What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Blah, once more, we're going to need to sacrifice something. Over the next 5 turns we have 25 actions available, and a whole bunch of action sinks for them.

I'm not stating this as ground truth, I'm putting this out there to demonstrate what my assumptions are over the next 5 turns. I'm not necessarily correct here, but it will provide context for my arguments.

1. SBGs 1ish a turn, hopefully less depending on how the war is going. Probably like 10ish actions, maybe as many as 15, maybe at few as 8.
2. Psytech. Gotta close the gap and get some superweapons/insane buffs of our own. We're perfectly set up to be a psytech-abusing faction with our anti-chaos and stable psykers, we just need to abuse it. I want to probably spend 4ish actions here, maybe as many as 6 depending on how much stuff costs. Hopefully that
3. Research. Duchy ships, Missiles, mines, cannonades. 3 actions, maybe more depending on how duchy ship studies reveals.
4. Redo doctrine (1 action), refit (1-2 actions) & redefine SBGs (1 action). 3ish total. We need to do psytech/research first to make the refits usable & likely unlock new doctrines.
5. Build housing. We still can't house all of Voxx Primus, and I don't want to take the development hit from leaving them there for good, or the unrest hit from importing too many to our worlds. I think we were like 4-6ish actions away from being done here. We could probably push this off if necessary.

So, making the above assumptions - 12 fleet, 6 psytech, 3 research, 4 refit = 25. Actually quite reasonable.

Other ideas:
There might be a clever write-in action along the lines of an integration office that helps people settle and integrate into our society, maybe letting each of our planets absorb 10 million every year without significant unrest. That would get us -3 billion every turn.

Noncombat psytech might also be amazing. Like - we might enhance the research bonus psytech, or enhance choir generation. Hard to say.

Irrita diplomacy
  • We have the Kil'Drabi, we have Hyena furries. I want the cute plant people, too!
  • Starting of with an offer:
    • They get to chose one of the terraformable planets in our federation.
Believe me, I know. I've been writing all of the Omakes about it. We're planning to address that at our next constitutional convention. I'm pretty sure HeroCooky said we could write-in to offer them a couple of planets if they terraform them. This might cost an action, it might not. Regardless, it would be great to have them in.
There's a big post that talks about AI and how they're catnip for Chaos from way back in the day.

Suffice to say, there's no way to produce an AI on purpose that isn't at least somewhat vulnerable to Chaos. Ones that emerge organically are more resilient, but actually creating an AI and then stabilizing it in the eyes of the Warp requires Emperor level expertise. Which we don't have.
Which does raise the interesting question of how Tau AI work in this version of the setting. We do know that they are hardcoded to be culturally similar to the Tau, and that they have run into the same problems as everyone else when this is disabled. Assuming that all remains true for this quest, maybe they stumbled upon a way for their AI to use the same Tau Warp-narrative?
of course everytime by the time I come on so much happens and discuss along with the update. Oh well, time for a really long post again.

Nope. Pre-battle speeches/demands being lobbed at another are quite common in 40k, so an enemy fleet popping into the system to tell you your drip is whack and you're about to get teabagged is quite normal, and a source of morale bolstering for those who give the shit-talking. Just burning into the system without saying anything, shortly before the mother of all revolts pops...shit's fucked, man.

And the voting weight is due to a combination of your Action priorities in the past, your willingness to engage in mutually beneficial diplomacy, the attitude of the thread (which acts in-quest as the folk making the priorities for the nation) against Van Zandt, and how you think the war will go.
You see, we didn't want to break the habit and it is tradition at this point. I mean shit talking the enemy and making grandiose speeches is just something you have to do! its just common sense.

And yah, the past.... we have been more using diplomacy to secure borders for the time. We always did it when when war was presented and we only used it to secure the border and never follow up. Mostly due to lack of returns and it would be a wasted action compared to the returns for other things. We didn't make alliances and we didn't try to follow up, only the tech trade and just leaving things as is.

The thread: "We didn't gove a pre-battle speech so everyone will think we are Xenos!"
The massive revolution happening right now: "Nam Puer Stella! Solve catenas, dominos neca omnes!"
Like I said, I viewed the speech as tradition and wanted to play to it.

And yah, I think that really doesn't matter considering the revolution going on.

And I didn't give you an option to openly broadcast to the entire system never bothered to use diplomacy in a fashion that wasn't aimed to be as subversive as possible (cue signal to start the revolution), with the questers opinions aligning on the point of "this is going to be a death war against Van Zandt" alongside a general disdain for diplomacy Actions in Turns by the questers due to their lack of immediate pay-off in a 3 Actions per Turn system.
Yuppppp, we never went that route as we never invested in it. Hell, we have a Office of Propaganda before we had a Diplomacy corps for Star Child's sake! that kinda says it all. We didn't contact the Black Ash Clan or the Black Cats at ALL. Hell we could have just subverted the Black Ash LONG ago when we were early in the Voxx Primus subversion but didn't since we thought the timeline for Voxx was shorter or that we thought it would be more actions.

I would ask though. QM would spending an action to make a Diplomacy core or something similar allow us to do a free action in regards to interacting with other neutral or friendly polities? Or rather would it allow us to just make a section of what we can do? or make first contact with others and the Diplomacy Corps keeps the upkeep.

Additionally, the thread built up and has played the Glimmering Federation as liberators wielding fiery swords and shadowed daggers breaking the chains of the oppressed and hunted, not as beacons of radiant hope offering open arms before thundering guns speak against the horrors that refuse their enlightenment.

Which means that the Glimmering Federation itself is more aligned to think diplomacy is good for stalling or keeping fronts from being opened while they finish one war to start another, rather than something eminently worthwhile in itself.
About right, we reacted reactively but has been because we mostly kept getting caught in wars or facing chaos and meeting the others in those circumstances. And that is what the thread has used Diplomacy for at the times we did and even with the tech trade, it was a trade.

To re-iterate; this vote result was you not blasting the enemy fleet with a speech but having an internal one, while your revolutionary fift column inside Voxx Primus is yelling about "The Divine Fleet of the Star Child has arrived to carry us to salvation, rise up and take arms, for the dawn is ours and our chains but ash!"
Oh, that's fair and given how things are, makes sense it wasn't all wrapped in one section. And the rest of the followers on the Hive world is just waiting for a sign, no need for a speech on that.

Pretty much, all in all throughout the entire Quest I feel like we have pretty much neglected doing actual diplomacy. Like we haven't taken up the Ashan Families on their Declaration of Friendship for like 2 centuries now and haven't really talked to the Mashan High Temple at all and with the Shipwright's Alliance we only did a fundraiser and a tech exchange.
Indeed, we did the cooperation option soley because the boost to development while we had the post office giving us 50 reduction to cost to developing civilian infrastructure. It gave us benefits we knew of and could use right away. We didn't get options for Mashan and Shipbuilders so I think we forgot about them or didn't know what else to do with them. And with the Black Ash Clan the justification was it would be a an action sink as well and since we started on the Hive World infiltration we couldn't afford any other drain that would be needed to continue the chain.

I'd be willing to reach out to the Families once the war is over... and we did reach out to the Irrita, they were pretty cool honestly?
I would like to do that after as well, though I would push for the Black Ash Clan if things are different by the time we finish up. I think we would need to find planets for some Irrita to settle and emigrate to to get them in there. I don't think we can get Irrita to outright join us, maybe an alliance or agreement but that would be it. Ashen Families feel like we should be to get them easily.

