Taking the Mickey: A Save Disney Quest

If the rocket explodes and people find out that we knew about it ahead of time, very bad!
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Eisner Tries to Write a Speech
"I am not a rocket scientist. I have no practical experience with rocketry, beyond thinking that the launch I attended was one of the coolest events I'll ever see." You pause in front of the mirror, trying to figure out what to say next. "But I am a manager. And I happen to manage some engineers. And I know that when an engineer says 'this isn't safe' or 'this can't be done,' I should listen. I don't need to know the first thing about rockets to know that ignoring the men on the ground is a terrible idea. I'm not asking NASA to shut down, I'm asking the managers over there to consider that one of the most important parts of management is being able to listen to your subordinates, and to accept when things aren't going to happen. It hurts. God, does it hurt. But I'd accept the hurt of a bruised ego over the hurt of even one person dying every time."

You take a moment to stare into the mirror. It offers no answers, and you set about once more trying to figure out what a speech for Bob would even look like.
I thought QM basically said the NASA issue would likely result in rocket failure if left be?

Look at it like this, which would result in worse morale: the rocket failing and killing people since all the warnings and such were ignored (lumping us in with NASA in not listening to the engineers warnings when everything gets investigated) or us doing something about it and possibly risk backlash/lowered morale?
Yes it is likely.

The rocket failing and killing people is much easier to spin away and move on from because it can be seen as an unfortunate tragedy while people behind the scenes move things in a different direction. Exposing that the entire industry that the country has based their hopes, dreams, and an entire two generations of education (approximately 30-40 years) around has been built on lies and false premises and was therefore never going to work is much more demoralizing.

It's also not a matter of "risk" backlash and lowered morale. It is a guarantee.
If the rocket fails, the deception will be uncovered in short order.

I mean, it's not like it was ever hidden. This article was written before the shuttle ever flew, and it mentions a lot of the issues it has.

Similarly, the engineers have already shown that they're willing to sabotage the shuttle to prevent deaths, and to leak to the outside in the hope that they can help. Once they have some deaths as an example, they're almost certainly going to the media. The only reason they haven't already is because they think they won't be believed.
...you know, the NASA issue is something that could be reasonably solved by getting in touch with someone important in the government and letting them know that it's not a matter of if, but when, they have a rocket blowing up on National Television if nothing changes.

It probably won't be perfect, but it should ease up on the pressure they have.

*Wiki walks*

Huh, would you look at that. Don Fuqua is the current chair to the house committee that oversees NASA. And guess what?

He's from Florida.
Because if we keep with the original goal, it means that when the recession ends we're not going to be dealing with major lack of rooms for guests. It's basically "prepare for the future" vs "Take up the slack now and use it for something more immediate."
If you do less now, you'll have to do more later. I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today, etc.

Well, that makes the decision easy. It's still a not-decision really.

-[X] Hire on Jerry Allison as a temporary advisor. +10 to developmental rolls for the hotel, +20 to opening day roll. -10 Board Approval

-[X] Change board goal to 2 hotels and 1250 rooms

We have so many actions we need to take that having 1 less action per turn (hotel 3) can only help, especially as we also have to take 1 action to deal with the recession's effects on our DC. And as we're likely going to have only MORE actions per turn in the future...

We can also afford the -10, as we're currently at 100 approval if I'm right, and the bonus requires only an 80

As long as no one blames Disney for that fuck up thanks to our actions.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone thinks that this latest recession is our fault. We probably should avoid raising prices for a while.

Maybe we should work on smaller niche hotels to go along with our reduced hotel quote? I wouldn't mind smaller hotels that cater to people who don't want to deal with kids. We mainly have been doing two hotels in similar demographics. Diversify might be good at this point.

I mean, the recession IS our fault in at least some ways. It's just that it's worth it in the medium to long term, even just for the diminished dependance on oil (especially foreign oil).

And of course most of the blame should go to Exxon for covering up their findings.

so, up to now we've made a medium value (probably a bit too small really) and we're doing a huge deluxe.

I think we should go with another huge moderate or value. we have enough time to complete it and by the time it's done this small recession will probably be over, leaving us ready to welcome our new guests.

