Fanart: Puella Magi Ashtaroth+Shemesh Art Ensemble 2, turns out, I have quite a bit of Puella-fied art that I never got around to posting here? Over half of it coming courtesy of Number 1 Shemesh/Ashtaroth shipper @Pheonix14, who went commission mad for a little while back in... 2021?! Holy hell have I got to pick up the pace again, what in the world...

Er, anyways!

First we have some pixel sprites by @carni, in the style of the characters from her art quest There Are Only Three Levels. It's on pseudo-hiatus at the moment, but has some really great humor, as well as very cute character designs — as you can see. :3

<Wha- did I lose my arms again?>
{Why do you even care so much about those things?}*

Next, another pixel sprite, this one by petalade, complete with background! Featuring Puella Shemesh as best maid — though I'm sure she'd rather not have to be.

{It's alright. Cleaning up my master's messes is already most of what I do.}*

Then some full on portraits, featuring the work of FlamLo, cc5100, and MiraSolar! Akin to the normal version's form, Puella Shemesh's personality is somewhat... malleable, shall we say, allowing for some rather interesting shots.

{I don't... recall posing for these...}*
<I don't either, but hey, at least we look good.>

And finally, courtesy of Pheonix commissioning Axi-Rokko... well, I did say "Number 1 Shemesh/Ashtaroth shipper", didn't I? ^^;

{See this, Master? This could be us!}*
< it couldn't. This barrier doesn't even have stars yet.>

That's all for now! See you next time for Candeloro-mania, presumably. :rolleyes:

* Translated from orb speech.
gosh the little bits of in character dialogue go so well with the various bits of fanart.
especially that last line, eeeee it's so cute and makes me want to comm more pieces where Shemesh gets love from her Master
Is Magia Record related somewhat I think. Is somewhat of a prequel to canon Madoka Magica apparently, there is not enough info as far as I know. It involves a magical girl that is capable of detecting Homura's Time Stop ability and wonders the cause if I remmember correctly.
Now that Scene 0 is only about a week away, I wonder if the new story content will affect this fic.

I really hope not. I don't tend to adjust very well when new content comes out for a fandom I'm actively writing something for and ends up proving some of my plans unworkable/unfitting with canon mechanics, or otherwise forces me to change things somehow to take the new information into account. Magia Record has already done that a couple times for this story, mostly by preempting me in ways I can do naught but pout at, and I'd rather that Scene 0 not do the same. That said, given what little I know/have heard about it, I think it's unlikely its content will require me to alter anything about this story, which I'm grateful for.
I really hope not. I don't tend to adjust very well when new content comes out for a fandom I'm actively writing something for and ends up proving some of my plans unworkable/unfitting with canon mechanics, or otherwise forces me to change things somehow to take the new information into account. Magia Record has already done that a couple times for this story, mostly by preempting me in ways I can do naught but pout at, and I'd rather that Scene 0 not do the same. That said, given what little I know/have heard about it, I think it's unlikely its content will require me to alter anything about this story, which I'm grateful for.
I imagine Pokemon fanfiction writers feel the same and get annoyed whenever a new game comes out. I've been wanting to write a My Hero Academia story for a while too, but there is literally only one season left before it finishes, and I don't want to miss an opportunity to work canon content in so I keep forcing myself to wait.
I imagine Nasu fanfiction writers just have to throw their hands up and just write irregardless because Nasuverse has been active for years and trying to wait for it to finish is folly...same as trying to get a complete picture of 'canon'.

But that's not related to our favorite Hotel Witch; Do you think she'll identify Kazumi's nature immediately or will she just think she's a magical girl?

Sucking the Earth into her Labyrinth... Combined with her goals of completely rewriting the magical system. Might not be evil, I mean, its been done in the future after all.

