What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
111.M42 - One Sacrifice At A Time
The work begins now. Ships will be needed if the Candle Keepers wish to defend not only themselves, but also all the faithful within the Droman System, and all who reside outside of it. The Orks won't wait until we have created a perfect navy, and we cannot afford to wait until we have overwhelming numbers. A ship is needed that can take the fight to the enemy, and the engineers and shipwrights of both the Candle Keepers and Kil'drabi have convened to create the first of surely many classes to come.

Design Aesthetics:
This Vote is decoupled from the Ship Design Vote. DO NOT ADD IT TO A DESIGN VOTE! Any vote done so will be discarded in the final tally.
[] Imperial - High
A High Imperial Style will turn your ships into the flying gothic cathedrals we all know and love/hate, with every bit of artistry and flair attached that other Imperial Ships have.
(Your ships resemble Imperial Ships and Imperial Humanity will treat you as friendly until discovered, sometimes beyond that. The Mechanicum will be neutral until you are found to be Hereteks/Non-Imperials. All Xenos will be hostile upon contact.)

[] Imperial - Plain
A Plain Imperial Style will make your ships resemble Civilian Imperial Ships without the ostentatious designs and flairs that take months, if not years, to construct. That has no actual effect within the Quest unless you are attacked during a Turn where you build ships within a system that builds the ships.
(Your ships resemble Civilian Imperial Ships, and Imperial Humanity will treat you as friendly until discovered or if you lack the proper permits to fly ships. The Mechanicum will be neutral until you are found to be Hereteks/Non-Imperials. All Xenos will be hostile upon contact.)

[] Mechanicum - High
A High Mechanicum Style will turn your ships into the flying factory cathedrals we all know and love/hate, with every bit of artistry and flair attached that other Mechanicum Ships have.
(Your ships resemble Mechanicum Ships, and the Mechanicum will treat you as friendly until discovered, sometimes beyond that. The Imperium at large will be slightly suspicious or slightly favorable toward you until you are found to be Heretics. All Xenos will be hostile upon contact.)

[] Mechanicum - Plain
A Plain Mechanicum Style will make your ships resemble Industrial Mechanicum Ships without the ostentatious designs and flairs that take months, if not years, to construct. That has no actual effect within the Quest unless you are attacked during a Turn where you build ships within a system that builds the ships.
(Your ships resemble Industrial Mechanicum Ships, and the Mechanicum will treat you as friendly until discovered or if you lack the proper codes to fly your ships. The Imperium will be neutral until you are found to be Heretics. All Xenos will be hostile upon contact.)

[] Ministorum
Where you had flying factories or cathedrals beforehand, you now have Cathedrals That Are Spaceships. Prepare your velum, wax, prayerbooks, holy incense, and inks, it's time to get HOLY.
(Your ships resemble those of the Ministorum, and all Imperial Humanity will be deferential toward you. You may decide to join you outright in revolt against actual Ministorum/Imperium Forces if you start converting their planets/stations before you are discovered. You will be branded Heretics of the Highest Order once found out, and all Ministorum Forces will hate you beyond hate. All Xenos will be fanatically hostile upon contact.)

[][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White
Where before you built your ships for function alone, your people have come to a sudden realization: You are but two against the Galaxy. It is only the system of Droma with half the humans and all the Kil'drabi within that have seen the light of the Star Child, and the Age that will come where war, hatred, and suffering shall end. Only you were given the burden and privilege to spread the teachings of the Star Child, only you can provide a hand to those trying to rise above, and only you can be the place where the falling angels meet the rising mortals. Your ships, the ships of the Star Child and all its forces marching and flying in their name, should shout of the hope to come if only those who hear it are willing to fight for it. Remove the shackles of the past, remove the pretense and lies of this world, and don the mantle of the world you shall build with aid, mercy, and war.
(Your ships will be wholly newly designed. Imperial Humanity will be highly suspicious of you at best. Ministorum Planets will be hostile. Mechanicum Planets will be Hostile. Xenos Polities will be neutral upon contact if no horrendous Human Interaction has happened in their recent past. The Kil'drabi will be joyous beyond words for being able to help you in this endeavor.)

[] Actually...(Write-In)
Get Some Other Style In Here!

Available Weaponry:
(Each costs 1 DP to Install.)
Light Macro-Cannons - Not only the Imperial Navy's mainstay weaponry but for many Xenos, and for good reason. Comprising anything from the immense ordnance rounds used by many Imperial ships to the railguns of the T'au, Macro-Cannons use internal munitions to create kinetic impacts to deliver damage to the enemy. Fast and impactful, they are a favorite of many a captain. However, they are prone to miss over large distances and thus waste their damage potential, as they must hit an evading enemy to deliver said damage. A feat that requires either an outstanding gunnery crew or close-distance shooting.
Light Lances - Pumping large amounts of energy into focusing lenses and through capacitors from the ships' reactor, Lances are limited in their firing duration by what their cooling systems can deliver. Thus slow to shoot, they nonetheless make up for that by boasting a nearly 100% accuracy rate as they fire at the speed of light.
Light Missiles - Small, agile, hard-hitting, and very versatile, missiles can deliver a lot of hurt quickly, but they can be shot down or evaded and are best used in close-quarter brawls to minimize that risk. Thanks to their vicious Machine Spirits, most fired at the enemy will hit if not distracted or destroyed beforehand.
2x60m Torpedos - Gigantic Missiles that are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy ships of far heavier classes than the ship that shot them within moments after impact. This variant comes with six shots stored. Can only be installed at the front of a ship.
Small Hangars - Hosting a squadron (12) of bombers and fighters, these hangars allow harassing actions of ships or bombing runs to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery.

(This is a modifier to all Light/Medium/Heavy/Super-Heavy Weaponry.)
Turrets - Turrets allow a weapon to fire in an almost omnidirectional arc, only blocked by the ship itself. However, being mounted outside the ship forces trade-offs with the protection of the weapons, thus making them more susceptible to damage and destruction.
Batteries - Though mounted to the ship's sides, batteries increase a weapon system's survivability and can still fire in arcs around the sides.

