OK, I didn't realize he was so far outside of the city when he was fighting Hookwolf. That makes it less dumb to explicitly state your intent to kill him, but it's still not exactly smart. Not a complaint about the story, the mc is allowed to have flaws, but I'm also allowed to yell at them for being dumb every once and a while.
Chapter 52 Subvote
[X] Power

Power Roll: (300 points)
Roll, D100=15 0 Baby Summoning + reroll, 200 Chain Summoning, or 100 Contingent Summoning

Reroll if Baby Summoning:
Roll: D100=64 0 Exchange, 200 Free reroll, or 600 One of each, but too expensive

Reroll if Baby Summoning + Exchange but refused
Roll: D100=45 300 Shares senses, 300 Size Augmentation, or 100 Size Reduction.

(That was a lot of dices roll.)

To avoid another round of subvote I already did the reroll for Baby Summoning so you know what the option is, it's not very fair for the other choice but it's easier. And I did the same thing for Exchange in case you reject the option.

Here's the description of the various available power:

0 -Baby Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose to make it a baby version of itself.
When you gain this you can immediately reroll.

200 -Chain Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose another creature of the same size, within 10% difference. When the first creature dies or is unsummoned, the second creature is automatically summoned in its place. In that way, you can create a chain of up to ten creatures.

100 -Contingent Summoning: You can choose a creature so it's summoned in a specific place related to you and upon a set trigger of your choice. Should that trigger be met the creature is immediately summoned. The trigger can be anything that you can imagine. As long as a creature is set to be summoned this way you cannot summon it normally. You can only have one Contingent summoning activated at a time.

0 -Exchange: You can choose one creature you possess and exchange it for another creature of the same cost.
If you choose to not use this effect you can reroll.

200 -Free Reroll: If you fail to gain something that you rolled because you do not have enough points, you can immediately reroll.
This is a permanent effect.

300 -Shares Senses: At will you can share the senses of one of your creatures or allow one of your creatures to share yours.

300 -Size Augmentation: At any time you can choose to double the size of one of your summoned creatures; this augments its strength and resistance in proportion but reduces its speed; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

100 -Size Reduction: At any time you can choose to halve the size of one of your summoned creatures; this reduces its strength and resistance in proportion but augments its speed; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.

This gives us the following possibility for the vote:

[] Chain Summoning

[] Contingent Summoning

[] Baby Summoning + Free Reroll

[] Baby Summoning + Exchange

[] Baby Summoning + Reject Exchange + Shares Senses

[] Baby Summoning + Reject Exchange + Size Augmentation

[] Baby Summoning + Reject Exchange + Size Reduction

A pretty complicate vote this time, but I hope you enjoy the possibility offered by those choices.
If you wish to exchange a creature we will do another round of votes separately for that.

Voting will be closed Tuesday at 1 PM GMT
[X] Baby Summoning + Reject Exchange + Size Augmentation

Well that was one of the six 0 powers, so clear that off the list and than grab a useful 300 point power to slim that list down more.
Contingent summoning might be worth it, since we're teleporting the prisoners directly to prison now, there's definitely going to be an all out assault to recover them by the Empire.

I feel like if we don't choose it there are definitely going to be more PRT and possibly some Protectorate deaths. Especially after we killed Hookwolf, unless we keep Krunter on guard duty (so he can teleport to us and bring us in as reinforcements, not to fight on his own) wherever they're holding the prisoners. And even then, the other PRT/Protectorate location will probably be attacked simultaneously.
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Contingent summoning might be worth it, since we're teleporting the prisoners directly to prison now, there's definitely going to be an all out assault to recover them by the Empire.
It does, but the allure of getting more stuff is powerful. I think the Only 1 clause holds it back. Like we can't do multiple at this time, nor can we readily dismiss the Contingent summon to reuse. If we could then I would have argued for spending all our points on Chain + Contingent.
nor can we readily dismiss the Contingent summon to reuse

It doesn't actually say that, we might be able to dismiss a contingency summon in an emergency. I think the no normal summoning is just to prevent 2 copies of the same creature from being used.

@zagan which way does it work? Can we dismiss a contingency remotely or would we have to travel to the location it is set at? Also does chain summoning work with contingent summoning? If it does we could have Krunter monitor one location and set up a contingency chain of our heavy hitters at the other headquarters.
As long as a creature is set to be summoned this way you cannot summon it normally. You can only have one Contingent summoning activated at a time.
I think the no normal summoning is just to prevent 2 copies of the same creature from being used.
It's both. Like we couldn't game the system to have two Godzillas, but we also couldn't have two different contingency creatures; only 1 may have a contingency.
It's both. Like we couldn't game the system to have two Godzillas, but we also couldn't have two different contingency creatures; only 1 may have a contingency.
Yeah having only one contingency is kind of weak, but it's somewhat better if it works with chain summoning.