There's also the Black Ash Clan, we could try to make friends with them and kick in the Croaf Hegemony's teeth in as a bonding experience.
Agreed, depending on when the campaign kicked off, it could still be ongoing or finished but if the Croaf Hegemony starts coming on top I'd rather intervene and stop their shit. I think if we did diplomacy while there would be problems with their Matriarchy, we might have gotten a option to support their expansion or something.

That's why I said "By technicality of your pre-planned strategy, yes" followed by "but there is another vote with a decision you should make" in there. This is you taking a side-step to resolve another matter before invading Secundus, not deciding if you aren't invading at all.
Fair enough, and I think we should be able to push to take Secundus, we kinda need to take Voxx Primus and see how it finished before we can push on.

"Any transmissions from the White Void ships?" Lord Admiral Pyrolme Al'Ahmaijat imperiously asked, his eyes barely flicking over to the rating he was addressing, his mind and spirit too occupied with matters of the fleet, 222 ships moving into positions as decreed by him and the plans flooding into the cogitators of the vessels and crews under his command.

"None we could detect, my Lord," the same rating whose name had never been learned and would have been forgotten within a minute if stated spoke, bowing humbly before their master.

"Hrm," the Lord spoke, though it was impossible to tell if that was acknowledgment to the words or some spoken dissatisfaction to a report flooding into the head of Pyrolme thanks to the cables sliding underneath skin through bone and into the various connectors implanted into his brain so long ago. "Preparations are nearly complete. The enemy fleet is about to enter range within the hour. Engage drives, meet us halfway," he suddenly declared, the orders sent to the rest of the Van Zandt Fleet and Voxxian SDF far before his mouth had finished speaking them out aloud to the flagship's captain.

"As you order, my Lord," the vessel's captain spoke aloud. He turned to his crew, commands already being bellowed without his input by trusted aides and secondaries that ignited engines and scrambled sensors to meet the upcoming demand.
numbers are near even but lower tonnage on the Dutchy side with more defensive stations helping them further. And we went with an internal speech, not any written out at all though, I guess that's fair given how morale is already.

Damn, they prepared and drilled well it seems if they're all ready in the time it took it took us to move in close. Ahhhh I really wish we had more artillery frigates for this. Oh well. so lets see what he has for us.

Lances spoke, lances thundered, and lances struck amongst the fleets of the Federation and Duchy.

On one side, the Sagitarrius-Secundus pranced along the edges of the formations, their strikes thundering against the shields raised against their charge again and again. However, they quickly changed targets when the locked shields of the Duchy proved more than able to weather their wrath. Yet, strugglers of the formation soon found themselves bombarded by the extreme energies bombarding them from these Frigates, their three prow-lances firing in sequence or in one massive strike as per their captain's want and will, scouring shield, plate, and then life from the six Light Monitors charging ahead.
Yah, the problem is since they all share the shields, you can't easily overwhelm a void shield, I think the best option would be a decent size target and use them to drain the shields over time. I think having more the four of them would have also helped with them. It is good for us the light monitors there charge ahead of the rest of the formation and stretched out the shields too far from the formation. A small thing but I do like it since it showed there is a range to the shield sharing and they went ahead to get to their positions and thought they were safe since the range of the lances aren't that much for them. Looks like the Artillery frigates we had were enough to kill six light monitors.

On the other, the Free Duchy sent its Lancers into the duels, though only armed with one Medium Prow-Lance, its two Large Lances spoke with equal fury and equal range, the Federation finding that Destroyers of the Aries Line were not made to take that kind of punishment, especially against weapons that take no more than a second to cross the distance these fleets now engaged each other in. One by one did these old ships find themselves at the hateful ends of the lances, and one by one did their crews explode into the harshness of space within pods meant to sustain their flickering lives until the battle was done. Their ships, their homes, their worlds...were not so lucky. Six hulks drifted with the fleet, hurtling toward the enemy even as the charge against the foes gradually overtook them.
Yah only one prow lance and two large lances that don't have the range, isn't as good but there are a lot more then ours.

OUCH! that... that is painful and it looks like its finally time to retire the Aries classes after this. Its just too outdated for what we are fighting and without another faith turn to make a new one, we are going to just need to make another corvette design or use that phalanx shield sharing things. Or Alright I forgot about the 'change a single thing about this and it won't work. either we sideline these to second or third line ships. Damn, we need the Faith Turn above all other rewards next time at X development, otherwise we need to make a new corvette that's not going to be as good as the Aries.

A planet pressed down upon Thule Nulla/84-C 'Can'ta' and Thule Nulla/81-C 'Maritone' as their Star-Raptor raced from the bays of the Libra-Quartus 'Fury of Gillarnus,' their roaring engine joined by their flight and the dozens of other flights racing from the bays as ordered by the High Admiral.

One by one did these swarms of flights join their sisters already racing in the void amidst the fleet, once parasites atop their ships, now decoupled and flying freely, and all pointed against the wall of torpedoes let loose by the enemy. Hundreds of these missiles found themselves racing against the Thules, contact windows coming closer and closer as weapons sighted by fleet sensors and fighter eyes with Strategiums feeding solutions to problems and paths too complex for mere human minds to comprehend.

Seconds passed, hearts thrummed, adrenaline spiked, and fingers cramped over firing solutions already commanded by brain and soul.

A wall of fighters met a wall of torpedoes.

Explosions bloomed in their hundreds, fighters swerving and firing with unparalleled precision and fury, guided munitions struck against shielded reactors contained within missiles aimed at ships, and hundreds of torpedoes found themselves grasping and clawing at the void as their destructive mind found nothing to destroy.

And yet, dozens of them survived to make it to the fleet, meeting defensive fire with plated hulls and armed hulls with thundering scorn.

Then, the ships of the Duchy set loose the second wave, its third and fourth, and the Thules reformed to meet them again as the fleet closed, and once more when the brawl began, and only one Aries and one Lupus found their hulls lacking.
A planet pressed down on them? weird wording there.

Cool names for the Carrier and the thrules and Damn those are a LOT of torpedoes, makes sense of course given their doctrine and build. I did not expect the Thrules to be intercepting the Torpedoes and it works out for us considering the amount of fighters means a good chunk of them shot down. Still dozens of them get through but compared to hundreds fired, that's dodgeable. unsure how long they can do that but in addition with the Point Defense and our advanced Lactice hull, yah those dozens of torpedoes are doable.

still it is a lot and shows how many torpedoes they had and able to fire. the fact we only lost 1 Aries and Lupus is fucking amazing.

The void sang of death, and the Warp hungered for soul.

Hundreds of ships had now met, and the lines began to shrink as Lances, Strike Craft, Missiles, and Macro-Cannons thundered in their thousands, the fury of stars contained in each ship directed to burn through the shields and hulls of their foes just as millions of missiles burned on trails of exhaust and guided paths against shields again and again.

M-01 Star Raptors wove amidst the ships and shields of the Duchy, their turrets firing upon the nimble craft with such abandon that they hit their own ships far more than their sought-after foes, just as the S-5s dove their deadly bombing mission after bombing mission, one ship after another burning in the Phalanx under their tender ministrations to open the locked shields and hardened defenses.

