It's taking a really long time to update.
Do you have anything better to add other than your pestering? Seriously, everyone here knows that Flairina's chapter posting rhythm is not like that of some of the monsters that write entire novels worth words in a month, you don't have to keep salting the wound for being impatient.
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It's taking a really long time to update.
Framing it as an exception can be demotivating. One of the best ways to encourage updates is to get the author idly thinking about the story. fanfiction is an amazing way to get that to happen, especially open-ended and poorly-characterised fanfiction with interesting background details akin to the stories which themselves provoke the majority of fanfiction such as Worm, Harry Potter, Naruto, Familiar of Zero...

Like, try writing an omake in which, when Ranma Saotome gets wet, he turns into Ashtaroth, physically and mentally, then reverts from hot water...
Framing it as an exception can be demotivating. One of the best ways to encourage updates is to get the author idly thinking about the story. fanfiction is an amazing way to get that to happen, especially open-ended and poorly-characterised fanfiction with interesting background details akin to the stories which themselves provoke the majority of fanfiction such as Worm, Harry Potter, Naruto, Familiar of Zero...

Like, try writing an omake in which, when Ranma Saotome gets wet, he turns into Ashtaroth, physically and mentally, then reverts from hot water...
thanks for the advice :)
Framing it as an exception can be demotivating. One of the best ways to encourage updates is to get the author idly thinking about the story. fanfiction is an amazing way to get that to happen, especially open-ended and poorly-characterised fanfiction with interesting background details akin to the stories which themselves provoke the majority of fanfiction such as Worm, Harry Potter, Naruto, Familiar of Zero...

Like, try writing an omake in which, when Ranma Saotome gets wet, he turns into Ashtaroth, physically and mentally, then reverts from hot water...

I was actually thinking about doing one soon. But I'm still working on the idea.
Hey, it's gotten a little too quiet in here. I think that means I should say something before the silence gets too awkward.

I don't think that Ashtaroth's hair is weird enough to be a Yugioh protagonist's.
Oh, but it will be. Just you wait.

It's probably about how important a Familiar is to the Witch. The Pyotr and Polina's are basically faceless masses of mooks to Charlotte, while the Du Polignacs are treasured friends to Candeloro. I suspect Shemesh would be even higher on that scale.
By that logic, some Ummashtart may be naturally more massive than others. :thonk:

That's suspiciously specific. Why other weapons, instead of enemies or obstacles?
It's the inferiority complex, I tell you. Why else would Tira's blade need to be bigger and more potent than all others?:V

Her arms are too noodly for proper sword fighting.
Which is a shame, because sword and shield compliment each other like meat and potatoes. (Except Sword and Shield, which are still bad.)

In Sayaka's defense; Ashy only won because they fought inside of the Canvas. Without the illusions, Sayaka would have won.
Not much of a defense, because all it means is that both of them were going all-out. Experience was the problem, not power, and Sayaka was really unlucky to run headfirst into enemies she can't simply stab to death in a berserker frenzy. I think Ashy already said everything she could have said in Sayaka's defense, really.

It could be Shemesh's doing—perhaps discouraging an impolite familiar.
Strange how no familiars were mentioned this time. Shemesh may have accidentally'd all of them.

The problem with Sayaka and Mami is that they were determined to be her enemy before she even met them. She's done just fine with Hitomi and Tira.
I disagree. Ashy dragged Hitomi and Tira into the problems she caused with Sayaka and Mami (who both had a good reason to be upset). Even when she's really nice and succeeds at diplomacy and tries really hard to do everything right, mistakes are inevitably made and bad things happen just because she associates with others at all.