Making the second hotel a huge one also makes it at least possible we won't actually NEED a third hotel too soon.
Nah, its not our fault, we only think it is because we know how history turned out the other way. The story likely going around is not that Disney caused Exxon's fall, it's that Exxon's problems have came home to roost, and despite being in about the friendliest regulatory environment imaginable they Still got caught. Corporate America isn't cursing us, they are cursing Exxon for being idiots. Plus side the idea of regulatory capture might be dead...
I mean, if we're working with Sagan right now, could we ask him for advice? Maybe to make a statement himself?

This is pretty high level secrecy but it's also very important to get right. Maybe if we're trying to be subtle, we could introduce him to the imagineers who went to NASA, and leave some work out in the open.

I'm not entirely clear on what we want to do here anyway, it's very messy, but Sagan would probably have useful advice. He's a big name.
-[X] Hire on Jerry Allison as a temporary advisor. +10 to developmental rolls for the hotel, +20 to opening day roll. -10 Board Approval.
-[X] Keep board goal as-is.
Omake: The Buck Stops Here (semi-canon)
OMAKE: The Buck Stops Here

"Gentlemen the President of the United States." stated the marine before entering the Situation Room. Normally only the NSC or other military leaders would be in this room but no president had faced a problem like this. "Please everyone stay seated." He looked around the room, a regular den of vipers usually. Tip was sitting to one side, listening to Joe Biden talk about something that Elizabeth Dole was trying to ignore. James McClure, the Republican Senator from Idaho, and the Chairman of Energy and Natural Resources committee, sitting next to John Dingell the Democrat in charge of the House committee chatting about various topics. Looking over the Congressional Research Office Report on Global Climate Change was George at the other end of the table making notes while he talked with Jake Garn. Senator Hatfield was talking with Pete Domenici, while Alan Cranston watched from the other side of the table. Ronald sighed, he'd been in this room too many times over the last 6 years. "Senators, Congressmen and Secretaries. Thank you for attending, normally I'd have us up in the Roosevelt Room but I feel that given the gravity of the situation we now face, this room is better." he cracked a smile, "Also this room has a projector." which earned him a chuckle from the room.

"Now," he said leaning forward, "you all know that some of my party want to take that report George has, and stuff it in a shredder and shutter the CRO. In fact" he chortled, "That freshman senator from Kentucky had the temerity to demand I denounce the report. Suffice to say... That's not going to happen."

McClure rolled his eyes, "I'll have a word with Mitch about decorum, Mr. President."

Ronald shrugged, "Don't bother, I have a feeling Tip's party will pick up that seat in 90 anyway." and shuffled his note cards before placing them down, "None of us want to be here, and as much as I'm sure some members of your party" he said gesturing to the Speaker, "would love to see this collapse the Republicans, we all took campaign money at one point or another from Petroleum Industry, and we'll have to take our lumps. Extremes in my party want my head on a pike for even talking to you, and I'm sure you have your factions who wanted you to refuse to come here today. This crisis is one beyond anything we've ever faced, it represents a clear and present danger to not just our future, but all nations future. You've all read the report, so let's start the ball rolling. Maybe we can show this country we can govern as well as Politic."

Senator Biden cleared his throat, "Mr. President, how do you intend to handle the prosecution of Exxon, the Attorney General is not..."

George leaned back from the other side of the room, "I had a word with Mr. Meese, given the gravity of the situation, and his previous lapses, he's recused himself. That enough for you?"

Joe shrugged, knowing he wouldn't get more. Senator Garn cleared his throat, "Mr. President, what exactly do you want us to emerge from this meeting today. Actual legislation takes time."

"In broad terms? A deal that will see a quick and dramatic cut in greenhouse gases, and a longer term solution for keeping them reduced. I'm already working with Schultz on meeting world leaders to discuss banning some chemicals to get the ball rolling. Exxon screwed the pooch, and I'll be damned if Mikhail uses that in propaganda reels for the next decade. The Budget's due, and to quote Monty Hall. 'Let's make a deal'".

Tip quirked an eyebrow, "Where's this President been the last 6 years?"

