Character Sheet
][ Inquisitor Joanyn Praxis ][
Imperial Inquisitor, Ordo Hereticus

Physical Attributes
Strength - 1
Agility - 2
Melee - 1
Endurance: 4

Mental Attributes
Intelligence - 3
Tactics - 2
Nerve - 1
Fortitude: 6

Social Attributes
Charm - 4
Presence - 3
Contacts - 3
Resolve: 10

Faith Attributes
Belief - 2
Scripture - 0
Fire - 1
Conviction: 3
(3) - The Imperium should be an alliance of solidarity for the weak, not an alliance of strength for the strong.
(2) - People are more than problems, weaknesses, corruption vectors to eradicate. Their feelings and dreams matter.
(1) - A Shot Fired is a Shot Wasted

<1> - Victory makes me feel alive.
Strength is raw physical conditioning. Lifting stuff, swimming, running a long time, punching hard. It's added to many melee attack damage as well.

Agility is swiftness, reaction speed, and immediate awareness. It's used for dodging things, jumping, ducking, outrunning folks, and other twitchy reactions.

Melee is the general skill of up close combat with knives, swords, fists (power or otherwise), chainsaws, whatever else.

Intelligence is raw intellectual power, knowledge, and drive to learn and study stuff. It is also used for military logistics.

Tactics is your knowledge of battle tactics, from the strategy of leading armies to simply knowing when it is safe to rush across a hallway in a gunfight.

Nerve is the stat both for shooting firearms and for keeping your cool. Nerve checks are common in combat to prevent from panicking or fight through pain.

Charm is the social stat used for flattery, smoothtalking, lying, seduction, verbal sparring, deflection, and navigating high culture.

Presence is the social stat used for reasoning, explaining, teaching, intimidating, impressing, or public address.

Contacts is rolled to know people you need to know, and to have a good reputation with them.

Belief is your actual faith in... whatever you have faith in. The Emperor, hopefully. It is used to resist temptation and corruption.

Scripture is your knowledge of the intellectual side of your religious faith. If you can quote from the holy books and theologians. It's intelligence for matters of faith.

Fire is your ability to project your faith out and convince others of it. Want to convert somebody or whip a crowd into a fanatical fury? This stat.
Weapon: Laspistol
Weapon: Hellpistol
Trade: Manager
Trade: Spy
Trade: Political Operator
Talent: Verbal Sparring
Talent: Seduction
Talent: Dishonesty
Talent: Intimidation
Talent: Exfiltration
Talent: Logistics
Talent: Propaganda
Talent: Indirect Persuasion
People: Dahlia
People: The Corrupted
People: High Imperial Politicians
Knowledge: Imperial Political Theory
Social Loadout
1 Compact Laspistol, 1 Laspistol Reload, Flash-Safe Glasses, 6 Concealed monoknives, 1 Show Knife, 1 Belt Buckle Gun, 1 Plastex Bodyglove/Flakweave Suit, Displacer Field

Combat Options
+1 Hellpistol, +1 Transonic Machete

Compact Laspistol
Small Handgun
Attack Dice: 1/d10 -or- 2/d10-1
Aim Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: +2
Armour Reduction: 0
Magazine Size: 4
Laser: Does not cause bleeding.
Blinding: If operated without flash protection, witnessing the impact of a las-weapon will blind for 3 rounds.

Concealed Monoknife
Small Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10
Damage Bonus : Agility + 1
Armour Penetration : 2
Parry Bonus : -1
Disarm Bonus : +0

Show Knife
Medium Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10+1
Damage Bonus : Agility + 1
Armour Penetration : 0
Parry Bonus : +0
Disarm Bonus : +0

Buckle Gun
Tiny Handgun
Attack Dice: 2/d10-2
Aim Bonus: +0
Damage Bonus: -2
Armour Reduction: 0
Magazine Size: 1
Hidden: Will always escape searches.

Plastex Bodyglove/Flakweave Suit
Armour Value : 3
Coverage : All but Head and Eyes
Resistances : Impact, Blunt

Displacer Field
Energy Screen
When hit with an attack, roll 1d10.
1: Displaced into worse danger.
2: Displacer field fails. Take the hit.
3-6: Displaced hard. Take 1 Sore from bumping into something.
7-9: Displaced. Attack avoided.
10: Nothing personal, kid.