This is what it means to be egocentric. Ashtaroth inflicts more harm with open hands than with a clenched fist. /Kreia

When you think about it, her effectiveness up until now is rivaled only by goddamn Walpurgisnacht..
Ashy has a very different kind of effectiveness. She has the advantage of being really slippery, because her fighting style is unpredictable and ever-evolving, because she regularly gets more powers and allies and she's smart enough to take advantage of that. Whenever it looks like she's losing, which is often, she can improvise an unexpectedly clever tactic on the spot or just pull out more trump cards! Ashy isn't the kind of enemy you can easily plan for, is what I'm saying. If you fight her like you'd fight a normal witch, you are probably going to have a very bad time, even if she is relatively weak and you think you've got her all figured out. And although sparing Ashy might be a valid solution here, it's also a violation of common sense!

Walpurgisnacht doesn't have any of that, but she does have a mostly invincible forcefield.

I like the insinuation that there are potentially multiple final bosses, whatever that means. Is the first final boss just not final enough?

I honestly don't know which one of these I'd pick as "canon" if I actually needed to, so... take your pick? 🎉
The canon one is the one Ashy celebrates. Wouldn't make sense otherwise.

Well, he always LOOKS smug, but by his own words, he has no capacity for emotion. Every show of "feeling", be it happiness/annoyance/smugness/etc, is merely a facade...

According to him, at least. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"Smug is not merely a feeling, it is a way of being. You can summon the essence of smug regardless of your capacity for emotion!" -Flairina, probably

Of course, doing too good a job is just likely to get you noticed by Kyubey, who may or may not enlist a team of magical girls to hunt you down so as make sure you don't unbalance the system/eat too many magical eggs before they've had time to hatch. As such, Ashtaroth might want to slow it down a bit...
My forecast for upcoming story arcs in general:

Ashy: "I'm friendly. Please ignore me."
Kyubey: "She's too dangerous to be left alive!"
Magical Girls: *confused and conflicted magical girl noises*
Ashy: *finishes breakfast of five dozen eggs, grows to roughly the size of a barge* "That was an accident, I swear."

So what if Ashy doesn't slow down, and disturbs the balance too much? Well... Ashy's curse is the emotional equivalent of a refrigerator. The total entropy must go up, so a fridge can't make stuff inside colder unless other things get hotter elsewhere. See where I'm going with this yet?

Ashy is saving people from despair by incorporating them into her little world, but the despair in the world outside her barrier is going to increase as a direct consequence of that. Because, you know, she did curse the whole world. Magical girls are disappearing from the world, which is bad news for people who know them. And witches are disappearing from the world, which is bad news for magical girls, because then they'd become witches faster, which means a demand for more magical girls, etc. This also means even more people will run into Ashy and add to her power, which makes everything even worse, until there are no more people left to become magical girls and fight witches.

The effects are currently too subtle to be noticed by anyone but Kyubey, but this unbalance can become catastrophic if Ashy keeps this up. This is an Isabeau-level threat, and Kyubey can't fully explain its effects on the ecosystem without telling everyone where witches come from.

Now, how to fix this?
  • Kill Ashy. Easier said than done, and becomes more difficult by the day. Looking for an incredibly powerful magical girl somewhere is starting to look like a really good idea. (Isabeau problems require Tart solutions.)
  • Diplomacy is a valid option. But then again, it may be hard to convince a witch to go against her well-intentioned and natural inclination of connecting with others and expanding her horizons. Also, Kyubey and magical girls might not feel comfortable with trying.
  • Crazy esoteric solutions even I'm still not sure about, like Homura's time travel shenanigans.

Heh, that's certainly true in a fashion — but, did you notice that almost none of that "success" came from effective power/magic usage on Ashtaroth's part? Saar was beaten by virtue of simple physics rather than any sort of magic, Shemesh did most of the work against Sayaka, and Charlotte essentially did ALL the work against Tira and Mami, the latter having remained untouched all battle up until she witched out (something that remained true during the fight against her witch, which finished only when Tira gave her a calm down hug). Ashtaroth managed alright against Charlotte and Candeloro's familiar swarms, and her trick against Homura was rather clever (in her own opinion), but all her magic ended up being good for in most of these cases was defending herself from attacks and stalling for time, before whatever happened to end the battle... happened.

