Character Sheet
][ Inquisitor Joanyn Praxis ][
Imperial Inquisitor, Ordo Hereticus

Physical Attributes
Strength - 1
Agility - 2
Melee - 1
Endurance: 4

Mental Attributes
Intelligence - 3
Tactics - 2
Nerve - 1
Fortitude: 6

Social Attributes
Charm - 4
Presence - 3
Contacts - 3
Resolve: 10

Faith Attributes
Belief - 2
Scripture - 0
Fire - 1
Conviction: 3
(3) - The Imperium should be an alliance of solidarity for the weak, not an alliance of strength for the strong.
(2) - People are more than problems, weaknesses, corruption vectors to eradicate. Their feelings and dreams matter.
(1) - A Shot Fired is a Shot Wasted

<1> - Victory makes me feel alive.
Strength is raw physical conditioning. Lifting stuff, swimming, running a long time, punching hard. It's added to many melee attack damage as well.

Agility is swiftness, reaction speed, and immediate awareness. It's used for dodging things, jumping, ducking, outrunning folks, and other twitchy reactions.

Melee is the general skill of up close combat with knives, swords, fists (power or otherwise), chainsaws, whatever else.

Intelligence is raw intellectual power, knowledge, and drive to learn and study stuff. It is also used for military logistics.

Tactics is your knowledge of battle tactics, from the strategy of leading armies to simply knowing when it is safe to rush across a hallway in a gunfight.

Nerve is the stat both for shooting firearms and for keeping your cool. Nerve checks are common in combat to prevent from panicking or fight through pain.

Charm is the social stat used for flattery, smoothtalking, lying, seduction, verbal sparring, deflection, and navigating high culture.

Presence is the social stat used for reasoning, explaining, teaching, intimidating, impressing, or public address.

Contacts is rolled to know people you need to know, and to have a good reputation with them.

Belief is your actual faith in... whatever you have faith in. The Emperor, hopefully. It is used to resist temptation and corruption.

Scripture is your knowledge of the intellectual side of your religious faith. If you can quote from the holy books and theologians. It's intelligence for matters of faith.

Fire is your ability to project your faith out and convince others of it. Want to convert somebody or whip a crowd into a fanatical fury? This stat.
Weapon: Laspistol
Weapon: Hellpistol
Trade: Manager
Trade: Spy
Trade: Political Operator
Talent: Verbal Sparring
Talent: Seduction
Talent: Dishonesty
Talent: Intimidation
Talent: Exfiltration
Talent: Logistics
Talent: Propaganda
Talent: Indirect Persuasion
People: Dahlia
People: The Corrupted
People: High Imperial Politicians
Knowledge: Imperial Political Theory
Social Loadout
1 Compact Laspistol, 1 Laspistol Reload, Flash-Safe Glasses, 6 Concealed monoknives, 1 Show Knife, 1 Belt Buckle Gun, 1 Plastex Bodyglove/Flakweave Suit, Displacer Field

Combat Options
+1 Hellpistol, +1 Transonic Machete

Compact Laspistol
Small Handgun
Attack Dice: 1/d10 -or- 2/d10-1
Aim Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: +2
Armour Reduction: 0
Magazine Size: 4
Laser: Does not cause bleeding.
Blinding: If operated without flash protection, witnessing the impact of a las-weapon will blind for 3 rounds.

Concealed Monoknife
Small Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10
Damage Bonus : Agility + 1
Armour Penetration : 2
Parry Bonus : -1
Disarm Bonus : +0

Show Knife
Medium Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10+1
Damage Bonus : Agility + 1
Armour Penetration : 0
Parry Bonus : +0
Disarm Bonus : +0

Buckle Gun
Tiny Handgun
Attack Dice: 2/d10-2
Aim Bonus: +0
Damage Bonus: -2
Armour Reduction: 0
Magazine Size: 1
Hidden: Will always escape searches.