(Each costs 1 DP to Install.)
Armored Prow - A heavily reinforced prow that allows frontal charges, ramming maneuvers, and damage mitigation during initial approaches.
Auto-Loaders - Machines that automatically reload Macro-Cannons and Missile Systems instead of having the ship rely on gunnery gangs to do so. Increases reload of all physical munitions by 50%.
Pure Lenses - Fine-tuned lenses allow beams to stay coherent for longer ranges without any energy loss, allowing ambushes and kiting tactics to be far more effective. All Lance weaponry have a 50% increased range.
Missile-Swarms - Tripples all missiles fired by a missile weapon.
Strict Pilot Training - Sweat now replaces blood later. Pilots and Fighters/Bombers are more likely to survive a battle.
Advanced Alloying - Spending more time getting the proper blends flowing will reduce the time needed to replace lost ships wholesale. Negates a single killing blow, merely disabling the vessel until repaired should you win the battle.
Gravimetric Engine Calculations - Speed is life. You go slow, you die. Improves the maneuverability of your ships.
Tuned Shields - Proper tuning to the ship's reactor output allows downed shields to be returned online quicker than without.
Armored Lifepods - A favorite target for many an Imperial or Xenos out there, armoring them will reduce the loss of life after a ship has been lost.
Spacious Crew Quarters - More space, more people. More people, more crew. More crew, less worry when they start to die.
On-Board Supply Generation - Be it Hydroponics, mining equipment, enlarged machine shops, or more, the ability to generate some supplies will extend the reach of a ship drastically.
Internal Security Systems - Turrets, Gun-Servitors, crew training, and armored bunkers at strategic locations will make a boarder's life hell.

Design Points:
You start with a certain amount per Class and Level of Industry. Every step into a Red-colored bracket below will cost a point. Every Green-colored bracket will add a point. Ending with negative DP will generate Detriments.

Each Design Point you spend above your available ones will be converted into a Detriment. They are usually related to the Design you have made, though they can take some other form I deem sensible. Yes, I deem sensible. You do not get to decide the faults of your ships; I will. And before you ask, yes, Detriments can escalate depending on the Design submitted and voted upon. Be sensible, and you get sensible. Be greedy, and you get greedy.

You have 3 Design Points.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (SHIP)
-[] Destroyer Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1.200/1.300/1.400/1.500/1.600 Meters
-[] Width - 200/250/300/350/400 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 6/6.5/7/7.5/8 Gravities
-[] Armor - Outer Coating/Thin Single Hull/Single Hull/Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull
-[] Shields - None/Singular Emitter/Two Emitters/Three Emitters/One Array
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)
Light Macro-Cannon
Light Lance
Light Missiles
2x60m Torpedos
Small Hangars

Armored Prow - A heavily reinforced prow that allows frontal charges, ramming maneuvers, and damage mitigation during initial approaches.
Auto-Loaders - Machines that automatically reload Macro-Cannons and Missile Systems instead of having the ship rely on gunnery gangs to do so. Increases reload of all physical munitions by 50%.
Pure Lenses - Fine-tuned lenses allow beams to stay coherent for longer ranges without any energy loss, allowing ambushes and kiting tactics to be far more effective. All Lance weaponry have a 50% increased range.
Missile-Swarms - Tripples all missiles fired by a missile weapon.
Strict Pilot Training - Sweat now replaces blood later. Pilots and Fighters/Bombers are more likely to survive a battle.
Advanced Alloying - Spending more time getting the proper blends flowing will reduce the time needed to replace lost ships wholesale. Negates a single killing blow, merely disabling the vessel until repaired should you win the battle.
Gravimetric Engine Calculations - Speed is life. You go slow, you die. Improves the maneuverability of your ships.
Tuned Shields - Proper tuning to the ship's reactor output allows downed shields to be returned online quicker than without.
Armored Lifepods - A favorite target for many an Imperial or Xenos out there, armoring them will reduce the loss of life after a ship has been lost.
Spacious Crew Quarters - More space, more people. More people, more crew. More crew, less worry when they start to die.
On-Board Supply Generation - Be it Hydroponics, mining equipment, enlarged machine shops, or more, the ability to generate some supplies will extend the reach of a ship drastically.
Internal Security Systems - Turrets, Gun-Servitors, crew training, and armored bunkers at strategic locations will make a boarder's life hell.
Last edited:
120.M42 - Abandoned
The first thing that the Kil'drabi engineers and shipwrights noticed upon entering the halls and rooms where all future ships of the Candle Keepers would be created was the omnipresence of paper, velum, servo-skulls, and ink. Servitors with auto-quills were busy writing down information and delivering towering stacks of documents from one room to another; servo-skulls with candles atop or pict-recorders or yet more auto-quills embedded within buzzed and hummed on paths arcane and unknowable. At the same time, dozens of humans walked with determination, glee, anger, deep in thought, or tiredly everywhere, the gentle murmur of speech and the scratching of quills across papers ratcheting up whenever a door was opened before being quieted by the same closing.

The second thing they noticed were the massive half-finished design philosophies and doctrines roughly projected into a large auditorium within the middle of the department and the shouting of a hundred people viciously debating what the first destroyer of the Candle Keepers should be, do, and survive.

The third they noticed was that every single Kil'drabi was followed by a single servo-skull, a Laud Hailer embedded within their mouth and a smattering of strips of paper affixed to their heads with wax seals, denoting names and designations in the script of the humans.

The fourth was a human noticing them entering the auditorium with unease before she demanded that the delegation tell her colleague his design was nuts and rusted. He, quickly, demanded the same from them.

Things devolved from there on out.

Or they evolved, depending on how optimistic you want to be.

Nonetheless, issues with over-eager shipwrights aside, it became quickly apparent to the delegation that the Candle Keepers were not seeking to ape the designs and artistry of their Imperial kindred, some unseen force or desire pushing them to rip apart those notions and replace them with designs that felt familiar and yet were still wholly alien to the Kil'drabi. Where towering arches and grim statues once stood watch, the Candle Keepers wanted sharp lines, white surfaces, and a bold statement projected into the galaxy and against their foes and for their friends.

They were not Imperium. They were Human.

And for those among the delegation that had never known the sight of their species' fleets beyond pictures in books and from stories of their parents, that desire to break free, to create something wholly their own and unique, rang true and struck a deeper chord than the science of ship-building could.

