What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[][Food Production] The Greater Good

[][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds

[][Medical Services] Liberated Consciousness

[][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force

Edit: I even checked if there was a moratorium I just happen to be blind.
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I feel like eliminating poverty would raise mental health standards just by removing the lowest average. But actually raising it for the most influential and powerful, and for our run of the mill soldiers would probably reduce chaos corruption (now that I'm thinking about it the only corrupting we get is far more overt so nevermind)

So yeah eliminating poverty seems the best. Our people are already plenty happy and this would raise that bar while letting everyone have a chance to succeed. Giving us more skilled workers and less people vulnerable to corruption or illness.


I'm also torn between blot the void and hungermaws, but I'm leaning towards hungermaws because they'd increase our production capacity of everything else not just ships .

But do planetmaws count as ships? Idk

Paradise worlds seems like something we'd be able to get from the grove and also not overly useful. Like nice yeah but not as good as the others.


Medical I'm leaning end to the curse, but the fact chaos can still do it makes me hesitant and lean back towards unbound consciousness.

Unbound consciousness would also function as an end to the curse, letting them look like whatever they want. The only issue is not being able to have kids which is the big thing I'd imagine.

Rejuvenate is my least favorite, entirely because it's either 100 percent or nothing for me at this point. The only way I'd see is needing more is if we didn't have enough to keep our best and brightest and had to raise standards, but with our current percentage I don't think we are having that problem yet.

If our percentage was at risk of lowering because of growing population I'd say take it, but it seems to be a flat rate.

But at this point it's going to be 'you got a C on your evaluation so your no longer getting rejuvenation' where the competition of the mediocre is fierce.

Military I can't decide at all.

The lamenters could use some love, as always. The titans are dope, and I love me a good robot army.

I'd lean away from the robot army though, I love them but they seem the most fallible of the three options. Either corruption, hijacking, or rebellion. Especially if we ever deal with necron or C'tan.

Edit- I thought we'd have discussion time tbh
Edit edit - whats 'fleet Limit'
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[][Food Production] Mental Gardens
[][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
[][Medical Services] An End To The Curse
[][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders

Cure mental illness, create paradise worlds, end mutation and finally reward our space marines for all they have done.

edit: vote not open yet
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(Eliminates low-level poverty across all Federation worlds.)
What does this mean exactly? Like, does it mean that our poverty is low level and this finally crunched all of it, or is it just hedging against if we eat a bunch of former Chaos worlds again and we point at this trait you can answer "yeah bro this is way more cooked than what that trait covers"

(Raise the baseline mental health of all Federation citizens.)
What is the baseline mental health for our Citizens already, and where will it go in comparison?

(Automatically convert all worlds into paradise worlds over time.)
What would the timespan of this be? And for the Yggdrasil Worlds for that matter?

This one has honestly pretty interesting implications, considering in the Imperium they're also known as Pleasure Worlds, and a few are known as Garden Worlds. People from these worlds tend to be a lot more chill, which makes them apparently a lot more capable and higher level recruits, although some of that is dealing with some of the wealthiest in the Imperium.

What I really like about this is that despite all of our industry being what it is, we somehow still have a universal Paradise World standard.

(You can now design and create 1 Titan Legion per Action.)
What qualifies as a Titan Legion, in terms of number of Titans per class? I assume we're not gonna be crapping out 1k Deus Mechanicus per action, but that might be in the cards for the baby titans.

(Quadruples all Automatons in your military and increases their effectiveness.)
I assume these advances won't apply to the Industry and Civilian Automata?

God, that doubling Void is insane. Like 8k fleet points per action, and 300 design points which would allow us to make a dreadnought in one turn.

Personal preferences are Yggdrasil because it feels insane and I like insane shit, plus it'll allow us to be able to absorb a lot of fucked up worlds in the far future with insane production which makes the other two options feel kinda eh, split between Paradise and Blot because Paradise has a lot of very quiet knock on effects but Blot is simple but powerful (I think I'll be fine with Paradise since that seems to be the trend), all of Medical is cool as heck, and Military depends on Cooky's answers.

