[X] 600 Choose one (500)

Didn't @zagan say Purchasing Summon x7 instantly takes us to the Capstone Powers List? I want to get Choose One (500) while it's still easily available.
I did.

[X] 700 Summon x 7

Grab this now so people have less incentive to keep pushing for more powers
Concerning the strength that are offered by some of the capstone powers I'm not sure that this will work. Though the fact that they're for the most part much pricer (the majority are at 600 or more) may mean that under that threshold creature may have a chance.
[X] 600 Choose one (500)
I am more interested in the potential this offers.

Also, @zagan I never actually picked up on Alex being impulsive or at least more so than the average teenager. I always thought his reason for joining the Protectorate so quickly was due to their fantastic PR campaign.
Also, @zagan I never actually picked up on Alex being impulsive or at least more so than the average teenager. I always thought his reason for joining the Protectorate so quickly was due to their fantastic PR campaign.
There's some of that sure, but less than 24 hour between gaining power and choosing to join up that still pretty fast for me. I may not have shown his impulsive side that well and that's my bad.
Shit I completely missed this one! I would've told him darnit!
Adhoc vote count started by zagan on Oct 27, 2024 at 3:26 PM, finished with 32 posts and 17 votes.
If Choose One (500) Wins, here are my recommendations:

Dungeons and Dragons
[] Paragon Creature

Devil May Cry/Bayonetta
[] Force Edge/Sparda

Super Mario/Zelda/Metroid
[] 1-Up Mushroom

[] Heart-Shaped Herb

[] Life Fruit

[] Zero-Tails
[] Mokuton Bloodline

[] Gourmet Cell

Golden Sun
[] Tamer

Card Captor Sakura
[] The Create

[] Morpho Knight

Lilo & Stitch
[] Experiment 272 Wormhole
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
[] Living Toy

[] Epic Beast (Hearthstone)
[] Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia)
[] Epic Beast

[] Psionic Class

Fire Emblem
[] Shrine
[] Crest

The Witcher
[] Witcher

Jackie Chan Adventures
[] Horse Talisman
[] Tiger Talisman
Enter the Gungeon
[] Clone
Genshin Impact
[] Vision: Fischl

Zatch Bell
[] Golden Spellbook

[] Phantom Copy

[] Crimson Scorpion

Paragon Creature - An amazing Template that just makes the Creature in question better in every objective way, as well as the power to cast Greater Dispelling, Haste, and See Invisibility at 15th Level, and two bonus Feats. Basically, one of the best Templates we can get.
Force Edge/Sparda - One of the most powerful weapons found in Devil May Cry, why wouldn't you want this?
1-Up Mushroom - It's literally an Extra Life on demand, why would we not want this? The only drawback is that we can only apply it to ourselves or one of their Creatures.
Heart-Shaped Herb - Once per year, we can turn anyone (even ourselves) into Black Panther. Either use it to make us even stronger or use it for our Hero Creation Project.
Life Fruit - Yet another permanent buff we can give to ourselves and others, this time an eventual +100% Base Health (5x20=100).
Zero-Tails - Gift it to someone else and we now have another Jinchuriki (Menagerie rules should protect the host from any Zero-Tails hostility).
Mokuton Bloodline - A very useful power with lots of potential (see Hashirama vs Madara for what full mastery entails), also great for reforestation.
Gourmet Cell - Unlocks the main power system of Toriko. Warning! Comes with an EXTREME appetite, unless we eat like Goku all the time we will starve to death.
Tamer - More powers!
The Create - Literally create things by drawing them, lots of potential, no idea on its limits, but since it is 500 Points, probably anything less powerful than Rex.
Morpho Knight - Powerful Modifier that scales with the power of the Base Creature (Morpho Knight Ultimate Summon...) Also, why does this one not have a link?
Experiment 272 Wormhole - Interdimensional Wormholes are always useful, great if we need to invade a Pocket Dimension, travel to Aleph, or evacuate Earth Bet when Scion flips his shit.
Living Toy - I just think it's neat, also there is no limit to how many you can have other than the one-week cooldown on activating this ability. Combine with Toy Summoning for maximum fun.
Epic Beast (Hearthstone) - Smothering Starfish negates all Powers and Power Effects for everyone in the area when Summoned.
Dark Shadow (My Hero Academia) - Dark Shadow can, in the right circumstances, go toe-to-toe with and deal massive damage to All for One for a time.
Epic Beast - Again, Smothering Starfish.
Psionic Class - Become a Combat Psychic.
Shrine - Can boost a chosen ability score, and cures fatigue as often as you want.
Crest - An interesting Modifier, not sure which one I'd pick.
Witcher - Witchers are strong monster killers (as seen with the Protagonist), also we can turn others into Witchers (the slow way, not by willing it).
Horse Talisman - Heal anyone of anything that can be considered an injury (being deaged or otherwise cursed does not count), can probably heal Alexandria if we wanted.
Tiger Talisman - Alex is guaranteed to have his Yin and Yang halves cooperate, so he can truly be in two places at once. Also, lets him easily wield multiple Talismans and combine their powers.
Clone - A weird form of 1-Up that can apply to others, guaranteed to be the original person revived instead of a duplicate with their memories. Don't question it.
Vision: Fischl - I like Fischl, and this gives us their powers.
Golden Spellbook - Don't know what a Momado is, but this lets us use their best spells right off the bat. Comes with free Ponygon (whatever that is).
Phantom Copy - Basically, we gain a Power Copier. There are so many things we can do with this.
Crimson Scorpion - Shaula is pretty strong, and also knows a lot about her world if we ever want to visit.
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Hmm. Since Choose one (500) seems to have a chance, I'll go ahead and campaign as well, since tomorrow I would have to be thumb typing on my phone at the time I would be voting.