Hence her assertion that she may kind of suck. :p
So... you're saying that she's the Least Magical Witch. :V

- If Tira is still wearing Candeloro I expect Candeloro be in agonizing pain when Tira leaves the barrier. Ashtaroth very much didn't like the feel of reality, and she was just close to the exit.
Leaving makes Ashy feel deeply uncomfortable, I guess because the barrier is supposed to be self-contained? I'm not sure if that's true of other witches, because it's established that this barrier has special properties, and Alina Gray can just move witches around in her own barriers. I think it's possible that they usually need a barrier, but aren't always fussy about whose barrier it's supposed to be, as long as they can call it home? I dunno.

(Good thing Ashtaroth doesn't normally have a nose.)
She doesn't normally have eyes either, but she ain't blind.

Both of these look correct, as far as I can tell. Personally, I'd have gone with Zaubermädchen, but to each their own.

...But on second thought, why limit yourself to tricky compound words? Hexenlein works just as well in this context, I think.

Witches do not change names so far as we're aware, but in appearance, type, nature, and even powers they can change quite a bit, depending on the cause of the magical girl's despair, as well as the circumstances under which they witch out.
This meshes well with the idea that becoming a magical girl and then a witch is essentially a literal rebirth. What they become depends on what they feel at the moment of death, and what they end up with is consistent with who they were up to that point.
It's taking a really long time to update.

I am aware. Yeesh, should've saved the last chapter's title for the next one... really sorry about the delay. See, I promised myself a couple months ago that I wouldn't work on anything else until I got another chapter of Stand-in up, save MOG, which was supposed to be the low-pressure, who-cares-if-I-continue fic that I could use to destress if Stand-in got too frustrating to work on. MOG, however, kind of ended up being the most popular fic I've ever posted over on Spacebattles, and... yeah, I've been distracted. Much the same way I got distracted from this fic by ABG last year, and am still somewhat distracted by, honestly. Might just have to break that promise to myself given how little progress I've made, but even if I do I'm really not great at balancing my fics, so... well, I apologize. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter for this fic ready soon.

Like, try writing an omake in which, when Ranma Saotome gets wet, he turns into Ashtaroth, physically and mentally, then reverts from hot water...

Without even writing anything, you've now reminded me that I have not worked on my Ranma/KLK fic in almost two years. I feel as though this strategy may have backfired. ^^;

By that logic, some Ummashtart may be naturally more massive than others. :thonk:

It's an interesting thought, but given that the Ummashtart have a whole myriad of forms, it'd be difficult to tell what's large from how much Ashtaroth cared about it vs. what's large just because its the natural size of whatever form the Ummashtart has taken. ^^;

It's the inferiority complex, I tell you. Why else would Tira's blade need to be bigger and more potent than all others?:V

I mean... you're not wrong, exactly, so I suppose I can't really contradict this. :Y

I disagree. Ashy dragged Hitomi and Tira into the problems she caused with Sayaka and Mami (who both had a good reason to be upset). Even when she's really nice and succeeds at diplomacy and tries really hard to do everything right, mistakes are inevitably made and bad things happen just because she associates with others at all.

This is what it means to be egocentric. Ashtaroth inflicts more harm with open hands than with a clenched fist. /Kreia

I don't know if I'd say that's what it means, but you're certainly correct about the effects it seems to have on Ashtaroth's attempts to relate/talk/do pretty much anything with others. She does try, she just... kind of tends to miss crucial points in the process, and things go downhill from there.

(Also, interesting link.)

Ashy has a very different kind of effectiveness. She has the advantage of being really slippery, because her fighting style is unpredictable and ever-evolving, because she regularly gets more powers and allies and she's smart enough to take advantage of that. Whenever it looks like she's losing, which is often, she can improvise an unexpectedly clever tactic on the spot or just pull out more trump cards! Ashy isn't the kind of enemy you can easily plan for, is what I'm saying. If you fight her like you'd fight a normal witch, you are probably going to have a very bad time, even if she is relatively weak and you think you've got her all figured out. And although sparing Ashy might be a valid solution here, it's also a violation of common sense!