But for those who had seen the days when their fleet had sailed proudly amongst the stars, it brought back memories of olden days and dreams dreamt by juveniles as they drew ships of their design to ply the star lanes. For them, being invited to share their experience and influence the ships that would fly for generations with those who had aided them for decades was an honor.

But both realized an ugly truth quite quickly: the Candle Keepers were too advanced for many lessons to be applied, hundreds of tricks and workarounds made useless by the technologies their human friends had access to, and though what chips of wisdom remained were quickly understood and implemented, few of them could say proudly that a decrease in the cost of Macro-Cannon shells by 0.3% was the grand achievements they had wished to show their worth with.

Yet, for the Candle Keepers, those same pieces of advice, those minuscule percentages shaved off here and there, the routing of power and coolants, the mixture of fuel and connection of various systems, those tiny contributions...they all made what would have been a lousy design into a solid one.

The Candle Keepers could create the big things, make a grand design with withering fire from cannon and lance, with crew protections elevated above what was prudent...but they utterly lacked the finesse and skill of those who had built ships for literal generations, who knew the trade as well as they knew breathing and drinking water.

More than a few ships would survive thanks to the contributions of the Kil'drabi, features no human had thought of ensuring that the vessels of the Candle Keepers still roared defiance at the enemies of the Star Child.

And speaking of the Star Child, while a delegation found itself awed and shamed as it unintentionally awed and shamed in return, the colony of the Kil'drabi, which now surrounded an almost finished battleship/colony hybrid vessel, found itself host to guests of a more permanent sort, priests and laborers of the Candle Keepers gladly working with the Kil'drabi to teach to them of the Droman Creed.

The priests had probably thought it would be a demanding fight to illuminate and elevate the souls of the Kil'drabi here, as even armed with a lexicon of words painstakingly created to translate their languages over the decades of contact, many cultural and social, even biological, differences would surely make this fight one fought into spires and against barricades.

They needn't have bothered with the doom and gloom, as the slow spread of the Droman Creed through the regular contact and grey market deals between them and the crews of the mining ships had spread more than merely information about their society, culture, and language. It had brought comedy to the humans and music to the Kil'drabi. Both had such things already, yet it turned out that human and Kil'drabi humor is shockingly compatible. At the same time, the electronic beats and wailing tunes of the Candle Keepers, especially that of religious music, were quite beautiful to the Kil'drabi.

The priests had expected pushback. They got hordes of willing converts instead. A people who had nomad's blood flowing through their very genes knew well the siren song of the endless stars, but above that, the Star Child offered something that the native faiths of ancestor worship and ascetic meditations could not provide: a course to sail.

Before, they were adrift, but under the guiding light of the Star Child, they were voidfarers on a task most holy.

And on a task far less holy but no less consequential was Commodore Trhakis van Vansing, guiding a terrifyingly potent fleet through the Droma system. A Gothic Cruiser, two Dauntless Mk.2, seven Cobras, and two Firestorms flying in dread formation as they cut through the void to reach the other side of the system to enter the Warp again. Their presence alone was enough to make all ships, Candle Keeper or Droman alike, panic for a moment before sprinting out of their projected paths, and yet the messages they blared at the planets within the system caused far more panic amongst those able to receive them, be it the Merchant Lords of Droma VII in their gilded palaces or the House Schischi of Droma III within their bastions and fleets (though lessened in their case as they clutched arms and armor of far greater potency than ever before), or even the station of the Candle Keepers.

The Imperium would abandon the Droma System.

As it would Ubraka, Neumidia, and Perfinda. All assets within these systems would either be left where they were or, if an evacuation fleet could be spared, moved to the Hive World of Voxx Prime in Voxx Primus, where a new defensive line would be drawn against the Orks. The fleet's purpose was not to smash the Orks; it was only meant to take on the regiments fighting for Ubraka, throw ortillery against the local Orks before punching through Itani into the Amratur Sub-Sector to join a desperate defense against a Chaos Invasion being barely checked by hasty reinforcements of Sisters of Battle from the Order of the Valorous Heart.

This news, and the fact that these planets and systems will now face the Ork menace alone, has many reeling...and open for outside influence...

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production II
-[] Civilian Infrastructure II
-[] Heavy Industry II
-[] Void Industry IV
-[] Medical Services II
-[] Military Industry III

With much of the station freed up, we can begin filling the empty parts again with industry and things we need, from clinics to starch vats feeding us in the void.
(Gain: A district focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium] [Infantry/Mechanized] Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]/ Construct A Warp Ship - [Choose a Design]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A chosen Military Unit/Ship.)

[][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we have available, and what the Kil'drabi and the Governor of Droma III tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have only monitors, and purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Gain: A newly designed and built Ship Class.)

[] [Military] A Task For Specialists (Assign Unit/s)
-[] Medium Engineering Unit
-[] Medium Assault Unit
-[] 1x Aries-Class Corvette

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all His Protectorates. Or send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are dispatched to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: 1 System from Droma.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Secret: Slumber, Silence, and Perception.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I, Fire I.
Gain: A Song.)

[] [Faith] Of Saints and Sinners, Miracles and Purposes
The rescue and mending of the Souls of the Star-Born from the predations of the Immaterium and their Maker's malicious hands cannot be called anything other than a Miracle. Yet, what does it make of them? Saints? Or sinners rescued? Have they been endowed with a purpose? Or are they merely saved by the grace of the Star Child being able to save them? What does it mean, and, more importantly, what does the Droma Creed say it means?
(Gain: Nail down the Saint and Miracle aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Faith] Souls Artificial and Minds Constructed
With five of the Psykana Experiments revealed to be not ravening monsters that wish to kill all soul-bearing life to devour, but wounded, terrified, and faithful beings seeking aid from the only source of comfort they had ever gained (the Star Child), questions have come up from various corners. Did they have souls? They should; the Celestial Choir said they felt a Song of Mercy sung by the Five-One for their wounds and minds. And yet, what nature does a soul constructed by malevolent monsters into crafted flesh-psykana automata take?
(Gain: Nail down the soul-doctrine aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Faith] Preach to Droma III - Electric Boogaloo: Supreme Edition
Same verse as the second, now to get the third up and running!
(Gain: Deeper entrenchment of the Droman Creed within Droman III society.)