Plastex Bodyglove/Flakweave Suit
Armour Value : 3
Coverage : All but Head and Eyes
Resistances : Impact, Blunt

Displacer Field
Energy Screen
When hit with an attack, roll 1d10.
1: Displaced into worse danger.
2: Displacer field fails. Take the hit.
3-6: Displaced hard. Take 1 Sore from bumping into something.
7-9: Displaced. Attack avoided.
10: Nothing personal, kid.

Hellpistol (Voss Pattern)
Medium Handgun/Carbine
Attack Dice: 1/d10 -or- 2/d10-1 (One-Handed)
Aim Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: +3
Armour Reduction: 2
Magazine Size: 12
Laser: Does not cause bleeding.
Blinding: If operated without flash protection, witnessing the impact of a las-weapon will blind for 3 rounds.
Convertible: When converted to Carbine mode, gain +1 to Attack and Aim Bonus.

Transonic Machete
Medium Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10+2
Damage Bonus : Strength + 3
Armour Penetration : 1 + Half of enemy Armour (Round Down)
Parry Bonus : +0
Disarm Bonus : +3
Sickening Vibrations: Enemies with 3 meters of an active blade count as being at -1 to all stats.
Sister Charitina
A member of the Order Famulous who found her faith again thanks to the Inquisitor. Praxis' closest confidant, dearest friend, and irritating ex-girlfriend.
Attributes of Note: Nerve 3, Contacts 4, Charm 3, Scripture 2, Fire 2
Skills of Note: Career - Order Famulous, Weapon - Bolt Carbine, People - Inquisitor Praxis
Equipment: Half-Plate Power Armour, Bolt Carbine, Burning Blade
Known Values: (3) The nobility is a blight on the Imperium, (2) I trust the Inquisitor's vision for the future, (1) Galaxy grim and dark, tiddy soft and warm.

Dahlia Hussian
A 17 year old unsanctioned psyker, rescued by Praxis from the witch's pyre she volunteered for at age 12. Loves the Emperor, and hates herself for being unworthy and twisted.
Attributes of Note: Power 1, Control 2, Sight 2, Faith 5, Strength -1, Nerve 0
Skills of Note: Talent - Self Discipline, Talent - Self-Hatred
Equipment: Web Derringer
Known Values: [3] I am here because I was given a chance. I should extend the same chance to others, [2] The Emperor is all things, [1] I can atone for my existence by aiding the Inquisitor

Marvel Ann Alemanga-Zero
A Magos of the biology wing of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Marvel Ann is an exuberant, odd, and enthusiastic cyborg lady who is an expert in medicine and bionics. She's Joanyn's current sweetheart, and she autotunes her voice.
Attributes of Note: Intelligence 4, Charm 3, Strength 4
Skills of Note: Career - Cyberdoc, Talent - Surgery, Talent - Singing
Known Values: [2] Adventure is to be seized with both hands (and as many mechandrites as possible)

Fraser Bookter
A positively ancient scribe who served Praxis' teacher, Bookter has seen all manner of things. Despite that, he keeps good humour.
Attributes of Note: Intelligence 4, Scripture 2, Contacts 2, Strength -2
Skills of Note: Career - Archivist, Knowledge - Imperial History
Known Values: ???

Korey Kilimnik
Once a Lightning fighter pilot for the Navy, until he was caught fucking an admiral's son. Kilimnik professionally doesn't care unless it has jet engines.
Attributes of Note: Nerve 5, Agility 3
Skills of Note: Career - Fighter Pilot, Talent - Piloting, Talent - Causing Trouble
Known Values: [2] By death or rejuvenation, age will never slow my reflexes