Ronald nodded, and looked at each of them, "We all want to leave this country a better place for our children, and while at first I didn't want to believe it... Well Exxon did it, they sold the future for their profits. The buck stops here, and if I have one more damn oil lobbyist trying to harangue me or my staff I might just have the FBI storm Exxon Headquarters... Sorry George"

George nodded, he had hoped George would be his successor, but given how this crisis was unfolding he was in full damage control. Texas Oil was synonymous with the scandal of the century, and if the Houston and Dallas protests showed anything, if you could get out of Petroleum... fast. George had a chance with environmental legislation but that Petroleum baggage could weigh him down in '88

Tip looked over to Joe to start passing out some proposals, "Here are some thoughts we have for highlights in the budget."

The President took it and looked over the document... If Exxon never happened he'd have thought this was a joke. Now? Political necessity. Renewing the CRO until 2010 and increase funding in accordance to inflation, rising 5% annually... the Department of Energy's priorities radically changed... that SERI boost would be tough pill to swallow... but given Hatfield's frown...

"This is lunacy." said Hatfield. "You want to drop 500 million a year on Nuclear & Fusion research alone?"

Domenici piped in, "I'll support this."

Hatfield rounded on him, "Of course you would. GE's probably gonna fill your war chest til 2000 if this passes. After Three Mile Island, and Nevada Test Site you want to go further down that road?"

Tip leaned back, "If it's any consolation Ted hates this too."

"Oh great I'm in agreement with Ted fucking Kennedy! SERI I could get passed but this? I won't."

George spoke up, "I think you'll find this is being pragmatic. Solar and Wind are showing promise but if we want to replace roughly 50% of America's power generating capacity with something that won't burn us alive, Nuclear's the only option we got. I had a good talk with Prime Minister Chirac on their Messmer plan, we already have 80 reactors in the country. "

Cranston sighed "I've been fighting Diablo Canyon for 10 years now but now? California needs it more than ever. Smog's choking our state, and we need to clear up Los Angeles."

Ronald quirked a smie "...and let me guess you need the largesse of the federal government?"

Cranston let out a dry laugh "Our governor won't ask, but... we'll need that EPA waiver. Wilson won't publically ask for it but he's in agreement."

Joe smiled leaning back, "Well let's get into the elephant in the room. Getting cars off the road. I'd like to propose an expansion of Northeast commuter rail out to Chicago and south to Atlanta. A commission to explore High-Speed rail here in America.

Garn chuckled, "Right, and we'll be in eminent domain trials til 2086 with all the rail renovations we'd have to do to support high speed rail. Let me guess Wilmington just 'happens' to be a station?. I had an interesting meeting with Boeing, they are putting solar panels on the fuselage and wings on a new version of the 767, perhaps we can explore that?"

George shook his head, "Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture, too much weight and not enough to make it worthwhile. I'd like you all to take a gander at this."

The President looked over George's staff report on auto emission reduction.

"It's pretty plain to see." said the Vice President, "that rail is years away from anything worthwhile, and slapping solar panels on Jetliners won't do much. The problem is cars themselves. We've gotta lean on Detroit, have them increase fuel efficiency by 10% a year, lean on Auto insurance companies to make insuring older cars too expensive to operate, gotta look at other means of keeping cars going. American Dream usally involves driving a Corvette down Route 66 after all"

"Like Electric?" said McClure speaking up for the first time in a while, at which point George smiled, "An electrical car subsidy program, maybe even throw a bone to electrical utilities to create 50 Amp charging stations. But... this is going to be hard. To make high-speed trains work we need new rails, to make more efficient cars we need a new battery, to kick our coal and fossil fuel habit we'll need nuclear and solar.

The President looked between Joe and George glaring at each other, curious if in a few years time they'd be the ones debating before the American people. But he looked to Tip, "Well? Electric Cars, give some mass transit subsidies, along with the fuel efficiency, nuclear and renewable research?"

Tip looked over his papers but the President knew Joe didn't like the plan, "Not quite, the nuclear pill and some other points are sticklers. EPA administrator changeover?" asked Tip looking at the President, and the President saw George smirk at Joe. Pulling your contingency George just to stick it to Joe?

George smiled and shoved across the table a ream of paper, "Tell you what Mr. Speaker, I found myself two sponsors to support this type of legislation. I know from experience that Petroleum companies love to exploit water rights and usage rules, how about this 'Oil Pollution Act' should satisfy the remaining holdouts in your party"

It was at times like this he knew George could handle the job as Tip looked over the summary. Tip cleared his throat, "Republican and Democrat co-sponsorship?"