Hellpistol (Voss Pattern)
Medium Handgun/Carbine
Attack Dice: 1/d10 -or- 2/d10-1 (One-Handed)
Aim Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: +3
Armour Reduction: 2
Magazine Size: 12
Laser: Does not cause bleeding.
Blinding: If operated without flash protection, witnessing the impact of a las-weapon will blind for 3 rounds.
Convertible: When converted to Carbine mode, gain +1 to Attack and Aim Bonus.

Transonic Machete
Medium Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10+2
Damage Bonus : Strength + 3
Armour Penetration : 1 + Half of enemy Armour (Round Down)
Parry Bonus : +0
Disarm Bonus : +3
Sickening Vibrations: Enemies with 3 meters of an active blade count as being at -1 to all stats.
Sister Charitina
A member of the Order Famulous who found her faith again thanks to the Inquisitor. Praxis' closest confidant, dearest friend, and irritating ex-girlfriend.
Attributes of Note: Nerve 3, Contacts 4, Charm 3, Scripture 2, Fire 2
Skills of Note: Career - Order Famulous, Weapon - Bolt Carbine, People - Inquisitor Praxis
Equipment: Half-Plate Power Armour, Bolt Carbine, Burning Blade
Known Values: (3) The nobility is a blight on the Imperium, (2) I trust the Inquisitor's vision for the future, (1) Galaxy grim and dark, tiddy soft and warm.

Dahlia Hussian
A 17 year old unsanctioned psyker, rescued by Praxis from the witch's pyre she volunteered for at age 12. Loves the Emperor, and hates herself for being unworthy and twisted.
Attributes of Note: Power 1, Control 2, Sight 2, Faith 5, Strength -1, Nerve 0
Skills of Note: Talent - Self Discipline, Talent - Self-Hatred
Equipment: Web Derringer
Known Values: [3] I am here because I was given a chance. I should extend the same chance to others, [2] The Emperor is all things, [1] I can atone for my existence by aiding the Inquisitor

Marvel Ann Alemanga-Zero
A Magos of the biology wing of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Marvel Ann is an exuberant, odd, and enthusiastic cyborg lady who is an expert in medicine and bionics. She's Joanyn's current sweetheart, and she autotunes her voice.
Attributes of Note: Intelligence 4, Charm 3, Strength 4
Skills of Note: Career - Cyberdoc, Talent - Surgery, Talent - Singing
Known Values: [2] Adventure is to be seized with both hands (and as many mechandrites as possible)

Fraser Bookter
A positively ancient scribe who served Praxis' teacher, Bookter has seen all manner of things. Despite that, he keeps good humour.
Attributes of Note: Intelligence 4, Scripture 2, Contacts 2, Strength -2
Skills of Note: Career - Archivist, Knowledge - Imperial History
Known Values: ???

Korey Kilimnik
Once a Lightning fighter pilot for the Navy, until he was caught fucking an admiral's son. Kilimnik professionally doesn't care unless it has jet engines.
Attributes of Note: Nerve 5, Agility 3
Skills of Note: Career - Fighter Pilot, Talent - Piloting, Talent - Causing Trouble
Known Values: [2] By death or rejuvenation, age will never slow my reflexes

3 XP​
33 XP​
9 XP​

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Naturally, this means humanity never win naval battles against Tau, Eldar, or Necrons. Because they fire so slowly (those are big ass shells for people to haul even in groups) that they just get annihilated comparatively instantly.
Except for the fact that the Navy also has access to; torpedoes, strike craft, lance batteries, Nova Cannons and ramming prows when all else fails. Besides which, Imperial Navy Doctrine is to have the fleet enact Macragge Missile Massacre with said torpedoes so that the enemy ships are too busy with evasive maneuvers, fire fighting and damage control to be able to focus fire on the ships as they close into firing range. This is all without taking into account just how ludicrously durable said ships are.
7-3: Juicer Territory
"Thanks. Just down there?" you indicated down toward the Juicer territory.

"Yeah. Keep ya lighters away and they probably won't be too sent. Luck to you!" he said, then he stepped away to lean against the wall with some of his mates.

"He was helpful." Tina observed, as you turned down the narrow streets and towards the distant conversion tower, "I guess they're like... the nice ones here?"

"Fuck no." you observed, "They just know not to fuck with anyone official passing through because their reputation depends on enabling transit. This makes them look reasonable to the people who put faith in them. I'm sure they do something fucking awful we're best off not learning."