3 XP​
33 XP​
9 XP​

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Did Praxis mention that she's taking her ex to meet her other ex, or did we leave her in the dark on that?
"I dated an eldar" feels like a reveal that exists on the infinite event horizon of relationship progress. I don't think there is a good time ever ever to reveal something like that. Let's keep it business till they're out of our hair again.
Of course, being what she is, Marvel Ann probably has a great interest in Eldar Biology, and even recording-devices have enough sense in their machine spirits to repress all memory of the variety of Eldar that normally known to show off their anatomy. What few samples the biologis do accrue, tend to be uncooperative, largely as a result of lacking vital functions. Whatever personal concerns she may have, her professional curiosity would be very determined to extract as many details as possible.
Of course, being what she is, Marvel Ann probably has a great interest in Eldar Biology, and even recording-devices have enough sense in their machine spirits to repress all memory of the variety of Eldar that normally known to show off their anatomy. What few samples the biologis do accrue, tend to be uncooperative, largely as a result of lacking vital functions. Whatever personal concerns she may have, her professional curiosity would be very determined to extract as many details as possible.
"Marvel Ann, I must confess something terrible. I once had sexual relations with an Eldar."

"Omnissiah preserve me... that is... I... I must ask..."

"Anything, I am so sorry..."

"...What Did They Taste Like?"


"I must know for science reasons."
On the one hand this is a very touchy subject, but on the other hand everything can change depending on how it's presented.

'I dated an Eldar' might be a little bit much for the average Imperial, but 'I seduced an Eldar in the name of the Emperor on a(several) critical mission(s)' would be much more palatable if stated with a sufficiently confident and Inquisitorial demeanour.

It's unfortunate that we have to make this kind of reveal, but when the odds are high that we'll meet the Eldar in question it's probably for the best that it is presented on our terms.
[x] Go dressed casual (You'll find it easier to talk to regular folks, but might look like a mark for gangers).
.... oh they absolutely did, to be clear. i just didn't feel a particular need to write about it for once.

i must be losing it my god.

that said, marvel ann is very new at this, and joanyn isn't being pushy. next update is gonna discuss their relationship a bit.
One of her mechandrites snaked down and opened up a panel, accompanied by an incongruous sensation, a bit like something cold and slimy climbing up your arm.

"You know, I was going to ask how you dealt with taking all your limbs off every night..." you mused, as she tapped something with a sensation like a static shock.

"I don't, because... okay, you know the Mental Command to detach the arm?"

"... no? I use the latches. What do you mean, mental commands?"

"What the fuck? Who Did This To You? Let me..." She opened another panel on the upper arm surface, and when you looked over you saw her wiping dust off a little screen you'd never seen before in your life. "You don't even have the program, this has been running raw on your nervous system?!? I suppose they just Didn't Want To Give Away Our Secrets? Joanyn, in your head, recite the Litany of Pacification for me, okay?"

Not entirely sure what was going on, you did so, attempting to sooth the machine spirit that you shared your brain with (you didn't like thinking about that) as Marvel Ann poked at something, then you felt that same spark at the back of your neck as she connected to the neural implant.
They already...interfaced with a tentacle!
Not using the usual ports, admittedly, but hey, variety!
Touchy is right - I'm sure that Marvel Ann would, in fact, love to touch an Eldar. You know. For science.
.... oh they absolutely did, to be clear. i just didn't feel a particular need to write about it for once.

i must be losing it my god.

that said, marvel ann is very new at this, and joanyn isn't being pushy. next update is gonna discuss their relationship a bit.
Going to be honest, I was figuring that Joanyn's reaction to being brain-hacked and paralyzed was because she was thinking about precisely what she was going to suggest to Marvel Ann when they got back to their bunk.
7-2: Level 1366
CW: Some really frank and crude talk about sex. Dialog, not action. Also... the lower hives are fucking terrible? Child abduction is discussed briefly.

Well, actually, the first place you were going was a merchant's bank at the mid-outer level, exchanging a promissory notes on behalf of the Administratum for hard currency. Yes, you could simply demand whatever you want, but that was hardly subtle. Besides, money had way of making everything go smoother. You sent a portion up to Bookter to hold for the payroll (again, not something you needed to do, but you'd prefer not leaving your acolytes utterly fucked if you died), and you stashed away the rest.

"You're being awfully careful with this. It isn't even that much." Charitina pointed out, as you squirreled the currency into various pockets and pouches, wrapping coins in cloth to avoid them clinking.