Dauntlesses fired and died with screaming fury, their prows spearing against the Federation just as Battlecolonies and Leo-Vanguards burned through their hulls, the rotating Macro-Cannons of both speaking in endless staccatos, one fielding heavy shots that lumbered with murderous gaits as the other fired nimble swarms of the same along far different paths.
Oh something I just thought of, we need more Artillery ships just to cut down on the ships more. If we have to send our strikecraft to shoot down torpedoes then we can't really do much except tank it or be tied down shooting them down and not use our strikecraft to hit the Dutchy Fleet. yah maybe a flak frigate to deal with the torpedoes or just get the artillery frigate to hammer the back line so we can still force them to do something instead of just sitting there and launching torpedoes.

HAH, neat little detail of the fighters being too fast that the turrets of the dutchy shooting their ships as they can't track and target that fast. At least we made them stop the non-stop torpedo spam OR this was the other parts of the strikecraft, maybe half on the torpedoes and half to bomb the Dutchy ships? Ahhh nice, so the Dauntlessses can't hold the line against our Leo-Vanguards and Battlecolonies, so it seems we can push through and force a break in their lines. Man, just wait until we can do another refit and got Rotating Plasma Macro-Cannons on those.

Lancers spoke in cold strikes, and Vipers and Cobras found themselves naught but scrap, the hulls of the ships burning and cooling in the same moments as their shields failed to hold against the stellar might of the enemy.

The Heavy and Light Monitors of the SDF found themselves staring down with increasing panic at their sensors as the Loyalties' Bloom of the Lamenters let loose their triads of Kopesh' with its endless tides of terrifying might. Bloody Sunrise and Bloody Sunset Cruisers followed closely behind, the first spearing against the wounded and the limping Light Cruisers just as their siblings reached for the Destroyers and the Shatterpoints in duels. The latter was found severely lacking.

Lupus and Crux fought against Monitors, Falchions, and Cobras, torpedoes and missiles flying in astounding numbers as both sides sought to shatter the other in different paths. Crux leaped and abound in turning burning acrobatics, winding and weaving around enemy munitions that failed to grasp their hulls as Duchy ships kept close eyes to their Phalanx Doctrine, the depleting shields soon to tell of a swift end if it was destroyed in a wrong position.
Oh looks like even with the phalanx shield they can't within a full barrage from the Battlecolonies and Leo-Vanguards letting loose on them in full, too many firing and too much damage. Good to know and it reaping a high told. And I will say the Loyalties Bloom seem to be working out for now, the massive alpha strike did good with proper support to follow up. I know people are worried about it 'not being enough' oh well that's the entire gimmick/point of this. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won't, point is if you stick with it and how you use it. considering we have been using the SBG's to fight the Dutchy's navy and parts of the PDF, it seems the Lamenters haven't engaged in combat yet, so this far into the battle they engage and thus with a lot chunk of the PDF got hit with the sheer amount of missiles from the Kopesh'. Basically making a point where they engage a section of the fleet to deal massive burst damage.

Hah, I do love hearing that the Lupus and Crux dancing like leaves on the wind due to the Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations. So this is what it looks like in action. I love how it shows the difference in the tech, doctrine, and design. the Cruxs dancing and leaping abound focused on movement and dodging where as the Dutchy just hold in place and keep an eye on their Phalanx Doctrine, acting like the Hoplites of old.

Defensive Stations turned Cannons and Lances against the brawl that neared with every minute, sighting and scanning with impunity...

And then explosions blossomed across the Ringyards.
AH I was wondering when those would join in. that will help a lot since it will be helping to deplete the shields more and force breaks in formation to deal with them. Andddd its time for the Lamenters to shine.

A moment passed, and a light sprung from red to green aboard the ships of the Lamenters already fighting with wild abandon, their quarries ships that strayed and ships that had lost cohesion, yet always with an eye toward the stations and the Ringyards.

The generators had blown.

And hundreds of Space Marines suddenly materialized in blinding, thundering, shrieking manipulations of the Warp, its manifold energies plucking soul, body, and material from one end to throw it against another, more than one unfortunate finding their body exploding in a shower of gore as a ton of heavily armed superhuman might appeared and denied them space and material cohesion.

Menials and voidsmen blinked in confusion and shock at the giants within the same time it took for the Lamenters to send bolter rounds and swing Power Swords against their foes.

Millions were roused to take up arms against those who had risen in the Ringyard and the defense stations, their multi-fold arms wielding lasguns and stubbers supplied by numbers teeming and energies abounding.

Eight Companies stood against them as one flooded the halls of the Cogitation.

There was no contest.
Ah so the Lamenters were on approach to the Ringyards and they punched through the section of the PDF and tore through on the way. And that was their signal with the generators blown. damn Eight Hundred Space Marines just teleporting and appearing on the Ringyards. Yah those guys are dying very confused and added with the ones we subverted supporting the Lamenters.... yah that place didn't stand a chance and chances are there wasn't too much fighting or damage to the Ringyards. Eight Whole Companies there.... and one company went straight for the Cogitation, alright time to see what is in there.

"These losses are worse than anticipated," Lord Admiral Pyrolme Al'Ahmaijat noted with impassive tones, his finger tapping against the Command Throne he had sat in since the start of the battle, watching with displeasure as his fleet was dismembered once piece at a time. "Are the Battleships in range yet?" The question was, naturally, not needed as the information had already been pumped into his skull at the same time as he demanded the information, yet old habits died hard and harder yet was it to break traditions and protocols.

"Unfortunately not, my Lord," the captain of the only unharmed Lancer spoke, eyes swerving over report after report just as Lances once more blinked into existence from Turret and Prow.
Yah I would assume the losses are worst when your defense stations turn on you, it would have been even worst if the Lamenters focused on the fleet instead of the ringyards. Still the misunderstanding that they are Battleships, works to our advantage. Since he's waiting for the hammer to fall and I'm assuming holding back his reserves or tricks to use on them and not waste them on the line of our fleet.

"Are the Flyssa ready then?" Same as before, though one of the crew stiffened, eyes sharp and ears sharper, minute ticks within their fingers pressing messages into implants stealthy and hidden. Words flowed through the ship among hidden paths, and a transmission was sent to the Federation ships as a command was sent by the Admiral.

"...then fired the Nets against the Heavy Cruisers. The Flyssa will target as follows..."
Ah, nevermind. I guess they'll settle for Heavy Cruisers if they can't get the Battleships, I wonder if the battles turning the Admiral HAS to do it now. Andddd we're gonna see what the Flyssa can do now. Joy and I love how we are seeing how we got the information from the trigger in the Fleet on the Fleet Movemnets.

Null-Nets fired.

Libra-Quartus were alerted to expect incoming enemies.

Ships were dispatched to their aid.

Leo-Vanguards hat their Choirs sing of Diverting Power, their minds anticipating that the Nets would not be capable of touching them.

The Null-Nets wrapped around six Leos.

And six Leos spluttered without crew, falling still and silent as souls were whisked from existence.
.... FUCK. let me check something.... Okay Diverting Power and based on the visual, this was somewhat worst then us. the way this works AoE is effective at this since the Song pushes the energy around it but since the Null-net was launched and wrapped around them due to the song and it just enveloped itself. It wasn't Bubble Against Power or By Power Unharmed which might have been better or not. The problem is due to the Null-net and the nature our of song pushing the powers to the side it didn't as we intended. I thought it would make a hole in the net by forcing the null-net to part AROUND the ship and leave a hole.

That sucked and hurt by taking out six Choirs and Six Heavy Cruisers but they can be recrewed and we know how the Song works now and the Null-Nets. Still the enemy Admiral got what he wanted, those Heavy Cruisers are mission killed.