Being a hive kid meant having a mixture of respect and abject hatred for the gangers. On the one hand, they were the thing keeping you safe: your identity by hab-block, section, and level was your community, and they protected you based on it. When you were out too long after schola and some creepy fuck was following you home, you'd ran to the nearest alcove where Community Watch would hang out, and they kept you safe until the guy fucked off and left you alone. Not because they knew you or anything, but because you were the child of tank factory workers, just like them.

On the other hand, gangers brought violence wherever they went, fighting constantly over territory, ideology, and money. They sustained themselves with illegal activity, some innocuous stuff like chem dealing or smuggling luxuries, but also more dangerous or predatory work. Every gang had lines they didn't cross, yes, but they were still ultimately loose associations of mostly young men with few opportunities, looking to get ahead and willing to hurt whoever they needed to do it.

Community Watch stopped people smugglers, kept the worst chems out of the hab blocks, and came down hard on anyone who disturbed the peace. But they also controlled the joygirls around the tank factory, held their food and shelter hostage in exchange for their money, and got violent at any girls trying to work on their own. Everyone knew it was miserable, everyone regarded them with a mixture of hatred and jealousy for it, but it was better them than murderous psychos from the Foundary or the depraved Water Barons, right?

You sometimes thought that Community Watch was still ultimately a force for good, for all that. That they had standards at all, that they were from the community instead of occupying it, was a real step up from most more 'official' groups in the Imperium. You couldn't tell if that was real, or if you were still blinded by nostalgia and provincialism all these years on.

As you came around the conversion tower and started back up the streets, you noticed you were being followed. Men and women in tight cut, ragged clothing, a lot of denim and synthetic leather, jangling with short lengths of chain woven in. The walls, wherever there were light, were all painted here, vast murals in blue and white in blocky patterns depicting people, religious scenes, and what you thought might be their imagining of the world outside, of what skies and stars and a horizon looked like.

Tina was looking nervous, and you could tell she desperately wanted to draw her bolt carbine, but you stayed calm. They were just minding their territory, and looking too nervous might be read as hiding something.

Finally, somebody stepped out to stop you. A group of juvies, young men and women. As they stepped out under the light you could see the tattoos that many of them had along their exposed arms, interlocking squares running up and down.

All of them were armed, chains, knives, and shock sticks close at hand. One, their presumed leader, had a worn stub revolver sticking out of her belt. Most of them had shaved one half of their head and let the other half grow out in a wild tangle. The oldest was maybe fifteen.

The older gangers were stalking around nearby, waiting and watching. The kids had to prove themselves.

"Fuck you think, uptown?" the young woman, their presumed leader, spat, squaring her shoulders at you as they barred your path, "Shit's stressed, gonna get starched round."

"Jo, did you understand that?" Charitina hissed. Barely, and mostly contextually. Isolated communities in hives tended to suffer particularly badly from linguistic drift. When you'd first come out of Tempestora, it had taken months before you'd spoken a form of Low Gothic your team could understand, and you'd been to school.

"I'd rather not. Trying to get to the Old Chapel, on Spire business." you tried. Same reasoning as before: if you stop us, somebody important will be pissed.

"Shit. You're tryin' to get starched then? Bit lowbrained?" she replied, a rapid fire hail of words, grinning madly.

"So I've been told, but it really is vital." you continued.

"You came through Mover streets, right?" one of the juvies asked, pointing back up toward the entrance you'd taken. "Lowbrained fucks killed my cousin, fucked off with our chems overyester. They like you, then?"

Oh. Well, if they thought you'd helped the gang that had just killed some of them, that would be unfortunate. As that young man spoke, you noticed the others starting to pace around to surround you. The young woman who you had thought to be in charge looked a little distressed: she was probably just trying to work out why you were here and maybe get you to pay a toll, but these jumpy kids had just lost some of their own and weren't pleased about people coming through that were apparently buddies with the killers.


[ ] Convince the young folks that attacking you is a good way to end up dead. (Hard Presence, Charitina helps)
[ ] Convince the leader you mean no harm and help her get her group under control. (Impossible Charm)
[ ] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)
[ ] Write In

In case you are wondering, yes, I'm having a blast trying to come up with weird hive slang. I'm sorta going for something like the degeneration of language from the Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome kids, or more darkly the post-war kids from Threads and their barely-English. There's a very stark social and intellectual isolation caused by a mixture of remoteness and the omnidirectional hostility here, and that they are comprehensible at all is likely because this group smuggled to other hive levels.
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[ ] Write In - Bribe them with hard cash to let you through. If they get greedy fall back on intimidation.
[X] Convince the young folks that attacking you is a good way to end up dead. (Hard Presence, Charitina helps)
-[X] "Think I'd be here if I didn't know how to handle myself?"
-[X] "And no, they don't like me any more'n you do, I figger," Praxis said, slipping back into speech patterns from many decades past. "Yet here I am. What's that tell you?"
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As much as I'm tempted to just kill our way through, I think Joanyn would try to pay the toll like a normal person.

