What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Active Doctrine:

Acceleration and Shields are treated as one step cheaper for all classes.

Discounts do not reduce DP cost below 1.)

It and Shields are the two things we get a Discount on for our doctrine. Neither mattered worth a single goddamn against FOUR DESTROYERS.

Well they are a trump card of theirs, and as I'm sure you'll note, that is 1 tech, that insidentaly get's us the next higher tier speed.
So I would argue that we haven't focused speed frankly at all, and just happened to pick a bit of speed along the way.
Edit: and as noted before, that's not even a tech, just a doctrinal buff that we got for our fighter focus, so we have done 0 work on speed.
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Basically, I'm not mad yet because we now have those Flyssas to salvage.

I'll only be mad if they're as blackboxed as Necron tech is despite being even more powerful.

We took a shellacking from something that literally could not have been predicted, that happens. What we do next is roll with the punch and adapt, and figure out how their shit works so they can't do this again.
Hmm so given their absurd speed the Flyssa probably have something to do with the sort of chained abominable intelligence merged with psytek I'm thinking. I expect there's some sort of heavy "automation" via wetware.

Edit: cleaned up draft artifacts
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[][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means
(+3 Actions worth of Psytech Research with no control over where they are spent. Starlance, Phalanx Doctrine, and Micro-Warp Jump Psytech have been unlocked.)
[][Flyssa Wrecks] Send Them Back For Study
(+50% to Psytech Action Progress for 3 Turns. Starlance, Phalanx Doctrine, and Micro-Warp Jump Psytech have been unlocked.)

Seems like a no-brainer to me. It's unlikely we'll actually be able to AFFORD psytech actions over the next three rounds, so Study By All Means is absolutely the better choice.
[][Flyssa Wrecks] Study By All Means
(+3 Actions worth of Psytech Research with no control over where they are spent. Starlance, Phalanx Doctrine, and Micro-Warp Jump Psytech have been unlocked.)
[][Flyssa Wrecks] Send Them Back For Study
(+50% to Psytech Action Progress for 3 Turns. Starlance, Phalanx Doctrine, and Micro-Warp Jump Psytech have been unlocked.)

Seems like a no-brainer to me. It's unlikely we'll actually be able to AFFORD psytech actions over the next three rounds, so Study By All Means is absolutely the better choice.

Remember what we were told about our dudes getting Victory Disease?

I'm pretty sure they just got treatment for that
The Null-Nets had done little to slow the advance; only six of the twenty fired, hitting their targets. None of which were the Battleships that thundered with endless guns and strong shields against the Phalanxes slowly dissolving amongst the fleet.
By the way, we don't have any Battleships, do we? Is Battleship being used as a general term for a powerful ship, or are they just confused?
How are you saying that? They have enough Heavy Frigates left that I honestly have no clue how we're going to stand a chance to take Voxx Secondus.
...I am sorry, but why are you doomposting here? You can clearly see both the flee in Secundus, and your own fleet. Take a look at them and then tell me you can't beat them.
And we also got confirmation that Van Zandt is using Full AI--did they basically awaken a Man of Iron and think they could control it?
OOC: They found a Man of Stone, copied and iterated, then used it against you (bullshit attack that left no traces in the one Hive) while said AI was trying to figure out how to free itself while getting corrupted by Chaos.