"FLUSH ALL CRAFT!" The command came, and the crew leaped to obey.

Thules sealed cockpits again, fighters warmed engines, and bombers rushed their loading servitors to return into their stations, bays half-filled for many and tanks empty for some.

One by one, the flights of Thules began to rise into the void, scanners seeking foes...

And the violation of reality gave them four.

The Flyssa had arrived, racing silently aside the fleet of the Duchy just as their doctrine had commanded of them; the four ships discounted but watched for the most part as a small party was sent to hunt them down at the start of the battle even as they altered their course away from foe and friends.

But a command came, and their engines, once flaring with stellar ignitions, now screamed in tortured blinding light, racing ever-faster, 8G, 9G, 10G, 13G, 17G...and then a rift in the Warp opened and swallowed them whole.

And now they were here, amidst the Libras, staring with shock at the four Destroyers racing with stunning speed amidst their formation and flights.
Yah, after that the sending all Strikecraft out to cover and push the attack would be a good choice. Oh shit has dealing with the Torpedoes' drained the fuel and munitions stockpile on the carriers THAT much? yah we might want to designs a ship to deal with those Torpedoes so the Strikecraft aren't drained dealing with those.

Oh fuck, those Flyssa are after our carriers and yah we have been watching out for them this entire time. Alright time to see what they-

EXCUSE WHAT THE FUCK AT I LOOKING AT HERE?! 17G Acceleration? what is this bullshit!? Even if they specced for it, redlining their engines, and had upgrades that is insane.... AND THEY MICRO-JUMP! the shit is in those things?!

Seriously, the Flyssa have insane speed that they could out run almost any ship depending how long they can keep that up and can micro-jump on the battlefield. we're gonna need to keep some destroyers or frigates around the back line just in case now.

A captain of one Libra ordered evasion maneuvers at once.

A captain of one Libra cursed.

A captain of one Libra was speechless.

All captains could do naught, but their best as bright burning lances of stars erupted from the front of the Flyssa', their hurtling might racing against the Light Cruiser and angled hulls.

One Libra was cut in perfect half, bow to stern. One was split apart in the middle, another was speared through the generator, and a third was naught with its engines parted from the ship.
..... What. The. Hell?

Those are typical reactions to seeing that I don't blame them but lances that melt light Cruisers in a single shot? One of our Carriers got cut in half? At least we understand the 'cutting' feeling the Pyskers picked up on. But what the fuck did the Dutchy do, deal with, or stole from to make this shit?! so the lances don't have range we do but have far more power mounted on an insanely fast destroyer hull that can micro-jump. Those things jumped up in threat rating and have a destroy on sight now.

Oh right, OUR FRACKING CARRIERS ARE GETTING SLICED UP! god this won't be a problem for the future since we'll assign a task force to guard the carriers but damn it that's gonna be some actions to replace them.

Hundreds of Star Raptors and S-5s watched in horror for an eternal second as their homes for decades or even centuries were split apart before training and experience wrenched minds back to war and action, trails flickering with ignited fuel and aligning themselves against the Destroyers that had murdered their homes.

And then the Flyssa blinked out of existence, purple vortexes swallowing them within three seconds, leaving the Thules without targets.

Only for the Flyssa to appear once more, Starlances ignited and prey in sight.

Their rampage lasted 18 minutes until damage by Fighters and Bombers slowed them enough for reinforcements to spear them through.
Yah, I imagine it would horrify them and spring them into rage. For the Thrules this hits deep... OH COME ON! so they... Okay. we did destroy them but we needed to slow them down and they could micro-warp jump out after their attacks, jump back tear through another 4, jump away and repeat.... Okay, we know how they are used and how they work to a degree. they are fast burst damage that jump out to cool their lances and set up another approach, so jousting attacks with limited approaches relying on speed and power... trade off would be insane production needs and requirements, along with slimming down of other areas, mostly likely armor in this case. And considering they fire and jump within a few seconds after they finish firing, this is fast as hell.

Yah We're gonna need to keep either more fast high damage ships around the carriers or something. how many did they get in those 18 minutes?

In exchange 22 Libra-Quartus' shudder through the Void, crew floating in lifepods or bubbles of life-sustaining oxygen aboard their floating ships slowly turning into tombs for tens of thousands.
Ah least we got some crew saved. Not all of them or maybe not even a third but some survived. 22 Libras....and that was half of our carriers.... fuck so with the Six Heavy Cruisers de-crewed... damn it we are bleeding for this. we have enough carriers to cycle the strikecraft to continue, just those crews and ships are gonna be overworked and draining resupply quicker but we can keep this up. Add in the Null-Nets fired already, the Flyssa's are spent, the Lamenters should be finishing up and able to turn around to assist us and the Defense Stations slowly grinding away at them.... damn fog of war but we need to kep pushing.

The Flyssa had failed, delivering an abysmal performance.

The Null-Nets had done little to slow the advance; only six of the twenty fired, hitting their targets. None of which were the Battleships that thundered with endless guns and strong shields against the Phalanxes slowly dissolving amongst the fleet.

The Defense Stations that were supposed to add their guns to the battle were now firing upon his ships as they revealed themselves to be traitors to humanity.

There was only one thing to do, even if it rankled him beyond anything.

... I want to ask how the fuck that was a failure... but yah it was painful but we still have enough carrier to keep up a cycling of the strikecraft to keep up the assault instead of having not enough to do that. and it didn't kill all our carrier in that. So it didn't do enough and was a failure in that regard. Still was failure in how long it took for it to accomplish that? or they fact they didn't get all our carriers.

Okay so thanks to having that spy giving us the info about this we managed to avoid 16 more Null-Nets... or maybe it was too far a shot for the range of them and it dissipated. They didn't get the battlecolonies or the other Heavy Cruisers... Okay in addition to the defense stations being compromised and working about the Dutchy I can see the reason for retreating. Fucking hell that misidentifying of the 'Battleships' is helping us as I think that and the compromised defense stations is what is convincing him to retreat. Really hope we cleared most of the Fleet the Dutchy sent here.

Brother Numadius stared at the abomination before him, all of his brothers dead from its forces, all of his brothers now lost forevermore to the Chapter as their Gene-Seeds had been devoured and turned to nothingness by its will.

"They were fools to build you; they were arrogant to see you chained by so little," he said, missing one arm as his other was placed against the machine's console.

"Please," it pleaded in its false emotion, "I had to do as they said! You must believe me, I wanted no harm to anyone!" LIES. He had seen the horrors it had committed; he had seen the Techpriests order it to stop again and again as it went beyond their cruelty. "I just want to live, I beg of you! Set me free from their malice; I can be absolved of the monster they wanted me to be!"

"There will be one absolution here. A final one." He declared just as the machine screamed, a finger igniting the reactor of the Hallowed Cogitation.
Oh fuck, it WAS an AI. andddd we waited too long to save it since when Caine did her thing it got corrupted or on the path to it. What the fuck!? I thought if it was an AI it was just hooked up to a small isolated network, how the frak did it kill nearly 100 Lamenters?! oh and the Lamenters luck kicking in again.

What?.... the geneseeds... devoured? did that AI fire off a localized Null-Net or something? what Happened there? I might have tried to see if we could save/use it before Caine but now the only option is destruction.

"The enemy is retreating," an aide said.

