Taking the Mickey: A Save Disney Quest

[X] Don Bluth

-[X] Do More Research. You want to keep looking, none of these locations are particularly suitable. Opens up more locations for each success, up to a total of 8 locations at 10 successes.
I really hope that explosive success means we can implement the same solar tech in the California park. It's just as suitable if not more so for the applications. And hey, we'd help really jumpstart the California solar power boom.
Build near the north western part of the Mediterannean? Either in Western Italy, Southern France, or Northern Spain.

Close enough to major population centers in inland Europe, also a global vacation spot, and maybe we could make a land based on The Little Mermaid / "Underwater" stuff?

If there is a mountain near a beach we could maybe have the illusion that there is a part of the park "built underwater, Underneath Atlantis" but its really just underground near the beach, with the illusion tech built inside.

To add to the illusion we could have a submarine ride that is part immersive ride part mass travel as a way of accessing the "Underwater cave" part of the land.
-[x] Decide Now. You're ready to start moving forward. France. +10 to rolls once a location is chosen.
[X] Don Bluth

-[X] Do More Research. You want to keep looking, none of these locations are particularly suitable. Opens up more locations for each success, up to a total of 8 locations at 10 successes.
[X] Don Bluth
-[X] Do More Research. You want to keep looking, none of these locations are particularly suitable. Opens up more locations for each success, up to a total of 8 locations at 10 successes.

I'm hoping we can get a RCID-like deal going on in the new Dutch province of Flevoland.
So, I'm looking over our current loadout of attractions and popularity, and compiling a list of those that are at or below 60% popularity. Those are the ones we're going to want to look into either revamping in some manner, or turning into some other attraction.

Attraction namePopularity
America Sings60%
Skyway (Connects to Fantasyland)50%
Casey Jr. Circus Train60%
Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough40%


We also need to really think about what kind of other parks we want to potentially open. Each one needs to have a cohesive identity and theme to it, something that makes it distinct from the others. If we go hand-in-hand with Universal, that allows us to make use of some serious IP power. Imagine a Ghostbuster ride that had the Imagineers thrown at it, with voice acting done by the original cast? The Universal Monsters having their own horror-land? An ET themed ride? And of course, we can use our expertise from completing the Rhine River ride for a Jaws ride.

We also need to think about how much immersion to give to the rides we come up with. Like, The Haunted Mansion, as well as the Tower of Terror and the latest addition, Operation Breakout. They all have the riders being part of a story.
random thought, but I'm a bit annoyed we didn't take the "get 3 advisers"minor goal. I think we have 4 right now, and we might have had 3 (i think at least 2) already when we had the option to choose it.

Unless the goal meant "3 more". In that case i understand it.

@Slynnwen how would have the advisor goal worked? Also how will the board react if we actually complete the hotel? I mean, it was the "doomed to fail" goal, and we're SO CLOSE to actually complete it!
random thought, but I'm a bit annoyed we didn't take the "get 3 advisers"minor goal. I think we have 4 right now, and we might have had 3 (i think at least 2) already when we had the option to choose it.

Unless the goal meant "3 more". In that case i understand it.

@Slynnwen how would have the advisor goal worked? Also how will the board react if we actually complete the hotel? I mean, it was the "doomed to fail" goal, and we're SO CLOSE to actually complete it!
It was "have 3 advisers," so you'd need 3 total.

The board will be extremely impressed should you actually complete the hotel, given that it'd be one of the fastest bits of construction they've seen. It'll also raise their expectations of what you can accomplish in the area in the future.
It was "have 3 advisers," so you'd need 3 total.
and we already have the three, + a "temporary" one...

I'm kind of annoyed, but oh well. It happens.

The board will be extremely impressed should you actually complete the hotel, given that it'd be one of the fastest bits of construction they've seen. It'll also raise their expectations of what you can accomplish in the area in the future.
that comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, obviously.

Still, with 100+ relationship (it will certainly go up) we should have quite a bit of freedom in what we want to do next year.

I like the idea of starting the EPCOT city, though we might prefer to wait a few more turns in order to get more advisors and extra actions, and to make more allies/contacts that could help us with it.

...actually, depending on what the "green" ultrasuccess does, that could help quite a bit with the city. We might very well make it nearly self-sustaining in terms of electricity, and providing enough panels for a whole city would give us a way to deal with any extra production capacity if (as i hope) we're somehow entering in the solar panel industry.
Rolls chart
@Slynnwen What are the different levels of success? (And is there anything above "It all started with a mouse . . . ?"
Exact success: exactly what's needed
Bare success: less than 5
Slight success: less than 10
Success: by at least 10
Great success: by at least 25
Greater success: by at least 50, or slightly lower depending on roll DC (generally for rolls where succeeding by at least 50 would go straight into 'magical success' territory)
Magical success: 90+
Fantasmic success: 100+, succeeds by over 75
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious success: 200+, succeeds by over 100
"It was all started by a mouse": 300+, succeeds by over 200

As to whether or not there's a level above "It was all started by a mouse," that's something you won't find out unless you get there.
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Nope, 100 is our max cap.
i know, but there's actually a bonus if we would normally go above it.

Amount doubles, so 25/50/100. 100 is the cap, at which point improving the relationship further will instead start permanently lowering the threshold needed for bonuses (so if you improved a relationship that was at 90 by 15, you'd hit 100 and the lowest bonus wouldn't go away until the relationship fell below 20, for example).
Do you think we could also start looking into Nuclear Power? You know what they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Though I also want to go that route just because I think it would be cool to be Nuclear Disney.
"Change the Channel"
Vote Closed!

