[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
-[] Habitat Stations (0/?)
(Gain: +1 Void Industry every three Actions, enough living space for ~10 Billion people per Action.)
-[] Irrita Rush Terraformation (0/?)
(Gain: Ask the Irrita about the price to rush terraform some of your worlds and which ones would be best suited to do so.)
-[] Irrita Food Production Aid (0/?)
(Gain: Possible aid or projects to blunt the food problem for the Voxx Primus Crisis.)
-[] Evacuation Fleets - (Ship Design Write-In) (0/?)
(Gain: Evacuation Fleets to spread the Voxxians around.)
Oh my god AP Hell never ends! Okay, so Habitat stations is something we can do and to be honest is worth it to do given we don't have to worry about food production or the like while increasing our Void Industry, not a bad one. I feel the Irrita Rush Terraformation can wait since we only really have the Qultch's Forge as a thing and that's it, the Abyssal Eye doesn't even have Atmosphere so its like. eh?
Irrita Food Production is worth to at least get a few actions in there to see how they do and what it unlocks. Evac fleet can wait until we fill out more of our SBG's more. We already got the New Ship designs in now. and we can wait since the Dutchy isn't doing anything to force our hand yet.
-[] Production Line Rationalization Programs (0/2)
(Gain: Improved industry throughput.)
-[] Sophont Workforce Requirement Reduction Considerations (0/2)
(Gain: Tiny increase in partly automated industries.)
-[] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2)
(Gain: Further improve Hive nutrition production through various means.)
Whelp given our plan and how some of it is limited by how our forces can sustain themselves, the Hive Agriculture is going to be needed soon if only to support our forces and increase the self-sufficiency of the Hive World in the long term. given its 2 Actions I think we are going to need to start doing 3 AP research turns or just make a write in try to start doing projects for us at this point.
The Improved Industry throughput is tempting since it could mean more ships and the like, QM can we get confirmation to what it would translate to in mechanics?
ehhhh, given all the kindling piles right now I think we can wait on the Sophont workforce reduction considerations since we already did the Sevitor upgrade.
-[] Improved Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
(Gain: Militarized Servo-Skulls. New Infantry Classes: Human - Scout Hive Trooper, Yeeni - Skull-Swarm Sovereign.)
Oh that got changed, is that because of the Yeeni Kin status? or the Automation?
-[] Shipyard Automatization III (0/5)
(Gain: 1 Frigate every Turn.)
Ahhhhh, damn it. That is tempting but going to have to wait for a long time. we just can't afford that in within the next few turns.
[] [General] Propaganda For The Foreign Masses (0/3)
With the Glimmering Federation struggling to digest its recent mass acquisition of systems and populations, some have raised the possibility of using the Federation's more diplomatic abilities and capabilities to subvert, convert, and then integrate new systems without causing mass casualties or widespread destruction. A Propaganda office outfitted with ships, Choirs, materials, factories, and a mandate to do just that should bring foreign systems into our sphere of influence and then the Federation as a whole. It will be pricy, though.
(Gain: Allows you to slowly convert one [1] random system at a time to the Glimmering Federation without Action cost.)
It went down but why? what changed? new laws or are they preparing a revolution to overthrow a planet government and ask for us to absorb them?
-[] Basilisk (0/4)
-[] Hydralisk (0/4)
-[] Necrolisk (0/4)
IT NEVER ENDS! We need SOMETHING to auto produce these or put in some actions to fill them. Right now our SBG's are just a paper tiger.
[] [Blazing Sun] Every World A Fortress (1/8)
Damn that Automation really helps. it was at 32 originally and now its down to 8. Also we really should do something about the Black Ash Clan. Good room to expand, spread out the burden more, maybe snag and reverse engineer some of the larger Knights.
Around 20, based on Dev and Logistics.
Holy shit, that paid off big time. then again having them do paperwork and such was a lore thing to keep them hidden or the like. Okay lets try to look for something to do for our Research or Ship production at this point.
~500 million and in half of the planet after the purges and unrest. Massive explosion of power, people, and problems. Need aid in... all flavors of everything.
Not bad, half way to 1 Billion... but I feel its going to be a runaway thing since if we go in and fill those vacuums we are increasing the requirements we need to send to our forces there, maybe more then we can supply in one run there. And I think it needs asking, QM how have our stealth ships been? any problems or new developments from the Dutchy during the Supply runs? Do we need to start building more stealth ships to handle the supply runs?
[] [Voxx Primus] Now is the time to press in on support, though make sure to keep things somewhat covert. Specifically, a few things can be done that have been done partially but not fully. First, escalate the trainers present, able to train out military grade units... even if they still have to use the carefully nerfed equipment as their core, if they're better trained, better fed, and better motivated the difference will show. Second, send in some engineers from... alternate sources who have an experience in that very special brand of amusement known as "Building Technicals." Tanks and Armored Cars and more cannot be hidden, but souping up "regular" groundcars and other vehicles to be far more impressive than they look will further strengthen the "gang."
-[] Additionally send two things of great value. First, more food and more seeds, the better to have holy days and lure yet more into the arms of the growing movement. Second, hope. We cannot promise that tomorrow the revolution will begin and all will be liberated, but careful news in the ears of those locals who are leading the movement of the deeds of the Convention of 700 will make it clear that theirs is a holy crusade, backed fully by the Federation who, by now, likely have a semi-mythical reputation as a land of plenty and great learning and so on.
Good enough, more focus on military and technicals for increase in firepower and mobility.... Why the hell am I thinking of GLA units from Command and Conquer Generals and Zero Hour right now? Though I think the bigger problem right now is the food and industry we are trying to rush in and fill, that's asking for the new expansion rush on top of refilling the parts, supplies, and seed for the existing ground our forces have. I will say nice touch on trying to cut off any early pop off of revolution and stressing to them its a slow march. Wait and Hope.