George nodded, "Of course" the President went over the math in his head. This Oil Pollution Act would easily pass the House, but the Senate... it would be close, might even be a. The President started to chuckle. a Tie, George wanted it to tie, so he could cast the tiebreaker, he definitely had to give him points for presentation, Jimmy Stewart wished he could do that. Maintain his chuckle the President turned to Tip, "We might actually get something done in DC gentlemen, do we have a deal Mr. Speaker?"

AN: I've never had to do so much research on the 99th congress. Senator McClure (R) from Idaho is Chairmen of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee... and loves Electric Cars. Senator Pete Domenici (R) of New Mexico was a big proponent of nuclear power. The Vice President is obviously George H.W. Bush who did appoint a fairly agressive EPA adminstrator and DID pass the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, but is now trying to pull off the pivot of the century while sticking it to Amtrak Joe. Joe is of course Joe Biden, and a big proponent of Amtrak and train travel. Hatfield is the Republican Chairmen of the Senate Appropriations committee and is pretty anti-nuclear (which kinda was inconvenient for me but meh.). Cranston is the Democrat Senator from California (No way Pete Wilson would be a party to this compromise, too close to the Governor). Jake Garn, well he's a senator that flew into space on the space shuttle in 1985, and quite the influence peddler... I included him mostly cause I needed an extra senator. Reagan's reason for going along with what would normally be a Liberal dream budget is that... well he NEEDS a solution to keep his poll nubmers and legacy up. He's burning all the politcal capital he has to get this compromise through to save his presidency. The third shutdown plans got thrown out, and he's trying to remove the utter scandal of an American company selling the future health of the planet for a buck. He's doing the climate summit to restore American prestige, and hopefully distance his administration from the Oil Industry.. which is HARD. Also I imagine that Exxon and other Oil companies are panicking and making all sorts of errors in Lobbying which is just irritating all the lawmakers, while Exxon runs around like a chicken with it's head chopped off. He will NOT let Gorbachev beat him in a Nuclear Race to Next Generation Reactor technology.

Oh right and I tried to fit in Bush trying to make sure the SSC is built in Texas still but couldn't fit it in.
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I love this, I'm really enjoying seeing society take a pivot from the path real life followed. I still sort of wish we'd done a nuclear breakthrough instead of a solar one, but that could have ended up a lot more contentious and messy and less universally appealing than the clean power of the sun, so the chain of events that led to environmental consciousness wouldn't necessarily have happened.
OMAKE: The Buck Stops Here

"Gentlemen the President of the United States." stated the marine before entering the Situation Room. Normally only the NSC or other military leaders would be in this room but no president had faced a problem like this. "Please everyone stay seated." He looked around the room, a regular den of vipers usually. Tip was sitting to one side, listening to Joe Biden talk about something that Elizabeth Dole was trying to ignore. James McClure, the Republican Senator from Idaho, and the Chairman of Energy and Natural Resources committee, sitting next to John Dingell the Democrat in charge of the House committee chatting about various topics. Looking over the Congressional Research Office Report on Global Climate Change was George at the other end of the table making notes while he talked with Jake Garn. Senator Hatfield was talking with Pete Domenici, while Alan Cranston watched from the other side of the table. Ronald sighed, he'd been in this room too many times over the last 6 years. "Senators, Congressmen and Secretaries. Thank you for attending, normally I'd have us up in the Roosevelt Room but I feel that given the gravity of the situation we now face, this room is better." he cracked a smile, "Also this room has a projector." which earned him a chuckle from the room.

"Now," he said leaning forward, "you all know that some of my party want to take that report George has, and stuff it in a shredder and shutter the CRO. In fact" he chortled, "That freshman senator from Kentucky had the temerity to demand I denounce the report. Suffice to say... That's not going to happen."

McClure rolled his eyes, "I'll have a word with Mitch about decorum, Mr. President."

Ronald shrugged, "Don't bother, I have a feeling Tip's party will pick up that seat in 90 anyway." and shuffled his note cards before placing them down, "None of us want to be here, and as much as I'm sure some members of your party" he said gesturing to the Speaker, "would love to see this collapse the Republicans, we all took campaign money at one point or another from Petroleum Industry, and we'll have to take our lumps. Extremes in my party want my head on a pike for even talking to you, and I'm sure you have your factions who wanted you to refuse to come here today. This crisis is one beyond anything we've ever faced, it represents a clear and present danger to not just our future, but all nations future. You've all read the report, so let's start the ball rolling. Maybe we can show this country we can govern as well as Politic."

