What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I feel like this is as good a time as ever to grab more artillery ships. We've been discussing the need to get them so that we can siege down the defense stations over Vox Primus, and they can serve just as well in helping man the defensive lines. Why not grab them now?
True, but we do need more Chamleons, especially if we want to also infiltrate the Agri-worlds and put some surprise boots on the ground as well. We can do a compromise, we can afford 8 Frigates with the banked FP, so let's do 4-5 Chamleons and 3-4 Sagittari Frigates
Shame about the impending war. Still, thanks for the delay of hostilities, Alpha Legion.

Also, Templar + Sigils + Temple Ship = Paladin Order

In short- coooool.

Shame we got no AP to spare for that. Maybe one day.
Hmm, what do our planners think about the risk of discovery versus the benefits of gaining a few more Chamleons on Voxx Primus duty?
If you want to anything more than what you are currently doing, you must build more Chamleons or let one effort suffer. And the risk is not worse than what they are currently doing...unless you force your current Chamleons to do more.
Is there any difference between this action and using a regular design action to build a heavy freighter or two light freighters?
Yes, it's more efficient.
Not doing a Research action this turn puts the chance to do one-turn Hive Ag II even further out into the future, on top of obviously the Nutri-Paste being a pretty important bit of research. Perhaps not an immediately pressing one, so I guess it could be some other piece of research.

Boarders could be a good choice if we were trying to improve our overall military capacity, and then we can do the Nutri-Paste next turn (which would put us at .95, so next action would get us one free Research.)

Oh yeah, I much prefer the action that has research to the one without. But I think my preferred turn is something like:
1. Voxx fleet infiltration.
2. Build out Werewolf.
3. Nutri-paste.
4. Do the evacuation ship design special action

I'm also in favor of slow-boating the shipbuilding because we have confirmation our shipbuilding capacity will increase soon. Hopefully in the next two turns.

We also *need* those evacuation ships before the invasion happens, and that requires a minimum two-turn lag. And we just got confirmation that that action to do so is more efficient than our normal design action.
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Fortunately, an evacuation ship isn't too hard to work on.

Actually, on that note, would maximizing our passenger compliment or having it also be able to bring relief supplies on the return trip but only being able to do 200 million be better for our interests @HeroCooky ? (The question between "All 3x Titanic Passenger or 2x + Titanic Relief Supplies")
[] Plan: The Wolf Howls for Refitting! v 1.1
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
--[] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
-[] New Boarders for a New Age

-[] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.

I chose New Boarders for a New Age this turn and Nutri next turn, rather than visa-versa, because it's slightly more efficient for paranoid, "They attack us at the very start of next turn" problems, and if Nutri is still just taken next turn it should be fine.

We can get 7x Chamleon-Class ships, which would greatly expand our capacity!
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Lady Governor Omamsi van Grim Dracentia de Larraal Hattie Vetesese Suri Consenho Scalle van der Snipe gingerly laid down the data-slate in her hands to fold them before her person, looking at the sweating and uncomfortable Administratum clerk before her. "Repeat that, please," she said, affecting an air of pleasant conversation to mask her rising fury.

"W-w-we bel-believe that the, I mean that those-well, it is evident that-," the man stammered his way through the sentence, not helped in the slightest by the unchanging demeanor of the Lady Governor, causing his anxiety and stress levels to shoot through the roof.

"Stop." And with that simple word, the man stood still as a statue, frozen in fear and intimidated to his soul. "We sent not one, not two, but three scout ships into the rest of Sub-Sector Archwan to see if anything has changed from the last time we sent scouts. The only difference is that, this time, the scouts didn't return after their supposed return window. Not even after the extended 'we encountered an emergency' window placed to account for unexpected happenings. Is that right? Nodding suffices," she commanded calmly, the man shutting his augmented mouth with a metallic 'click' before nodding rapidly. "So, with the scouts vanishing, you decided to look at what the other expeditions reported on those dead worlds the last few times, is that right?" The man nodded again. "And after doing so, you realized...discrepancies within the records," the Lady Governor spoke, the last words said like the foulest of curses. "Discrepancies that, after investigation, revealed that the scouting expeditions I had ordered to look for survivors and return them to the rest of humanity never took place. In fact, there are no records that the very ships that were supposed to be used for those expeditions ever existed at all. Is that right?" The man nodded.
I had to read this twice and then a third time. we destroyed another two scouting attempts by the Dutchy after but the face that earlier ones, by her own words that She herself ordered and wasn't her predecessors, that someone has been cooking the Books. I thought at first it was the early days when we started the quest but if this was during her reign and someone was doing that, I would have assumed someone doing that to pocket the funds or somehow these were our people doing it to buy more time. But this could be Alpha legion shit since we've run into them a few times already as the ghost expeditions with Ghost ships.