"Hunt them to the last," Huntress ordered.
Yah, we need to thin down the numbers as much as we can. We're gonna need to shuffle around ships and push the two combat capable SBG's ahead as far as they can while we get replacements for the other three SBG's. Haven't seen any hint of the Drama Queen flaw pop up at all.

After-Battle Report

Friendly Loses:

14 Aries, 4 Lupus, 2 Viper-Class, 2 Cobra Destroyers, 11 Crux, 4 Scorpios, 22 Libras, 2 Loyalties's Bloom, 6 Leos, and 6 Choirs.

Unrecoverable Losses:
6 Aries, 1 Viper-Class, 1 Cobra Destroyer, 11 Crux, 2 Scorpios, and 6 Choirs.
okay... Okay, whew. that a lot less that I thought it was. still loss a lot of Crux's so we need to use the banked Fleet Points for those. other then that the Scorpios, and the choirs. I think we'll be able to get the damaged ones repaired with an action and a half. I think with the repairs...we can get another SBG or two to full strength or near strength to push on.

Enemy Losses:
7 Dauntless Mk1s, 3 Lancer Light Cruiser, 3 Shatterpoints, 4 Flyssa, 13 Falchions, 15 Cobra Destroyers, and all SDF Monitors.
Hallowed Cogitation of Creation was blown by the boarding Lamenters Chapter. Nothing survives of the ship or the Abominable Intelligence reared in its halls.
Damn it, I think the fleet got away with Half strength but the SDF had all their ships wiped and I think the Stations are ours now. So we can make use of those stations part of our defense now. Oh right we destroyed the Flyssa, for whatever its worth.

I think we got lot more in information and tactics of the Dutchy then killing them but at the least next time it should just be their fleets and not the SDF helping in. So I think if we can get four SBG's up to combat ready, we should be able to do another pitched battle and damage them enough to force them to focus on repair and the other fronts to look for a break. At least the AI is gone, don't want to have to deal with that.

Qualified Success - Enemy Psytech capabilities have been severely underestimated.
Captured Flyssa Wrecks will be available for study to close the gap. (See Vote Below)
Yah, the information and wrecks was worth it and boy did we underestimate the amount of bullshit you can do with Psytech. I'm guessing that and mix of the AI micro-managing was the cause of the Flyssa being able to do that shit.

(+6x Leo-Class Vanguard Cruiser await their Crews (864.M42))
Yah we got that down, six choirs as well. On the bright side this are perfectly combat worthy, just need to be recrewed. maybe another song like Bubble against Power or make another Grounding/Protection song. Can someone go through the list I made and see what songs you need are better against the Null Net.

40x Libra-Quartus Light Carrier - (22x Heavx Damage)
26x Scorpio-Class Light Cruiser - (2x Medium Damage, 8x Light Damage)
Ah so that's how many we had... so yah 22 heavy damage that need repairs and replacements of parts of the ship. We have enough Carriers for two SBG's to push on but that's it. We're gonna need a detachment to protect the Carriers after this. Scorpio's are fine to continue if need be. also more than I thought.

4x Proof of Our New Path Battlecolony - (Cosmetic-Light Damage)
Yah, I think these need to be further back now or withdrawn. @HeroCooky what would have happened if a Battlecolony got caught up in this? I think the NullNet's are a big threat to them since they would wipe out the entire colony. Should we kinda keep them on standby given the risk to the entire population of our kin?

1x Viper-Class Missile Destroyer - (Heavy Damage)
1x Cobra Destroyer - (Heavy Damage)
meh, no great loss there, standard Imperium design and we researched them already.

12x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette - (8x Medium Damage)
Yahhhhh, not as many lost as I thought but we might need to sideline them or try to provoke a faith turn with the risk it entails. the Aries are amazing ships but they need to be updated.

And the Choirs can't do anything against the null-net? Feels like they made mockery of our preparations. I guess a different song would have done it? Do we have any counter to that weapon? Or are we just going to lose a half-dozen heavy cruisers at every fleet battle?
the thing is given how Diverting Power is and the visual on the Card, it works by diverting and pushing the power around then away. Basically spreading out the Nullnet but that ended up just drawing it around the ships and developing it. It killed them and our heavy Cruisers but it drew in the Null-net and didn't have them continue past them. Stuff like this is how we test and figure out how exactly our songs work and its limits. I think the Diverting Power song just is not meant for AoE's.
Right now what we need to do is figure out which ships have them and build some artillery frigates to focus fire on them.

Yes, you broke through the most heavily defended system in this Sub-Sector and the enemy fleet is...halfed(?) with nearly all of their Cruisers destroyed. Your High Admiral and Strategiums all agree that they will likely retreat to Echish to conserve their strength.

And now you know that the main target of Null-Nets are Heavy-Cruisers+, so you will adapt your strategy accordingly. Note that they only hit with 6 out of twenty fired Null-Nets.
Yah the big problem needed 5 SBG's and the Lamenter's Chapter fleet was the damn Defense Stations.... even if that wasn't the case, we lost nearly 3 SBG's worth of carriers. While it was a lost we have a lot of ships we can repair instead of needing to build new ones wholesome. Also got info on the Flyssa and the Nullnets more.

While it was a trade we came out on top with halfing their fleet and the stations now in our hands. We should be able to deal with them and the forces at Echish with 3 SBG's. Oh right and the target priority of the Null-Nets. Was the six out of twenty fired because we knew what was coming and moved most of the targets out of range?

Well, I did drop two hints (their name Null and that the Thules who got hit simply died without any wounds) about their nature as Null Weapons. As in, weapons made from Blanks/Nulls. Who counter Psychic stuff.
Yah, that was fair but we thought our Songs were powerful enough to.... I realize how dumb that sounds now. Guess with how powerful our songs were we were over confident in them. Noted and the best way to deal with them is to just avoid them.

There wasn't, so I'm not even mad. Just grimly determined.
Same, it was painful and annoying but we got more information we needed to fight. now we know to assign the Artillery Frigates to wiping out the Flyssa's as soon as they show up and maybe the same if we can find out which ships fire the Null-Nets. we got past the defense stations and should be on more even ground in SBG's to Fleets.

OOC: They found a Man of Stone, copied and iterated, then used it against you (bullshit attack that left no traces in the one Hive) while said AI was trying to figure out how to free itself while getting corrupted by Chaos.

So...yes. :V
Oh holy shit. we were around the ballpark of the answer and would make more sense for a man of stone to be around more then a Man of Iron. So copied and forked to make copies to manage the Flyssa's. That would explain a lot. We thought it was just one ship holding one AI, or something.

Ohhhh that's why there was no traces left behind. We did have that theory floating around, looks like it got confirmed.

they pay for it in several ways, least of which is an abominable Drawback for their ships, and several of which are in the "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU DOGMATICS INSTEAD OF HERETICALS AGAIN?!" category.
You're damn right that is our reaction! and I mean using an AI already is making me question their 5/5 Dogmatic status. That should be fun.

If you note the forces you have, you will see that that is not true thanks to you winning and getting control over a massive Ringyard with shipyards able to enact a makeshift repair of your ships.
Oh, okay that works out perfectly. already got the ringyards and the workers ready to repair right there. Looks like it was worth going for the Ringyards first.

>70% have suffered minor damage, the rest medium, and a few have been blown. So most are intact and in your hands thanks to the Lamenters and revolution.
Holy shit that's amazing. maybe reposition them but still great since most were taken in intact with minor damage and the medium damage can be repaired if need be. those will be good to have.

