What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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50 percent of our population are heretics or associated with heretics.



This going to be a fun one.

Thank god we decided to stamp these guys down now, this would've definitely given us a multi-action problem down the line, probably in the form of a civil war.
The Order of Cerberus estimates that at least 50% of the Federation's population holds to either the Particularists or Anti-Particularists or associates with them. While this has not yet caused any large-scale issues, an enemy at the gates often distracts people as anything else; lower-case chaos like war may be the bolt that breaks the ship.

Holds to them or associates with them isn't the same as being dedicated soldiers ready to die for Anti-Particularism. These are Trinitarian Heresies, they were always going to have something in the way of reach.
The thing you have to understand, Alectai, is that that's not what was said!

I guess you're right, I'm just immediately looking at "50 fucking percent of your population is some degree of heretic, and the people are actively resistant to working against it, and we just failed to notice the full scope of the Problem because only a tiny handful of their sects actually showed up on our radar until we actively went digging"
I guess you're right, I'm just immediately looking at "50 fucking percent of your population is some degree of heretic, and the people are actively resistant to working against it"

Part of the reason is that these are easy heresies to have. They don't demand you burn anyone alive, they don't demand you commit any active crime. Trinitarian theology can matter, don't get me wrong, but on the day to day a Particularist and a non-heretic are functionally identical in every practical manner.
How the fuck did Cerberus not notice how far this had gone until we actually chose to hit them?
Because the 50% is reached by including members of Heresy A, Heresy B, and everyone who does not report those they know to be a member of A or B.

And TheLaurent deliberately made the Droman Creed with the idea in mind that those two heresies are the most logical conclusion to make. So they get made when people aren't book-thumping zealots...or if they are too much a book-thumping zealot. :tongue:
Lmao so the issue is that people are bad at understanding theology. Like okay that makes sense. Priests disagreed on the written text of the bloody bible to the point where we had like 30 heresies(undercounting) and only God know how many religious conflicts. So this is an issue of trying to communicate it correctly...which is hard cause religious texts are never clear
Yes, the entire joke at the heart of the Droman Creed is that the Trinitarian Understandings that are most Intuitive and Simple are also HERESY, which is why a lot of Protestants who barely understand the Bible accidentally stumble into different kinds of Trinitarian Heresies, @Alectai
Yes, the entire joke at the heart of the Droman Creed is that the Trinitarian Understandings that are most Intuitive and Simple are also HERESY, which is why a lot of Protestants who barely understand the Bible accidentally stumble into different kinds of Trinitarian Heresies, @Alectai

I'm not really a culture/theology guru so I can't comment, but if this was all the Intended Outcome then I guess that's fine?
What the fuck

So, uh, are they both nascent Chaos Cults then?

50 fucking percent of the population cleaves to one of those heresies or at least doesn't see them as a problem, that's nightmare fuel, and it's apparently at least partially memetic given how it keeps popping up in the same form no matter what securities are in place.

That's not normal, weird fringe shit is 10-20% tops, and tends to be based on your geography.

How the fuck did Cerberus not notice how far this had gone until we actually chose to hit them? Was it purely because we chose to address them both at once that they were able to put the data next to each other and go "Oh fuck"?

It's a sleeper basilisk embedded into our population at the grassroots level. And if we didn't address this before we were at war, we'd have been fucked.
Its just bad theology. Nothing more.

I propose this:

The Federation will put together a committee of our best theologians and our best *teachers* to create a document intended for the theologically uneducated. A second document should be put together specifically targeted towards children. These two documents will essentially boil down to: Introduction to the Droman Creed 101.

Who are we.
What do we believe.
Common mistakes and common heresies people either reinvent or run into.
Why those heresies are wrong.
The correct interpretation of our beliefs.

Most people simply are not theologians. They do not have a rigorous theological education, and of those who ARE learned, most of them are priests who are trying to instruct their congregations in correct action and ritual and are mostly concerned with the day-to-day of religious activity. While it should be a priests job to guide their congregation in all matters of the divine, they are still just common priests. The best way in my opinion to counter this heresy is to create a common document that will address both the particularist and anti-particularist positions in a common fashion and then distribute it both as educational material for the lay person and as a reference document for priests when discussing either heresy.

It could also be a document that people can reference when seal-clubbing each other online. The Official Document on Particularism/anti-particularism and by disseminating it through the population, they can throw it into each others faces if they care to.
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Like, we have options to not just crush these people. And that wouldn't work because it's easy to make. Really we just need to keep the particular flavor of heresy down and warn people off from it.

@HeroCooky im presuming that Cerberus checked these guys with a fine toothed comb and determined that they weren't Chaos in disguise?
Congratulations, We have run into the problem of every religion, Some people Get Overzealous Or underzealous/Simplified to the point of Missing the point and then they get mad at each other, Welcome to Christianity :rofl:
So they get made when people aren't book-thumping zealots...or if they are too much a book-thumping zealot.

I was just wondering does the Federation have something like Sunday school where children can learn what exactly the faith is? That seems like it would solve the laxity/confusion problem. And then we just make sure that the teachers are not zealots. Somehow.
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Okay, I get it's a fun bit at this point, but before we immediately call something Chaos, can we take 30 seconds to consider any other options about what something might be?

Word of god, they are not chaos.

Yep. They are just doing a: "This makes 100% sen-Oops! All Heresy!" with the Droman Creed. :V

Yeah. I'm inclined to take the same route we did with the Atherical Cog and legalize the less expensive bunch for both of them and try and educate people back into the same general direction.
Normally I have a decent idea of where to go... In this case I have no clue. The best I can think of is to leave them alone unless either side goes off the deep end, keep everything Moderated and civil on Pain of Bolter for those who go to far.... I might have to do something that I absolutely hate on every part of me because it undermines Rational planning and debate for a vote...

[JK] TheLaurent

EDIT: Our best bet might be to just say "Your not right, and heres a list of reason why your not right, but unless you've gone of the deep end your not breaking any laws. Heres a list of educational courses that you can attend"
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EDIT: Our best bet might be to just say "Your not right, and heres a list of reason why your not right, but unless you've gone of the deep end your not breaking any laws. Heres a list of educational courses that you can attend"

I'll take that. These people are, at worst, causing the occasional theological fistfight. So long as we can prevent them from spreading too endemically, I'm not overly worried about them.
Voting will open in 4 hours, 55 minutes