Well we have some time still but damn they are looking in our direction now.

Lady Governor Omamsi van Grim Dracentia de Larraal Hattie Vetesese Suri Consenho Scalle van der Snipe leaned back in her seat, face going blank. "You are excused." The man bowed hastily, spilling a trio of scrolls on the floor, and quickly grabbed them from the floor as he said words of scraping apologies that went summarily ignored. The door shut closed. "Call Lord General Sebulustu. He is right." Those words were like the sword of an executioner falling upon the guilty. There was a conspiracy among the Hives, one that desperately wanted to keep humanity out of the rest of Archwan. "And tell the Lord of Ships to double the fleet within the decade. And tell him he can scour Hive Arokis, Makarn, and Malicia to get the additional workers he will no doubt demand. ...oh, and get me Psyker-Lord Shem Al-Abdazzah. After you call for the Inquisition."
Well, shit. Doubling the fleet in a turn. that's going to trouble, perfect time for shill for the Station Defense again. QM how much of the defenses of a write in for space defense be worth? Like in terms of strength of SBG's?

So the Lord General suspected something from the beginning and now the Governor has proof, sadly we might yet again be caught in the crossfire of all of this because of another conspiracy. they're going to be press ganging more workers from the Hive... OH FUCK, Pskyer Lord and Inquisition FUCK. Okay we need templars and speeding up shit.

"Soo..do you know why we are here, staring at a planet of primitive moths beating the shit out of each other?"

"Beats me, but you have to agree, some of that is kind of interesting. I mean, that army over there beat one nine times its size!"

"They had a mountain and river working for them. Hardly that exciting."

"You're just a regular Debbie Downer, aren't you?"
gotta take/make whatever bright sides and fun you can get. Still nice to see how it is in posting we create.

-[] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
(Gain: Cheap high-nutrition mass-manufacturing vats. Tasting said food is not recommended. Or feeling it. Or looking at it. Or interacting in any way, shape, or form. Just don't.)
easy to feed the hive and could increase the amount of people we can feed over there, drawing in more people.

[] Trigger The Voxx Revolution
May there be peace amongst the stars.
(Gain: Sub-Turn planning the Free Duchy War.)
HAHAHAHA no. not until we get more stuff sorted out or there is no choice with the Inquisition bearing down on us.

[] [Faith/Psykana] Holy Sigils
While...unorthodox for many, the use of holy symbols and geometry has not been a silent, or consigned, part of the Droman Creed. Many use strings of letters and numbers above their doors to invoke specific phrases and parts of the good book, just as others ink their skin or fur with the lines and colors of symbols used to convey faith and blessings. Yet, some Choirs have investigated the use of, potentially, empowering the same symbols with more than the faith of one, channeling into them the powers of the Warp sanctified by holy rituals to empower the righteous and pure of soul who adorn these symbols upon their person or the locations upon which they are inscribed.
(Gain: Holy symbols with power?)
Well, I mean the Imperium does this a bit with the Grey Knights and I'm sure they do this as well. While good, this can be postponed for right now unless we plan to use the sigils for Perception and Silence and even then it might get picked up from the Psykers.

[] [Faith] The Hallowed Armada
With the major Heresies of the Body of the Faith now mended as far as possible without veering into the territory of burning the fields to prevent a suspected blight, eyes, and minds turn from the halls of debate to the yards of construction. There, ships are built and maintained that have secured the safety and prosperity of the Glimmering Federation for generations, yet the faithful clamor for more to do their part where guns need to lay silent or where the death of a world must be signed. Both are equal in their burning need for those willing to pray and aid and those willing to consign billions to prevent fates worse than mere death.
(Gain: Sub-Turn to create, and get access to the template of, a unique Temple Ship.)
Yah, I'm guessing a autoticker that will take care of itself but we'll do that in a few turns and focus on Voxx Primus in the meantime, something to keep in mind for sure though.