All-XV looks super fun.
[][Heavy Industry] Blot The Void
"The problem with a lot of void combat isn't on hitting the enemy; it is bringing enough ships to make your alpha-strike artillery barrage obliterate the enemy fleet without slowing down."
(Doubles your current ship production and fleet limits.)
[][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
Voxx Primus is a world once set upon by a blight, hollowed out and poisoned with every toxin imaginable. It is now home to vast, lush plains, towering arcologies, and a sky as blue as Terra's once was. It need not be the only world of such grandeur...
(Automatically convert all worlds into paradise worlds over time.)
As much as I want the latter trait, we actually need to defend our worlds for them to be livable in the first place. Can we turn down having twice as many fleets? Especially against the threats we could face in the future?
[][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force
00101011 00101011 00101011 01010010 01101111 01100111 01100101 01110010 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100111 01100101 01110010 00101011 00101011 00101011
(Quadruples all Automatons in your military and increases their effectiveness.)
I think this is the best [Military Industrial] option. The other two are great, but this gives us massive numbers of (improved) automatons who can soak up losses in place of our citizens. Also, non-organic soldiers who can't be eaten by Tyranids might come in handy soon.
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The little strategist in me is screaming in joy with all of these options, all of them able to make any Nation pretty dang powerful in terms of logistics.

If I had to pick one I for sure want.

[][Food Production] Yggdrasil Initiative
With many, many systems under the control of the Federation containing at least one Gas Giant, their utilization beyond reservoirs of near-limitless chemicals has turned to the production and deployment of Grove-given technologies and directives. On each, a Yggdrasil will be planted, a massive geo-gene-engineered plant-based organism capable of thriving in the atmospheric conditions of the Gas Giant they are set upon, blooming into the void the fruits of their existence: bio-metal alloys ready for repurposing in industry and construction, or ships and warfare, and food to be eaten by the trillions calling the Storlar Sector home.
(You will begin converting Gas Giants into Yggdrasil-Worlds, enabling the utilization of bio-alloys in industry and feeding your populations beyond counting.)

A end to food worries...like do I even need to say how good this is, like hello resource we can trade without worry to friends to bring them into our sphere of influence, hello thing to ensure each of our citizens can have food.

[][Heavy Industry] Hungering Maws
"We have two Planetmaws, yes...but how about three?"
(You can produce smaller Planetmaws, called Hungermaws, to improve the production of ships, armies, and titans.)

Production of our war machines is always good to improve, having the means to out weapon our foes has been a pretty standard tactic of ours for a while and I see no reason to change this.

[][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force
00101011 00101011 00101011 01010010 01101111 01100111 01100101 01110010 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100111 01100101 01110010 00101011 00101011 00101011
(Quadruples all Automatons in your military and increases their effectiveness.)

I like the funny robots. Ok in serious terms this is both a matter of Nid preparation and just in general making ourselves stronger. They can't eat non biological matter, so having large amounts of machines to help with their wave tactics is smart. Plus I feel like out Automatons need a bit of a boost in general, we've been upgrading our other forces and now it's their turn.
Can someone explain why we want paradise worlds so much? What do they even do for us, our people are presumably living in houses and have climate control.

It might increase food production? Make parks nicer and make us need less work controlling pollution?

None of that seems that needed though
Can someone explain why we want paradise worlds so much? What do they even do for us, our people are presumably living in houses and have climate control.

It might increase food production? Make parks nicer and make us need less work controlling pollution?

None of that seems that needed though

honestly just the narrative impact,being able to make super productive worlds that are also incredible high life quality
we are in endgame so might as well take some narrative perks along the way
I even checked if there was a moratorium I just happen to be blind.
Oh the site totally glitched?, it said vote open for me as well
Oh, no. I just forgot to put in the moratorium after opening the vote. :V
The number of fleets you can have before running into supply and maintenance issues.
What does this mean exactly?
There is a quantity and quality of assured clothing, food, and water for every person in the Federation as the absolute minimum.
BlueHelix said:
What is the baseline mental health for our Citizens already, and where will it go in comparison?
IRL Earth levels to Well Adjusted IRL Earth levels.
BlueHelix said:
What would the timespan of this be? And for the Yggdrasil Worlds for that matter?
Centuries for both, but the latter will produce stuff within two decades.
BlueHelix said:
What qualifies as a Titan Legion, in terms of number of Titans per class?
55 Titans per Legion, class is thread-chosen.
BlueHelix said:
I assume these advances won't apply to the Industry and Civilian Automata?
non-organic soldiers
Your Automata are more like kinder eggs; metal shell with delicious brain-meats on the inside. :V
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yeah,but with how we play,we usually bum rush all XX in one to two turns
meaning first we get the individual traits (one for med xx,one for void xx etc) and then the milestone trait (all xx)
The cost to gain a level of development is now going to double to 0/2 per level, and we've been told we aren't going to be able to build a new Planetmaw to discount development again. (Hungermaws do something different, not development discounts.) You can check out the math in this post. (Which was made pre-confirmation that we won't get another Planetmaw.)
Let's do the math! After this update we'll be at:
Food Production 15 (0/2)
Civilian Infrastructure 16 (0/2) - [2x 50% Discounts]
Heavy Industry 15 (0/2)
Void Industry 17 (1/2)
Medical Services 16 (0/2) - [1x 50% Discounts]
Military Industry 15 (0/2)

So we'd need a total of
10+3 (ISC)+10+5+7+10=45 actions to get there.

