Fair. I was going off of memory.

Thundersprays and Sunfuries probably wouldn't be the best weapons for taking down Clawface, but any port in a storm, I suppose. That said, not only can Revolver presumably target Clawface, the Garneles are right next to it. So we've got three guns minimum, and Jagdhund should be able to get an angle on Clawface just by moving around to the hole we ripped in the Inner perimeter.

Edit: Also, if there was ever a time for Revolver's All Out Attack ability to be used, the enemy charging up some massive attack would be that time.

I don't think we have any active enemies besides them period, though maybe there are more Cat I+ Kaiju sleeping under the monument. Intercessor's in pieces, and our smaller units are busy keeping their smaller units busy/hunting them (and presumably winning).

Jagdhund's currently not within the inner perimeter, and I'm not sure she has the Move to get there (E: "there" being "the Monument", not the Inner Perimeter). Also, I'm fairly sure the Monument has entrances? Or were those sealed already? If so, I'd still figure those as being easier to batter down than the walls themselves.
I think the next plan of action is clear, then.

[X] Plan Hit the Glowing Thing for Massive Damage ver. 0.8
-[x] Revolver Shogun activates All-Out Assault, targetting Clawface. Fire all weapons except the LC-Laser Cannon.
-[x] Jagdhund commands the Garneles to fire at Clawface, in bursts.
-[x] Jagdhund herself moves into the inner perimeter, towards Clawface, and shoots a him.
-[x] Phenom continues to Grapple Tara.
-[x] Tacit does [?????]

I'm a bit rusty, but here's the plan we've put together so far.

It's still at ver. 0.8 because it has two big problems:
First, I don't recall which weapon Jagdhund has active right now.
Second, I can't think of anything for Tacit to do right now.

Either the Machine Cannon or the Jagdgewehr could hit Clawface, but again, I can't recall which one she has right now. I do remember she put away the Dolch Gewehr, I think in the previous turn? Maybe the one before it.

Tacit doesn't have any targets to Charge into and his lasers can't reach Clawface. I think we can do have him do one of these three things:

  1. The cautious option: go on overwatch and prepare to fire lasers at anything crawling into view. Not exactly exciting and his lasers aren't long-ranged enough to really intercept anything, but it'd at least give us some warning and might be just enough to let us act without interruptions.
  2. The wrecking ball option: Run to the closest entrance to the monolith and try to carve it open. We'll need to get inside sooner or later, so let's do it sooner.
  3. The Crazy option: Run to the monolith's walls and start climbing. Tacit can't shank Clawface without getting closer, so he's going to get closer dammit. Maybe a combat leap can get Tacit up where Clawface is? It's about 5 units up, IIRC.
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  1. The cautious option: go on overwatch and prepare to fire lasers at anything crawling into view. Not exactly exciting and his lasers aren't long-ranged enough to really intercept anything, but it'd at least give us some warning and might be just enough to let us act without interruptions.
  2. The wrecking ball option: Run to the closest entrance to the monolith and try to carve it open. We'll need to get inside sooner or later, so let's do it sooner.
  3. The Crazy option: Run to the monolith's walls and start climbing. Tacit can't shank Clawface without getting closer, so he's going to get closer dammit. Maybe a combat leap can get Tacit up where Clawface is? It's about 5 units up, IIRC.
Out of these options, I'd have to go with "wrecking ball."
- Jagdhund doesn't have anything in her hands, I think.
- I don't think All out assault is worth it for revolver. Clawface is at either medium or long range for the missiles, and the missiles aren't that powerful, and All out assault gives a -1 accuracy penalty. Instead I would do rapid fire with the U-10, which would be 4 shots of the U-10, 2 at -1 accuracy
- I would do wrecking ball for Tacit
- Jagdhund doesn't have anything in her hands, I think.
She can equip the Machine Cannon with a Free Action, so that's not a problem.
How about having her equip it with a Free Action, and fire a burst? I think Clawface is just within the Machine Cannon's Medium Range bracket.

12 units horizontally from the Monolith's entrance, plus 5 vertically. There's about 4 units between the hole in the wall and the entrance, and Jagdhund is 2 from the hole in the wall. That's 23 units and the Machine Cannon's medium range bracket is 25.

- I don't think All out assault is worth it for revolver. Clawface is at either medium or long range for the missiles, and the missiles aren't that powerful, and All out assault gives a -1 accuracy penalty. Instead I would do rapid fire with the U-10, which would be 4 shots of the U-10, 2 at -1 accuracy
That does sound like it has better odds of landing a hit.

Out of these options, I'd have to go with "wrecking ball."
- I would do wrecking ball for Tacit
I'll add it in.