[] [Faith] Preach to Droma VII
The people of this desert and savannah world pray to the guise of the God-Emperor known to them as the "Gulden Lord," a figure that rules by wealth, influence, and trade rather than force, might, and his inexhaustible armies. For the people here, wealth is synonymous with piety, to the point that their preachers are merchants, one and all, and the wealthiest person rules this semi-theocratic semi-plutocratic government. Yet, they cannot go into space and have been delegated by Imperial authorities to pay their tithes in mineral wealth and provide their children for the "Gulden Lord's" armies. Converting them would be more complicated than Droma III, but we will have the time to do so once Droma III is ours.
(Gain: Start converting the people of Droma VII to the Droman Creed.)

[] [Chapter] Keep The New Blood Coming (1/4)
Same verse as the first two, and same as those that will come after until all one-thousand places have been filled with Brothers worthy of the title.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain another 80 Neophytes.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
The Cult Imperialis on Droma III does not die with a whimper when the Candle Keepers set out to replace it with the Droman Creed.

It dies like water within a sun. One moment there.

The next...


Because they had been abandoned.


The people of Droma III held faith; they offered the fish and metals, the bodies and coin demanded by the Imperium on Tithing Day, where lavish feasts and celebrations were held to thank the God-Emperor for His protection, and never once had they strayed from the path and the duty set out for them.

And what had that loyalty bought them?


The God-Emperor had turned his benevolent gaze from them, and the people despaired. They cried out within their souls for the reason, for purpose, for cause, and for comfort amidst a galaxy that now shone darker than ever before.


Before Immaterial Claws could reach out and pluck on strings and soul...

A Newborn Star shone upon the people of Droma III with its unborn brilliance, and the heralds that proclaimed the name of the Star Child rose from hiding and from the nestled churches and temples where they had preached. People marched in processions for a new creed, a new path, a new truth that was old and yet young. Where before fanatics hid weapons and equipment and prepared for that day they would be called upon to rise against the priests and the nobles...they now put down the gun and the grenade and picked up candles to march in prayer and vigil.

All across Droma III, fleets shone with the light of a thousand small flames, the Warp infused with the zeal of new converts, and the iron conviction of old believers rekindled anew with every person that joined their band.

Some resisted this mass conversion. Most were ignored and would die forgotten. Others tried to resist and were judged accordingly. A few fought. Those died.

A year passed, then two, then three...and Droma III hosted the Prophet of the Star Child upon its waters and shores, millions seeking to see him in person as hundreds of millions more listened to the transmissions of his speeches through the Vox.

And four years after the Imperium had turned away from their faithful loyalists, the planet knelt, offering fealty, loyalty, and faithful service to the Star Child as one.

And the Candle Keepers:
[] Raised Them As Equals

United we Stand, Divided we Fall.
(Start a Government Crisis to resolve the growth of your government and how future assimilations will be conducted.
All future planets/systems will be incorporated and affect the whole of the Candle Keepers as they are brought up to an acceptable standard.
+2 Food Production, -1 Civilian Infrastructure, -2 Heavy Industry, +1 Void Industry, -1 Medical Services, +1 Military Industry.
Assimilating Droma III will take 4 Actions.)

[] Accepted In Humility
Some are more equal in the task of building a better future than others.
(Droma III (and all future systems) becomes a vassal state, akin to the Kil'drabi Protectorate, owing fealty and tribute for protection and aid.
You do not directly affect planetary happenings but can set general Agendas to boost your territories.)
130.M42 - Aries
With the advent of Droma III rising from the chains the Imperium's corrupt officials have placed upon it, the Void begins to burn with the trails of vessels being retro-fitted with new and improved technologies, the Droman SDF suddenly jumping in capabilities by several degrees as old technologies are replaced. Inefficient layouts ripped out, the guts of starships no longer clogged, congested, and burning with crews crammed into the holes left behind after the necessary machinery has been installed.

And yet, not only do newly created ships take on a new life, but also two more Aries-Class Destroyers rise from their berth, their forms alien to Imperial sensibilities, and thus worthy of destruction, but beautiful to those who worked on them, Candle Keepers and Kil'drabi alike. A cylindrical body flanked by two wing-like structures sweeping from the front to the way out the back, their internal guts holding shields and life pods to ensure the best burn away from a dying ship. Yet, on the top and the bottom, the menacing shapes of two turrets sit, a Macro-Cannon and a Lance holding vigil to ensure no enemy escapes their wrath and that no angle is left without a way to deliver the anger of the Star Child.

And as these two ships leave their berth, they join the first Aries, named after an Ogryn woman who had shouldered the burden of her entire Labor Unit when they had fallen sick, ensuring that they could return to work the next day instead of being killed or repurposed for the pleasure of the Dark Priests. And with these three on their first shake-down cruise as a unit, Task Force Alpha of the Candle Keepers Navy finds itself hungry for the first foe to unleash its weaponry upon.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions. You have 1 [One] Extra Action this Turn, thanks to converting your first Imperial Planet.
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production V

-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry
-[] Void Industry V
-[] Medical Services

-[] Military Industry IV
With much of the station freed up, we can begin filling the empty parts again with industry and things we need, from clinics to starch vats feeding us in the void.
(Gain: A district focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Assimilate Droma III - (0/4)
Let not our siblings in faith wallow in the depths they have been kept within. Let us raise them to the stars, where we fly and craft a future for the galaxy and humanity!
(Gain: Droma III becomes a functional part of the Candle Keepers. +2 Heavy Industry.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium/Heavy] [Infantry/Mechanized] Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]/ Construct A Warp Ship - [Choose a Design]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A chosen Military Unit/Ship.)

[][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we have available, and what the Kil'drabi and the Governor of Droma III tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have only monitors, and purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Gain: A newly designed and built Ship Class.)

[] [Military] A Task For Specialists (Assign Unit/s)
-[] Medium Engineering Unit
-[] Medium Assault Unit
-[] 3x Droman Coral Assault Regiments
-[] Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Regiment
-[] Task Fleet Alpha
(3x Aries-Class Corvettes)

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all His Protectorates. Or send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are dispatched to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: 1 System from Droma.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Secret: Slumber, Silence, and Perception.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I, Fire I.
Gain: A Song.)