A nice threat analysis — I imagine Homura is thinking much the same thing right about now, and in a much less excited manner. :)

Walpurgisnacht doesn't have any of that, but she does have a mostly invincible forcefield.

I don't think she even has a forcefield; she's just that tough from absorbing/having been made from however many witches she's composed of. Or maybe because there's some secret to fighting her that no one figured out despite the centuries she's been around for, but that doesn't seem terribly likely given how infamous she seems to be, and also how much documentation of her Homura seems to have randomly floating around her house.

(Seriously, cool setup, but, why...?)

I like the insinuation that there are potentially multiple final bosses, whatever that means. Is the first final boss just not final enough?

You can never have enough final bosses. Which is of course an oxymoron, but no less true for it. ;)

"Smug is not merely a feeling, it is a way of being. You can summon the essence of smug regardless of your capacity for emotion!" -Flairina, probably

Ahhh, so that's how he gets away with it. Hey, thanks, me! I'm even better at this character analysis stuff than I thought. :D

My forecast for upcoming story arcs in general:

Ashy: "I'm friendly. Please ignore me."
Kyubey: "She's too dangerous to be left alive!"
Magical Girls: *confused and conflicted magical girl noises*
Ashy: *finishes breakfast of five dozen eggs, grows to roughly the size of a barge* "That was an accident, I swear."

I won't say if you're close or not on the whole, but... well, something in here is relatively prescient. ✪ ω ✪

So what if Ashy doesn't slow down, and disturbs the balance too much? Well... Ashy's curse is the emotional equivalent of a refrigerator. The total entropy must go up, so a fridge can't make stuff inside colder unless other things get hotter elsewhere. See where I'm going with this yet?

Ashy is saving people from despair by incorporating them into her little world, but the despair in the world outside her barrier is going to increase as a direct consequence of that. Because, you know, she did curse the whole world. Magical girls are disappearing from the world, which is bad news for people who know them. And witches are disappearing from the world, which is bad news for magical girls, because then they'd become witches faster, which means a demand for more magical girls, etc. This also means even more people will run into Ashy and add to her power, which makes everything even worse, until there are no more people left to become magical girls and fight witches.

The effects are currently too subtle to be noticed by anyone but Kyubey, but this unbalance can become catastrophic if Ashy keeps this up. This is an Isabeau-level threat, and Kyubey can't fully explain its effects on the ecosystem without telling everyone where witches come from.

I can't effectively respond to this without likely confirming or denying things about this fic's long term plans in turn, but you seem to have thought this out pretty thoroughly, and I love the theorizing on the potentially catastrophic effects of Ashtaroth's actions, especially given that she genuinely isn't even trying to be a problem for everyone else. :lol:

Now, how to fix this?
  • Kill Ashy. Easier said than done, and becomes more difficult by the day. Looking for an incredibly powerful magical girl somewhere is starting to look like a really good idea. (Isabeau problems require Tart solutions.)
  • Diplomacy is a valid option. But then again, it may be hard to convince a witch to go against her well-intentioned and natural inclination of connecting with others and expanding her horizons. Also, Kyubey and magical girls might not feel comfortable with trying.
  • Crazy esoteric solutions even I'm still not sure about, like Homura's time travel shenanigans.

There is a potential solution you're missing. One which Ashtaroth is likely to become concerned about quite soon, story-wise.

So... you're saying that she's the Least Magical Witch. :V

Very appropriate for a witch that started out as a witchsona of me, no? ^^;

Leaving makes Ashy feel deeply uncomfortable, I guess because the barrier is supposed to be self-contained? I'm not sure if that's true of other witches, because it's established that this barrier has special properties, and Alina Gray can just move witches around in her own barriers. I think it's possible that they usually need a barrier, but aren't always fussy about whose barrier it's supposed to be, as long as they can call it home? I dunno.