Sucking the Earth into her Labyrinth... Combined with her goals of completely rewriting the magical system. Might not be evil, I mean, its been done in the future after all.
We do not know yet that Akumura dragged entire Earth into her Barrier instead of using her stolen god powers to "plain and simple" rewrite reality. It is speculated sure, but I would rather wait for the movie.
I really hope not. I don't tend to adjust very well when new content comes out for a fandom I'm actively writing something for and ends up proving some of my plans unworkable/unfitting with canon mechanics, or otherwise forces me to change things somehow to take the new information into account. Magia Record has already done that a couple times for this story, mostly by preempting me in ways I can do naught but pout at, and I'd rather that Scene 0 not do the same. That said, given what little I know/have heard about it, I think it's unlikely its content will require me to alter anything about this story, which I'm grateful for.
Speaking as someone who also doesn't adjust well in that way... is "just ignore it, and write anyways" an option? Maybe it's not, I've sure had unwritten AUs nuked before, but maybe.
Speaking as someone who also doesn't adjust well in that way... is "just ignore it, and write anyways" an option? Maybe it's not, I've sure had unwritten AUs nuked before, but maybe.
I'd imagine it depends on the person. I'd absolutely say ignoring it is an option if your original understanding was consistent with canon until that point. So much has to be filled in to write a fanfic on what's not covered, anyway.

But some people have trouble doing that, and that's okay.
Shemesh is best Familiar ever...almost as great as pluto is! (Pluto is a planet i dare you to try and change my mind!)

anyway, i hope to see more of Shemesh being best planet and strongest will be hilarious to see Shemesh laying down the law on the silly witch forms that try to mess with Maker/Creator/Mother.
I imagine Nasu fanfiction writers just have to throw their hands up and just write irregardless because Nasuverse has been active for years and trying to wait for it to finish is folly...same as trying to get a complete picture of 'canon'.
Not just fanfic writers; i threw my hands up years ago trying to keep up with all the new lore, and not just the stuff that fights the old stuff. I used to love the Nasuverse Lore and could even understand it(had to mainly use the Wiki for much of it, and other various sources like dubious translated manga and some youtube videos), but now i can't even make heads or tails of it., turns out, I have quite a bit of Puella-fied art that I never got around to posting here? Over half of it coming courtesy of Number 1 Shemesh/Ashtaroth shipper @Pheonix14, who went commission mad for a little while back in... 2021?! Holy hell have I got to pick up the pace again, what in the world...

Very cute artwork!

Yea this one has been spaced out for a while. Well, I only check on it occasionally so I don't really mind. (I actually got a few chapters in a row to read last time I checked)

Shemesh is a very good planet. Actually, his name reminds me of the Stormlight Archive names, being symmetrical and stuff. Maybe a bit too perfect though.

Thinking about it, some of this faux quest reminds me of Nowhere Stars, NS for short. Specifically in how it cares about Witch personalities quite a bit.

For context, Nowhere Stars is a Madoka-inspired web serial. It's my favorite currently-ongoing series. Unlike most of the Madoka-inspired works, it mostly takes inspiration from the Witches when making its pocket-dimension building abhorrent horrors. Unlike Madoka's Witches though, it gives its equivalents, called Harbingers, a proper personality is very relevant to the plot. They also have very fancy titles.

For instance (spoilers for first ark),
The first Harbinger that the MC encounters is named <Truth Is Written In Scars> <Yurfaln>. He's an innocent little, well pretty big actually, centipede that just wants to help. You see, he was born in a hospital, specifically on the seventh floor reserved for hospice care, for the sick and dying. He saw their suffering, their reaching for the scant bits of happiness and meaning right before their slow and painful end, and decided that it was so beautiful that he should spread this "enlightenment" as much as possible. But, unlike many who expound such a noble truth, he isn't a hypocrite. He decays himself away as well, partaking in what he believes, spreading his own suffering, his plague, to as many as he can.

He's actually a bit of a foil to the MC, who has a similar powerset but an exact opposite motive- namely to live for as long as possible.

If you're interested, here's the link to the first chapter: Death Inverted 1-1 | Nowhere Stars