[] [Faith] Of Saints and Sinners, Miracles and Purposes
The rescue and mending of the Souls of the Star-Born from the predations of the Immaterium and their Maker's malicious hands cannot be called anything other than a Miracle. Yet, what does it make of them? Saints? Or sinners rescued? Have they been endowed with a purpose? Or are they merely saved by the grace of the Star Child being able to save them? What does it mean, and, more importantly, what does the Droma Creed say it means?
(Gain: Nail down the Saint and Miracle aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Faith] Souls Artificial and Minds Constructed
With five of the Psykana Experiments revealed to be not ravening monsters that wish to kill all soul-bearing life to devour, but wounded, terrified, and faithful beings seeking aid from the only source of comfort they had ever gained (the Star Child), questions have come up from various corners. Did they have souls? They should; the Celestial Choir said they felt a Song of Mercy sung by the Five-One for their wounds and minds. And yet, what nature does a soul constructed by malevolent monsters into crafted flesh-psykana automata take?
(Gain: Nail down the soul-doctrine aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Faith] Preach to Droma VII
The people of this desert and savannah world pray to the guise of the God-Emperor known to them as the "Gulden Lord," a figure that rules by wealth, influence, and trade rather than force, might, and his inexhaustible armies. For the people here, wealth is synonymous with piety, to the point that their preachers are merchants, one and all, and the wealthiest person rules this semi-theocratic semi-plutocratic government. Yet, they cannot go into space and have been delegated by Imperial authorities to pay their tithes in mineral wealth and provide their children for the "Gulden Lord's" armies. Converting them would be more complicated than Droma III, but we will have the time to do so once Droma III is ours.
(Gain: Start converting the people of Droma VII to the Droman Creed.)

[] [Chapter] Keep The New Blood Coming (1.5/4)
Same verse as the first two, and same as those that will come after until all one-thousand places have been filled with Brothers worthy of the title.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain another 80 Neophytes.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
131.M42 - Share The Chocolate
With the advent of the first planet joining the Candle Keepers, problems begin to raise their head the second the Council tries to integrate the over 500 million people and their local political and economic systems, causing many to start asking pesky questions such as: "How do we interact with nobility within our nation? Do we use a unified currency now? Will the workers of Droma III get Labor Captains in the Council, or do we put barriers of governmental degrees in place to allow for local autonomy with degrees? Will we need to share the chocolate?"

It should not be said that those are unneeded questions but that they are questions that need answering, as the current system of both currency and political power is not able to withstand the multitude of problems that are now present and the large number of open-ended questions that need to be answered hurriedly.

Nonetheless, something needs to be done to integrate Droma III to ensure that future integrations flow more smoothly, primarily as we will then deal with the massive wall known as "The Warp," preventing speedy information exchanges.

So...what do?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In Governmental Reform)

Things to take note of:

-Droma III practices Feudalism. The nobles are unlikely to relinquish power immediately or noticeably. That goes for a large portion of Imperial worlds, too.
-The people of your home station fear the Candle Keepers's core population being subsumed by outsiders who are not fully invested in the Star Child's mission.
-You will be dealing with a massive information drag once you expand outside your system. Account for that.
-Local Autonomy? If yes, how much? If not, then how?
-Will you share the chocolate?
135.M42 - Or They Burnt
The changes in governance viciously discussed and debated throughout the years were slowly implemented, a gradual ramping up of the various gears to ensure that the Candle Keepers could keep the mission they had been handed down from the Star Child would stay alive and burning through the generations until every star was a bastion of its faith and the Age to come. For some, that change changed nothing; life continued, food needed to be put on the table, and work had to be done.

For others, they resisted the holy decrees. They recanted when faced with the error of their ways.

Or they burnt.

Yet, where the kindling for an interstellar blaze was slowly placed and prepared within the station, and Droma III, another fire was lit ablaze on Droma VII, as the Merchant-Priests of the planet had turned their back from the God-Emperor they had worshiped as the Gulden Lord, and embraced the bosom of the twisting fates instead.

However, their new masters could not provide them the shelter they required to withstand a planet led in revolt by priests and the Lamenters, Chapter Master Chyron burning a blazing path of destruction through those forces that stood against Astartes trainees and Neophtyes, each armed with weaponry that would be the utter envy of all but a select few.

And it was there, on that planet, surrounded by yet another ritual site, with yet more people butchered and sacrificed, and only some able to gurgle wet thanks from the bottom of their souls before the Final Mercy was delivered, that an anger long smoldering within Chyron began to blossom.

Not one crafted by the Warp, but by echoes of history, by the connection of sorrow felt by all who carried the blood of Sanguinius.

Chapter Master Chyron knew that the thoughts he entertained more and more were treason, but yet he could not help but think them, angry at what had been wrought, what had been decided, and what would result thanks to the short-sightedness of the ones dealing with the multitude of threats in the sector. But he could not voice them, and so he stewed in these thoughts, angry and resentful, dealing ruin against the foes of mankind with one hand as his other raised a Chapter once loyal to the Imperium beyond death from annihilation itself, a task aided by those who would be gleefully called traitors and heretics, hereteks and abominations.

Another fire smoldered within the halls and homes of the Candle Keepers away from those within the heart of Chyron, as their minds had thought long and deep about the Star Born Sphynxes, those five created souls saved by a Miracle and ripped from the hands of grasping Chaos and Ruin to sanctify them wholly with Song and Melody under the gaze of the Star Child.

Those five who had been once naught but monsters, and yet wandered the halls as a fusion of animal and human, onyx-ian fur and skin mottled with golden or silver lines, flecks, or stars. These five, whose minds churned with numbers and grace in logistics, who delegated and conducted industries and governmental bureaucracies with ease and joy, whose souls were gently burning away the terror of the dark and the claws of the soul.

The very same who would be called monsters on any other world of humanity, yet who were called saints upon this station.