It's not just uncomfortable, it actively hurts her. But more on that later.

Both of these look correct, as far as I can tell. Personally, I'd have gone with Zaubermädchen, but to each their own.

...But on second thought, why limit yourself to tricky compound words? Hexenlein works just as well in this context, I think.

Yes, but I like the alliteration of Magischmädchen too much to give it up so easily, hehe. As for why I wouldn't use Hexenlein... well, if I ever get that far, you'll see.

This meshes well with the idea that becoming a magical girl and then a witch is essentially a literal rebirth. What they become depends on what they feel at the moment of death, and what they end up with is consistent with who they were up to that point.

Exactly. One's potential witch does not simply exist in a static state upon becoming a magical girl, because one's potential witch IS you, and as you change with your experiences, so too does she. Hence, gradually evolving witches! :lol:
I am aware. Yeesh, should've saved the last chapter's title for the next one... really sorry about the delay. See, I promised myself a couple months ago that I wouldn't work on anything else until I got another chapter of Stand-in up, save MOG, which was supposed to be the low-pressure, who-cares-if-I-continue fic that I could use to destress if Stand-in got too frustrating to work on. MOG, however, kind of ended up being the most popular fic I've ever posted over on Spacebattles, and... yeah, I've been distracted. Much the same way I got distracted from this fic by ABG last year, and am still somewhat distracted by, honestly. Might just have to break that promise to myself given how little progress I've made, but even if I do I'm really not great at balancing my fics, so... well, I apologize. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter for this fic ready soon.

Stop sounding so guilty, this isn´t your dayjob, you owe us nothing.

Without even writing anything, you've now reminded me that I have not worked on my Ranma/KLK fic in almost two years. I feel as though this strategy may have backfired. ^^;

Linkies? Sounds interesting.

A nice threat analysis — I imagine Homura is thinking much the same thing right about now, and in a much less excited manner. :)

Does Homu even know Ashy can eat things?

Still sounds wrong I tell you.
It's an interesting thought, but given that the Ummashtart have a whole myriad of forms, it'd be difficult to tell what's large from how much Ashtaroth cared about it vs. what's large just because its the natural size of whatever form the Ummashtart has taken. ^^;
No, not that kind of massive. I mean they just literally have more mass (in grief). Giant familiars are a thing in Rebellion, but I don't think Ashy will have much of that unless she keeps overflowing with energy the way she was recently.

(Also, interesting link.)
Kreia is bitter and kinda evil and I don't always agree with her philosophy. But she is wise in the ways of the Force and quite possibly the most interesting Star Wars character ever, and her idea that poorly thought out good intentions might only lead to more suffering certainly rings true here.

I don't think she even has a forcefield; she's just that tough from absorbing/having been made from however many witches she's composed of.
Yeah, she is that tough. But when she can be hurt anyway, she can bring out this. It escalates the fight to unstoppable force/immovable object levels, I guess? It even makes her look like a meteor, which really works with the whole natural disaster theme she's going with.

There is a potential solution you're missing. One which Ashtaroth is likely to become concerned about quite soon, story-wise.
I think the "become human again" plan is already covered under crazy esoteric solutions that may or may not work.:p

It's not just uncomfortable, it actively hurts her. But more on that later.
For Ashy, I guessed as much. (She felt like she was turning inside-out, IIRC.) Leaving the barrier in person sounds like one of those Absolutely Antithetical Actions she simply can't or mustn't do. Like fully submerging in Tome or unsubsuming anything.

For witches in general, I'm not so sure, for the aforementioned reasons. Just wondering if Candeloro can safely pass through with Tira. And if not, why not.

Does Homu even know Ashy can eat things?
Homura herself was very nearly eaten, and she knew that something happened to Sayaka's soul gem. I think she's got it more or less figured out.