So...yes. :V
No seriously, how the fuck? Do they just not pay DP costs for the Flyssas?
They pay for it in several ways, least of which is an abominable Drawback for their ships, and several of which are in the "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU DOGMATICS INSTEAD OF HERETICALS AGAIN?!" category.
Recoverable losses take a turn to recover, usually! Until next turn or later, we have ONLY those ships that are not downed.
If you note the forces you have, you will see that that is not true thanks to you winning and getting control over a massive Ringyard with shipyards able to enact a makeshift repair of your ships.
Okay, @HeroCooky , how intact are the defense stations, by the way?
>70% have suffered minor damage, the rest medium, and a few have been blown. So most are intact and in your hands thanks to the Lamenters and revolution.
One idea - would stationing small groups of Saggitarius's around our Libra's work? The idea is that the Flyssa's blink in, and the Sagitarrius's can instantly tag them with their lances. If so, we should build more of those.
Yeah, they would be able to snipe as their weapons are hitscan.
Same question with the Null-nets. What ships shoot them? Can we counter them in any way (point defense, just staying out of range, etc?)
Light Cruisers shoot the Null-Nets, and yo have not found any except dodging them. Or ramming a less-important ship into them (like a Destroyer) to take the hit.
With that in mind, how much do we know about Blanks in-character? Are we aware of what we got hit with now that we have more samples than just some strikecraft?
Little, as they are a rare phenomena. However, you now know enough that, by next Turn, you will begin hunting for and studying them within your population as you discover that the Null-Nets are made out of Blanks.
No like actually, what the fuck, @HeroCooky , how powerful are the Flyssa's weapons? Apparently literally the best shields that a Light Cruiser CAN have amounted to just isntant-dying to the weapons of a Destroyer.
Theoretically absurdly. They have, however, one problem that you will find out once you start trying to reverse engineer them that makes their use by Van Zandt that much more worse.
@HeroCooky , how well would we evaluate Flyssas would do against fixed defenses? They'd just run rings around them, right?
If they need to actually fight against them? LMAO, die bug. Defense Stations are massive, and filled with Lances. You know, the things that hit instantly what they target?
By the way, we don't have any Battleships, do we? Is Battleship being used as a general term for a powerful ship, or are they just confused?
They slot the Battlecolonies in that category due to their bulk.
It's funny, because I'm not even mad? I was expecting shit to go wrong, and even anticipated most of what made the Flyssa so scarry (Really fast, could spam micro warp jumps). The only thing I Didn't anticipate was them being able to fucking one-shot Light Cruisers through max shields in three seconds flat, which is "Wait what? A 4 DP Prow Lance can't do that, how the hell did they get that firepower on a Destroyer?"

I'm not mad because... There's not really anything we could have done to stop this? There's no technology in our reach that can stop a Null Weapon, and the Flyssa Class is so far beyond even my pessimistic estimates that I can't even feel there was a misplay, because in what universe was it reasonable to predict an Imperial, Sector level power to have ships that could have reasonably contributed in the War in Heaven to at least some degree?

There wasn't, so I'm not even mad.
I think the Flyssas may be some manner of Warp possessed or Warp forged vessels. Given how strange those ships feel to Psyker senses and the sheer speed and capability. I really wouldn't be surprised if the Duchy somehow got lucky enough to come into contact with a non-Chaos Warp being and mistook it for the Emperor. Or some manner of Servant of the Emperor and using their psytek developments, plugged in the Flyssas into whatever Warp being it was.
Also, if Void Shields don't work, and Armor doesn't work, and psychic defenses don't work, there... Really isn't any other option we have on the table aside from "Don't get hit"

There's really no solution to Null Weapons if they can be used on this scale. There's no known defense against it. The only 'Good news' it seems is that they don't have enough Nulls to actually put it on every ship they have, or we'd be proper fucked and they'd own most of the Segmentum by now.

We've seen a number of weaknesses in hte null weaponry.

1) It's notably short ranged
2) It takes a long time to fire

@HeroCooky Which ships fired the null nets?

There Is no solution to that level of horseshit, you need to treat that like fighting any Elder Race. "Throw bodies at the problem until someone gets lucky."

There's no point even planning for it because... There's nothing you can do but die until someone gets lucky or they run out of gas. I'm not exaggerating when I say the Flyssa-class destroyers are the most powerful voidships relative to their mass in the galaxy right now, barring any other outliers.

We saw a few weaknesses.

1) We need burst damage
2) We need either smaller or larger vessels. Larger, if we think we can tank a hit. The Flyssa's instant jump in and out strategy means it can not attrite void shields. Likely, this is why they were not deployed against the Leo's as they would literally do nothing.
With smaller vessels, the weapons reliance on lance ensures that it doesn't work, because they don't have the fire rate.
Yeah, apparently, Just like Neon, Van Zandt is only 5/5 Dogmatic by a technicality rather than actual lore, just that they haven't been pressured enough for the cracks to show and their Alignment to start flipping.

Also, it's darkly hilarious to me how I'm the one being all sanguine about things for once.

No real commentary beyond that, it's just funny to me.
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Okay, then. In order to not lose this war, we absolutely, without any doubt at all need to build some defense stations in Voxx Secondus, or their Flyssas will just kill us.

...I am sorry, but why are you doomposting here? You can clearly see both the flee in Secundus, and your own fleet. Take a look at them and then tell me you can't beat them.

Theoretically absurdly. They have, however, one problem that you will find out once you start trying to reverse engineer them that makes their use by Van Zandt that much more worse.

Like... this helps us how? The moral problems, whatever they are, very clearly don't matter to the Van Zandts, they're evil, as we already knew.
Yeah, apparently, Just like Neon, Van Zandt is only 5/5 Dogmatic by a technicality rather than actual lore, just that they haven't been pressured enough for the cracks to show and their Alignment to start flipping.
And found a fucking man of STONE. God this is going to be hell, and this is before we get into the fact they make things OUT of blanks.
Like, the main reason your Libras got hit so hard is because their main weapons require time to attack, and the defenses they have are not capable of overpowering Void Shields at a quick notice.

