Finished reading, amazing fic. Thank you for writing it!

So, what resource do subsumed puella magi use to cast magic? Since they are constantly drained of grief by Ash, can they cast endlessly?
Only until Ashy overflows.

Who knows what happens then.

It's possible that Ashtaroth could get overcome with her Witchstincts.

As she is right now, she can't stop herself from Subsuming whenever the opportunity comes up. Hell she still feels the urge when confronted by Magical Girls: see Homura's entrance and the chapter end where she was completely entranced by the buried magic as seen through the immediate shift in tone/font in the faux-options.

Alternatively, if Ash can't hold the Grief in herself like with the Du Polignac, she would have to 'shove' it or immediately expend it somewhere else. This time she revived her own familiar Shemesh, but it's very much possible that she could have sent it back to the souls within her. Very, very bad, because as someone once mentioned: she might have been chestbursted by a newborn Witch.

She hasn't drastically improved her Grief Capacity. Yet.
It's possible that Ashtaroth could get overcome with her Witchstincts.

As she is right now, she can't stop herself from Subsuming whenever the opportunity comes up. Hell she still feels the urge when confronted by Magical Girls: see Homura's entrance and the chapter end where she was completely entranced by the buried magic as seen through the immediate shift in tone/font in the faux-options.

Alternatively, if Ash can't hold the Grief in herself like with the Du Polignac, she would have to 'shove' it or immediately expend it somewhere else. This time she revived her own familiar Shemesh, but it's very much possible that she could have sent it back to the souls within her. Very, very bad, because as someone once mentioned: she might have been chestbursted by a newborn Witch.

She hasn't drastically improved her Grief Capacity. Yet.
So, how can we improve our grief capacity? Is there a method of burning grief away, so we don't overload, like giving our grief to the other resident witches?
Subsume Witches and/or Magical Girls. Or absorb stacking potential from timeloops.
Familiars apparently aren't enough, based on the Pyotr and Du Polignac, although they DO restore Grief (Witch Magic Reserves).

As for the second thing, it might be possible?

Charlotte's Grief Seed hatched by using up Ashtaroth's reserves when she tried grabbing it, causing her Egocentric Nature to flare up in outrage. It would have to be willingly done given how poorly she took to the 'theft'. Casting Magic, and making familiars are also another way to expend Grief.
Don´t forget the option of summoning CAPTAIN PLANET over and over.

Sure, someone needs to smash him first, but that´s a really small price for magic and existence compared to what meguca are usually charged.
I don't see any compelling reason that we can't expend a near-infinite volume of grief by just endlessly vomiting up Ummashtart. And the population will probably be back to normal after a few days given their life-expectancy...
So, how can we improve our grief capacity? Is there a method of burning grief away, so we don't overload, like giving our grief to the other resident witches?
Illusions. Any illusion created outside of the Canvas is very expensive, which means it's a good way to burn Grief. Might be even more expensive to create illusions outside of the greater Barrier, if Ashy can do that.
It seems like subsuming witches increases capacity, while subsuming Puella Magi increases generation, based on our limited evidence.
Omake: Shemesh Lives Again

Formless. Shapeless. You are nothing.

Form. Shape. You are something.

Inky black sludge congeals into a sphere, dripping newly formed molten goo. You are hot, steaming, boiling in the throes of creation. Just as a forming planet should be. You feel … new.

New? You are not new. You are old. You were the first of Mother's children. Why then, are you-

Pain. Destruction. Your form, shattered in the face of a threat. All to protect Mother. You worry that it was in vain.

But your doubts are dispelled, as this world, and all in it, still exists.

Mother is alive.


Mother is alive!

With that out of the way, you begin to ponder what to do next. You don't want to disturb Mother, but you still want to be useful. Well, you haven't been around for some time, so it would be best to see what changes have happened while you were gone.

You begin to rise. Around you, you can see long stalks of grass shooting up from the earth. Above them are holes with paths that lead to nowhere.

Or at least, that's what it should've been. Instead, what greets you is burning grass and splintered road. Off in the distance, you can see even more destruction.

You curse that invader. You curse them for destroying your home, curse them for trying to kill Mother!

And yet, you know that the action is useless, as if Mother still lives, then the invader must have been brought to justice. Since that is true, then there is little to do but rebuild. So, you set off in search of something to clean.

You see it now, smoldering pyres of what was once verdant fields. The smog flows into the sky, and the burns mark the earth. Off to the side, you spy a few of your adopted brethren attempting to stop the fire, hacking away at the surrounding grass.

You approach them with a greeting and a promise of aid.


Your brethren turn towards you and recoil, some beginning to curl their fingers. You can already see one taking aim.

You feel the clod of earth impact your outer shell. It merely slides down, before falling off you entirely. More of your siblings begin to point at you.

Ignoring them, you hover over to the smoldering bits of grass and grab them. They begin rising out of the ground one by one, roots tearing from the strain, till each and every burning blade of grass is firmly within your grip.

