Can I ask for a tiny amount of grace here? We're both coming from reasonable places, and I would like to try and identify the places where our assumptions differ.
I think, with your additional post, it comes down to if we want to do megafreighter 2/2 or not. We can write-in Megafreighter #1 to be aimed towards making sure they don't blow themselves up. Then I'm pretty sure that we can just detach some Lamenters to secure the ships and call it good.
@HeroCooky That was my impression from your posts when we were discussing the megafreighter infiltration yesterday. Was that correct?
Here's my proposal
if that's true.
This turn: [] Plan: ALL IN, Part 2: The Turn as you've written it, Potentially swapping the megafreighter write-in to focus on infiltrating engineers to prevent any self-destruct of the freighters when the Lamenters board. Evac at 2/4, Basilisk at 1/2.5
Next turn: Evac 3/4, My build action, Basilisk 2/2.5
Turn After: REVOLUTION, Evac 3/4, Basilisk done.
Emergency 1: 4 actions to build 2 SBGs.
Here's my proposal if that's not true:
This turn: [] Plan: ALL IN, Part 2: The Turn as you've written it, Megafreighter 1/2, Evac at 2/4, Basilisk at 1/2.5
Next turn: Evac 3/4, My build action, Megafreighter 2/2.
Turn After: REVOLUTION, Evac 3/4, Basilisk 2/2.5
Emergency 1: 3 actions to finish Basilisk + one additional SBG.
Your plan is also reasonable, but I would like to hear the QM give feedback on these alternates, since I think my first overall plan has several significant upsides to it.
Finally, I don't like the idea of saving the Kil'drabi action to reinforce SBGs. It's more action efficient to just... build more SBGs. Besides, so long as we
win, most of our ships are reparable (I'm thinking the Lattice Hulls on all of our frontliners).