[] [Faith] Saint Candidates
-[] Thule YF/800 'Nagato'
-[] Daring Ignition
Some of the faith have shown the criteria to be declared a Saint.
(Gain: Look at potential Saint Candidates and decide if they are worthy of the title.)
Always nice to See small things like this pop off and help build up the world and flesh it out, that said Its been a while and not sure if these were off screen built up or they were from earlier Chapters.

Okay all that said its mostly three focuses to go on. Either we focus on the Hive Inflraition and stuff to support that, Focus on the Military Build up and ship building, or focus on prepping to take care of the population of Voxx Primus. We still haven't the Militarize The Schools Of Paladins yet, we do need to do another Support Hive Infiltration again, we have research that would help out a lot with them, designing or retrofitting more ships. A lot of work to do in a lot of areas and a lot of directions.

[] Plan: Secure the Hives
-[] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Nutri-Paste Dispensers
--[] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2)
-[] Laurent's Voxx Hive action

[] Plan: Interest Compromise
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
--[] 7x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
-[] [General] Research:
--[] New Boarders for a New Age
--[] Nutri-Paste Dispensers

-[] Laurent's Voxx Hive action
[] Plan: Ready the Fleets.
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
--[] 7x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
-[] [General] Research:
--[] New Boarders for a New Age
-[] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
Much as I'd like to grab a Sagittarius Artillery Flotilla, being able to work on Vox and the Agri Worlds is the better call. I'd back pumping out more Chameleons
[] Plan: Prepare the ships
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Werewolf (0.5/3.5)
-[] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Fleet - [36 Fleet Points] - [32 FP Banked]
--[] Refit all of our out of date ships. [36 FP]
--[] 8x Chamleon-Class Infiltration Carriers (32 FP)
-[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[] Evacuation Fleets - (Ship Design Write-In) (0/?)
-[] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.
Actually, on that note, would maximizing our passenger compliment or having it also be able to bring relief supplies on the return trip but only being able to do 200 million be better for our interests @HeroCooky ? (The question between "All 3x Titanic Passenger or 2x + Titanic Relief Supplies")
That's for you to figure out, innit?
we destroyed another two scouting attempts by the Dutchy after but the face that earlier ones, by her own words that She herself ordered
Slight mistake! It's supposed to be Her Family. Fixed!
Weaving_Dreamer said:
QM how much of the defenses of a write in for space defense be worth? Like in terms of strength of SBG's?
Slight mistake! It's supposed to be Her Family. Fixed!
Oh so it WAS over the centuries and not within her life. changes a some things. I think this was other nobles wanting to stay on top and focus on their little bubble or this was Alpha Legion. Something happened that worked out in our favor that the Dutchy never got those expeditions and found us way earlier.

so two actions for defenses equal to a SBG? I mean, it is more action efficient since getting a SBG is about 4 actions. at least in the meantime and if we need a quick build up to protect the border world. Oh right, is it possible to tow or move those stations at all? like once we take Voxx Primus and Secundus can we tow the stations to Secundus or to the Breskal sector? or would we need to include something for them to be able to move that would require actions?
[] [Faith] The Hallowed Armada

[] [Faith] Saint Candidates

-[] Thule YF/800 'Nagato'
-[] Daring Ignition

It's possible we're sleeping on some super-good actions here (also the sigils thing). They're our reward for finishing a pretty punishing tree @HeroCooky would the temple ship have access to the 'holy' armaments, like what's on the Aries-S? And would the Saints be effectively Hero units? Those seem like relevant questions. @Alectai if this gets us hero units then we 100% want them, yeah?

Fortunately, an evacuation ship isn't too hard to work on.

Actually, on that note, would maximizing our passenger compliment or having it also be able to bring relief supplies on the return trip but only being able to do 200 million be better for our interests?
I feel like we almost certainly want 2 of each or something? Take a detriment for it. Also the ability to deliver food on one leg and then haul mouths away on the return seems invaluable.