[X] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)
[X] Convince the young folks that attacking you is a good way to end up dead. (Hard Presence, Charitina helps)
[X] Convince the young folks that attacking you is a good way to end up dead. (Hard Presence, Charitina helps)
-[X] "Think I'd be here if I didn't know how to handle myself?"
-[X] "And no, they don't like me any more'n you do, I figger," Praxis said, slipping back into speech patterns from many decades past. "Yet here I am. What's that tell you?"
The only thing I can think is that Praxis code switching back to Tempestora Tank Factory Gothic is probably going to lead to a very funny and mutually incomprehensible conversation that will be totally opaque to both Charitina and us. As good as it might be, it's probably best if Praxis sticks to the semistandardized Trade Gothic she's been using.
[X] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)

Transit toll eh? We know the rules down ere.
[X] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)

we were prepared for this.
[x] Appeal to Spire's authority, badmouth the last lot, make gesture to their authority.
-[x] "They're no friends of ours, they were just fearful of the weight of The Spire coming down upon them."
-[x] "I seek passage through your territory, might there be a due owed for the privilege?"
--[x] "I do believe that to be the outsiders' fee. I do have a reputation of my own to maintain..."
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this approach still preserves the fundamentals (that bodies are reprocessed to feed the population),
Forget reclaiming nitrogen, on a Hive world phosphorus is going to be more valuable than gold.
Plus it being a more obvious but indirect Soylent Green reference.
Surely you meant Soylens Viridians, citizen?
In case you are wondering, yes, I'm having a blast trying to come up with weird hive slang
Perekle! Tolowda pick da gudt chrony gonya frune with, keng ke?
Tempestora Tank Factory Gothic
fuck dheth, is e seo fearann Tank Factory :V

[X] Convince the young folks that attacking you is a good way to end up dead. (Hard Presence, Charitina helps)
I really love all the detail and thought that has gone into this depiction of a hive city. It's incredible. Despite just how ridiculous the basic assumptions are, you make it feel lived in and plausible. The language, the cultural, economic and sociological aspects, the little snippets of description, the stuff just passingly mentioned in off-hand remarks. It's great. It feels like a place people actually live, deeply flawed and dysfunctional and pointlessly cruel and wasteful and part of an absolutely awful society, but fitting into that society in a way that mostly makes sense rather than just existing as some sort of caricature of human misery. Even down here in the lower levels, ruled by gangs and utterly disconnected from all productive activity, people are making art to liven up the dreary ruins they live in, even if they don't quite know what the sky ought to look like. It's great. Very well done.

I've been lurking here a while and finally went ahead and made an account for this. The last few updates have been wonderful.
[] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)

That are gangers (not gangsters). That line will lead to unreasonable requests and might start with impossible ones.
[] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)

That are gangers (not gangsters). That line will lead to unreasonable requests and might start with impossible ones.
Eh, we can always fall back on shooting them. And the scenario you describe seems like the result of failing the roll.
I really love all the detail and thought that has gone into this depiction of a hive city. It's incredible. Despite just how ridiculous the basic assumptions are, you make it feel lived in and plausible. The language, the cultural, economic and sociological aspects, the little snippets of description, the stuff just passingly mentioned in off-hand remarks. It's great. It feels like a place people actually live, deeply flawed and dysfunctional and pointlessly cruel and wasteful and part of an absolutely awful society, but fitting into that society in a way that mostly makes sense rather than just existing as some sort of caricature of human misery. Even down here in the lower levels, ruled by gangs and utterly disconnected from all productive activity, people are making art to liven up the dreary ruins they live in, even if they don't quite know what the sky ought to look like. It's great. Very well done.

I've been lurking here a while and finally went ahead and made an account for this. The last few updates have been wonderful.
I'm really really glad to hear this. Welcome to SV! If you're looking for something else to read from me, my signature has other quests I've written, all of which get pretty worldbuild-y.
[X] Ask what they want from you in exchange for safe passage through. (Normal Charm)

We're ridiculously wealthy by local standards. Let's just pay them.