"Firstly, Tina, your idea of what 'very much' currency is is completely warped, you realize that, right?" you pointed out, "Where we're going, this is a fortune. This is enough money to move levels."

While Charitina and her Order did not, in fact, have a vow of celibacy (one could take such a vow as well, but it was not required), it did have a vow against owning or handling money. The closest she ever came was when she was a novice Sister, handling paperwork for marriage negotiations between noble families, which often involved millions of thrones changing hands in dowries. To the best of your knowledge, she'd never even touched a coin.

"Right. Yeah, how low are we going?" she asked. Charitina had never been past the spire of any hive she'd visited: you hadn't had cause to go low yourself since you started working with her.

"It's going to be rough." you said simply. Level 1366 was solidly lower hive city. Not underhive, but not great. A little worse than the place you grew up, though not completely removed.

Hive Valdor was at once nostalgic and yet just wrong. Tempestora was the most industrialized hive on Armageddon, powered by huge generators that cooled themselves in the Boiling Sea to the north. The result was that the city had a directional nature: north was where power and water came from, the direction all the power lines flowed, and the streets and corridors were long and unbroken following them. The few times you'd strayed beyond the tank factory, visiting distant cousins on feast days, you'd seen the vast transport halls where you could see from one end of the Hive to the other, at least on your level.

By contrast, Hive Valdor was built on a geothermal tap, which was a fancy way of saying that the beating heart of the hive was a spike of magma from deep below the planet's surface, circulating and exchanging heat into massive thermoelectric banks. The city radiated out from around this ancient construct, with streets and hallways curving subtly. There were no curves where you were from, and something about that just felt off. The air tasted like sulfur, and as the elevators descended level by level, the smell only intensified. The lift would stop to let off or take on officials, and each floor you saw as you descended got darker, dirtier, and more claustrophobic. You passed a forge floor, making replacement parts for the ships in orbit far above, and it seemed almost like home, but then the doors closed and the massive elevator kept going. The elevator emptied more and more until you were the only two left, the only ones willing to go this far down.

Finally, the doors opened onto a dark, cramped level, and you stepped out into the elevator station, an armoured compound held by the PDF. Past the barricades could have been any run down city slum in the Imperium, except the ceiling loomed just a few meters up, a criss-cross of support beams and riveted metal. The streets were packed with people, many of them just sitting against doorways and walls lethargically, and every head turned as the doors shuttered open.

"You were right, this looks rough." Charitina muttered, and you laughed.

"This is the nice part, it's near the elevators. We're going deeper." you said, beckoning onward. Though it wasn't a familiar place, you had a fairly good idea how to navigate places like it, from your home and the dozen hives you'd visited since.

"I can't believe you didn't want me in my armour, at least." Charitina said, her hand noticeably close to her weapon, "This just isn't safe."

"It ain't exactly your convent, no, but calm down. This isn't the underhive either. There's still order here, of a sort, and people are a lot more willing to talk when it doesn't look like you've come to kill them."

The two of you started out, following the street signs as the corridors grew tighter, the ceiling closer, and the conditions worse. The streets were rapidly emptying, just small knots of people moving quickly place to place, eyes on the floor. It probably still seemed crowded to Charitina, but to you it was evident this wasn't a great neighbourhood, and people didn't want to get caught outside.

"What do people do down here? Like... I don't see any factories or anything..." Charitina muttered, as you crossed another street where the lights flickered ominously, plunging the area into moments of complete darkness. "What's the industry here? What do they make?"

You gestured down an alleyway where two people who presumably didn't have anywhere better were hard at work.

"They make people, Tina."

"Saints, that's... wow. Damn." she said. She seemed almost impressed.

"Oi, fuck off!" the woman yelled, and you shot her an approving gesture as the two of you shuffled along quickly. It was just polite.

"Seriously, there's no industry here, not really. Some maintenance stuff, maybe some artisans or hydroponics vats, but for the most part all that stuff happens above us. Most of what happens here is black-market trade: tech, materials, and people smuggled up, drugs, weapons, and luxuries smuggled down. These levels are the middlemen." you explained.