I wouldn't use it because it looks like What you'd call the magical version of a certain sci-fi author
That's a common diminutive suffix you're looking at; no relation to Heinlein.
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I don't think she even has a forcefield; she's just that tough from absorbing/having been made from however many witches she's composed of. Or maybe because there's some secret to fighting her that no one figured out despite the centuries she's been around for, but that doesn't seem terribly likely given how infamous she seems to be, and also how much documentation of her Homura seems to have randomly floating around her house.

Actually, while it's not outright confirmed it really looks that she does have one.

Looking at how Madoka erases her in EP 12 in the Anime, and the MagiReco Animation Cutscenes, for all the time she had the glowy circular disk thing at her back, Walpurgisnacht took all the mundane ordinance Homura threw at her, and in MagiReco ate that plus all the magic-based attacks the girls in Kamihama could muster without a single scratch.

And just before she actually starts taking damage/disintegrating, said disk thing is the first to disappear in both times.

I guess you could make a case of how she got needled down when she was destroyed in MagiReco, but the girls only really tied up the doll part and not the gear, which is her actual body.
Welp, since I can comment now, here's my big question. How would Novella handle subsuming a Doppel? For this, let's use Iroha and Giovanna as examples.
1. Iroha and the Doppel ver. of Giovanna get subsumed, we get part of Iroha's page and part of Giovanna's Witch page. (Basically we just ripped Iroha's soul apart and it is now in two separate locations in Ashy, she ain't leaving Novella anytime soon)
2. Same scenario, when Giovanna enters Novella the Grief Seed event occurs, the Doppel steals enough Grief from Ashy that the Impurities start leaking from the body onto Iroha's Soul Gem, she Witches out, we now have another casualty on our hands, and Iroha's teammates are going to make sure we die (yay for Ashy I guess)
3. We end up with a glitchy mess of a page (basically the page looks like a fusion of a Puella Magi and Witch profile) and Novella refuses to unsubsume Iroha as it now considers her a Witch.
4. Doppel Giovanna has a different page than the Witch Giovanna, whole situation avoided.
These are all wild guesses as well. The whole situation might be even more ridiculous or less ridiculous than this.
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Welp, since I can comment now, here's my big question. How would Novella handle subsuming a Doppel? For this, let's use Iroha and Giovanna as examples.
1. Iroha and the Doppel ver. of Giovanna get subsumed, we get part of Iroha's page and part of Giovanna's Witch page. (Basically we just ripped Iroha's soul apart and it is now in two separate locations in Ashy, she ain't leaving Novella anytime soon)
2. Same scenario, when Giovanna enters Novella the Grief Seed event occurs, the Doppel steals enough Grief from Ashy that the Impurities start leaking from the body onto Iroha's Soul Gem, she Witches out, we now have another casualty on our hands, and Iroha's teammates are going to make sure we die (yay for Ashy I guess)
3. We end up with a glitchy mess of a page (basically the page looks like a fusion of a Puella Magi and Witch profile) and Novella refuses to unsubsume Iroha as it now considers her a Witch.
4. Doppel Giovanna has a different page than the Witch Giovanna, whole situation avoided.
These are all wild guesses as well. The whole situation might be even more ridiculous or less ridiculous than this.

As far as I'm aware, the Doppels can be activated when the Magical Girl has enough accumulated Grief, so I think it would work like this (using Iroha as an example too):

  • Ashy gets a LOT of Grief when subsuming Iroha. Iroha can be summoned normally like Sayaka and Tira.
  • Iroha gets its own page in Novella and the Doppel is mentioned in her Magic section (If Iroha uses her Doppel outside of Novella, the image changes to her image with the Doppel and more information on the Doppel is revealed, this is just a detail thought).
  • That Doppel is still connected with Iroha so it cannot be summoned separately. Iroha cannot witchout.
  • Iroha can basically summon her Doppel any time without drawbacks by using Ashy's Grief (Ashy loses height when this happens). Ashy can take FULL control of Iroha's Doppel, she doesn't need to control Iroha to do this.
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Oh and just to say something. If (Best Orb) Shemesh returns: D since his attacks are planet based.

