IIRC if you Expose the enemy in a grapple they are only targeted separately from the grapple pile for melee attacks, meaning your ally in the grapple won't run the risk of hitting you while trying to stab the other guy. Unfortunately, this also means the other guy can React to to the stabbing attempt.

On the one hand, if Tacit is close enough to Charge with a Combat Leap then it might be worth it for a 2/1d10+7(? 5 from HtH +2 from Charge) Attack roll and +4 Damage Bonus, even with the Reaction. Plus, we'd still have two points left over for a standard attack with Phenom's claws.

On the other (big, scary) hand, Phenom's Destroyer talons hit with 1d10+6, +4 Damage Bonus, by themselves. That's a lot of damage. And if the enemy can't react that's damn close to a guaranteed Major Wound, depending only on the AV of the hit location.

I will say It's been a while and I might be reading the character sheets wrong, but I'm leaning towards the Free Attack if only because I'd rather inflict guaranteed wounds.
Aw, yeah! Just what I needed, a bit of Kaiju stabbing. Or grappling. Not exactly picky.
It seems clear to me that the monument is going to boost a ranged attack or ability for Clawface. Clawface should now be our top priority target, we want to interfere with whatever it is doing.

@Fyrstorm how wide of a perch is Clawface on?
Seems like it.
Well do we wanna try to take Tara alive and upgrade our holding cell to hold a tier 3?
Given that I'm fairly sure it's the one most closely connected to the fortress, nah, Tara needs to take a dirt nap, ASAP.
IIRC if you Expose the enemy in a grapple they are only targeted separately from the grapple pile for melee attacks, meaning your ally in the grapple won't run the risk of hitting you while trying to stab the other guy. Unfortunately, this also means the other guy can React to to the stabbing attempt.

On the one hand, if Tacit is close enough to Charge with a Combat Leap then it might be worth it for a 2/1d10+7(? 5 from HtH +2 from Charge) Attack roll and +4 Damage Bonus, even with the Reaction. Plus, we'd still have two points left over for a standard attack with Phenom's claws.

On the other (big, scary) hand, Phenom's Destroyer talons hit with 1d10+6, +4 Damage Bonus, by themselves. That's a lot of damage. And if the enemy can't react that's damn close to a guaranteed Major Wound, depending only on the AV of the hit location.

I will say It's been a while and I might be reading the character sheets wrong, but I'm leaning towards the Free Attack if only because I'd rather inflict guaranteed wounds.
Pretty sure you can't react on an Exposed Attack. I mean, setting the question of why you'd expose without that, how are you going to Dodge, Block, or Parry while your movement is restricted? That said, if memory serves, you can spend the full Four points on multiple Free Attacks. So the difference in damage is minimal, and having Phenom rip into Tara leaves Tacit free to do other stuff. Tactically, that does seem like the better move. If it works that way. Which I could be wrong about.
I'm gonna lock in the Free Talons.
Throw me 1d10+6 and a hit location!
Since we don't have a location yet, I'll handle that.

edit: So it looks like we're hitting the left shoulder.
Sir Plusse threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Location Total: 13
10 10 3 3
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Pretty sure you can't react on an Exposed Attack. I mean, setting the question of why you'd expose without that, how are you going to Dodge, Block, or Parry while your movement is restricted? That said, if memory serves, you can spend the full Four points on multiple Free Attacks. So the difference in damage is minimal, and having Phenom rip into Tara leaves Tacit free to do other stuff. Tactically, that does seem like the better move. If it works that way. Which I could be wrong about.
I concluded that from how the Expose option is worded on the Grapple Rules we use.

Expose: You put the loser in a position to be struck by an outside attack. The exposed character can be targeted separately from the rest of the grapple for melee attacks. If you use ranged attacks, other members of the grapple are considered clustered as normal.
It only says the loser can be positioned so they can be targeted separately, for melee attacks specifically.
It makes sense that the loser would have a harder time reacting to a melee attacl from someone outside the grapple, so we could argue there should be at least a penalty to their Reactions, but it says nothing about preventing a reaction.

Heck, the target of a 2-point standard attack can still try to dodge, apparently without any penalties, going by the text of that option, so I decided to err on the side of caution and assume Tara can still react normally despite being Exposed to an attack.
Let's just say the Grapple rules might need a slight rework in the future for clarity's sake, and leave it at that for now.


Hit to Left Shoulder! Major Wound! -3 HtH, -3 Dex! Armour Destroyed!
Tara takes 5 Strikes! +4 Ongoing!

With a single, vicious strike, Phenom plunges his talons into the pit of Tara's left arm and rips upward! No longer inhibited by the tough plates, the oscillating blades shear through muscle and cartilage, nearly severing the limb in its entirety as the armoured plate splinters. Tara shrieks out a mix of pain and hatred, toxic blue blood gushing from the limp and flailing appendage.

However, in spite of what would otherwise be a crippling injury, Tara is far from beaten-- jagged lines of blue crackle up from her feet, flowing to the left side of her body. Before the Uemuras' eyes, muscles clamp down on severed veins, and bands of sinew shoot out to bridge the gap, slowly starting to pull the wound shut!

Tara regenerates 1 Strike! Tara heals 1 Ongoing!