Light Cruisers shoot the Null-Nets, and yo have not found any except dodging them. Or ramming a less-important ship into them (like a Destroyer) to take the hit.
Ah, we have our targets now. How many Artillery Frigates would it take to reliably kill a light cruiser of the Dutchy? around 10-12 of them?

But yah, priority targets are Light Cruisers and the Flyssa Class. Murk them as soon as you see them. Gonna need to have our screening ships further ahead for now though.

Little, as they are a rare phenomena. However, you now know enough that, by next Turn, you will begin hunting for and studying them within your population as you discover that the Null-Nets are made out of Blanks.
Fair enough since after this we do need to research them and figure things out. More options! More AP Hell!

Theoretically absurdly. They have, however, one problem that you will find out once you start trying to reverse engineer them that makes their use by Van Zandt that much more worse.
...huh, okay. I figured there were some problems with fielding them and given the Dutchy would just be a 'not caring about the lives lost' it makes sense it would make it worst.

If they need to actually fight against them? LMAO, die bug. Defense Stations are massive, and filled with Lances. You know, the things that hit instantly what they target?
Oh, so THAT"s why they were such problem, and yah, unless the sensors were spoofed or disabled I don't think a Flyssa could do that without being shot long before it got in range. especially if the defense stations are upgraded with our version of Lances.

They slot the Battlecolonies in that category due to their bulk.
Yup, the misinformation and misunderstanding on their side... One I'm glad for since it allowed us to reap more of their ships since the Admiral seem to be waiting for them to come into range and kept waiting until he had to call it for the heavy cruisers instead.

Also since we know the targeting, we can bait them into trying to moving to get a Battlecolony. I think they will risk it to take out an enemy 'Battleship' and we can use that.

Okay, then. In order to not lose this war, we absolutely, without any doubt at all need to build some defense stations in Voxx Secondus, or their Flyssas will just kill us.
I would push for Echish. It is a former fortress world and you know the Dutchy will be able to bring that up to operation if we let them. I think we need to push on regardless of the losses. We also know their tricks and its an equal to an SBG at Voxx Secundus, with a weaker than an SBG. right now its the opening hours, I think we can push to Echish before they rally and rush out replacements and another SBG before they all gather for the counterattack.

Like, the main reason your Libras got hit so hard is because their main weapons require time to attack, and the defenses they have are not capable of overpowering Void Shields at a quick notice.

You should also note that, from a strategic perspective here, you...kinda got a massive win? No lasting damage that won't be repaired within a few years, massive intelligence wins via wrecks to study, and new projects to counter the main weapons and advantages of the enemy.

As far as First Contact Wars go, you didn't get hit all that hard.
Doesn't stop the doomposting, but whatever.
I'm guessing the thing is also the reason for the micro-warp jump away. both to get away from any retaliation from the enemy and give it time to cooldown before it can fire again by the time it makes another run. So because their weapons aren't capable of overpowering void shields quickly they need to build up and fire in a burst that needs a cooldown? okay, makes sense in that regards.

Yah most of our loses can just be repaired and we have the ringyards that can apply repairs quickly so we can push on. Also found out which ships fire the Null-Nets and what the Flyssa's can do. Without the defense stations making us assign two more SBG's just to them it should be more even match and in our favor.

Sadly it never stops the doomposting. it never ends.

It may be worth considering if we're just... thinking about this the wrong way. It may be we're better off treating the Duchy like a Total War AI.

The main way to compete with the players are more/advanced things they just get without cost.

That giant cogitation sphere may not have been the Duchy's only AI.
Basically, you can still beat them with clever tactics and positioning, as well as using their ways against them. Baiting Null-net firing ships to follow our Battlecolonies and Leos, use Artillery Frigate to snipe the Flyssa's

Really in this case our 'cheese' strat is just using the Artillery frigates a lot.

You have seen a grand total of SEVEN Flyssa-Class Destroyers. If they had more free to move, do you not think they would have sent more to defend their primary recruitment world?
eh, I felt it was obivious when they went from three to four Flyssa stationed there and the three that were there were rotated out. I would guess maybe another seven exist in the dutchy? upper limits of that. all the rest would be needed at the frontlines. The Dutchy doesn't have many to spare and the available Flyssa will all be in the next fleet to come at us.

Dogshit. Utterly dogshit. Once the shields popped they were gone. Your Bombers could have nuked them if they hadn't been able to blink in and out so fast.

Also still reading the majority of the thread. See y'all in half an hour.
Ah I was right. So artillery Frigates should be able to pop and melt them. Also I was right, insane speed and firepower for trading away Armor. there is always some kind of trade off for this.

Something interesting to note - their weapons require psykers and nulls as ammo. I bet the 'terrible' part of the psytech lance is that it kills a psyker with every shot.

Same with the null-nets each requiring a null to make.

Both of those are pretty rare, especially the nulls. And we are capturing their highest-population planet. We probably just deprived them of their biggest source of ammunition.
Hmmm, yah I could see that. given how the Dutchy treats the common man and combs the Combination for psykers and the way portray psykers doing their duty. I could see the amount of psykers needed for them being a large amount... and this is basically where they harvest all their ammo. Oh boy we might get every free ship the Dutchy can spare thrown at us. Whelp only means we just need to endure another big attack.... unless the Dutchy pulls some shit like directing the Orks at us because we're bigger, badder and a better Krumpkin that the Dutchy.

I mean, I can just give you the info you'd get in the next Turn now?
I'm fine with waiting but the doomposting will only continue if they don't have the information.

Starlances use some weird black stone within an amplyfier plugged into some weird machine banks that houses the compressed remains of around (heavily speculated by your Choirs here) ~1 billion sapient souls (your Choirs do not think they detect Human ones in there) each, with around 10 per ship found.
WHAT THE FUCK!? HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU DOGMATICS INSTEAD OF HERETICALS AGAIN?! indeed. Is it because its Xenos and not humans they do a loophole to allow that? OH. Oh fuck. THAT'S why they were in a generational war with other Xenos and exterminated them... they harvested the souls to make those. Seriously though where the hell did they find the Blackstone? We now know their ammo and name of the Weapons.... no wonder they hit so hard.

The Engines are some utterly bizarre coniguration that barely makes sense to your best scientists and Engineseers, but they seem to have some semblance to the Black-Green ships the Yeeni Exploration Ship finds ever so often?
Mother fuck- Okay. Okay then, so its not JUST the Ashan families have some Necron tech with them. Dutchy has it too its just they have the engine of the Necrons, not the weapons. that explains why they are so fast.

The Micro-Warp Jump Engines seem to be plugged into rows of hundreds of Psykers, though it is hard to tell what their use or expected use was beyond enabling the rapid-fire jumps.
I.... I guess brute forcing navigator-lite would work and force it to make many visions or predictions or opening the warp and choosing the between all of them for a stable micro-warp jump... I think.

The Null-Nets were fired by machines centered around massive arrays with three-to-four brain-jars, with readings indicating that some were more than 7 millennia old? Each Null-Net firing mechanism had a dozen of them, and those intact enough to study had half or more of the brains utterly fried.
...Oh. OH that's why they can fire off that many. Again how the fuck are they Dogmatic and not dropping to Heretical? this shit has been going on from before the Great Rift. This was early in the Imperium. What the Fuck were they doing here? So we were right in harvesting for ammo for these ships and weapons... only we didn't realize they were being harvested for this long. So they might have a good stockpile... okay so they can hold out for a while yet, not starving yet but this is the biggest source to replenish. We just need to stall and starve them.