Also, I think the special design action gets us more than the regular design action, right? Doesn't that mean we can write in more than one design @HeroCooky? Like one large freighter for cargo that makes supply runs and one small for manufactories/doctors/missionaries that just sits in orbit and supports the operation.
Oh so it WAS over the centuries and not within her life. changes a some things. I think this was other nobles wanting to stay on top and focus on their little bubble or this was Alpha Legion. Something happened that worked out in our favor that the Dutchy never got those expeditions and found us way earlier.

so two actions for defenses equal to a SBG? I mean, it is more action efficient since getting a SBG is about 4 actions. at least in the meantime and if we need a quick build up to protect the border world. Oh right, is it possible to tow or move those stations at all? like once we take Voxx Primus and Secundus can we tow the stations to Secundus or to the Breskal sector? or would we need to include something for them to be able to move that would require actions?

Except we're going to be invading the duchy afterwards. The second we take Voxx those defensive fortifications are useless, since we'll need to defend Voxx and you can bet the Imps are going to try to exterminatus it to keep it out of our hands.

So I'd much rather spend double on combat power that can be useful longer than the next immediate conflict, which we're already overprepared for.

As far as I'm concerned we already have enough firepower to hold Sira, Werewolf is just preparation for invading deep into Van Zandt space. We have one chance at a surprise attack and the more we commit to it the easier the following war will be.
It's possible we're sleeping on some super-good actions here (also the sigils thing). They're our reward for finishing a pretty punishing tree @HeroCooky would the temple ship have access to the 'holy' armaments, like what's on the Aries-S? And would the Saints be effectively Hero units? Those seem like relevant questions. @Alectai if this gets us hero units then we 100% want them, yeah?
I think the Saints are always dead? The living ones get called venerable or blassed.

That said, I suspect both of these actions to be pretty strong.

Like, I wouldn't be suprised if the Temple ship is grand cruiser sized, and given our Kil'drabi bonus, we'd get a free example of it.
Meanwhile, a heroic Thule could greatly boost our primary combat unit, and ...

Isn't this one of those new agey Yeeni names?

Xenos saint sounds awesome.

[] Plan: Chasing Shinies
-[] Irrita Rush Terraformation (0/?)
-[] [Faith] The Hallowed Armada
-[] [Faith] Saint Candidates
-[] Thule YF/800 'Nagato'

-[] [Voxx Primus] A press-gang of this sort is neither subtle nor fast. Indeed, it is painfully slow, an ongoing years' long nightmare, especially as they run through unhealthy, sick people with impunity and then make more. Now is the time to begin infiltration, using carefully picked, healthy, strong, and Faithful volunteers to be "press ganged" to build the ships, operate them, and perhaps even serve as the troops they might think necessary to face whatever nonsense is the cause of this. These hand-picked agents are to be trained by our best people, to focus on gathering information and seeing loyalties and moods if they're assigned to a ship, and providing such information: ship types, speed of manufacture, news and scuttlebut and more, to those back home, who can of course pass it along.
--[] Additionally, try to get some people into the local SDF and defense stations... high rank does not matter, and it is not as if the Imperium is a meritocracy anyway. Even a janitor in a Defense Station can learn many things, and the priority should be over slow, thorough infiltration rather than any sort of immediate sabotage or trickery.


1) Terraforming will take time, and terraforming also provices resources, armies, and so on. Knowing what we're missing is essential.
2) A unique temple ship provides a short term naval boost, to make up for the fact that I'm not picking a battlegroup expansion
3) Saint Thule sounds cool
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I support defense stations, at least an action.
This is going to take more than a couple of turns before we counterattack, during which we'll eat plenty of losses anyway.
Except we're going to be invading the duchy afterwards. The second we take Voxx those defensive fortifications are useless, since we'll need to defend Voxx and you can bet the Imps are going to try to exterminatus it to keep it out of our hands.

So I'd much rather spend double on combat power that can be useful longer than the next immediate conflict, which we're already overprepared for.

As far as I'm concerned we already have enough firepower to hold Sira, Werewolf is just preparation for invading deep into Van Zandt space. We have one chance at a surprise attack and the more we commit to it the easier the following war will be.
oh my fuc- YES, I understand that and that is why I ASKED if it was possible to move those stations. I can't remember if it was you was on about it and later agreed with me it would be best to ask first and if it was then great we just tow those stations to their new place. The entire thing of the defenses is short term easy fixes that are meant to free up SBG's and boost that spot's defenses considering the Dutchy and it would be best to draw them to us and whittle down their numbers as oppossed to facing them at their full strength and batter down the defenses of Voxx Primus.

