Vote Closed!
The Winning Vote said:
[*] Plan: MAX Value v2
-[*] The Southern Edge. You just finished Animated Adventures, and it's looking immensely popular. It might be worthwhile to keep expanding down there, and as a bonus, it's already on the monorail line. Plus it might make for a good chance to test the people mover system over longer distances…
--[*] Large: 2000 CP, must have at least 700 points of rooms, but no more than 1400. 15 groundbreaking, 20 construction.
-[*] Silly Symphonies.
"So, Silly Symphonies?" Elizabeth says. "We might need to pick a couple to focus on…"
"Three Little Pigs, obviously." You say. "It's too popular not to go for."
"Probably the same with Tortoise and the Hare." Elizabeth responds. "I'd go with Grasshopper and the Ants over Ugly Duckling, though."
"Ugly Duckling is a classic!" You object.
She shrugs. "Yeah, but then we have to have an ugly duckling on the building."
You sigh. "I suppose. If we wanted to push it, Skeleton Dance might give us a slightly more mature option." You look around for a bit before finding a blank sheet and starting to write all the options down. "Ferdinand the Bull could be good, we might get a solid statue out of that."
"Golden Touch with a faux gold facade?" Elizabeth questions. "Wise Hen as well, although having Donald might suck some of the air out of the room, so to speak."
You finish jotting down the short list. "This is definitely enough to get started with, I think. Of course we'll have all of them represented in some fashion, but having a couple main focuses to the hotel buildings will help."
"Speaking of…" Elizabeth says.
-[] Refer to This post please, anything marked out for a value hotel and the size options relating to the large hotel. I'm on tablet and can't easily copy paste all the relevant bits.
"Now, I think you also mentioned something about a people mover?" Elizabeth asks, handing off the design specs to a somewhat harried looking intern.
"We've got a park going in closer to Orlando, and there's going to be a people mover connecting the monorail station, parking area, and some hotels to the entrance gate. I figure we could start by working on the design here, connect the lobby and a few of the buildings, make getting to the monorail easier." You say, tracing a route for the people mover on a map.
"That could work. You might want to see about making it able to handle guests coming from pools, though." She pauses. "And those drenched in one of the afternoon storms." On cue, the pitter-patter of afternoon rain starts up at the window, a distant crack of thunder indicating that the stormy season is once again really getting into swing.
-[] Prototype the people mover. +10 to getting the one for Hollywood Studios up and running, -5 board approval, ???.
-[] A little walking never hurt anyone. Just maybe make sure there's some covered pathways.
AN: 24 hour moratorium for plans to be discussed and proposed, then 24 hours of voting. After that, there'll be headlines and various news updates, followed by hopefully turn 8 on Tuesday the 26th. It may come sooner if I get a new laptop power cable, but that's currently unlikely. It may come later (around December 3rd) if I end up needing to do other things that day. Major headlines this turn will include the Chernobyl response and the recession, and minor headlines will generally be more Disney-centric, although the Tomorrowland reception will probably earn its own post.