But were they, truly?
[] (Write-In Saint Criteria)

Things to take note of:

-True Imperial Saints are Warp Creations of the God-Emperor, only created after the death of a particularly pious person or one at the right time to do what needed to be done.
-Ordinary Imperial Saints are political or religiously motivated creations after the "Saint" has died. Those who are declared Saints while alive will soon become Martyrs.
-Only Pure Humans are generally declared Saints.
-You must decide for yourself who and what decides who and when someone gets declared or considered for Sainthood.
140.M42 - Think Logically
There was nothing quite like a years-long debate surrounding fundamental aspects of your faith to get people to calm down and think things through logically. If, by logically, one meant to include the progression from a scene where a Kil'drabi stood testimony for questions ending with the Techno-Guilds representatives having a mental breakdown over atomic arrangements and their particular utilization for faith-based cooking. If that sentence makes sense to you, don't hesitate to get in touch with your nearest priest because it shouldn't.

What should make sense is that the Orks are back, and they were murdered quite viciously by the local SDF, now consisting of 15 Monitor Scouts, 3 Medium Monitor Skirmishers, 2 Monitor Frigates, 1 Light Cruiser Monitor, and the 3 Aries-Class Destroyers.

Arrayed against them was the total of one badly damaged Brute Ram Ship and one utterly pristine Savage Gunship, each annihilated with almost no casualties on the side of the Candle Keepers thanks to a combination of the overwhelming local forces and the fact that neither ship entered a range where their strengths could favor them, leading to only crew casualties within the double-digit numbers fleet-wide.

However, what information could be gained from these two ships (and their loudly boasting Captn) revealed that neither was the vanguard for a more extensive invasion fleet. Rather, they were two over-eager ships seeking plunder away from the usual hunting grounds. What little actionable information could be gleaned from their bafflingly functioning cogitators suggested that we will have to expect such incursions to become common-place within the next two decades should we not enter Ubraka and wrest control of the system from them, setting up a repair, re-arming, and re-fueling station to ensure our Task Groups are ready to repel invaders without risking our native industries.

Speaking of native industries, with Droma VII taken over in full with a month of blood and violence, the inhabitants of the planet are now ours to shelter and raise, dragging our industrial capacity to the breaking point and beyond. The massive orders of the construction and creation of all manner of machinery lead to lists and backlogs already a century tall and growing.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions. Thanks to liberating your first System, you have 1 [One] Extra Action this Turn!
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production V
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry Nulla

-[] Void Industry V
-[] Medical Services Nulla
-[] Military Industry III

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Assimilate Droma III - (1/4)
Let not our siblings in faith wallow in the depths they have been kept within. Let us raise them to the stars, where we fly and craft a future for the galaxy and humanity!
(Gain: Droma III becomes a functional part of the Candle Keepers. +2 Heavy Industry.)

[] [General] Assimilate Droma VII - (0/2)
Let not our siblings in faith wallow in the depths they have been kept within. Let us raise them to the stars, where we fly and craft a future for the galaxy and humanity!
(Gain: Droma VII becomes a functional part of the Candle Keepers. +1 Heavy Industry and +1 Medical Services.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium/Heavy] [Infantry/Mechanized] Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]/ Construct A Warp Ship - [Choose a Design]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A chosen Military Unit/Ship.)

[][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we have available, and what the Kil'drabi and the Governor of Droma III tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have only monitors, and purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Gain: A newly designed and built Ship Class.)

[] [Military] A Task For Specialists (Assign Unit/s)
-[] (1/1) Medium Engineering Unit
-[] (1/1) Medium Assault Unit
-[] (3/3) Droman Coral Assault Regiments
-[] (1/2) Celestial Choirs

-[] (1/1) Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Regiment
-[] Task Fleet Alpha
(3x Aries-Class Corvettes)

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all His Protectorates. Or send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are dispatched to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: 1 System from Droma.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Secret: Slumber, Silence, and Perception.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I, Fire I.
Gain: A Song.)

[] [Faith] Nursery-Temples Beyond The Cradles
Droma has been liberated from the tyranny of an Imperium that cares not to defend those loyal for eons, nor to even send a hand to help them flee the devastation to come. And with liberation comes the need to have faith in a new system, one brought by the heralds of a better age, an Age of Understanding and Progress! Let us create those temples where the young shall learn of better days and where the old will dream of the galaxy to come. Let us march hand in hand, share the power that gives strength and pride to every woman and man under our protection, let those new faithful lend a hand, and build that very Age we shall all create for the generations to come!

[] [Faith] Souls Artificial and Minds Constructed
With five of the Psykana Experiments revealed to be not ravening monsters that wish to kill all soul-bearing life to devour, but wounded, terrified, and faithful beings seeking aid from the only source of comfort they had ever gained (the Star Child), questions have come up from various corners. Did they have souls? They should; the Celestial Choir said they felt a Song of Mercy sung by the Five-One for their wounds and minds. And yet, what nature does a soul constructed by malevolent monsters into crafted flesh-psykana automata take?
(Gain: Nail down the soul-doctrine aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Chapter] Keep The New Blood Coming (2.5/4)
Same verse as the first two, and same as those that will come after until all one-thousand places have been filled with Brothers worthy of the title.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain another 80 Neophytes.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)

AN: Whoo! Tutorial complete! And with that, all easy +1 Actions have been grabbed! Back to the grind next turn!
Also, I have decided to change the Military Units to represent the capacity you have every turn rather than the sum total. This means you can now lose all Units and get them back in the next! That you will be up shit-creek if attacked as they are on cool-down should be noted, though.
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150.M42 - Time Was Running Out
If there is one thing that can be said about the Candle Keepers, then it is that they are not all talk, no bite, for even under the threat of attack by savage Orks who'd happily burn everything within the system to the ground and process every human and Kil'drabi within into food without a seconds hesitation, they still worked shift after shift to raise millions from the levels of drudgery imposed upon them by the uncaring and apathetic Imperium. No better can this be seen within the Droman system than on Droma VII, where over the years millions of people gradually migrated from the small hamlets and villages of their ancestral homes into the mining cities newly constructed or those enlarged and updated with the most efficient technology the Candle Keepers had access to.

There, these swelling masses of humanity could labor and toil for a better future, their homes evermore lit with the wonder of electricity and supplied with the utter luxus of water from a tap. There, they were safe from the predations of their homes dangerous animals, bunkers, automatic turrets, and city-shields springing up year after year in greater numbers as the sons and daughters of their world wore stronger armor, wielded deadlier weapons, and were guided by faith and loyalty to the Star Child and them alone above all worldly leaders.

And yet, though there was much to be done, more that had been completed, and a multitude currently being undertaken, a certain sense of...urgency...began to grip those whose minds were geared toward military matters.