Senator Biden cleared his throat, "Mr. President, how do you intend to handle the prosecution of Exxon, the Attorney General is not..."

George leaned back from the other side of the room, "I had a word with Mr. Meese, given the gravity of the situation, and his previous lapses, he's recused himself. That enough for you?"

Joe shrugged, knowing he wouldn't get more. Senator Garn cleared his throat, "Mr. President, what exactly do you want us to emerge from this meeting today. Actual legislation takes time."

"In broad terms? A deal that will see a quick and dramatic cut in greenhouse gases, and a longer term solution for keeping them reduced. I'm already working with Schultz on meeting world leaders to discuss banning some chemicals to get the ball rolling. Exxon screwed the pooch, and I'll be damned if Mikhail uses that in propaganda reels for the next decade. The Budget's due, and to quote Monty Hall. 'Let's make a deal'".

Tip quirked an eyebrow, "Where's this President been the last 6 years?"

Ronald nodded, and looked at each of them, "We all want to leave this country a better place for our children, and while at first I didn't want to believe it... Well Exxon did it, they sold the future for their profits. The buck stops here, and if I have one more damn oil lobbyist trying to harangue me or my staff I might just have the FBI storm Exxon Headquarters... Sorry George"

George nodded, he had hoped George would be his successor, but given how this crisis was unfolding he was in full damage control. Texas Oil was synonymous with the scandal of the century, and if the Houston and Dallas protests showed anything, if you could get out of Petroleum... fast. George had a chance with environmental legislation but that Petroleum baggage could weigh him down in '88

Tip looked over to Joe to start passing out some proposals, "Here are some thoughts we have for highlights in the budget."

The President took it and looked over the document... If Exxon never happened he'd have thought this was a joke. Now? Political necessity. Renewing the CRO until 2010 and increase funding in accordance to inflation, rising 5% annually... the Department of Energy's priorities radically changed... that SERI boost would be tough pill to swallow... but given Hatfield's frown...

"This is lunacy." said Hatfield. "You want to drop 500 million a year on Nuclear & Fusion research alone?"

Domenici piped in, "I'll support this."

Hatfield rounded on him, "Of course you would. GE's probably gonna fill your war chest til 2000 if this passes. After Three Mile Island, and Nevada Test Site you want to go further down that road?"

Tip leaned back, "If it's any consolation Ted hates this too."

"Oh great I'm in agreement with Ted fucking Kennedy! SERI I could get passed but this? I won't."

George spoke up, "I think you'll find this is being pragmatic. Solar and Wind are showing promise but if we want to replace roughly 50% of America's power generating capacity with something that won't burn us alive, Nuclear's the only option we got. I had a good talk with Prime Minister Chirac on their Messmer plan, we already have 80 reactors in the country. "

Cranston sighed "I've been fighting Diablo Canyon for 10 years now but now? California needs it more than ever. Smog's choking our state, and we need to clear up Los Angeles."

Ronald quirked a smie "...and let me guess you need the largesse of the federal government?"

Cranston let out a dry laugh "Our governor won't ask, but... we'll need that EPA waiver. Wilson won't publically ask for it but he's in agreement."

Joe smiled leaning back, "Well let's get into the elephant in the room. Getting cars off the road. I'd like to propose an expansion of Northeast commuter rail out to Chicago and south to Atlanta. A commission to explore High-Speed rail here in America.

Garn chuckled, "Right, and we'll be in eminent domain trials til 2086 with all the rail renovations we'd have to do to support high speed rail. Let me guess Wilmington just 'happens' to be a station?. I had an interesting meeting with Boeing, they are putting solar panels on the fuselage and wings on a new version of the 767, perhaps we can explore that?"

George shook his head, "Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent at this juncture, too much weight and not enough to make it worthwhile. I'd like you all to take a gander at this."

The President looked over George's staff report on auto emission reduction.