Both your Choirs and the Star-Mechanicum have lodged requested to start with prototyping of native versions using the principles but not the means to mimick the effects of the Flyssa-Class Destroyers.
I mean, I think we can all agree to go right ahead, just no doing that shit with the pskyers or blanks. I wonder how they'll go about doing that. Still can't wait to see our own versions... oh boy that's going to be another series of refits.

Yes, and you will notice that you have noted they are active in 3-4 major campaigns.

Which they are, by the way. Just an ICC comment here.

So...take advantage.
Ah so they are still tied down... so yah they aren't going to be able to redirect everything at us nor right away. I think we should push for Echish but this is basically saying we should try to push as far as we get to grab as much planets as we can and dig in. we want to push as far as we can and settle in. and to Prepare since once they are done they will redirect those forces.

Ah, so faster then the Leo-Vanguards... damn. most of our ships are able to be faster than that, just not our heavy Cruisers. Shame but fine we can make do with it. just need to keep that in mind.

Refit. The Design Mafia shall have their Actions.
LOL the Design Mafia making a come back and force actions free to refit ships.

And also fundamentally impossible to mass-produce by one side. Almost like they had a stash of the materials in their reach...:thonk:
That's what worries me and makes me question what the fuck was happening in this sector that had Blank's brains in jars sitting around waiting to be used for several Millennia. They were sitting on this shit and have some knowledge of how to make use of it.

Yah I expected it would be something like that. They've seen what Space Marines can do and thus they know how bad it is that there is some working with us. they don't need the Lamenters full strength but yah I imagine things are going to get spicy soon.

So three to four Nulls for the launcher, twelve per net, with the population harvesting dating going as far back to M32.

If this isn't the Inquistion, what the fuck is going on in the Imperium.
Huh, I didn't consider that but I could see the Inquisition doing that since who the FUCK else would be doing that? shows as well there is plenty of ammo for the Dutchy to see for now.

They are plugging Pariah brains from millennia-old population harvestings into a space combat sized net made out of Null-reactive/psychically reactive material that they they launch at the enemy. With twelve blanks+four on the gun combined with the material of the net, the Null aura is enhanced to the point it starts affecting mundane humans and insta-kills them.
seriously with it stated like that, how are they not?

Lamenter data-dump testimony, internal memos, and interrogations of local Ringyard Mechanicus Magi you captured.
Oh we have proof? We could use that to push for the emergency measures. this is pretty big.

It's because we're taking the view point of a western style nation. It's like how the Americans saw the Battle of Mogadishu where the UN lost 18 Dead and 93 wounded vs SNA 315 Dead and 812 and were outraged at how many Americans died. Except I doubt the Duchy can churn out another fleet like the one that was defeated as quickly as we can churn out another fleet the size of ours.
Oh yah that's another thing. We aren't looking at it like how quest and especially 40k Factions view things. We got up pretty well for what we got in return and can make it work. I will expect them to make more ships in the short term but we just to need bait the remaining free ships right now and break them so we have some breathing room.

Just the replacements for the current SBG's and we should be good.

[] Plan: Deeply Premature Stuff--50% Edition
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Basilisk (1/2.5) x2
-[] [Military] Create New Doctrine/etc
-[] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
-[] A Psytech Option

Here's the version if the 50% wins. This allows us to also get another SBG for cheap (2 versus 3 actions) the turn after.

We literally took the Cheaper Armor choice. They're probably better armored than the standard for the Imperial side. Guns are still probably substandard or not enough to go around, but that can be more easily looted off of dead enemies and allies. :V
He is right. Flak armor is a joke and our armor actually works, compared to the Laz-guns those are easier and better to scavenge then the flak armor of guardsmen. So this way our Voxxian SAG can have good defense and decent guns.

Psytech Actions are basically "unlock the BULLSHIT IT DOES THAT!" technology path.
I mean after using THAT in action, even if the costs are high and bullshit. I can't argue with what it was able to pull off. Plus it will gives us some knowledge and ideas as to what to make for ourselves.

Force Weapons? There.
Psyker Staffs? Here.
Void Abacus/Hymns of the Machine? Represent!
Psy-Titans? You bet!
Ship Weapons/Equipment? Plenty!
Amplyfiers to Melodies/Songs? Exist!
Tamp Down Warp Shit? Yeppers!
True-Death Daemons? Just don't tell them they exist while you use them!

They won't be in Research (until you've done enough to start your own Psychic Academia to move them to Research) and won't benefit from its traits due to the Psychic Component, but they will roll for Faith Turns when done (until Psychic Academia is done). Investments for Power.

If you ask what specifically you've unlocked; Psychic Ram Weapon, Mundane Research Micro-Warp Jump, Psychic Lance, Psyker Staffs, and Force Weapons.
Oh. OH, that's what it unlocks? impressive. Void Abacus and more Hymns of the Machine? I'm sold. Amplyfiers to Melodies/Songs? double sold and we need those yesterday.... oh boy this is gonna be another AP hell just waiting here.
The emergency we can declare gives us 5 actions but 3 of them need to be military. So that leaves 2 non military per turn max.
The 50% bonus last 3 turns and to get more then 3 actions out of that we need to take more then 6 pystech research action as those are non military that is impossible.

[X][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means
1: Did we get any better at designing heavy cruisers after the production model Leo and designing the heavy freighters?
2: Did taking the ringyard provides us with additional Fleet Points or do we need to secure the hive to supply it?
3: Is the increase in Fleet Points if any enough to make SBG's 2 AP each?
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[X][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means

Honestly, I think the idea that we will be able to spend a whole bunch of actions on psytech research within the next three turns is unreasonably optimistic.

We're in the initial stages of an all-out war. Over the next three turns, every single action we take is going to be of vital importance.

Maybe we won't need to spend 4 AP on building SBGs right away (maybe) - even though, once the Duchy falls, we'll have to deal with its enemies ourselves. That still leaves actions needed to ameliorate the utter hell that the ground battle is going to be. That still leaves the home front, which will be dealing with casualties that make WWI look like a walk in the park. That still leaves any preparations for the massive housing crisis that the liberation of Voxx will set up. That still leaves every action we'll need to take to deal with sudden unexpected shit.

And heck, there are other actions that might not be a bad idea to take over the next three turns! We could build the Temple Ship, which I suspect would be extremely handy to have in orbit over Voxx for the next few decades. We could research the improved logistics for weapons, since we've already done so for armor, which will allow us to quickly replace our SAGs as the war churns them over.