Actually would it be too OP to make it work with the summon limit doublers? That would give us 4 contingencies, and if it works with chain summoning, that's up to 40 creatures summoned in an emergency.
What is the point of a baby summon? And will it always remain a baby? Or is it more like a baby at this summon but we can choose to summon it normally next time? Baby Floramon?

Either way this could have been useful 2 chapters ago:
[X] Contingent Summoning
Can we set it to be summoned with that robot skin?
Contingent summoning might be worth it, since we're teleporting the prisoners directly to prison now, there's definitely going to be an all out assault to recover them by the Empire.

I feel like if we don't choose it there are definitely going to be more PRT and possibly some Protectorate deaths. Especially after we killed Hookwolf, unless we keep Krunter on guard duty (so he can teleport to us and bring us in as reinforcements, not to fight on his own) wherever they're holding the prisoners. And even then, the other PRT/Protectorate location will probably be attacked simultaneously.

I think there's some confusion both in the situation currently in the fic and with how contingent summoning works.
First the situation:
Currently, we have three prisoners, held in cells at the PRT building in Brockton Bay, Krieg, Crusader, and Alabaster.
We know that the Empire wants to get them back and we know that generally to set prisoners free they attack the convoy that transports them to the prison.
The Empire, or any other gang, very rarely directly attacks a PRT HQ or a Protectorate base, because even in case of success that calls for a National response.
This is why between their capture, Wednesday 23/03/2011, and the day of the last chapter, Monday 28/03/2021, they made no move to free them.
But they can't remain in the PRT cells forever they need to be moved to a real prison soon, to await their trials.

The MC proposed to Piggot that instead of transporting the prisoner by road, they could be teleport directly to the prison with Olky's help.
That plan was approved but Olky and the MC by definition, need to go to the prison in person first.

At some point, Hookwolf learned about that and decide to stop the MC. (How he learned it? Did he take the initiative? Was it under order? You don't know.)

The prison is situated around 2 hours away from Brockton Bay, by road. Hookwolf intercepted the MC roughly halfway there. And you know the rest.

Now you mentioned putting Olky (not Krunter) on Guard duty to bring reinforcement, but you can't do that without the MC himself being on guard duty, remember no summoned creature can go more than 1km away from the MC.

Next Contingent summoning:
It's both. Like we couldn't game the system to have two Godzillas, but we also couldn't have two different contingency creatures; only 1 may have a contingency.
That's right, only one contingency, but nothing preventing you from dismissing a contingency currently in place to summon the creature immediately if you need it.

Yeah having only one contingency is kind of weak, but it's somewhat better if it works with chain summoning.
It does work with chain summoning but all creatures in the chain would be blocked.

Actually, would it be too OP to make it work with the summon limit doublers? That would give us 4 contingencies, and if it works with chain summoning, that's up to 40 creatures summoned in an emergency.
No, I'm sorry no combo between contingent summoning and improved limit.
Contingent summoning is supposed to be used as an energy measure, for a strategic surprise, or even to summon a creature without a direct line of sight like:
"If a projectile would hit me from behind, summon Clockwork White right behind me."
"When I turn this corner wait 5 seconds and summon Hexa 20m behind me."
"In one second summon Red 50m in front of me and 20m in the air."
"If I'm unconscious for more than 1 hour summon spider bot 1m behind me."

A lot of possibilities.

What is the point of a baby summon? And will it always remain a baby? Or is it more like a baby at this summon but we can choose to summon it normally next time? Baby Floramon?

Either way this could have been useful 2 chapters ago:
[X] Contingent Summoning
Can we set it to be summoned with that robot skin?
It's a 0 points power, it's mostly for fun. But it's not permanent, Baby Floramon would be Pabumon because she's a Digimon but baby Scalpa would be just a baby of that species or Baby White would be a bay Wooly Hippo. It can be useful if we get a really big creature and we don't size-reduction yet. Baby Godzilla is still Godzilla. And yes it can be combined with any other transformation power.
It's a 0 points power, it's mostly for fun. But it's not permanent, Baby Floramon would be Pabumon because she's a Digimon but baby Scalpa would be just a baby of that species or Baby White would be a bay Wooly Hippo. It can be useful if we get a really big creature and we don't size-reduction yet. Baby Godzilla is still Godzilla. And yes it can be combined with any other transformation power.
the reason why its op is because of the power of merchandise and brand image its just the thing we need to look cute after killing hookwoof
Pabumon because she's a Digimon but baby Scalpa would be just a baby of that species or Baby White would be a bay Wooly Hippo. It can be useful if we get a really big creature and we don't size-reduction yet. Baby Godzilla is still Godzilla. And yes it can be combined with any other transformation power.
Ok so it's not a permanent effect? Like once a baby always a baby till they grow older?
And how would that affect Horizon Zero Dawn robots?
Wanted to ask. If we took giant and gave it to the djjin how would it effect the stats? Especially if we equip it?