Character Traits
Jeffery Katzenberg: +50 to all animated film quality rolls. -15 to all office relationship stats not at a positive value with him every turn.
Reroll the lowest die roll in the movie section each turn. (25 bonus)
Frank Wells: +10 to all office relationship stats every turn, to a maximum of 0.
+5 to effectiveness of Personal Focus, 1 free Personal Focus action per turn. (25 bonus)
Roy Disney: +10 to all rolls involving conservation efforts.
May ignore one major board goal or both minor board goals a year without penalty. (20 bonus)
+20 to planning rolls. (45 bonus)
Automagically gain one success on every in progress plan each turn, assessed when it would be most valuable for each plan. (95 bonus)
Board: No penalty for turns without any actions spent on Board Goals (15 Bonus)
+10 to all rolls associated with Board Goals. (40 bonus)
+5 to all rolls not associated with Board Goals, dice explode on 96-100 instead of just 100 for Board Goal rolls. (90 bonus)
John Cooke: +10 to all television related rolls, Disney Channel quality degrades twice as slowly.
Don Bluth: Movie Adviser (+1 action, must be used on a movie action). +10 to all animated film rolls, including quality. +10 to all video game rolls.
Roll two dice for every animated film quality roll and keep the highest. (25 bonus)
Joe Hale: Movie Adviser (+1 action, must be used on a movie action). -10 DC to all animated film checks.
Steve Burke: General Adviser (+1 action).
John Avise: General Adviser (+1 action). +10 to conservation rolls, +5 to research rolls.
Tony Baxter: Magic Kingdom (Disneyland) Adviser (+1 action, must be used on a Magic Kingdom (Disneyland) action). +10 to planning rolls in that category.
Tim Delaney: Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World) Adviser (+1 action, must be used on a Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World) action). +10 to construction rolls in that category.
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk: Temporary Adviser (+1 action, must be used on Disney's Animated Adventure project). Reroll any die roll below 10 on the project, up to 3 times.
Other Bonuses
Reedy Creek Improvement District: +20 to all development and conservation rolls made in the district. +10 to rolls against inclement weather in the district.
Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World: +10 to planning rolls in the park.
EPCOT, Walt Disney World: +10 to planning rolls in the park.
Magic Kingdom, Disneyland: +10 to planning rolls in the park.
Bluth Studios: +10 to all animated film quality rolls, larger animated film capacity.
Bluth/Katzenberg: Roll two dice for every animated film reception roll and keep the highest. (25 bonus)
Wells/Disney: -10 DC to non-planning Disney Office checks. (25 bonus)
Disney Touch: +25 to all animated film quality rolls.
Bringing Back The Magic: +10 to Live-Action Film rolls, +10 to Eisner-related TV rolls.
Pixar: +5 to Animated Film rolls.