And you are acting as if we are ready to launch the invasion and take it the next two or three turns, you are were speaking like this two or three agos. If we had done it back then, it would still be a non-factor since nothing would have changed at all. You have seen our list and how low the numbers are on Vox Primuss. Add in the need to do more research like the Templars, Hive Hydroponics Improvement, the Nutirent paste, and the need to build up even more fleets and ship designs needed to break Voxx's Defenses, barring ANY other curveballs tossed at us is going to need at least four turns to get sorted.

WITH ALL THAT SAID, we now have confirmation on that indeed the defense station CANNOT MOVE SECTORS, that doesn't deride them as a valid option as a short easy fix if we need half a SBG's worth to bolster the defense or a full SBG's worth for two actions if we can't spare 4 Actions for another SBG.
Honestly, I think it's much, much better to select the Nutri-Paste research this turn rather than the next one.

Partly because feeding Voxx is going to be the most massive undertaking of the Federation's history, and we gotta get as much of a head-start on it as possible...

...but just as importantly, because providing our infiltrators with this technology means they'll have an incredible recruitment tool to expand their numbers in the hive-cities. Starving people tend to look favorably on you when you save their lives!

And, well. If we can get to the point where a significant fraction of Voxx's population is on our side - as in, multiple percents of the people - that makes the conquest of the planet vastly easier.
[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Uncovered: Technology I.
Secret: Perception I, Silence, I, and Grounding I.
Star Child: Protection I, Fire I, The Sun I, Humanity I, Creativity II, Song III, The Home I, Logic I, Unity I, Progress I, Compassion I, Hope I, and Health I.
Kil'drabi: Void I, and Struggle I.
Gain: A Song.)
Song Idea Struggle, Compassion, Humanity, Song, and Silence. A song about the struggle of humanity and the silent compassion that binds us together. Should hopefully not be detectable by the Duchy Psykers while still giving a notable boost to taking the Hive.
oh my fuc- YES, I understand that and that is why I ASKED if it was possible to move those stations. I can't remember if it was you was on about it and later agreed with me it would be best to ask first and if it was then great we just tow those stations to their new place. The entire thing of the defenses is short term easy fixes that are meant to free up SBG's and boost that spot's defenses considering the Dutchy and it would be best to draw them to us and whittle down their numbers as oppossed to facing them at their full strength and batter down the defenses of Voxx Primus.

And you are acting as if we are ready to launch the invasion and take it the next two or three turns, you are were speaking like this two or three agos. If we had done it back then, it would still be a non-factor since nothing would have changed at all. You have seen our list and how low the numbers are on Vox Primuss. Add in the need to do more research like the Templars, Hive Hydroponics Improvement, the Nutirent paste, and the need to build up even more fleets and ship designs needed to break Voxx's Defenses, barring ANY other curveballs tossed at us is going to need at least four turns to get sorted.

WITH ALL THAT SAID, we now have confirmation on that indeed the defense station CANNOT MOVE SECTORS, that doesn't deride them as a valid option as a short easy fix if we need half a SBG's worth to bolster the defense or a full SBG's worth for two actions if we can't spare 4 Actions for another SBG.

Sorry for missing some context - I'm pretty sure that wasn't me.

But I think that this spotlights a fork in our strategic planning, which we really need to iron out.

Is our military stance against the Van Zandt duchy agressive or defensive?

Specifically, if we plan to be defensive then we can fortify Sira, trade favorably as they attack us and spend the time necessary to prepare to integrate Voxx fairly painlessly.

However, that cedes the initiative in a few potentially disastrous ways. If the entire van Zandt duchy gears up against us and pivots appropriately then we're in for hundreds of years of grinding war. They could also send suicide fleets into our capitol through the unstable warp line, and bulk up the defenses on Voxx significantly to prevent exactly what we're doing. They'll be much more careful about Voxx if it's on the frontlines, instead of basically treating it as a productive and unthreatened system in the backlines as they are now.

