The 10 Greatest Moments of Mega Man 2017 (Season 1 edition)
"There are No Heroes left in Man Eh...tell that to the creators of this show...the real hero's right here, and celebrating Thirty years of the Blue Bomber.
Hello I'm Johnson from Watchmojo Dot Com and we are bringing you the Top ten best moments from Megaman 2017.
Moment 10: "Welcome to Tomorrowland" (Megaman ep 1:Welcome to the World of Tomorrow)
The First on our list is the first scene a beautiful narration of Dr. Light giving the viewer a small tale of how the city fell to the Evil Dr. Wily's influence and terror as we are shown subversives being killed in the streets.
Families being torn apart and any form of resistance against the madman's rule being crushed under the boot of a group of Sniper Joe's. This is punctuated with the very camera we are observing this gruesome horror to be shot down and the POV to shift to a man running in terror around the city.
He is cornered and killed as the instrumentals flare up in a triumphant fashion. The Most horrifying thing about the opening is how normal it seems as if the Show is saying "This is the normal...welcome to the city."
The fact it has a distorted version of the song "Welcome to Tomorrowland" By Dan Foliart is playing in the background only adds to the unsettling nature of the Opening...I mean Jesus we see a man shot to ribbons as quiet music plays in the background.
It's a brilliant opening to a brilliant pilot.
Moment 9: The Rioters Battle (Megaman ep 1: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow)
Next up is the Fight that directly following the opening the show is a small group of Men and is a clear showing of the Main Female Protagonist Roll's badassery.
Surrounded by Sniper Joes, the lady has the gall to tackle one and point blank shot another in the head.
What follows is a small showing of people trying to fight the machines. Even if it shows all but Roll being killed horribly it is a strong showing of who is still fighting even in a bleck world.
Roll survives by removing her arm, witch has a sling of grenades and flees the scene.
It shows that its a losing battle, but Mankind isn't exactly laying down and dying like in the Protomen songs.
Moment 8: Megaman's Defiance (Ep 3: The Blue Bomber Cometh)
Episode 3 has us finally see Mega after he has been hinted by Dr. Light for the last 2 episodes, Ole Rock wants to go out and fight the evil of Wily but his Father Light wishes him to not get involved in his own mistakes.
With the immortal line from the song given the weight it deserves the Defiance of Mega shows us that our blue bomber is going to get involved weather Light wants to or not.
The Immortal words "I have spent my entire life watching this city burning...If you won't let me see the truth then you are No better than Wily !! I'm going now...And I am going to do my might take a while, but it will be done."
He left not a moment later. And we know our story truly begins…
Moment 7: Rock's Racing. (Ep 7: The Outsider in Blue)
At Number 7 is Rock at the Races, after meeting Roll and making contact at the Resistance Bar, old Rock has to gain trust with the rest of humanity who see him as a possible spy for Wily.
So he has to go on an underground motorcycle race .
Armed with a Bonneville Triumph and his Megabuster , Ole Mega battles Sniper Joes and a surprise appearance by the First of Many Robot Masters, Cut Man.
What follows is a high speed chase through downtown as Mega battles the Master with just one arm.
Number 6 and 5: Cut Man and Megaman's Duels (Ep 8-9 The Song of Cut man)
Mega's first duel with the Robot Masters was a long and drawn out battle between one of the Two most popular Bosses in the Franchise.
Cut Man is funny, terrifying and a well deserved first battle for Mega to cut loose.
The fact the Mega's rendition of the classic 90s Opening played as they were both smiling was the icing on the cake, they were just two kids having fun.
And It felt great.
Number 4: Dr. Light's Storytime (Ep 2 Storyline Megaman.)
Dr. Thomas Light has had it rough, he's already lost his first son Protoman to the War against Wily and does not wish to make that mistake again.
The Story of Protoman , told in a beautifully animated flashback. The Story of Protoman is a beautiful and tragic tale that shows that Light has already lost so much already.
Hero's have already tried and failed once. And the Looming spectre of failure hangs over everyone.
And this warning is always reminded about "The Death of Protoman" lingers over everyone.
Number 3: The Grave of Protoman (Episode 10: My Father's Son)
This one hurt long time Protomen fans and Newcomers alike, We were told just how powerful and awesome Protoman was but we never realized just how much of an impact he had on the city until we saw his Grave.
"Hope Rides Alone" Never have such a cold line been echoed in a shrine of Valor and remembrance.
Number 2: Mega Man abandon's Mankind (Ep 12 : The Truth)
With the Terrible Truth Revealed Megaman and Light have a heated conversation, with Megaman resolving to leave Mankind to its fate .
I don't need to say all saw it.
Number 1: The Duel (Ep 11: Hope Rides Alone)
Yeah you all saw this coming.
The Big Duel with a revealed to be alive Protoman as The Son's of Fate Play.
It was awesome, it was heartbreaking, and we don't know if Proto really died at the end because who kills the final boss at the end of the First Season..
Oh my… I'm still choked up about it…
Well that was our top ten...please like and subscribe.
AN: Tag me with your comments!! I want them!!