"I don't really understand... that seems so wasteful."

"Well, no, the Imperium always needs more people for stuff. Everyone here is probably signed up for one of a dozen lotteries, and if their number comes up they get to leave. Maybe it's to go upstairs to work at a newly opened factory, or replace workers lost in accidents or riots. Maybe its for the Imperial Guard or the PDF, or the Navy, or for colony projects. Whenever the Imperium needs bodies for something, this is where they get them from, and you know they'll be eager because they're all just going to be grateful to get out."

"If nobody works, how do they eat, then?" she asked.

"Rations come down the pipe: the governors don't want to deal with food riots. It's reconstituted algae mostly, though there's always the rumours they recycle corpses in there." you said. Tina shuddered, and clapped her on the back. "Don't worry, it's not true. Bodies are processed for nitrogen fertilizer, though, so it's an easy mistake to make."

"That's awful, Jo, stop it." Tina said, and you waved it off.

"No, you just think that because you're from a culture that buries their dead, Tina. There's a lot that sucks about hive cities, but that was always... nice, almost. There was real sentiment about the Citizen's Final Duty, it's noble. You want to talk creepy, let's talk ossuaries."

"... that's different." she protested weakly.

You had instructions from the Cartographers, the guide in the Spire that kept maps as best they could of as much of the city as they could for any officials who needed to travel down. The streets of this level were particularly winding because of repairs from a cave-in a few centuries ago, so you ended up having to double back, walking in silence through the streets and doing your best to keep yourself to yourself. Charitina soon found herself fending off hordes of children everywhere the two of you went, kids eager to try and snatch your purse or just get a look at the two uptowners. Then, finally, you were in the real weeds, the maintenance corridors at the center hive that would take you around the cave in and to the location you wanted to go. The bad end of town.

The corridors were tight hallways, like the engine spaces of a spaceship. Reminded you a little of the servants quarters. They were also near empty: almost nobody had reason to cross either way. Compared to the streets outside, it was a deathly, awkward silence.

"So, hows things with Magos Marvel Ann, huh?" Charitina asked finally, breaking the silence.

"Good. Really good, actually." you said, "Like... I'll admit, she can be a bit much, but it's endearing. You like her?"

"I think she's cute." Tina said, and you rounded on her.

"Tina, don't you dare seduce her. Don't you dare." you declared. There was a smile on your face, you were mostly joking... but it was only mostly.

"Relax Jo. I'll keep my hands off. I just wanted to make sure you weren't... I dunno, getting yourself into something dumb."

"Like a bad rebound." you said, moving to pull open a closed hatch. For some reason, it wouldn't budge. Stuck. "Yeah... yeah I getcha. It's not that though. We're taking it pretty slow, honestly. Fuckin'... Tina, help, please."

Tina grabbed the handle with you, and the two of you pulled hard. Nothing. In frustration, she kicked the door and it swung.

"Well, I guess it opens that way." Tina muttered, "Why'd they put the handle on this side?"

"Fuck if I know. Probably some improvised repair. But... honestly, I don't think I'm making a big mistake with her." you said, "It's just... nice."

"You deserve nice." Tina said, pushing on through the door ahead of you, and you smiled, a bit wistful.

"I'm glad we managed to be okay, us." you said, "It was touch and go there for a while."

Tina leaned against a wall, took a deep breath, her face serine.

"Jo, we were terrible for each other, but it doesn't mean you aren't important to me. We were just always better as... whatever the fuck we are now, instead of whatever the fuck we were then." she said.

"Yeah... yeah. I get you." you said. As lovers, you'd burned bright and then immediately fallen into your worst possible habits. You'd simply known each other too long beforehand, you figured, were too comfortable with each other, it was so easy to just ignore the faults of the other, until you were lying and clinging and trying to control her, until she broke under the pressure and ran to somebody else's arms. Romantic love had blinded you to the platonic reasons you'd spent nearly twenty years before hand working together on everything. She was the perfect best friend, roommate, coworker, and co-parent. But you two were never meant to be together in that way.