[X] Plan Hit the Glowing Thing for Massive Damage ver. 1.0
-[x] Revolver Shogun fires an Ultra Barrage with the Ultra Autocannons, targetting Clawface.
-[x] Jagdhund commands the Garneles to fire at Clawface, in bursts.
-[x] Jagdhund herself equips the Machine Cannon from her SEER and fires a burst at Clawface.
-[x] Phenom continues to Grapple Tara.
-[x] Tacit moves to the entrance of the monolith and starts slashing a way through.
I had an idea for a grappling action. One can try to protect another participant of a grapple. My base idea is roll a grapple and, if it is higher than the target's, and the target fails its grapple, then it can be used instead, but cannot provide grapple actions.
Possible addendums would be making the roll at a penalty, as one is not in another's shoes, making the target's result the mean of the action's result and the target's result if it would be better, or just providing a flat bonus to an ally's grapple rolls.

My issue is that it is currently kind-of concerning to join Phenom's improvised mud-wrestling. It feels like it does more to expose Tacit and does pretty much nothing for Phenom other than to potentially end the fight more swiftly? This feels wrong?

As to the current action though: I kind-of want Tacit to overwatch, with it's blades, in the hopes that henom rolls high enough for a Throw action...
- I don't think All out assault is worth it for revolver. Clawface is at either medium or long range for the missiles, and the missiles aren't that powerful, and All out assault gives a -1 accuracy penalty. Instead I would do rapid fire with the U-10, which would be 4 shots of the U-10, 2 at -1 accuracy
Fair. Wasn't sure on the range when I made that suggestion. And also forgot about the U-10's rapid fire.
As to the current action though: I kind-of want Tacit to overwatch, with it's blades, in the hopes that henom rolls high enough for a Throw action...
...Is Melee Overwatch a thing? I can't recall using it, though I could be entirely wrong. Does make sense to be a thing, though it might have another name.
Phenom is not surrendering his victim to Tacit.

No, he has Tara handled, let the og find his own victim.
It's also just a bad choice tactically. Leaves Tacit just sitting in the open, GAPAS inactive (unless he moves), while the enemy is about to open fire. And Throwing would break the Grapple, which is likely keeping Tara from doing crazy shenanigans via the connection to the fortress. It's a cool maneuver in theory, but in practice, right now, it's not a great one. Honestly, it might be more entertaining and useful for "Kaiju skeet shooting". Something to file away under "neat idea we should totally try some time", but not our best move at the moment.

[X] Plan Hit the Glowing Thing for Massive Damage ver. 1.0
Sorry, was a little busy with stuff. I'll lock in the plan now, so gimme some rolls.

[X] Plan Hit the Glowing Thing for Massive Damage ver. 1.0
-[x] Revolver Shogun fires an Ultra Barrage with the Ultra Autocannons, targetting Clawface.
-[x] Jagdhund commands the Garneles to fire at Clawface, in bursts.
-[x] Jagdhund herself equips the Machine Cannon from her SEER and fires a burst at Clawface.
-[x] Phenom continues to Grapple Tara.
-[x] Tacit moves to the entrance of the monolith and starts slashing a way through.
Remember, Phenom's operating at maximum grapple bonus now. Also, Clawface is currently in Light Cover, so you'll be taking +1 To-hit Difficulty. I'm assuming you'll be using standard Assault Rounds for the Machine Cannons, rather than anything fancy.

Bonuses and exact dice numbers should be on the character sheets, for reference.
So Revolver's roll would be 2 sets of 2d10 plus whatever bonuses it has?

Sorry, it's been a while. Don't remember all the rules.
So Revolver's roll would be 2 sets of 2d10 plus whatever bonuses it has?

Sorry, it's been a while. Don't remember all the rules.
It'd be a 2/d10+4* hitting on 6+ for the initial attack, and then a 2/d10+2 hitting on 6+ for the secondary attack. If you roll a 1 or a 2 on any of these dice, the gun immediately Misfires.

*I write it as n/d10 rather than nd10 because the dice are used separately, not added together.
...I don't think we get a second with that misfire, this may be the other reason why ranged focused Jaegers aren't the way of the future.
...I don't think we get a second with that misfire, this may be the other reason why ranged focused Jaegers aren't the way of the future.
Yeah, using rapid fire on the U-10 means the gun will jam due to the misfire, but such is life. No worse that how Tacit's lasers used to constantly burn out, and at least we can unjam the U-10 with an action.
I'll do the rolls for Jagdhund then.
Vanestus threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Garnele 1 Total: 7
1 1 5 5 1 1
Vanestus threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Garnele 2 Total: 18
3 3 5 5 10 10
Vanestus threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Jagdhund Machine Cannon Total: 20
10 10 3 3 7 7
Vanestus threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Garnele 2 Hit Loc Total: 13
4 4 9 9
Vanestus threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: Jagdhund Hit Locs Total: 22
1 1 7 7 8 8 6 6
Vanestus threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Jagdhund Explosion Total: 7
7 7