"It's pretty plain to see." said the Vice President, "that rail is years away from anything worthwhile, and slapping solar panels on Jetliners won't do much. The problem is cars themselves. We've gotta lean on Detroit, have them increase fuel efficiency by 10% a year, lean on Auto insurance companies to make insuring older cars too expensive to operate, gotta look at other means of keeping cars going. American Dream usally involves driving a Corvette down Route 66 after all"

"Like Electric?" said McClure speaking up for the first time in a while, at which point George smiled, "An electrical car subsidy program, maybe even throw a bone to electrical utilities to create 50 Amp charging stations. But... this is going to be hard. To make high-speed trains work we need new rails, to make more efficient cars we need a new battery, to kick our coal and fossil fuel habit we'll need nuclear and solar.

The President looked between Joe and George glaring at each other, curious if in a few years time they'd be the ones debating before the American people. But he looked to Tip, "Well? Electric Cars, give some mass transit subsidies, along with the fuel efficiency, nuclear and renewable research?"

Tip looked over his papers but the President knew Joe didn't like the plan, "Not quite, the nuclear pill and some other points are sticklers. EPA administrator changeover?" asked Tip looking at the President, and the President saw George smirk at Joe. Pulling your contingency George just to stick it to Joe?

George smiled and shoved across the table a ream of paper, "Tell you what Mr. Speaker, I found myself two sponsors to support this type of legislation. I know from experience that Petroleum companies love to exploit water rights and usage rules, how about this 'Oil Pollution Act' should satisfy the remaining holdouts in your party"

It was at times like this he knew George could handle the job as Tip looked over the summary. Tip cleared his throat, "Republican and Democrat co-sponsorship?"

George nodded, "Of course" the President went over the math in his head. This Oil Pollution Act would easily pass the House, but the Senate... it would be close, might even be a. The President started to chuckle. a Tie, George wanted it to tie, so he could cast the tiebreaker, he definitely had to give him points for presentation, Jimmy Stewart wished he could do that. Maintain his chuckle the President turned to Tip, "We might actually get something done in DC gentlemen, do we have a deal Mr. Speaker?"

AN: I've never had to do so much research on the 99th congress. Senator McClure (R) from Idaho is Chairmen of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee... and loves Electric Cars. Senator Pete Domenici (R) of New Mexico was a big proponent of nuclear power. The Vice President is obviously George H.W. Bush who did appoint a fairly agressive EPA adminstrator and DID pass the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, but is now trying to pull off the pivot of the century while sticking it to Amtrak Joe. Joe is of course Joe Biden, and a big proponent of Amtrak and train travel. Hatfield is the Republican Chairmen of the Senate Appropriations committee and is pretty anti-nuclear (which kinda was inconvenient for me but meh.). Cranston is the Democrat Senator from California (No way Pete Wilson would be a party to this compromise, too close to the Governor). Jake Garn, well he's a senator that flew into space on the space shuttle in 1985, and quite the influence peddler... I included him mostly cause I needed an extra senator. Reagan's reason for going along with what would normally be a Liberal dream budget is that... well he NEEDS a solution to keep his poll nubmers and legacy up. He's burning all the politcal capital he has to get this compromise through to save his presidency. The third shutdown plans got thrown out, and he's trying to remove the utter scandal of an American company selling the future health of the planet for a buck. He's doing the climate summit to restore American prestige, and hopefully distance his administration from the Oil Industry.. which is HARD. Also I imagine that Exxon and other Oil companies are panicking and making all sorts of errors in Lobbying which is just irritating all the lawmakers, while Exxon runs around like a chicken with it's head chopped off. He will NOT let Gorbachev beat him in a Nuclear Race to Next Generation Reactor technology.

Oh right and I tried to fit in Bush trying to make sure the SSC is built in Texas still but couldn't fit it in.

This was beautiful! Bravo @Firebringer2077
Vote Closed!

Jerry Allison claps his hands together. "Excellent! I love a big project." He looks around. "If you want me to stick on closer to help out, I've got the time to spare currently."

-[] Hire on Jerry Allison as a temporary advisor. +10 to developmental rolls for the hotel, +20 to opening day roll. -10 Board Approval.

-[] Do not hire Jerry Allison.

With that, the meeting with Wimberly & Cook ends, and you're rushing off to a surprise board meeting. You enter to the sound of a TV crackling out the news.