You should also note that, from a strategic perspective here, you...kinda got a massive win? No lasting damage that won't be repaired within a few years, massive intelligence wins via wrecks to study, and new projects to counter the main weapons and advantages of the enemy.

As far as First Contact Wars go, you didn't get hit all that hard.
Doesn't stop the doomposting, but whatever.
Okay, then. In order to not lose this war, we absolutely, without any doubt at all need to build some defense stations in Voxx Secondus, or their Flyssas will just kill us.
Defense stations against Flyssa's are pointless.

Like, if they want to utilize the Flyssa against us, they'll just blow the conveyors the moment they are out of range.

The Flyssa is literally the perfect commerce raider.

We need a strong, burst fire escort for our cargo vessels, which, right now, we don't have.
Like, the main reason your Libras got hit so hard is because their main weapons require time to attack, and the defenses they have are not capable of overpowering Void Shields at a quick notice.

You should also note that, from a strategic perspective here, you...kinda got a massive win? No lasting damage that won't be repaired within a few years, massive intelligence wins via wrecks to study, and new projects to counter the main weapons and advantages of the enemy.

As far as First Contact Wars go, you didn't get hit all that hard.
Doesn't stop the doomposting, but whatever.

It's the Victory Disease Medicine going down badly!

If people were more like me and expected the other side to have agency, they'd be as sanguine as I about this outcome! :D
Yeah, I have no idea how that fucking works. We've spent the better part of a thousand years maximizing our speed as one of our key elements and we stand not a single chance against the Flyssas except by burying them in bodies. Maybe if we find the right Song?
It may be worth considering if we're just... thinking about this the wrong way. It may be we're better off treating the Duchy like a Total War AI.

The main way to compete with the players are more/advanced things they just get without cost.

That giant cogitation sphere may not have been the Duchy's only AI.
No like actually, what the fuck, @HeroCooky , how powerful are the Flyssa's weapons? Apparently literally the best shields that a Light Cruiser CAN have amounted to just isntant-dying to the weapons of a Destroyer.
Well, those thing share a name with an Eldar Exarch weapon...
By the way, we don't have any Battleships, do we? Is Battleship being used as a general term for a powerful ship, or are they just confused?
They mean the converted colony ships. They're Battleship scale by Duchy systems.
the Null-Nets are made out of Blanks.
Yeah, I kinda figured that. But now that we have a bit more information, do we know how many individual people go into each of these gigantic 40k Navy sized nets?

Given Nulls are supposed to be rare on a galactic scale, how many lives were lost to make each shot would probably put things into perspective better.
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At the end of the day what matters isn't what the strength of the Flyssa is, but what it costs. A performance like this isn't going to come cheap in construction, and is most likely bottlenecked somehow. If the Flyssa costs (pulling numbers out of my ass here) 40 points to construct, but only manages to take out 30 points worth of opposition before dying then it's a failure for all the but most bespoke purposes. That's just the calculus of warfare and going by the fact that the duchy only had this handful of Flyssas defending their hive world and the admiral called their performance abysmal I'm going to bet we traded very well for their destruction.
Like, the main reason your Libras got hit so hard is because their main weapons require time to attack, and the defenses they have are not capable of overpowering Void Shields at a quick notice.

You should also note that, from a strategic perspective here, you...kinda got a massive win? No lasting damage that won't be repaired within a few years, massive intelligence wins via wrecks to study, and new projects to counter the main weapons and advantages of the enemy.

As far as First Contact Wars go, you didn't get hit all that hard.
Doesn't stop the doomposting, but whatever.

How's the armor on the Flyssas?
It's the Victory Disease Medicine going down badly!

If people were more like me and expected the other side to have agency, they'd be as sanguine as I about this outcome! :D

Eh, you are coming across more as doomposting than sanguine, tbh...

The Null-Nets had done little to slow the advance; only six of the twenty fired, hitting their targets. None of which were the Battleships that thundered with endless guns and strong shields against the Phalanxes slowly dissolving amongst the fleet.

Unrelated, this is an important detail. The vast majority of the enemies null nets did not get to fire.

The weapon has serious range and spoolup issues, and in this case they could only fire because we designed a close combat heavy cruiser. it's pretty much the ideal matchup for that weapon.

Hardly perfect, I'd say.
Any ship with greater range, it can not fire.
Any ship that is smaller, it's not worth firing.
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