Your turn now. Don't worry, Tara doesn't have Kaizoku/Jackal Indigo levels of regeneration, so that wound penalty is sticking.
Let's continue the grapple murder! This is what Phenom Sable was made for, and it looks like Tara's ability to counter grapple is heavily shot.
Looking at the character sheets, Tacit still has Thunderspray grenades in his inventory, so that's something to use against any group of Cat 0s that are around/show up.

From the previous update:

- Jaegers:
-- Tacit Ronin adjacent to the inner wall's new hole.
-- Phenom is grapplin' Tara.
-- Jagdhund is 2 spaces from the hole in the wall.
-- Garneles Alpha and Bravo are next to Revolver (see below).
-- Revolver Shogun is within the inner perimeter, directly opposite the northern entrance (3 spaces)
- Crunchies and Superheavies are busy, except for:
-- 2 Drakons still armed, carrying 2 Sunfire bombs. They're in quantum superposition, and will appear when and where you need them to do a thing.

Anteverse/Kaiju Fortress:
- Kaiju:
-- Clawface is atop the fortress, 5 units up, roughly 12 units horizontal from the northern Hall's entrance (right in the middle of the Monument, so 2 units from the edge).
-- Tara is behind the Inner Perimeter, grappling with Phenom Sable.
- Base Defenses are busy.
- Monument may be doing something weird.
This could be a good moment to drop those Sunfires, and we should probably do something about Clawface, given its ominous glowing and apparent interfacing with the monument.

I'll have to double-check the map, as I'm not sure we have anyone that can hit Clawface right now. I don't think we do, but I want to be certain.
Looking at the character sheets, Tacit still has Thunderspray grenades in his inventory, so that's something to use against any group of Cat 0s that are around/show up.

From the previous update:

This could be a good moment to drop those Sunfires, and we should probably do something about Clawface, given its ominous glowing and apparent interfacing with the monument.

I'll have to double-check the map, as I'm not sure we have anyone that can hit Clawface right now. I don't think we do, but I want to be certain.
Revolver should be able to hit with the U-10, and so can the Garneles. Jagdhund can't though, since I was expecting to need her in melee when I made the plan and had her put her gun away.
Revolver should be able to hit with the U-10, and so can the Garneles. Jagdhund can't though, since I was expecting to need her in melee when I made the plan and had her put her gun away.
Then I suppose we should have them shoot the Clawface and hope it interrupts whatever it is doing, and reposition our forces or break more holes in walls for our forces to move through. I don't think we have any enemies in view right now other than Tara and Clawface.
The others can deal with Clawface, does Phenom really need help with Tara?
Not at the moment, but an unlucky roll could change that. I'm thinking we get Tacit up against the side of the central monument, so that Clawface can't get line of sight to Tacit. Meanwhile, Phenom keeps grappling Tara and everyone else shoots Clawface

Edit: Actually, maybe also have Jagdhund move up against the gate as well, have them work on breaking into the monument while RS and the Garneles shoot at Clawface
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I concluded that from how the Expose option is worded on the Grapple Rules we use.

It only says the loser can be positioned so they can be targeted separately, for melee attacks specifically.
It makes sense that the loser would have a harder time reacting to a melee attacl from someone outside the grapple, so we could argue there should be at least a penalty to their Reactions, but it says nothing about preventing a reaction.

Heck, the target of a 2-point standard attack can still try to dodge, apparently without any penalties, going by the text of that option, so I decided to err on the side of caution and assume Tara can still react normally despite being Exposed to an attack.
Fair. I was going off of memory.
Looking at the character sheets, Tacit still has Thunderspray grenades in his inventory, so that's something to use against any group of Cat 0s that are around/show up.

From the previous update:

This could be a good moment to drop those Sunfires, and we should probably do something about Clawface, given its ominous glowing and apparent interfacing with the monument.

I'll have to double-check the map, as I'm not sure we have anyone that can hit Clawface right now. I don't think we do, but I want to be certain.
Thundersprays and Sunfuries probably wouldn't be the best weapons for taking down Clawface, but any port in a storm, I suppose. That said, not only can Revolver presumably target Clawface, the Garneles are right next to it. So we've got three guns minimum, and Jagdhund should be able to get an angle on Clawface just by moving around to the hole we ripped in the Inner perimeter.

Edit: Also, if there was ever a time for Revolver's All Out Attack ability to be used, the enemy charging up some massive attack would be that time.
I don't think we have any enemies in view right now other than Tara and Clawface.
I don't think we have any active enemies besides them period, though maybe there are more Cat I+ Kaiju sleeping under the monument. Intercessor's in pieces, and our smaller units are busy keeping their smaller units busy/hunting them (and presumably winning).
Not at the moment, but an unlucky roll could change that. I'm thinking we get Tacit up against the side of the central monument, so that Clawface can't get line of sight to Tacit. Meanwhile, Phenom keeps grappling Tara and everyone else shoots Clawface

Edit: Actually, maybe also have Jagdhund move up against the gate as well, have them work on breaking into the monument while RS and the Garneles shoot at Clawface
Jagdhund's currently not within the inner perimeter, and I'm not sure she has the Move to get there (E: "there" being "the Monument", not the Inner Perimeter). Also, I'm fairly sure the Monument has entrances? Or were those sealed already? If so, I'd still figure those as being easier to batter down than the walls themselves.
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