But we can get another Planetmaw to drop that again, I think? That was only 6 actions before. It might be the same, or it might be different. Still, it's in the realm of 4-8 actions with unto Works Generational, and after that we'd need:
5+2+5+3+3+5=23 actions. So somewhere in the regime of 30 actions total.

A single unenhanced turn is 4 actions, and a full general turn with Cry for the Future is 7. So in the regime of 7ish turns of fairly dedicated effort. Which... honestly. I'd prefer to unify with the Shipwrights and the Council. We're already tall, and the way to maximize volume would be to go a bit wider, and that means integrations/unions with our neighbors. It's one thing to be a little polity with a hundred stars but super-advanced society, but if instead control 500 stars with very advanced society and continually acquire more through integration, diplomacy and occasional conquest of assholes, that's a nation that is more likely to shake up the galaxy.

Notably, just getting to Void Industry XX is going to be 5 total actions without the planetmaw, and 3 actions with it. So it's not worth getting unless we want to get everything to XX. And that's a single turn with Cry up. I could easily see us getting all-XV, and then if we can leave Cry on for one more turn we can get Void-XX immediately.
All these traits are dope as fuck.

Gonna need a minute to get my thoughts together but wow.

[][Food Production] Yggdrasil Initiative

So essentially the poor-man's Living Metal, who needs Mineral Worlds when you can casually harvest Jupiter for metal. Plus they can also feed people too.

[][Food Production] The Greater Good

Elsewhere, the Tau Eternal Caste are trembling in their boots.

Want another way to slam the door in Chaos's face? End Poverty, no one's joining Slaanesh if there's no poverty.

[][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds

The Synergy here with Greater Good could be spectacular. Ending (low-level) poverty and having Paradise Worlds everywhere means absolutely no way Chaos can bullshit you with "we can grant you a better life" when you already live better than most of the galaxy.

[][Medical Services] Liberated Consciousness

Our trans citizens gonna be cheering for this.

[][Medical Services] Endless Crowns No More

In other words, at least half of our population can now live up to 500 years, basically half a millennia.

All the more bargaining chips to get people to join us.

[][Military Industry] Divine Crusaders

Five Chapters a turn.......all armed with Primaris-level equipment.........think about this chat. We can bitch slap just about anyone with the quality and quantity of our Astartes.

[][Military Industry] Legions of the Machine-God

(Cue Titanicus blaring from the Vox-castors)

[][Military Industry] March of the Motive Force

Even bigger armies for us.
[][Heavy Industry] Paradise Worlds
Voxx Primus is a world once set upon by a blight, hollowed out and poisoned with every toxin imaginable. It is now home to vast, lush plains, towering arcologies, and a sky as blue as Terra's once was. It need not be the only world of such grandeur...
(Automatically convert all worlds into paradise worlds over time.)
Paradise worlds.
The best the Imperium has, for the likes of Navigators.
ALL worlds.

Having reached another all milestone, will we be able to build another Planet-Maw?
Or would we also need big gains in number of held systems to be able to use it without crashing our Economy?
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I'm most torn on the Military Industry. March of the Motive Force seems like a good fit, since population, and therefore number of soldiers, is about the only thing we can't boast about. So that neatly sidesteps that!

Divine Crusaders is just more of the good stuff, but you need Chapters to make Chapters and this looks to put our darling Lamenters on the path to make armies. Very tempted just for that image.

Legions of the Machine God is... I don't know. I have trouble placing it since we've been so spaceship focused. I would love for someone to talk a little of this.
I'm most torn on the Military Industry. March of the Motive Force seems like a good fit, since population, and therefore number of soldiers, is about the only thing we can't boast about. So that neatly sidesteps that!

Divine Crusaders is just more of the good stuff, but you need Chapters to make Chapters and this looks to put our darling Lamenters on the path to make armies. Very tempted just for that image.

Legions of the Machine God is... I don't know. I have trouble placing it since we've been so spaceship focused. I would love for someone to talk a little of this.

for me is either legions of disposable low level automatons vs full stacks of elite units (titans)
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