For some reason, you can't help but feel like you should be laughing at something, but you don't really know what. In any case, you've done all you can here. You should probably find somewhere else to clean up. Also, the constant impacts at your backside is getting annoying.

Rising, you scan the land for places to go. Mother's demesne has expanded considerably since your inception. Off in the distance, you can see the mouth of a cave, along with what seems to be a great lake of red.

That does seem interesting. You think you'll check it out.

I just watched the 1st episode of the 2nd season of Magia Record. It seems that Patricia got buffed I think.
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You inspired a thought!

Ashtaroth could recruit-subsume the Pleiades Saints! They have a hacker-guca and an tech-guca and a research-guca, and a vested interest in escaping the Incubator System!

Plus none of them have social life anymore outside of their team and no home outside of their base, which is conveniently already designed with hypothetical bug-out functions that just needs sufficient magic to tele-warp every warded room to the new location!

And you can't forget how the Pleiades Saimts only failed Project Resurrection because out-of-mana errors, and guess whose floating by with infinite magic, free real estate, and a hefty hankering need of "i-have-no-mouthmodem-but-i-must-screamshitpost"!?

Eh? Eeeehhh???!!! ;)

Interesting thought, but in order to convince them to go along with it, Ashtaroth would need a pretty convincing pitch — a witch coming along and positing a plan wherein she appears to eat everyone on the team is likely to ring a little less than trustworthy. And the alternative of going through the Pleiades Saints and subsuming it by force would... well, likely turn out very poorly for everyone involved. ^^; I do plan to have the Saints show up in this fic later though (as I believe I've mentioned before), so perhaps we'll see how that goes...

I guess having "emotionally numb" as your baseline before you contract makes survival a bit easier. Can't go further down without a big event if you already hit rock bottom.

Maybe not quite that bad, but you're not exactly wrong.

You know, Ashtaroth is going to freak out in joy when she lays eyes on Kazumi.

Heh, amusing — threadmarked! Sorry I couldn't think of a better title for that. If you've got one of your own, feel free to say, and I'll change it ASAP. :)

Actually, could the Pleiades Witch Revival Method actually give Ashtaroth her human form back? Kazumi was still actually a witch up until she made her own wish to become human.

It depends. The exact method of how the Pleiades "revived" Michiru/created Kazumi is never revealed, only that all six of them participated in the process, and it took "all of their magic". My assumption would be that Niko's deconstruction/reconstruction magic featured heavily, as it's quite wide ranging in what it can do, and seems particularly suited to the process — but with Ashtaroth, the Saints wouldn't know what she looked like as a magical girl, so even if she somehow convinced them to try, unless her human image is embedded in her soul in such a way that said magic would naturally cause her to take on that form, she likely wouldn't be able to come back as "herself" one way or the other.

And now I'm imagining Sayaka distributing blades for the Paper Liberation Army. Wonderful.

Sadly, such papery beings are not great at swordplay — the weight kind of pulls them off balance, you see.

*Less than two minutes later*
Ashtaroth, already bored and lonely again: Oh, finally a flimsy excuse to interact with my only friends again!

That's it! That's the next chapter! :V

*After that Tira and Sayaka flight away*
Miss Red, slumping in sadness at being refused: What did we do wrong?
Miss Blue, sitting next to Miss Red, comforting her with an arm around her: This was just our first time, we'll have better luck next time... But I think it was the golden chain.
Miss Red, sobbing slightly: ..I knew that was a bad idea.

Akairo-san, suddenly fired up: Ya know what? No! Either they accept the invitation on their own, or I'm gonna MAKE them accept it!
Aoiro-san, exasperated: Please don't try and drag them back here by-
Akairo-san: *Already jumping away to do exactly that*

(This is, of course, non-canon. Familiars can't talk to each other! Everyone knows that! ✍(◔◡◔))

Ashy: Like this?
Tira: A little higher, and angle more to the left –the other left–, and leave that crevice with more shade.
Ashy: Uhh, which crevice?
Tira: What do you mean what on–Oh, come on, not again!
Ashy: I don't know why it happens when we make adjustments, I swear!

Ashtaroth: <Okay, so maybe collaborative art projects just aren't our thing.>
Tira: "...there is a distinct possibility."

Finished reading, amazing fic. Thank you for writing it!

So, what resource do subsumed puella magi use to cast magic? Since they are constantly drained of grief by Ash, can they cast endlessly?

You're welcome, and thank you for reading! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far. (*^▽^*)

They haven't really tested it yet, but that would be a fairly logical conclusion, now wouldn't it?

Only until Ashy overflows.
She hasn't drastically improved her Grief Capacity. Yet.

I mean, she managed to just about double it after subsuming Saar! Though, as we don't have any exact measurements for how much magic/grief capacity she had to begin with, I guess that doesn't tell you very much... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Don´t forget the option of summoning CAPTAIN PLANET over and over.

Sure, someone needs to smash him first, but that´s a really small price for magic and existence compared to what meguca are usually charged.