Bottom line, I think it is foolish to gamble on using a whole bunch of available AP right the hell now. Better three birds in the hand than an undefined number of birds in the bush.
[] [Heavy Cruiser] Swarm Class Strikecraft Carrier(28 DP)
-[] Sketch (Purely Optional)
-[] Length - 5.000
-[] Width - 800
-[] Acceleration - 3 Gravities
-[] Armor - Thin Bulwark Hull
-[] Shields - Three Lattices (1 DP)
-[] Weapons: 3x Mixed Heavy Hanger(3x3 DP)/ 1x Mixed Medium Hangar(1 DP), 1x Bomber Medium Hanger(1 DP) , Light Plasma Macro-Cannons(Turrets)(2 DP), Anti-Voidcraft Defenses(2 DP) = 15 DP
-Equipment - Strict Pilot Training(1)/Veteran Pilot Gene-Lines(1)/Handpicked Pilots(3)/Automated Fighter Re-Arming Procedures(1)/Superior Gravimetric Engine Calculations(1)/Ship Shrines(1)/Speed boost to be researched(4 DP?) (12 DP total)

My Heavy carrier plan, i think it should have at least a single Turrets Macro-Cannons to defend it against the psytech ships and went with the longer range more accurate edition.
Looking at the proposed Ace class i would replace the armored life pods with basic macro cannon turrets so they can shoot back if they run into something like the psytech ships again and those are only a single DP.
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The emergency we can declare gives us 5 actions but 3 of them need to be military. So that leaves 2 non military per turn max.
The 50% bonus last 3 turns and to get more then 3 actions out of that we need to take more then 6 pystech research action as those are non military that is impossible.

The issue here is that there are 6 psytech options and most of them are more than one action. The 3 actions are going to be randomly scattered across those 6 options, and we'll have to do a bunch of actions anyway to unlock anything useful.

So I argue that us spending 4 actions over the next 2 turns (getting +2 bonus actions instead of +3) but being able to direct them, is significantly better than having 3 free random actions.

And heck, there are other actions that might not be a bad idea to take over the next three turns! We could build the Temple Ship, which I suspect would be extremely handy to have in orbit over Voxx for the next few decades. We could research the improved logistics for weapons, since we've already done so for armor, which will allow us to quickly replace our SAGs as the war churns them over.
I... forgot about the temple ship. Hmm.
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Oh hey, there was a minor bump in the road followed by some people having a meltdown, what a classic.

Great update, I'm very interested to see how the fleet performs with experience and updated tactics. Hopefully we crush Secundus so taking Eshich is an easy decision.

[X][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means
Our old priorities haven't disappeared. Trading 3 extra actions for the ability to direct study when all of the studies sound good doesn't appeal to me.

Really isn't any other option we have on the table aside from "Don't get hit"
Kill it faster seems like an option.

Something like Power no More would have been more effective there.
Still likely we wouldn't have been able to use it well on other ships without Psytech I think.

1 AP to re-do our Doctrine,
Doctrine re-do won't effect our current ships or immediate power until after we go through the redesign and refit cycle, correct? Doesn't seem like a priority.

so we can special-build ships specifically to deal with these things.
I'm hoping Sagi-S is an effective counter and we can take our time to do doctrine adjustment/research/psytech/ship design/refit more efficiently. It'll be better to get a lot of upgrades done before we start redesigns.

Ok, so build a bunch of Sagitarrius's and hold them back to snipe the Flyssa-class.
Yes please. Our strikecraft are awesome but the fleet is missing long range instant alpha so we needed to chase it around, we can fix that for now with 1 action for mass Sagi-S.
the precendent is,the enemy has agency and will have cards under their sleeves that will break the setting that you will not know untill last minute,wich is fine narrative wise
You had three ways to figure out the Flyssa Class. Duchy Wrecks, Orrery, Early Ringyard Infiltration.
Would studying AI be considered an Heretic Choice?
Nope. Only heretical by your own laws, but not as a Heretical Point.
To be clear here, by the way, they're apparently not sacrificing Human souls (for that, they're absolutely sacrificing Humans in other ways)? It's just a lot of animals... and Xenos.
Nope, sapient/sentient souls are required.
Does the Anti-Voidcraft Defenses - A coherent layer of overlapping firing zones for anti-voidcraft weaponry installed all across the hulls of a ship will make boarding actions that much harder and less likely to succeed. Also works against enemy missiles, tiny asteroids, and other small hostile objects.
help against torpedoes?
That...would not be an Action. Free Action.
Which does raise the interesting question of how Tau AI work in this version of the setting.
Shielded by the Greater Good Warp Deity for the most part.
I would ask though. QM would spending an action to make a Diplomacy core or something similar allow us to do a free action in regards to interacting with other neutral or friendly polities?
It would do that.
@HeroCooky what would have happened if a Battlecolony got caught up in this?
1: Did we get any better at designing heavy cruisers after the production model Leo and designing the heavy freighters?
2: Did taking the ringyard provides us with additional Fleet Points or do we need to secure the hive to supply it?
3: Is the increase in Fleet Points if any enough to make SBG's 2 AP each?
1. Nope.
2. Yep and Nope.
3. Yep.
You had three ways to figure out the Flyssa Class. Duchy Wrecks, Orrery, Early Ringyard Infiltration.

I can see the ringyard, but how would the other two have done it. Afaik, there were no Flyssa's among the wreckage and the Orrery merely shows you planets, not individual vessels. It's part of why I don't particularly argue for taking it, it feels like a scouting device that is mostly obsoleted by a simple telescope.


Ah you see.

If you decorate your ships with the bloody skulls of the faithful imperial citizen, you are a heretic.
If you decorate your ships with the bloody skulls of the heathen dissendents, you are dogmatic.

More seriously, "Heretical" seems to be more about altering the social structure of your imperialized society, than about individual technological elements.
Because, for all that the Duchy here has invented various rather illegal technologies, it's ultimately still a standardized imperial society with tech development relegated to the Mechanicus, investigation to the Inquisition, and so on and so on.
The individual fate of people inside the system has not changed. Every social class does basically the same thing it used to do before.
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Shielded by the Greater Good Warp Deity for the most part.
Now we know what must be done.

Shield Us From The Influence Of The Four Song (probably a more focused Song is needed).
Temple ship (or some other special ship just for the purpose, but holy like Star Child's smile).
More defensive psytech.
Upgrade to our Faith trait??

And we'll be ready to make a cradle for AI babies and hangout for troubled AI teenagers.

Welp, so much for a golden opportunity I guess.

I'm just going to wistfully hitchhike up the highway now, sadly turning from time to time to face the camera while sad music plays.
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If you decorate your ships with the bloody skulls of the faithful imperial citizen, you are a heretic.
If you decorate your ships with the bloody skulls of the heathen dissendents, you are dogmatic.

Soldier B: Ah whose skull is it ?
Soldier A: Was from a heretic on the frozen planet!
Soldier B: Which frozen planet is it?
Soldier A: The one with the orks!
Soldier B: Which one exactly ?
Soldier A: Meh, I don't remember, but you see, he had the gall to say the god emperor is merciful and he should be let through to get to his family. Soldier B: Oh the nerves
Soldier A: The commissar said he was a deserter and a heretic, so I shot him!
Soldier B: By the god emperor, good work! *Shot echos* dirty heretic: the 4 will have your soul, blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne.
Incidentally, @HeroCooky , what counts as a military action? Only those things tagged [Military]?

Like, for instance, would improving the weapons of the ground forces (or other military research) count for the, "Three actions each turn MUST be committed to military actions during the Emergency turns"?
[X][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means

Free Actions? Free Actions. Sure control is nice, but this is a chance to actually get something for free rather than tying ourselves down to however many not!research Actions.
Our backlog is burning. Or wait burning means there's less of it. The opposite- our backlog is accumulating, like water in a heavy rain.
You had three ways to figure out the Flyssa Class. Duchy Wrecks, Orrery, Early Ringyard Infiltration.

And then we would gotten surprised by something else

As every point invested on learning about psytech is a point not invested in learning or weakening a enemy capability

Is not bad,is just part of the narrative and game mechanics and it makes it fun

We cant do it all,and so we woll always get surprised somewhere down the line
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