Yes, the ascension of the First Four into their full status as Space Marines beyond mere title into body and ceremony had given the people much to rejoice about, equally as well when eighty more Neophytes began to train and prepare to meet the oncoming Green Tide...and yet.

There was a sense of dread slowly gripping the hearts and minds of the soldiers of the Star Child. As if time was running out.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production V
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry Nulla
-[] Void Industry V
-[] Medical Services
-[] Military Industry III

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Assimilate Droma III - (2/4)
Let not our siblings in faith wallow in the depths they have been kept within. Let us raise them to the stars, where we fly and craft a future for the galaxy and humanity!
(Gain: Droma III becomes a functional part of the Candle Keepers. +2 Heavy Industry.)

[] [General] Assimilate Droma VII - (1/2)
Let not our siblings in faith wallow in the depths they have been kept within. Let us raise them to the stars, where we fly and craft a future for the galaxy and humanity!
(Gain: Droma VII becomes a functional part of the Candle Keepers. +1 Heavy Industry and +1 Medical Services.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium/Heavy] [Infantry/Mechanized] Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]/ Construct A Warp Ship - [Choose a Design]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A chosen Military Unit/Ship.)

[][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we have available, and what the Kil'drabi and the Governor of Droma III tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have only monitors, and purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Gain: A newly designed and built Ship Class.)

[] [Military] A Task For Specialists (Assign Unit/s)
-[] (1/1) Medium Engineering Unit
-[] (1/1) Medium Assault Unit
-[] (3/3) Droman Coral Assault Regiments
-[] (1/1) Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Regiment
-[] (1/1) Lamenters Space Marine Squad
-[] (1/1) Lamenters Space Marine Scout Platoon

-[] (1/2) Celestial Choirs
-[] Task Fleet Alpha
(3x Aries-Class Corvettes)

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all His Protectorates. Or send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are dispatched to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: 1 System from Droma.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Secret: Slumber, Silence, and Perception.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I, Fire I.
Gain: A Song.)

[] [Faith] Nursery-Temples Beyond The Cradles
Droma has been liberated from the tyranny of an Imperium that cares not to defend those loyal for eons, nor to even send a hand to help them flee the devastation to come. And with liberation comes the need to have faith in a new system, one brought by the heralds of a better age, an Age of Understanding and Progress! Let us create those temples where the young shall learn of better days and where the old will dream of the galaxy to come. Let us march hand in hand, share the power that gives strength and pride to every woman and man under our protection, let those new faithful lend a hand, and build that very Age we shall all create for the generations to come!

[] [Faith] Souls Artificial and Minds Constructed
With five of the Psykana Experiments revealed to be not ravening monsters that wish to kill all soul-bearing life to devour, but wounded, terrified, and faithful beings seeking aid from the only source of comfort they had ever gained (the Star Child), questions have come up from various corners. Did they have souls? They should; the Celestial Choir said they felt a Song of Mercy sung by the Five-One for their wounds and minds. And yet, what nature does a soul constructed by malevolent monsters into crafted flesh-psykana automata take?
(Gain: Nail down the soul-doctrine aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Chapter] A Fleet Worthy Of The Name - (0/3)
[Requirements Not Met.]
(Locked: Requires Void V.
Gain: The Lamenters gain 3 Frigates.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)

AN: Added a missing Turn-counter to the Chapter Action.
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160.M42 - A Name Finally Chosen
With a thump and a clang and a cheerful scream, the last piece of the casing for the city shield came down and secured itself to its brethren, enveloping the titanic void-shield array now ready to defend the last unshielded city on Droma VII to the joy of those it would shelter under its envelope when, not if, they would come under attack.

An attack that was seen all the more a reality when, eight years after the last Ork sighting, another Ork ship warped into the system, only to linger and do nothing much before warping back out. What little the Celestial Choirs could glean from their direction pointed at the ship being a scout, dispatched to look at what was ahead before returning, no doubt only possible by the Ork Boss within Ubraka being powerful enough to prevent the Capt'n of this vessel from charging into combat himself.

The news of this incident did not make the civilian or military portions of the Councils of Droma feel at ease, even as new and titanic industries began to spin up or be freed from the need to raise the harshly neglected industries of Droma VII. One of those industries did hold the promise to assuage some fears, as monumental furnaces and gantries began to be filled with workers, machinery, and materials, millions now working shift after shift to ensure that the much expanded Voidport and Shipyards of Cradle Station (a name finally chosen after nearly one-and-a-half centuries of being called "Station" by everyone) would be able to produce ships at the earliest opportunity.

An opportunity that the military would like to take now. Not only because they desperately wished for at least four more Aries to serve as the backbone for any offensive military actions but also because a troop transport ship was required to assault any planet or void station the Candle Keepers did not wish to subject to decades-long orbital bombardments to cleanse them of Orks for the first or a single cataclysmic blow for the latter.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production V
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry
-[] Void Industry VI
-[] Medical Services II

-[] Military Industry III

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Assimilate Droma III - (3/4)
Let not our siblings in faith wallow in the depths they have been kept within. Let us raise them to the stars, where we fly and craft a future for the galaxy and humanity!
(Gain: Droma III becomes a functional part of the Candle Keepers. +2 Heavy Industry.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium/Heavy] [Infantry/Mechanized] Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]/ Construct A Warp Ship - [Choose a Design]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness. Ships are produced at these rates: Two Destroyers or One Frigate per decade.
(Gain: A chosen Military Unit/Ship.)

[][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer, Frigate]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we have available, and what the Kil'drabi and the Governor of Droma III tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a nascent Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Gain: A newly designed and built Ship Class.)

[] [Military] A Task For Specialists (Assign Unit/s)
-[] (1/1) Medium Engineering Unit
-[] (1/1) Medium Assault Unit
-[] (3/3) Droman Coral Assault Regiments
-[] (1/1) Droman Tideswarm Heavy Demolition Regiment
-[] (1/1) Lamenters Space Marine Squad
-[] (1/1) Lamenters Space Marine Scout Platoon
-[] (1/2) Celestial Choirs
-[] Task Fleet Alpha
(3x Aries-Class Corvettes)

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all Their Protectorates. Or send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are dispatched to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: 1 System from Droma.
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Secret: Slumber, Silence, and Perception.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity, Song, Mercy, Creativity, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun, The Home, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I, Fire I.
Gain: A Song.)

