What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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I mean, the whole, "We might go to war with you if you don't give us Yivv, and if you want to sweeten the deal for us to let you keep Yivv, how about giving away half your Tech and a meaningful percentage of your Psykers for a century and a half" is, like. Kinda shitty?

To be clear here, it's not, like, "They're our enemies now" Shitty. But they're playing hardball and in such a case I don't know why we should not just wash our hands go, "Here you go, Yivv" and keep them at a distance. We'll help them if anything happens, but that's for later.
It's the MTA that are implying they would back the highest bidder in the event of the war, as far as I'm aware the Shipwright's Alliance never actually threatened one. They really, really want the planet (which makes sense, it's an absolutely vital strategic resource to them in the same way Choirs are to us).
It's the MTA that are implying they would back the highest bidder in the event of the war, as far as I'm aware the Shipwright's Alliance never actually threatened one. They really, really want the planet (which makes sense, it's an absolutely vital strategic resource to them in the same way Choirs are to us).

Um, uhh?

And yet, the Shipwright's Alliance approaches with two other solutions on their own. In a meeting both tense and filled with a thread of cold anger, the Alliance's head delegate offers to...relinquish their claims upon Yivv. Provided that they gain something equally important in return. "If we leave this Conference without that system," they explained slowly, with a stony facade, "with news that you will soon begin to mine atop the graves of three billion martyrs and fallen heroes....well. People are unreasonable at the best of times. And we may be unable to stop all who decide to let action follow outrage."

This is, of course, with the assumption that they are left without something to soothe and show their people of equal value to the Auramite soon to be mined there and the desecration of a planet blessed by the sacrifice of heroes.

Like, say, this oddly comprehensive list of technologies that could be transferred over to them, or a delegation of twenty Choirs sent for one-and-a-half-centuries to teach the psykers of the Alliance the safe(-ish) use of their powers...and how to navigate the Warp.

"It'd be a shame if we were unable to stop hotheads from going to war with you if you don't do this thing we want" is absolutely threatening war. Like, they might have cause for wanting it that much, but the idea that they're not implying war...
They are not going to accept this for the same reason we are having this discussion right now.

They need Yivv and are apparently willing to fight us for it.
that is fair I will cut it out

[] Plan: We are patient; let them hold the wealth we shall get their souls
-[] Federation is willing to let the Alliance control Fixxy and Tom, but the Federation shall own every other celestial body in the Yivv system.
-[] In exchange, Alliance shall allow free passage of our missionaries in all of their territories
-[] Alliance will also give us 33% of auramine production (without tariffs or unfair markups)
-[] Create an Official Donation Drive for the affected people of Sub-Sector 621. (No Action Cost)
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Frankly 20 Choirs really aren't that many given that we went from 17 Choirs in year 580 to 35 in year 620.

And the more worlds we colonize the faster we'll get Choirs.
@HeroCooky how long would it take for us to train a Choir?
'Bout a century to get it done properly, with around 4 centuries of service after that thanks to your Juvenat.
They really, really want the planet (which makes sense, it's an absolutely vital strategic resource to them in the same way Choirs are to us).
Yeah, it is kinda darkly funny that people are getting annoyed by the Alliance playing furious hardball over...a vital resource they need to continue being an interstellar nation, even if it majorly pisses off a stronger one? In their eyes, the trades of tech or Choirs are more than fair, because to them, Auramite is a vital strategic resources...while you think its "Neat."

They need it to continue existing without spending an action to fit a single ship with a non slow-boat Warp Drive method. And they simply cannot afford to leave that system to you for nothing to show after a near-apocalyptic level war that brought them within spitting distance of total collapse without risking internal upheavals that will likely end in a few million dead.

Edit: I'll answer any questions once I wake up again. Good night!
Yeah, like, in light of that revelation, them being so bullish makes sense.

Honestly, given that, a lot of things make a lot more sense. We're not trying to be the assholes here, and we're not going to be short on Choirs anytime soon.
All the same, if we're giving to them on this then I honestly think we have better uses for one of the only three actions we'll have next turn.

As long as we pair it with at least a generic promise of help and hooking them up to the trade partners of the Families, I'm sure it'll be fine?
It's still, like, 25% of our total... given over to them for a century and a half.
If we can pair the Choir with access to Arumite then it's well worth it given that Arumite will boost our psytek research. And we'll get the Choirs back anyways.

I'd say we give up Yivv, offer choir training for Arumite access, and get the Ashan involved in the trade with them, while withdrawing our offer for reconstruction aid.

Edit: oh and do the above.
Honestly lower the choirs down to ten and take more shit from them cause I am not about just giving them shit because they irritated us into it. Give them the planet and the choirs and take like better trade deals, preaching and whatever else. Also no spending the action y'all. Our action Econ does not need to get used by this

[] Plan: Well if you want it
-[] We are willing to give the system, all planets within, and will offer 10 choirs and potential assistance/guidance/training for any psykers willing to learn how to use their powers safely.
--[] In exchange for the compass they speak of, 1/3rd of Auramite mined, preferential trade agreements with us and the Ashan Families, for them to allow our priests to spread our faith in their lands unmolested and no aid action.
-[] Create an Official Donation Drive for the affected people of Sub-Sector 621. (No Action Cost).
-[] TLDR: We rescind our action to aid. We give them the planet and offer training for their psykers in our lands as well as 10 choirs(as they will gain their own later). In exchange we get preaching rights and protections, 1/4th of Auramite mined and preferential trade for both us and Ashan. Also the compass/its schematics to see what that's about
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So they're bluffing? If they're so desperate for auramite that they would collapse without it, they really can't afford to fight a war with us for it.

Makes sense, their position is so overbearing because it's a complete bluff. They need the stuff and are hoping we flinch.