The main reason I have been excited for this choice is to get a Metallic DnD Dragon, which would eventually get us access to the Raise Dead spell. I assume there might be a second sub-vote if Metallic Dragon were to win since there are several kinds, though I wouldn't mind if zagan chose or rolled randomly either. Just a brief quote from the link for Metallic Dragons:
Although there were many metallic dragon species, the following are the ones known by sages of Faerûn:

Gold dragons
Gold dragons were the most powerful and majestic of the classic metallic dragons. They are wise, lawful good foes of evil and injustice. Gold dragons were very knowledgeable and reclusive. They preferred stone lairs and had a cone of fire as a breath weapon.
Silver dragons
Silver dragons were regal, lawful good creatures who often took a humanoid form and lived among humans and elves. Their breath weapon was a cone of freezing cold, and they normally laired in mountains. They were very smart and preferred not to fight unless necessary.
Bronze dragons
Bronze dragons were inquisitive dragons with a fierce appearance and a fascination for warfare. They would often seek to fight evil, and would join good-aligned armies in a humanoid form. They were lawful good, lived in coastal areas, and had an electrical breath weapon.
Copper dragons
Copper dragons were born pranksters, jokesters, and riddlers. They were chaotic good and lived in rocky mountains. Copper dragons had an acid breath weapon but preferred to avoid combat altogether, instead taunting and teasing foes until they left.
Brass dragons
Brass dragons were extremely talkative and loved the intense heat of deserts. They often engaged foes and friends alike in hours of long-winded conversation. They avoided combat if possible, but would use their breath weapon, a cone of sleeping gas, to subdue foes if threatened. They were the weakest of the classic metallic dragons, but still chaotic good.
Mercury dragons
Mercury dragons were whimsical, impulsive creatures. They delighted in unpredictability and were reputed to be mentally unstable as well.
Electrum dragons
Electrum dragons were peaceful and philosophically inclined and they preferred to live far from civilized areas.
Iron dragons
Iron dragons were powerful, dangerous predators. While most had a neutral alignment, some were actually evil.
Steel dragons
Steel dragons were sociable, clever, and curious, and they preferred the company of humanoids rather than dragons. They often clandestinely lived in humanoid cities, and spent much of their time in a humanoid form. They were either lawful neutral or lawful good, and breathed a cone of poison gas.
Platinum dragons
The rarest, largest, and most powerful of the metallic dragons, platinum dragons represented the epitome of the metallic dragons. Many believed that only one ever existed.[4]

Okay, not so brief. Now, I don't want to speak for zagan, but I'm going to assume since all (3) known Platinum Dragons are gods, we won't be seeing Bahamut Jr. (though if he would allow it, that would probably be the way to go). I've previously mentioned that my own personal favorite is the Steel Dragon, since they prefer human company to their own kind, will happily mate with humans, and are in my opinion the closest you can get to a human in the Celestial Menagerie. More traditionally, though, Gold and Silver dragons tend to be the more popular among most people, except the militarily inclined who prefer Bronze dragons.

I would just ask that people consider these benevolent, powerful, and beautiful creatures when voting. As a plus, if we ever were to get the choose creature for 100, 200, or 300 pts would could apply it to them instead of getting a new creature to increase their age and therefore their power.
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Hmm. Since Choose one (500) seems to have a chance, I'll go ahead and campaign as well, since tomorrow I would have to be thumb typing on my phone at the time I would be voting.

The main reason I have been excited for this choice is to get a Metallic DnD Dragon, which would eventually get us access to the Raise Dead spell. I assume there might be a second sub-vote if Metallic Dragon were to win since there are several kinds, though I wouldn't mind if zagan chose or rolled randomly either. Just a brief quote from the link for Metallic Dragons:

Okay, not so brief. Now, I don't want to speak for zagan, but I'm going to assume since all (3) known Platinum Dragons are gods, we won't be seeing Bahamut Jr. (though if he would allow it, that would probably be the way to go). I've previously mentioned that my own personal favorite is the Steel Dragon, since they prefer human company to their own kind, will happily mate with humans, and are in my opinion the closest you can get to a human in the Celestial Menagerie. More traditionally, though, Gold and Silver dragons tend to be the more popular among most people, except the militarily inclined who prefer Bronze dragons.

I would just ask that people consider these benevolent, powerful, and beautiful creatures when voting. As a plus, if we ever were to get the choose creature for 100, 200, or 300 pts would could apply it to them instead of getting a new creature to increase their age and therefore their power.
I sooooo want a DND dragon
Scp-6767 is underrated.
Depending on how the QM plays it; he is either an immortal, millennia-old lizard with an immense amount of knowledge of the SCP world, including spells and rituals, or he has an equal amount of information about Bet. His primary anomalous ability is that he possesses all the memories of every dead sapient being on the planet since the Bronze Age.

Fecto Forgo and Experiment 272 both have powers related to traversing alternate dimensions, something that is pretty interesting in Worm as not only are there the known alternate Earths to consider but also the worlds housing the physical bodies of the Shards as well. Though the later are almost certainly protected against casual intrusion.

One thing I have to point out when it comes to the plans about the Dragon though; what will be Alex's reaction to the potential of undoing death? Wouldn't that place an immense amount of pressure on him from basically everyone?
Well, Raise Dead has a pretty short time limit to it, and the higher level Resurrection that can help the longer term dead may not be on the table....