On the flip side, we could plan to attack immediately when they discover us. Spring Voxx once they've committed their current fleet to Sira blindly and get kicked in the ass by three SBGs. Then we raid deep into the heart of the duchy, destroying fleets and infrastructure that's not ready for an attack from our direction. We might even be able to pull off a decap strike and nail their capitol, throwing them into turmoil. Speaking of @HeroCooky where's the capitol of the Van Zandts? I feel like our infiltration should have told us that much.

The downside of that plan is of course is that we have less time to prepare to absorb Voxx. But we don't need too much more to be minimally ready. Nutri-paste and evac freighters and we're halfway to the minimum in my opinion.
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@HeroCooky would the temple ship have access to the 'holy' armaments, like what's on the Aries-S? And would the Saints be effectively Hero units? Those seem like relevant questions.
It would have Holy Equipment, but not Holy Weapons beyond a single possible Exterminatus Level weapon. And they would be more like narrative buffs and aids, rather than Hero Units.
Neablis said:
Doesn't that mean we can write in more than one design @HeroCooky?
It will be a sub-turn, so you can decide then what you are doing/want out of the action.
Isn't this one of those new agey Yeeni names?

Xenos saint sounds awesome.
New Age? How dare you! They are Hippy names, thank you very much! :anger::V
And yes, Yeeni Saint Candidate.
Sprakig of @HeroCooky where's the capitol of the Van Zandts? I feel like our infiltration should have told us that much.
You have not found the capital of Van Zandt.
Huh...the two Kildrabi melodies we have both have white backgrounds in their Artwork, while everything else has black backgrounds.

I thought The Void was just unique due to need/artistic licence, but now I think it's something potentially important.
Nice update. The Faith actions are super cool. Voxx is waking up a bit but it looks like they're going to be occupied with sorting out their internal politics for a while. I agree seems like a good time to start a very discreet infiltration of their new and current forces. Also scouting efficiency went up and Drone research upgraded again, woop woop. @HeroCooky are New Dawn R&D repeatedly rolling on drone upgrades or something?

During the 700.M42 turn, QM said the Voxx Revolution will likely not happen within the next century/century-and-a-half, so hopefully we have 6 turns till the kick-off but thats not guaranteed.

However I really do not like the Refitting or Boarding craft or Chameleon actions being currently suggested.

Building MORE ships is much more efficient than making our current ships a bit more effective, particularly when the Build SBG action is something like 1.6 times more ship per action.

Also, if we are going to use a Ship Build action, it should be for making Sagittarius Lance Frigates to fulfill the artillery ship role, along with Andromedas to ferry that fleet and our 9 Taurus'. We can get a ton of Lance Frigates for 1 action vs 3 actions to Research, Design, Build a new artillery ship. Also if we delay that Ship Build action a couple turns we can get 2-3 more frigates from the banked FP. We can get some combo of 17 frigates with our current 68 FP. A few Lupus mine layer destroyers for static defenses wouldn't hurt either but we can get some from Automation after a couple more rounds of Scouts I think.

I'm not sure why we would need more Chameleons either, it will be Military actions to invade Voxx Prime on Revolution Day not infiltration and they can be used a couple turns before to set up infiltrators on the Agriworlds without issue I think.

I also think Boarding craft isn't a priority, they are a small contribution to our forces as cool as they are. I'd really like to press for upgrading our SAGs with Militarize the School of Paladins instead, as by QM even with perfect conditions fighting on Voxx will consume 20 SAGs per turn, which is like half our forces. Also by QM the Templars will boost the infiltrators as well. Later I'd like to also get some/all of Drones and Novel/Experimental Infantry Equipment so our forces aren't slaughtered by billion strong human wave tactics.
At this stage? Not until you start putting troops into the Hives. If they get stuff like Templars, 10 Actions over 10 Turns, and instructions to infiltrate the PDF and Defense Stations?
3. Just to make sure you are aware; taking Voxx, without a massive insurection helping you out, will churn through 50 SAGs per Turn. With said insurrection, you will be looking at around ~20 SAGs per Turn. With an unknown amount of time to take the Hive World.

Never made a plan before butI'll try to put something together, this post is long enough. 1-2 SBG builds, Voxx action, Militarize Paladins and a Research would be my preference I think.
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