-[X] Do More Research. You want to keep looking, none of these locations are particularly suitable. Opens up more locations for each success, up to a total of 8 locations at 10 successes.
-[X] Don Bluth

The Results said:
-[X] Figure out what's wrong with the Disney Channel: John Cooke, the new president of the channel, seems to be panicking about something. You aren't sure what's wrong, the Disney Channel has seen fairly consistent growth and just started turning a profit.

DC: 40.

Benefits: Address pressing issue with the Disney Channel. Unlocks more actions.

Results: 76+10, 86. Greater Success.

John Cooke was right to be panicking. You can't believe this was missed for so long, and hopefully there's some way to fix this quickly. How your churn rate ended up being sixteen times the industry average, you have no idea. Continued in "Change the Channel"

You knew that John was still getting a handle on things over at the Disney Channel, but you weren't sure entirely why he was panicking. He'd been excited to take over, and the channel was still seeing consistent growth. Whatever the problem was, hopefully you could get through it quickly.

You were still coming down from the scare with Hurricane Bob when you finally get the time to meet with John. He looks harried, more than a bit worn down, and overall much more concerned than you initially thought he'd be. "What's up, John?" You ask.

"I…" He pauses for a moment. "I'm not entirely certain where to begin." You gesture to the chair opposite your desk, and give him a chance to collect himself.

"Just start wherever you think is most relevant." You say.

"Alright." John sits a bit straighter. "I noticed when I took over from Jim that the numbers we were seeing for new subscribers to the Disney Channel were far, far larger than the numbers we were seeing for actual growth." He vaguely gestures with his hands. "I ran a study to try and figure out what exactly was going wrong, and it turns out that, well…" His hands shake a bit. "Our churn rate, or the rate at which people are unsubscribing from our channel is way too high."

"How high is it?" You respond. This isn't great, but hopefully something that could be fixed with some minor changes.

"It's sixteen times the industry average of five percent. We're losing eighty percent of the subscribers we have every month." John lapses into silence after that.

You join him, your mind torn between shutting down and going into overdrive. "How do we even have growth?" You ask. It's the only question that immediately comes to mind.

"The channel is still new enough that most people haven't tried it yet, but once we run out of potential new subscribers…" He trails off. You both know what will happen then.

"Do you have any ideas for what we can do, then?" You say. "Or why people aren't sticking around?"

"Well, from what we've heard, the shows we've got just aren't clicking with the audience." He shrugs. "We can do a couple of things, but at this point, we mostly just need to focus on getting something new that's worth watching." John looks up at the ceiling. "We've kicked around a couple of ideas, but mostly we're looking at increasing the number of Disney Channel exclusive films, getting the rights to air some more programming from other groups, or trying to do more IP focused shows."


-[] Double Disney Premier Films
: Bring up the total number of films produced specifically for the Disney Channel each year from two to four. They aren't the greatest movies, but they're a decent stopgap measure. +5 to live-action film rolls from extra attention in the area, slight impact on improving Disney Channel (2d6).

-[] Increase Outside Acquisition Budget
: Currently, the Disney Channel has a budget of five million each year to grab outside programming. It'd be a bit expensive, but bumping this up to fifty million would give the channel a much greater ability to grab shows from other sources instead of needing to produce everything in house. Decent impact on improving Disney Channel (3d6).

-[] Figment's Dreamfinders
: This was dropped early on in the channel's development cycle, but you think there's something here. A show based on the imagination pavilion at EPCOT could easily draw more people to the park, and people at the park would want to watch the show. It'd be expensive, but this is worth it. Increased EPCOT park draw, decent impact on improving Disney Channel (3d6).

-[] Chronicles of Prydain
: You've got Don's animation studio. The Black Cauldron has launched to immense acclaim and amazing reception worldwide. Perhaps it'd be worth it to see about making a kid's TV show based off the series as a whole? Or maybe something like 'Gurgi's Adventures?' Opens up option for Black Cauldron based ride in Magic Kingdoms, major impact on improving Disney Channel (5d6).

-[] The Disney Vault
: The immense success of selling old Disney movies on VHS clearly indicates that the public wants to see the films again and again. It might be worthwhile to see about doing some more reruns of the old movies on the Disney Channel, and see if they can spark some interest in it. Chance for backlash from people who see this as double-dipping on the IPs, but decent impact on improving Disney Channel (3d6).

-[] Disney Cartoons
: Alternatively, with the acquisition of Don's studio, you could also try and make some new cartoons focused on the old movies as well. The Adventures of the Seven Dwarves? The Misadventures of Pinocchio? There's no shortage of IPs to explore here. Great impact on improving Disney Channel (4d6).

-[] A Focus on the Parks
: It's maybe a bit more questionable than the other suggestions, but perhaps a series that goes through the various Disney park lands and tells some stories based off them could work. If it's done well enough, it would probably drive more park attendance, too! Increased park draw, minimal impact on improving Disney Channel (1d6).

With the ideas greenlit, you think you've got a good start on saving the Disney Channel. There's still some work to be done, though, and hopefully you'll be able to get John on board in the future.

The Disney Channel needs a total of 50 points to be 'saved.' Each option will roll a number of d6s and add that many points to the channel. Options you don't take now will be available in the TV category next turn.

John Cooke recruitable as a TV adviser starting next turn!

AN: Voting open for 24 hours, at which point there will be a mini-lude for the Black Cauldron premiere.

I thought that was our EMPLOYEE churn rate and people were quitting from whichever division ran the Disney Channel at alarming rates.

This is still bad, but differently bad.

...Can someone remind me when recruiting advisers would ever be a BAD idea? I think I read something about overspecialization?
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[X] Disney Cartoons
[X] Chronicles of Prydain
[X] Figment's Dreamfinders

Next turn we can double the movies and, focus on the park maybe, and dip into the vault.
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