Do you think he can go full Lava Rasen Shuriken?

Welp, excuse me while I go write a gag snippet or whatever it's called here about Ashy adding the Mirrors Witch's Labyrinth to her own and everyone getting horribly lost as they try to explore it with Ashy's directions (I really hope this is a good idea lol).
Omake: Flawed Mirror
Flawed Mirror

The life of a Magical Girl really never is normal. It includes fighting eldritch abominations made from the souls of previous girls, crazy serial killers, and a hurricane that homes in on any one that gets strong enough to survive for over a year. Of course, quite a few of them don't have to deal with any of that. They get to be permanently bound to a giant book who makes people do the Macarena when her giant planet servant kidnaps them. Of course, having her as a GPS is the exact opposite of a good idea.

<Please take a left turn on Mirror Avenue as you approach your destination.> you promptly announce. Sure, this Mirrors Witch was being a major pain in the rear to find, but they had to be close, right? You already picked up a Fortune Teller Witch called Etteilla, subsumed an artificial intelligence Witch who you only got part of the page of "Nemu Hiiragi" for, a princess looking Magical Girl with a giant shield who started to grief spiral as you murdered their friend in front of them, and watched some science nerd become a Witch since Etteilla blew up their friend Emiri, who of course also got subsumed. It was quite simply a normal week for you at this point, which is really bad now that you think about it. You really should change your weekly routine up so that less people die.

<I have decided that this is the stupidest thing I have ever done. Are you sure we aren't going in circles, Ash-tarot? I haven't gotten anywhere at all, and Tira sure isn't helping guide me.>

<Miki-san, I am outside the Labyrinth. Who are you currently following? Perhaps it's Kyoko or Yuma?>

<I'm with Tira on this one, Sayaka. I don't see you following anyone at all. Kyoko and Yuma are out raiding a market for food anyway. Take a right turn on Cinderella Lane, your destination is approximately 5 miles away.>

<You know what? I'll just find out where I need to go myself! You aren't getting me any closer to the Witch at all, which means I have to do everything myself around here!>

Guess Sayaka isn't going to listen to you anymore. Guess you'll just have to wait for her to figure out where the exit is.

1 Week Later

Sayaka did manage to find the Mirrors Witch after a week. It managed to kick her butt so hard that she flew out of the Labyrinth. Finding it again is now at the back of your priorities. That thing seemed to be deadly enough that it could give that transfer student problems.

"Ashtaroth, I'm sorry for disobeying you. Can you help me find the Mirrors Witch again by following me in?" Sayaka asked in a cutesy tone of voice. Wait, this doesn't seem like Sayaka at all! She doesn't act like this, and she sure doesn't pronounce your name correctly. With one Peerless Edge, you kill the Sayaka, causing it to dissolve into Grief.

<Hey Ash-ba-rot, I think I managed to find the exit to the Labyrinth without your help. What is wrong with you, thinking that you could just ignore me and leave me in a hostile Witch's Labyrinth?>

Guess you found the real Sayaka immediately after the fake died. That's…. oddly convenient, but who really cares at this point.

<Hello Miki-san, how was your time in the Mirrors Witch's Labyrinth?>

<It was really boring. The majority of the Familiars died immediately, and the Mirrors Witch managed to barely beat me, but I almost beat it. It had to chicken out and ambush me!>

That's definitely not what happened. You watched the Witch basically curb-stomp Sayaka in the fight. Wincing at the thought of Sayaka ranting at you telepathically all day, you let her have her little victory.

<Well, what happened while I was gone? And why is there a giant cookie following me?