How mean! Shemesh may have come back, but that doesn't mean he's ~expendable~! Come on, have a heart... o(TヘTo)

I don't see any compelling reason that we can't expend a near-infinite volume of grief by just endlessly vomiting up Ummashtart. And the population will probably be back to normal after a few days given their life-expectancy...

Hold that thought. ;)


And so begins the Shemesh Gaiden Spinoff! Follow Best Orb as he undergoes various trials and tribulations, usually during the process of trying to get his master's (mother's?) barrier/household under some semblance of control! Coming Fall 2021! 🌏🌎🌍

(Threadmarked! :D)

Warms my heart to see this active again. PMMM fics like this are rare indeed, and the fic fandom is waning a bit.

Glad to hear! Heh, wasn't ever meant to stop being active honestly, I just hit a slump... hopefully I can get this back on schedule again before too long.

On that note! Next chapter is currently at 4k words or so — it's been slow going, mostly due to a series of varying injuries/disasters that have been happening to me throughout the past month. I got hit on the head by a glass jar falling from three feet up, accidentally injured myself in various colorful ways, my laptop, phone, and phone's SD card all broke, my water heater stopped working, carbon monoxide started leaking into my basement, a tornado narrowly missed my neighborhood... genuinely kind of wondering if there's a witch hanging around me IRL, to be honest. ^^; Also I'm trying to write the next chapter of ABG in tandem with the next one of this, which I know is stupid, but my muse is as my muse does, and both deserve an update. Still, so long as my miserably poor luck at the moment turns around, I'll hopefully have it done by the end of the month.
Sadly, such papery beings are not great at swordplay — the weight kind of pulls them off balance, you see.

But Flair, the pen is mightier than the sword anyway.

Arm the paper people with pens, wait a bit, be declared the first war criminal of their people!

That's it! That's the next chapter! :V

No stealing from my life!

How mean! Shemesh may have come back, but that doesn't mean he's ~expendable~! Come on, have a heart... o(TヘTo)

No CAPTAIN PLANET already has the heart, I´m here exclusively to provide dakka and umbrellas.
On that note! Next chapter is currently at 4k words or so — it's been slow going, mostly due to a series of varying injuries/disasters that have been happening to me throughout the past month. I got hit on the head by a glass jar falling from three feet up, accidentally injured myself in various colorful ways, my laptop, phone, and phone's SD card all broke, my water heater stopped working, carbon monoxide started leaking into my basement, a tornado narrowly missed my neighborhood... genuinely kind of wondering if there's a witch hanging around me IRL, to be honest.
Holy crap, what did you do, walk under a row of ladders? Break a dozen mirrors? Because... yeah honestly having a witch pissed off at you is probably the least worrying reason for all of that.
But yeah, don't worry about rushing the chapters, we'd rather a chapter a bit later that you're happy with, than a chapter that's been rushed out.
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I don't see any compelling reason that we can't expend a near-infinite volume of grief by just endlessly vomiting up Ummashtart. And the population will probably be back to normal after a few days given their life-expectancy...
Hmm, being as they are made of paper, do you think that them being summoned would involve pages of the Tome coming alive and ripping themselves out of the book, because right now, most of the magic that our main character uses is focused upon the Novella instead of the Tome.
Considering how much housekeeping Shemesh keeps doing, maybe Ashy should commission a maid costume from Candel.

Dumb thought: How practical is it for Ashy to flip over and hide underneath Tome as a bunker?
do you think that them being summoned would involve pages of the Tome coming alive and ripping themselves out of the book
... yes, definitely.
How practical is it for Ashy to flip over and hide underneath Tome as a bunker?
Tome's cover is nigh invulnerable, but I suspect that "nigh" will not cut it for the long term.
Tome's cover is nigh invulnerable, the pages can likely still be hit from the side.
I am uncertain what effect being smooshed into Tome by the ground would have. It certainly isn't "closing the book" upon Ashtaroth, but it is conceivable that it might have a similar effect. Thic could, of course, be mitigated by finding a book-shaped hole to hide in with plenty of space for Ashtaroth to not get crushed and little in the way of visible pages.
Some magical girls are quite strong, or have similar physical manipulation capacities, so if they can get a grip, they may be able to just flip Ash over.
It may be possible to dig through the floor and attack her from underneath.

All in all, it seems like its main flaw is that it is very passive. A determined attacker will probably find a way around it. That said, it might be a good plan if Ashtaroth is vulnerable and still has magical ghosts and familiars with which to carry on the battle.
For what it's worth, I've found this fic has done the absolute best of any PMMM fic I've seen for showing how much of an unstoppable, terrifying juggernaut Homura can be when she gets serious.

Seriously looking forward to the time reset reveal and whatever shenanigans occur when Homura realizes she dragged them back with her. "Explosive" would be both a figurative and literal description.

Do we know if Tia and Sayaka got 'copied', or just magically disappeared on reset? Can't remember if it came up.
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Theoretically, they should be copied, from what I understand of canon via fanfiction osmosis and reading related forums. However, Homura doesn't kill her past self everytime so...?