ranks form up around Udrabax at a distance that the defenders aren't even trying to fire across. Thain son of Nain comes out onto the open ground beside you, escorted by a hundred Dwarves clad in thick silver armour.
The Urki host stretches on for miles, it twists around the edges of the nearest mountains and the cold stony plain before Udrabax is black with their camp. The Eryn Galen seems so very far away on the southern horizon.
"Udrabax is too far west." Lord Neath son of Drith looks across as his king speaks. "Durin's Folk dwell upon the walls of the Heath, weeks it takes to march the long grey road to Udrabax from Silverplunge. Your position is untenable in the long run. Should I surrender the lives of Durin's Folk for an untenable position?" Thain shakes his head. "Seal your gates, gather your people and make for Thundercleft. There still dwells Uri's Line, your kin will attend to you."
"Because my King will not?" Neath son of Drith has the face of a storm. "Udrabax is as untenable as you choose to make it my King. But it is the gateway to the hall of your Father. Those are Gundabad Urki before my gates. Has Durin's Line lost all hope for Durin's First Hall? Hew the damned creatures!"
"You have had your King's command." Thain son of Nain turns away, anger in his shoulder and his step.
"Take with you my people then, those who will go. I am the Lord of Udrabax, I will hold these gates for a hundred years. Alone if I must." And the King turned around in a fury.
"I will accept none of the folk of Udrabax through the gates of Silverplunge if you deny me here. I am your King!" He stepped closer. "Shall I go forth from this place and order the way sealed behind me? The road from Udrabax to Silverplunge threatens Durin's Folk. I should have your doors pulled down so that the enemy cannot reach my road. Stay then. You will not be able to change your mind."
And the dream broke about you.
Beyond the Passes
The immediate area is secure enough that endeavours that need more space than can be provided within the protection of the Surface Hold and cannot be performed within the Karak may be undertaken beyond the Passes.
[] Fortified Charcoal Pits. 94/100
(Engineer and Carpenter Clans can take this task.)
[] Fortified and Decorated Barracks. 127/160
-[] +Huge, +50 to target
(Miner, Stonemason, Carpenter, Artisan and Warsmith Clans can take this Task.)
[] Anduin Jetties. 0/150
You have Lord Cirdan's riverine designs, but nowhere to actually build and keep ships. To the west the nearest river is the Bruinen, but the Ford makes it troublesome to move ships along it. So instead, you might lay jetties out into the Anduin. Send some Dawi out into the Near Vale to build up jetties into the Anduin.
(Engineer and Carpenter Clans can take this task. Costs 15 Wood per Die. Excavation dice this turn, or last turn cancel the cost of 1 Construction dice.)
The Surface Hold
A valley in the dip between four mountain peaks with a pass out on each of the four cardinal directions is the current home of your host. The valley is filled with wagons of supplies and tents for the Dawi to sleep in. While most of your hold will one day be below ground, there will always be a need for some presence on the surface. The Valley has space for 3 more structures.
[] Extensive North Pass Fortification, 187/240.
(All Clans can work on this task. Dice can only be assigned equal to the total of this turn and last turn's Excavation Dice.)
The Hold
An Entrance Hall has been excavated from North Peak and the Karak can now form around it. Routes up into the Peak and down under the Valley will allow for significant expansion and there is currently space for an additional 0 Halls to be carved from North Peak, 7 Halls under the Valley and 17 Halls in West Peak. Specify which Hold Area to build new Halls in.
[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Upper Stairs, 104/140.
(All Clans can work on this task.)
[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Powder Storehall. 148/190
(Specify resource to store here. All Clans can work on this task. Artisan Noldor can take this task.)
[] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Powder Hall. 141/190.
(Stonemason, Miner and Engineer Clans can take this Task.)
[] Amend Greatmantle Clan Residences (Fortification) 48/60
(Any Clan can take this task provided it was originally able to work on the structure.)
[] Amend Greatmantle Clan Residences (Tombs) 54/60
(Any Clan can take this task provided it was originally able to work on the structure.)
[] Amend Leadbeard Clan Residences (Expansion) 26/60
(Any Clan can take this task provided it was originally able to work on the structure.)
The Under Hold
The Under Hold is the deepest parts of the Karak. Here are the mines that venture far below the rest of the Hold and here are the places where the Holds of the Karaz Ankor are joined together by the Underways. 2 Minor Coal and 1 Minor Silver Vein have been identified. Behind the Underhold Fortifications lies only a limited space. There is room for 0 more Halls within that protection.
[] Establish a Minor Coal Mine, 45/50.
A Vein has been found to establish a long-term mine around.
(Only Miner Dice can be assigned to this Task. This excludes Beardlings.)
Runelord Challenges
Rhunrikki Gutfroy has the time to start a new challenge this year. An Item Rune will complete this turn. A Constructed Rune will complete in 2 turns. A Hold Rune will complete in 4 turns.
[X] Constructed Rune: A Shield. 1/2 Turns Completed.
Challenge Level: 30
Personal Challenges
Both yourself and Lady Daungrumm are capable of taking on Challenges as the ruling couple of the Karak. Mostly affairs of the Clans and the family but sometimes you will be moved to greater action than settling disputes.
[] King Gisilhari
-[] Write-In a subject an Apprentice King must learn. (E.g. Combat at Arms, Commanding a Throng, Healer's Work, Managing a Workforce, Diplomacy with neighbouring Kings, Wooing a Woman, Smithing, Dawi History)
Challenge Level: 10
Gisilhari is now your apprentice. You should decide what part of Kingship he should learn next. It will be an ongoing thing through the year but you'll have time to attend to ordinary duties as well.
(King Gisilhari is your Apprentice King. He imposes a -5 on your dice until he is an adult and you may still do one other task while teaching him. Each year you may write in a subject that he should be taught that year or select a suggested option.)
The Lorekeepers
The Clan Lorekeepers have prepared a place for Beardlings to be properly trained into the many trades of the Karaz Ankor. It will take some five years for a Clan's Beardlings to be trained in a new trade, but only three for trade from an existing Clan.
[] Train the Beardlings, 0 Turns completed.
(Choose 1 Trade for a Beardling Die to be trained in. Lose use of that Die.)
Throng Duties
Remember to assign all of your Minor Throngs to duties. Additional notes on specific purposes or tasks can be written in as you want.