<Please don't ask about it. No one knows why there's a giant cookie Witch in the barrier, so figuring out its origin is pointless. Of course, you lost the deal. You said you would figure out the Labyrinth in a day, it took you a whole week. You don't get Tira's phone for 5 minutes.>

<If it's anything, Miki-san. I was expecting you to easily find the Witch. Of course, my phone is a valued possession. Why not use the one I bought you?>

Oh dear, they're about to start arguing about phones. Guess all your efforts against Sayaka telepathically screaming at you went to waste.
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Welp, as I await for the mods to give my snippet thingy their approval, here's another question. If Suzune were to somehow kill Ashy, what would she get from it? Ashy's old shapeshifting powers, shatterwords, the ability to subsume things? It's quite confusing and I don't fully understand it.
Welp, as I await for the mods to give my snippet thingy their approval, here's another question. If Suzune were to somehow kill Ashy, what would she get from it? Ashy's old shapeshifting powers, shatterwords, the ability to subsume things? It's quite confusing and I don't fully understand it.

After reading about the character for about 5 minutes. I think the most likely thing she would get are the Shatterwords. Specially since the Subsumption doesn't seem to match her desires at all and is quite useless on her hands. She absord the abilities of Witches (one at a time) and kills Magical Girls in order to prevent them from turning into Witches. Being able to make Witches part of her doesn't seems to fit to well with that.

She thinks she must bear the sin of killing the sinless, by doing the "right thing to do" by killing them. And the last time I saw, "condemning" the souls of the "sinless" to be part of your own, doesn't seem like the "right thing to do" by any extent of the definition. And she cannot even "save" Magical Girls from becoming Witches if she Subsumes them like Ashy, since Suzume is not inmune to Grief, so she would witchout 2 times faster or most likely just auto witchout from doing it with a Witch.
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Wait, I just realized something while I was rereading the part where Ashtaroth gets sent back to her spawn point. Absorbing part of Homura's stacking potential is a side of effect of Ashtaroth stealing a chunk of her soul, as proven with Homura's Novella entry.

Ashtaroth literally pulled off what the Wraiths did by accident in the Wraith Arc, and unlike that time, completely made that potential irrevocably her own. Homura's lost potential is now Ashtaroth's, which means it can't mastermind rejoining the greater whole.

What are the chances that the moment Homura checked her Soul Gem after waking back in the hospital, and found out that she couldn't summon her shield? Or, after 10 days into a seemingly normal reset, loses the ability to summon her shield when Ashtaroth came back?

RIP Madoka Canon.
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Wait, I just realized something while I was rereading the part where Ashtaroth gets sent back to her spawn point. Absorbing part of Homura's stacking potential is a side of effect of Ashtaroth stealing a chunk of her soul, as proven with Homura's Novella entry.

Ashtaroth literally pulled off what the Wraiths did by accident in the Wraith Arc, and unlike that time, completely made that potential irrevocably her own. Homura's lost potential is now Ashtaroth's, which means it can't mastermind rejoining the greater whole.

What are the chances that the moment Homura checked her Soul Gem after waking back in the hospital, and found out that she couldn't summon her shield? Or, after 10 days into a seemingly normal reset, loses the ability to summon her shield when Ashtaroth came back?

RIP Madoka Canon.
Don't worry about it! Theres always an easy way to get the whole soul back together!
Wait, I just realized something while I was rereading the part where Ashtaroth gets sent back to her spawn point. Absorbing part of Homura's stacking potential is a side of effect of Ashtaroth stealing a chunk of her soul, as proven with Homura's Novella entry.

Ashtaroth literally pulled off what the Wraiths did by accident in the Wraith Arc, and unlike that time, completely made that potential irrevocably her own. Homura's lost potential is now Ashtaroth's, which means it can't mastermind rejoining t mihe greater whole.

What are the chances that the moment Homura checked her Soul Gem after waking back in the hospital, and found out that she couldn't summon her shield? Or, after 10 days into a seemingly normal reset, loses the ability to summon her shield when Ashtaroth came back?

RIP Madoka Canon.

Wait, what happened in the Wraith Arc? I don't get why Homura would lose her powers.