I mean, I'd give it to them regardless now that I know how much they need it, but I'm surprised they chose the hardball route when they could've just been nicer about it. Maybe they were too afraid that we would realize the house of cards they've got and would take advantage, which is fair, since they seem inclined to always expect the worst (which would make sense for any 40k xenos dealing with humans).
Depending on how...greedy I feel I may also ask for an STC as well if they got one but...nah that's too mean

Edit: The above is of course a joke lol
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[ ] Plan: Opportunity Knocks
-[ ] Well, that makes a lot of sense, cards on the table, we do have an interest in the Auramite, but it's hardly existential for us, in light of your requirements, we're willing to cede Yivv to you, though we would like access to some down the line for our studies. We'll still send you the aid though, we've little desire in seeing someone who's halfway reasonable fall apart.
-[ ] That being said, given the danger of Psykers and our own success at developing a functioning paradigm, we're willing to commit to establishing a school to to teach what we can. Full out sending twenty choirs into the territory of someone we just met is a bit much, but we Are willing to commit a similar number to instruction within one of our held systems in 621 if you're willing to reciprocate with any insights you and your allies hold.
--[ ] In short, commit to establishing a University that deals in Psionics and Advanced Knowledge within 621, with the suggestion that we're willing to share what we know with the other parties if they reciprocate in kind. That this is also a chance to start getting some Social Engineering going on while also defusing potential Chaos resources is just an added bonus. Making it one of our systems in reach of them (And implicitly where they can keep half an eye on it) rather than deep in our territory where they might start worrying about never seeing anyone again.
-[ ] Float the idea that we're not necessarily unwilling to lend out Choirs and pathfinding ships on a case by case basis in the future, but that's not exactly on the table right this second barring a major upset. A hundred and fifty years away from their people for someone we just met is a bit much.
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[] Plan: Choir and Save An Action
-[] Federation will concede Yivv system and offers Choirs to train and build up the Shipwrights' psyker institution (namely teaching them navigation) in exchange for the following concessions.
--[] Federation gains the right to 30% of Arumite production from Tom.
--[] Preaching rights
--[] Cultural Exchange between the Federation and the Alliance.
--[] TBA
--[] TBA
-[] Federation withdraws the offer to directly assist in reconstruction.
-[] Create an Official Donation Drive for the affected people of Sub-Sector 621. (No Action Cost)

Here's what I have so far. Opinions?
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If we are willing to loose Yivv, maybe we could attempt to make this a Win/Win for the Alliance and the Mashan as well as relieve tensions?

The Alliance gets the system so they can keep warp traveling, but we promise to send them the choirs and the tech allowing them warp travel. Then they in turn make assurances that once they no longer desperately need the Auramite the material will be made available for trade at a fixed, discounted rate with the Mashan so they can create their sought after religious items and the Federation for research purposes.

Choosing the nice option hasn't led us wrong yet.
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On the side of aiming for eventual absorption, have we considered the bottom of High Imperial technology trade option combined with loaning but not teaching their Psykers? Essentially replicating what the Navigators did to the Imperium, they'll become more dependent on us for Warp Navigation in the long run while we entwine their society with ours.
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So something people overlooked in the "teach our psykers" thing- if we do teach their psykers that will likely mean that the Alliance's psyker institution itself would be heavily Star Child influenced.
[ ] Plan: Being a Reasonable Adult
-[ ] Alright, sure, there's honestly not enough of it there to be worth this, we'll cede Yivv in its entirety. It'd be nice to have, but a few dozen-to-hundred kilos isn't remotely near enough to be worth the trouble if you need it that badly. That being said, we would like to purchase some for our own studies, and you can consider us still offering the aid as a down-payment for when extraction begins.
--[ ] We'll even offer you instruction on what you need, psychic and otherwise, because untrained Psykers are a potential tool of the Enemy and training is one of the best ways to foil them. The technology is just good sense.
---[ ] That being said, there's a lot of things our instructors could be doing as well, we'll want some concessions if you're going to get these.
----[ ] Honestly, we'd like some specifications on how your friends with the Irrita managed to get their Warp Drives so small, if it can be replicated without some horrible compromise somewhere and isn't dependent on a weird physiological quirk that can't be replicate, it could be very useful. Honestly, if we're teaching you several important things, it might be helpful to reciprocate in turn and teach our magi some of your own tricks in the process. (Basically, trade the Choir and uplift to the baseline of High Imperial to get access to any Techs they might have acquired that we don't have, including any insights from their allies if they can bargain for them. Potentially angle this to get some influence in their own academia as part of the instruction because that's a lot of dudes we'll have to send there)

Remember, the Authority is demanding 50% of the Auramite from whoever ends up holding Tom, and has hinted this is non-negotiable.
Maybe give our negotiators priorities?
Like they can budge in the tech as long as we get preaching rights.
Twenty fucking Choirs. That's frankly 100% a nonstarter for me. 2/3rds of our free Choirs spending a century and a half under their effective control/influence. Like what the shit. I know I was outraged before, but I just reread that suggestion and holy fuck.
On the other hand:
How long will the Shipwright alliance exist if we get preaching rights and actively work to convert them?
The moment we swallow them we get our Choirs back.

Looks good to me. Maybe something for the Ashan Families(They helped us dev and I want to get the a new market and have them like us more)
Eh, the Ashan are usefull, but they aren't allies.
So something people overlooked in the "teach our psykers" thing- if we do teach their psykers that will likely mean that the Alliance's psyker institution itself would be heavily Star Child influenced.
Interesting point. Less hard power than the idea I proposed, but that might be better for this purpose. Maybe we could synergize that with the preacher permissions, and convert all their psykers.
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