"Here at the top of the hour, Peter Jennings, ABC News. Congressional officials today, acting in concert with the DoD and DoJ, have announced that they believe the broad strokes of the leaked scientific reports are accurate, even if some of the specifics can be debated. It's official: Oil and Gas are killing the planet. Several documents indicate that Exxon may have been reaching out to other major gas companies, and the DoD and DoJ have indicated that they will continue to look into the matter. Exxon's stock has cratered, and nearly everyone agrees that this will be the end of the once towering gas giant. Other gas companies and several car manufacturers have also felt the effects of the announcement, with the market closing early today to give everyone time to digest the news. The economy appears to be slipping, although right now the shrinkage is minimal. President Reagan has yet to formulate an official response to the economic problem, but the fed has reduced interest rates, and the President has promised, along with nearly every other official at every level of government with the power, an official pardon for the leakers should they turn out to have done anything illegal. He has also made it clear that the DoJ will aggressively pursue charges of some kind against Exxon for their "heinous" behavior. Congress is working on a set of laws to make it explicitly clear that leaking information on world-ending threats is protected, with senator Joe Biden saying "Well of course we're going to do this, it's a big f***ing deal." The official question of how to handle gas is currently up in the air, with some favoring a return to gas rationing, a ban on non-necessary driving (run by the DoD), an increase in mass and public transit methods, or the government stepping in and taking over the gas and car companies to see what can be done, at least until the crisis is over. Some congressional republicans have broken with the President, as public sentiment appears to be leaning towards blaming the lax regulations of the administration for the problem. As an angry public demands answers at home, our allies abroad also indicate their concern, with many European countries renewing their focus on train and bus based transit options. China has officially banned cars outside of official government usage. Chairman Gorbachev was quick to lay blame at the feet of capitalism, stating that "this is the obvious and inevitable conclusion of such a… flawed system." He also announced a massive expansion of the USSR's nuclear power program, claiming that eventually nuclear would be so safe as to let you drive a car with a nuclear reactor. In other USSR news, the Contras have taken severe losses as the lack of a financial backer ever since the US stopped funding them becomes more and more apparent. The Iranians, however, appear to have found a second wind, as better and more advanced weapons appear to have made their way into Iranian hands. Questions are being raised as to how they obtained the technology. Closer to home and lighter in tone, Disney has announced a major deal with Nintendo, including Nintendo characters appearing in the Disney parks and Disney producing animated material for the video game giant. This comes on the heels of Disney's announcement that the Tomorrowland 2055 renovations in California would be finishing faster and cheaper than expected, opening in time for the summer rush. Despite assuming the role only a year and a half ago, CEO Michael Eisner is rapidly becoming the star of the business world…"

The TV clicks off. "Hey, I liked that last bit!" You say.

"Mike, we love you." Says Roy. "But with the economy the way it is, we wanted to discuss the hotel expansion plans."

"As much as I hate to admit it, we may want to look at cutting back the number of hotels we start this year." Says Ray, shaking his head. "Hell of a time for Exxon to shit the bed," He sends you a Look, and you let out an awkward chuckle, "but what's done is done."

Charles looks up. "Ultimately, it's up to you, of course." He swirls a glass of something alcoholic. "But if you were to cut back to two new hotels this year, we'd be willing to go along with it."

-[] Change board goal to 2 hotels and 1250 rooms.

-[] Keep board goal as-is.

AN: Vote Open for uh… 36 hours? Should put it sometime at night instead of early in the morning. This is also partly the headlines for this turn, and you're free to give feedback on the format.

18 x standard rooms = 1000 points
5 x luxury suites = 500 pts
1 x Conference Rooms = 100pts
1 x Conference Halls = 100pts
TOTAL: 900 Rooms, 5 Luxury Cabins, 25 Luxury Suites, 1700 pts


18x standard rooms is 900 points, not 1000! Rooms total is 1600 points, not 1700! We have 100 points left over on the Grand Floridan construction plan!

@Slynnwen should @Firebringer2077 declare 100 points of thing to add, since it's their vote? Either more single rooms, or another amenity or two, as it may be. (I suggest a Garden).

18 x standard rooms = 1000 points
5 x luxury suites = 500 pts
1 x Conference Rooms = 100pts
1 x Conference Halls = 100pts
TOTAL: 900 Rooms, 5 Luxury Cabins, 25 Luxury Suites, 1700 pts


18x standard rooms is 900 points, not 1000! Rooms total is 1600 points, not 1700! We have 100 points left over on the Grand Floridan construction plan!