[] [Faith] Nursery-Temples Beyond The Cradles
Droma has been liberated from the tyranny of an Imperium that cares not to defend those loyal for eons, nor to even send a hand to help them flee the devastation to come. And with liberation comes the need to have faith in a new system, one brought by the heralds of a better age, an Age of Understanding and Progress! Let us create those temples where the young shall learn of better days and where the old will dream of the galaxy to come. Let us march hand in hand, share the power that gives strength and pride to every woman and man under our protection, let those new faithful lend a hand, and build that very Age we shall all create for the generations to come!

[] [Faith] Souls Artificial and Minds Constructed
With five of the Psykana Experiments revealed to be not ravening monsters that wish to kill all soul-bearing life to devour, but wounded, terrified, and faithful beings seeking aid from the only source of comfort they had ever gained (the Star Child), questions have come up from various corners. Did they have souls? They should; the Celestial Choir said they felt a Song of Mercy sung by the Five-One for their wounds and minds. And yet, what nature does a soul constructed by malevolent monsters into crafted flesh-psykana automata take?
(Gain: Nail down the soul-doctrine aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Chapter] A Fleet Worthy Of The Name - (0/3)
Space Marines are the ultimate answer of humanity against the myriad dangers and monsters lurking within the dark of the galaxy, yet what worth are they if they are stuck on a single planet or in a single system, without any way to travel to where they are needed? With our aid, or simply by letting the Lamenters and their Chapter Serfs work independently, a nascent fleet of three Frigates will be created to suit the specific needs of a Space Marine Chapter.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain 3 Frigates.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
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165.M42 - A Beacon For The Fleet
Having taken the urgent requests of the military to heart, work begins immediately on a massive expansion of the Candle Keeper's Void Navy, four new Aries-Class ships slowly emerging from nothingness as their skeletons, then muscles, and finally fat and skin are constructed and applied, their sleek white forms bristling with deadly intent and soaring swiftly across the void with their siblings in arms. Shakedown cruises begin the second they are free to leave, and their crews are staffed by those volunteers from SDF ships and recruits, old hands guiding the next generation on the systems of these ships, and every soul within eager to prove themselves worthy of the trust given to them.

Yet, while these ships will undoubtedly become the backbone of the coming war against the Orks, even if the discussed re-fits are authorized and designed, a new vessel was slowly emerging from the belly of the shipyards, one created to stand as a beacon for the fleet, grand in purpose and grander in design.

New Weapons:
(Each cost 2 DP to Install.)
Medium Macro-Cannons - These up-scaled Macro-Cannons use internal munitions to create kinetic impacts to deliver damage to the enemy. Thundering and impactful, they are a favorite of many a captain. However, they are prone to miss over large distances and thus waste their damage potential, as they must hit an evading enemy to deliver said damage. A feat that requires either an outstanding gunnery crew or close-distance shooting.
Medium Lances - Pumping enormous amounts of energy into specialized focusing lenses and through overbuilt capacitors from the ships' reactor, Medium Lances are limited in their firing duration by what their often overstressed cooling systems can deliver. Thus slow to shoot, they nonetheless make up for that by boasting a nearly 100% accuracy rate as they fire at the speed of light.
Medium Missiles - Deceptively sized, deceptively agile, deceptively hard-hitting, and very versatile, these enlarged missiles can deliver a lot of hurt quickly, but they can be shot down or evaded and are best used in close-quarter brawls to minimize that risk. Thanks to their vicious Machine Spirits, most fired at the enemy will hit if not distracted or destroyed beforehand.
4x80m Torpedos - These gigantic missiles are mainly used to force an enemy to maneuver as the admiral or captain sees fit; these weapons can destroy ships of far heavier classes than the ship that shot them within moments after impact. This variant comes with eight shots stored. They can only be installed at the front of a vessel.
Prow Ram - A massive ram designed to break an enemy ship's spine, able to outright rip apart smaller ships if equipped on large vessels.
Light Rotary Macro-Cannon - With several tricks of space-saving measures, logistical contortions, and the sacrifice of easy maintenance, a Rotary Macro-Cannon delivers twice the pain at only a bit more expenditure.
Light Prow Lance - Lances fire coherent beams of energy siphoned directly from the ship's reactor and are only limited in their cooling systems for firing duration and hurt delivered. Prow Lances takes that concept to a concerning level, sacrificing the ability to aim in exchange for more power pumped through their titanic catalysts.

New Equipment:
(Each cost 2 DP to Install.)
Small Troop Compartment - Enough space and Life Support Systems to transport four ground military units through the Warp.
Dedicated Ortillery - Able to deliver munitions against the foes of its controllers, dedicated ortillery has none of the downsides of aiming a ship's main guns at a planet as it can aim without a margin of error measured in kilometers.
Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations - Like a leaf through the wind, a tear within the rain.
Enhanced Supply Generation - Internal factories and mining shuttles capable of gathering and manufacturing limited maintenance supplies for a ship on extended patrols.
Light Teleportarium - Imperial Teleporters can only send a roughly Ogryn-sized object through the Warp in a straight line, often blocked by more than five meters of solid matter. Yet, the versatility of surprise boarding troops outweighs the drawbacks.
Emergency Maneuver Engines - Inertia is a force not rapidly brought to heel. Yet, needs must, and a ship that survives damage is a ship that can be repaired instead of salvaged after being struck by enemy fire it couldn't evade.
Armored Bridges - The Captain of a ship is, arguably, the most critical component of its machinery, as losing them leads to mass confusion and a drastic loss in efficiency.

You have 7 Design Points.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Frigate Class Name
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length
- 1.600/1.700/1.800/1.900/2.000 Meters
-[] Width - 350/400/450/500/550 Meters
-[] Acceleration - 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Single Hull/Single Hull/Thick Single Hull/Thin Double Hull/Medium Double Hull
-[] Shields - Singular Emitter/Two Emitters/Three Emitters/One Array/Two Arrays
-[] Weapons - (Write-In, Example: Type/Mounting.)
-[] Equipment - (Write-In, Example: #1, #2, #3.)