[X] Call him by pretending to be Bakuda with the Voice. Ask him to come see the bomb.
Risky, but unless someone can think of a write-in I believe this to be Alex's best bet. A straight fight with Lung, while possible, risks significant collateral damage. Better to lure him into an ambush and apply as many sedatives as possible first. Bakuda's ego means her wanting to show off would be a believable excuse.
[X] It worked so far, no need to change things up. Star for the win.
Who knows, if it works maybe Alex won't actually kill Lung. For all of his anger I don't believe he'd still kill Lung if he's been captured, that would really push things with the Protectorate and the PRT, as if things aren't already shaky enough with that kill order.
Hey @zagan, forgive me if I'm wrong but I think you're mixing up your cards there. The Voice can steal others voices and while there hasn't been much deviation in how you've used it, using the card to project Alex's voice by sharing it with her, it's The Song that mimics the voices of others. The magic of the cards is rather specific in what they do but the way they are used has wiggle room, like The Bubbles being meant for cleaning Cerberus but can be used to clean pretty much anything you wanted.
All in all, this is your story and if The Voice can mimic Bakuda's voice, alright I can dig it, but I'm not confident it would be good at it and likely won't be believable to anyone that knows Bakuda.
Who knows, if it works maybe Alex won't actually kill Lung. For all of his anger I don't believe he'd still kill Lung if he's been captured, that would really push things with the Protectorate and the PRT, as if things aren't already shaky enough with that kill order.
Isn't Lung still in the brothel? I am concerned that, if the initial mind control fails, that the ensuing fight will endanger what is a fairly crowded location. Ideally I would prefer Lung to be knocked into the bay before the battle heats up but I cannot think of a reasonable way to do that.
Perhaps later, when I feel better, I can make a more helpful suggestion.
[X] Power
Looking at the choice again. This has a likely chance of failing. I mean, think about it. Your tinker, who you gave free reign to design whatever bomb she wished without supervision, suddenly calls you to show off a bomb. Immediate red flags are, /[Showing off a bomb] /[Never done that before]. Now one can wave off such flags as; "Oh, she just wants to show off". Which fair Bakuda does a lot. But, thats in public settings. Has she ever done that in a more private setting? I'm not trying to demerit the plan of action. It's just a thought I wished to share. Of my admittedly shallow understanding of Worm.
[X] It worked so far, no need to change things up. Star for the win.
[X] Power
Power Roll: (290 points)
Entry Roll D18=9
100 Controlled Reproduction, 300 Multi-Boost (Too Expansive), 200 Companion
Only two options, but both a nice.
If Companion wins we'll have a subvote obviously. And it will be removed from the pool of powers until we access the capstone list.
-Controlled Reproduction: You can allow your summoned creature to reproduce either with other compatible summoned creatures or with normal beings. You do not have any specific control over the resulting offspring, but they start with a favorable impression of you. In addition, you can double the growth rate of any such offspring until they reach adulthood.
-Companion: You gain one creature of your choice costing 100 points or less. This creature is permanently summoned to your side, it does not count against your summoning limit. This creature is real in every sense of the word, it needs to eat, sleep, and care. It can die but you can resummon it after 24 hours.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
Note: Instead of choosing a new creature, you can choose one we already have to become a Companion. In that case, we'll gain a random 100-point creature as a normal partner too.
Hey @zagan, forgive me if I'm wrong but I think you're mixing up your cards there. The Voice can steal others voices and while there hasn't been much deviation in how you've used it, using the card to project Alex's voice by sharing it with her, it's The Song that mimics the voices of others. The magic of the cards is rather specific in what they do but the way they are used has wiggle room, like The Bubbles being meant for cleaning Cerberus but can be used to clean pretty much anything you wanted.
All in all, this is your story and if The Voice can mimic Bakuda's voice, alright I can dig it, but I'm not confident it would be good at it and likely won't be believable to anyone that knows Bakuda.
It's not so much that I'm mixing the cards it's that I'm expanding on their Canon capability. Like with The Libra. In the wiki we have the following: Truth Magic: Although not actually displayed, Libra is able to tell if a person is lying or not.
And Alex used it as a lie detector plenty of times already. But during Power testing, (chapter 42) he showed that he could also use it to force people to speak the truth. That's not canon at all. But It seems logical to me. While I love CCS, the majority of the Cards always seemed very limited and specialized to me.
So getting back to The Voice and The Song.
The Voice's main use is indeed stealing voice. But once stolen I don't see why it couldn't use the stolen voice. I don't remember in what chapter but I think Alex also used it to amplify his own voice, he could use it to soften it too, or to transmit it.
The Song can indeed copy a voice, but it's easier if it's a singing voice. But I could very well see it being used to improve someone's singing ability. Or help someone learn to sing in tune faster.
In theory yes, Alex would just need to push Lung into the portal. But it's not something he would do. Not until the quarters get much much bigger and include a sort of arena. It's supposed to be a home after all. he doesn't want to wreck it. Plus Nimue's core room is just above it, with a gestating boss there, letting Lung inside that space could have devastating consequences.
Looking at the choice again. This has a likely chance of failing. I mean, think about it. Your tinker, who you gave free reign to design whatever bomb she wished without supervision, suddenly calls you to show off a bomb. Immediate red flags are, /[Showing off a bomb] /[Never done that before]. Now one can wave off such flags as; "Oh, she just wants to show off". Which fair Bakuda does a lot. But, thats in public settings. Has she ever done that in a more private setting? I'm not trying to demerit the plan of action. It's just a thought I wished to share. Of my admittedly shallow understanding of Worm.
I never said it was a good plan. That's for you to determine. I was just saying that it was a plan that Alex could justifiably use and that I was willing to write it.
In theory yes, Alex would just need to push Lung into the portal. But it's not something he would do. Not until the quarters get much much bigger and include a sort of arena. It's supposed to be a home after all. he doesn't want to wreck it. Plus Nimue's core room is just above it, with a gestating boss there, letting Lung inside that space could have devastating consequences.
This Power takes time to really come into its own. The creatures usually have to grow up after all.
It also expands Alex's understanding of his robotic partners and can be gifted via Grant Summoning to create 'Tinkers'. Though yes, Alex will be restricted in how he can use this Power. Thankfully it is an ability he can toggle on-and-off rather than being passive.
Actually, @zagan how does Controlled Reproduction work with 'man-made' or artificial creatures? They 'reproduce' via someone making them so is Alex granted understanding of the processes by which they are created? For instance, would he suddenly know what enchantments went into the creation of the Sorting Hat or how Dragon-type AI are programmed?
Obviously he would still need the materials and ability to make the creature, but the only way I can see Controlled Reproduction working with such entities is if it gives a 'blueprint' of some sort.
This would be fairly valuable as a pseudo-tinker ability since logically he would be able to create, for example, the forcefield emitter from the Spiderbot by using an incomplete reproduction of the creature.