"Besides, it'd fuck Dahl up something awful if we didn't get along." Tina added. "I'm glad you found this girl. I hope things work out."

You emerged onto the other side into a darker, dirtier, and all-together worse area. The whole area seemed slanted to one side, tilted long ago back the settling of the city, and was also several meters lower than the other level. You were sort of on a raised area now, like the parapet of a wall looking out over the twisted steel and squat two-story structures that ate up your vision wherever you looked. The streets here were dirty, filled with debris and scrap. You could hear distant gunfire echoing through the halls.

"Real question is, though, how's the sex?" Tina asked, and you scoffed.


"Seriously. I've never hooked up with any kind of mechanicus lady... shit, I don't think I've ever met one before her. She even got anything human anywhere good?" she asked. Saints, why had you spent two years with this idiot?

"Yes, she does. By the Throne, Tina, how'd you come to be so forward in a fucking convent?"

You actually knew the answer to that. Girl had grown up with basically no privacy at all.

"It's an honest question! Those Magos types always look like... fuck, a red tent thrown over a forklift, most of them aren't really even human shaped." she said, as you started pacing along towards the ladder that would take you to ground level. "I just sort of imagined that under there was like, I dunno, a wiring closet, or maybe an engine compartment. Does she have tits?"

"She's pretty much human from the neck down to the upper thighs, at least outwardly." you explained.

"Huh. I woulda thought more metal."

"Me too, but she says she's got an aesthetic in mind? But... she's got a few ports, the mechandrites at the small of her back, and she's got these two tubes sorta..." you indicated to the bottom of your ribecage, "but otherwise, yeah. A lot of scars, though, hips and chest and stuff. Subtle, but they're there. I imagine she's got a lot of metal on the inside."

"Well, when we get back upstairs, go fishing around, tell me what you find." Tina said with a laugh, and you smacked her arm with a gloved hand.

"You are a nun!"

"Yeah, and?"

She was impossible, honestly.

You stepped out onto the main street and started weaving your way past the trash, keeping your eyes on the windows. As you approached the corner of the street, a strange man appeared walking alongside you, dressed in close-fitting cloths that looked like they had some armoured plates worked in. He had a shock of bright green hair sticking directly up from the top of his head, three wicked looking scars down his cheek, and his face was utterly filled with piercings. He was also the thinnest, gauntest man you'd ever seen, like a stick-figure doodle come to life.

"Oi, ladies, yatah from up-stairs 'en? Ain't from around here fersure." he said, his Low Gothic at the very edge of comprehensibility.

"Astute." you said, "Official business, and we're on a timetable." you explained. Aka; if we go missing, somebody's going to come looking, and they'll come armed.

"Ah, ya misunderstand me. 'M Vegard, lovely tah meet ya, part of the band round here. We're the folks folks gotta travel through tah get tah the 'vators, so we like tah keep things quiet, yeah?" he said. You gave him another glance and noticed the bulky autopistol at his hip, plus what you thought was a collapsible baton with a spiked tip.

"Yeah, I understand." you said. These were the local gangers who owned this street. Scum, yes, but also the closest thing to employer and authority here. The gang here kept the people on this street safe from the other gangs, sort of, as well as settled disputes and made sure that if violence happened, it happened outside their turf. The Community Watch back at Tempestora were simply gangers like that which put on airs because of the factory. As these people were parked right at the interchange, they wanted to keep things quiet, as their racket was probably enforcing tolls on anyone who had reason to go to the elevators.

"Where ya off tah, then?" he asked, and you named the address. He immediately winced. "Bad, that, ya fuck out of luck. That used to be Decaux's turf until some fucko popped his skull open from the top of the old chapel not three days ago. Blam! Killed most of his boys too, and everyone who's tried coming in with a lighter."

"Well, that's where we're going, so how do we get there?" you asked. Sounds like Araleth's been busy.