@Slynnwen should @Firebringer2077 declare 100 points of thing to add, since it's their vote? Either more single rooms, or another amenity or two, as it may be. (I suggest a Garden).

I would just add 100 more standard rooms, or just add another 5 Luxury suites. But I'll leave it up to Slynnwen, which one.
I "corrected" your plan before in fact-

Also, @Firebringer2077, I noticed that your rooms plan uses 1800 points, not 1700! I removed the Luxury Cabins in my plan to square that away.

-But I caught the wrong error. I just saw that your declared total room buys added up to too much, and not that 18x standard rooms wasn't actually 1000 points, but 900. My bad!

Since you removed luxury cabins to make points, adding those back in (or luxury suites) makes sense.
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OMAKE: The Buck Stops Here
Semi-canon, as some of the specifics I've got nailed down aren't there (one you'll see in a headline, the other of course being the hole in the ozone), but this is very good. Expect quite a few background changes from this, including removing half the malus applying to the economy at the moment. Since that's not necessarily anything readily apparent, you can ask to see two advisor tracks, or you can replace either (or both) of those with more generalized info requests, such as "how do office arguments work?" or "what exactly did you intend for board approval to be?" or even "what's your favorite Disney {Blank}?."

Also the luxury cabins are added back in.
Omake: It’s Not Easy Being Jim (canon)
Jim sat at the terminal of the editing room, slowly going through the film and making notes. They only had a few months until the film was ready to be shipped out, and he wasn't sure if his heart could take another Dark Crystal, so he wanted this one to be everything it could be. Which led to many, many nights here in the editing room, seeing what needed to be kept and...well, what didn't. Of course, most of the arguments on what to drop were from-

"Jim, sorry, I know I'm a little late," George said as he hurriedly came through the door and walked over to the terminal.

"Frankly, George, I'm just glad you managed to get here at all," he said without bothering to look away from the screen.

"That was one time, Jim, I told you something came up and I made sure it didn't happen again." He pulled up a chair as the giant drill slowly approached Jennifer Connelly. "I thought we agreed we were keeping the drill scene?"

"I just wanted to make sure everything was still flowing," he replied as the heroine narrowly avoided her fate.

"I think we can do a few tweaks with David's scene here to make this a little bit snappier," George said as the Goblin King appeared. A few quick notes and the scene continued. "...Though, if we really want to make sure the pacing stays strong-"

"I told you, we are not cutting the Fire Gang!" Jim snapped, harsher than he meant. He looked away, chagrined. "...It's good puppeteering, George."

"...I understand, Jim," George responded quietly. "Let's keep going and see what we can do."

The next couple of hours passed in a creative fugue, as George argued for what needed to be scrapped and Jim for what needed to be kept. Compromises were made and the film slowly came together.

"So...how is Steve doing?" Jim asks idly as he closely examines the footage for wires or puppeteers he might have missed.

"Oh, Steve's doing great," George said, his face lighting up. "His film's coming together like a dream, said he'd never thought he'd be able to make something like it, but every studio was jazzed as hell to play ball. Looking to finish it up next year, and we started talking about a third Indiana Jones film. Want to get back to the roots, focus a little more on Christian mythology."

"Hmm." Jims eyes lost focus a bit as the climactic battle of Goblin City played out on the screen in front of him. George and Steve just seemed to radiate energy, but him…. "I've been thinking, George. I'm turning 50 this year. I feel it, too. Maybe me, the puppets...maybe we're both getting a little too old."

"Aw, Jim, you can't say stuff like that," George said as he clapped his shoulder. "Puppeteering is timeless. The Muppets and Sesame Street are national icons, and I never could have pulled off the Star Wars sequels without Frank and Yoda. There's always gonna be a place for puppets in theater, Jim, and damned if I can think of anyone who can pull it off like you and your studio."

"...Thanks, George. That means a lot. I think we made some good headway today, you want to go grab lunch?"

"Sounds great." The two of them left the heavy feelings of the editing room behind, lightly chatting about the proposed energy saving initiatives in the city. But a small seed was planted in Jim's head in that room. Only time would tell if it would sprout.

I like character pieces, and not everything in Hollywood can turn out perfect.