"Fuck me... lady, ya daft, but... alright, ya can keep going that way, except don't, because that's Zolkin land and they're... bit psych, a little. Shortest route, yeah, but they're a mite bit murdery of anyone they don't know, and then sudden brainfucking next door has 'em all sent, ya know? They reckon they're the baddest lot in the level, bit full, the lot of them." he made a motion with his hand you gathered was insinuating masturbation. Nice.

"I know the type." you said.

"Yeah, sure. They're the gun forgers 'n such round here, like using 'em bit much. Then again, they're fucking cowards if ya fight back, I've made it through meself. But if ya ain't looking for a fight, hook out past the old converter tower that way. That's Juicer territory."

"Chem-addicts?" you asked.

"I mean, as much as anyone. Nah, we call them that cuz they got these two big rockrete blocks they juice people between if ya upset 'em. They're reasonable enough if ya talk to 'em, they're just right fucks is all. They get people upstairs, ya see, but not the sort that wanna go. They took a girl off this fucking street, weren't more'n twelve, just two days ago. Just got back from bricking a few of 'em in exchange, which ought tah keep them quiet a while."

"Saints." Tina muttered. Yeah, that... was a thing. If you were a spire noble with fucked up tastes, nobody was going to miss somebody from the lower levels. You always thought every Hive would be better if you just cut ten percent of the structure right off the top.

"Any other route?" you asked.

"Well... if ya desperate, and ya don't look it, ya can cut under the bridge just down there and follow the pipes. Take ya rightah where ya want, but that's where everyone too psych for anyone to deal with ends up, ya know? Maybe it's clear, maybe there's some fucker lost his grip down there looking to die with company, huh?"


[ ] Take the route through Zolkin turf.​
[ ] Take the route through Juicer turf.​
[ ] Take the route through the pipelines.​
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[X] Take the route through Juicer turf.

Path of least resistance. A shot fired is a shot wasted, and if they do fight us I'm not going to feel too bad about kicking the shit out of them.
[X] Take the route through the pipelines.

But of an odd question but... does the Inquisitor actually like the Imperium? Or if not like, at least believe in its goal of being the Bastion of Humanity? The way she thinks doesn't lead me to think she does.
[X] Take the route through the pipelines.

But of an odd question but... does the Inquisitor actually like the Imperium? Or if not like, at least believe in its goal of being the Bastion of Humanity? The way she thinks doesn't lead me to think she does.
Honestly... no. She doesn't like it, and the only things keeping her from working against its systems instead of within them is her fear that she would hurt more people than she saved, and her pragmatic knowledge that the good she can do is enabled by those same systems and it'd be counterproductive to get stripped of rank and burnt for heresy.

Praxis has remarkable faith in the people of the Imperium, but at this point is somewhere between ambivalent and actively hostile to its institutions.
[X] Take the route through Juicer turf.
Honestly, sometimes after a hard mission its nice to take the easy way out and maybe even get a chance to beat up a couple child slavers.
Honestly... no. She doesn't like it, and the only things keeping her from working against its systems instead of within them is her fear that she would hurt more people than she saved, and her pragmatic knowledge that the good she can do is enabled by those same systems and it'd be counterproductive to get stripped of rank and burnt for heresy.

Praxis has remarkable faith in the people of the Imperium, but at this point is somewhere between ambivalent and actively hostile to its institutions.
[X] Take the route through Juicer turf.

Shooting our way through isn't the plan. Even if this ganger we're talking to now is one of the few instances where bragging about his murders makes me like him more.
"Rations come down the pipe: the governors don't want to deal with food riots. It's reconstituted algae mostly, though there's always the rumours they recycle corpses in there." you said. Tina shuddered, and clapped her on the back. "Don't worry, it's not true. Bodies are processed for nitrogen fertilizer, though, so it's an easy mistake to make."

"That's awful, Jo, stop it." Tina said, and you waved it off.

"No, you just think that because you're from a culture that buries their dead, Tina. There's a lot that sucks about hive cities, but that was always... nice, almost. There was real sentiment about the Citizen's Final Duty, it's noble. You want to talk creepy, let's talk ossuaries."
"It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people." - Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"