-[] Poke The Weird Ship
(Gain: Information?)
Poking the necron ship, This could either open a very long and involved tech tree of research actions that will take a lot of work with big payoffs... Or it will go horribly wrong and old men come to reclaim their property
-[] Hive Crops and other Agricultural Wonders
(Gain: Your cities are harder to siege down by dint of having more food. Better infiltration of Hives.)
This is an interesting tech, But tbh Both of those bonuses are hard to spare actions for lol.
-[] Seeker Mines
(Gain: An upgrade to your Mines which automatically seek out non-friendly ships in a small radius around themselves.)
This is interesting, but I'm not sure how good it is. Mines in space are a tool for essentially saping terrain, creating obstacles that forces your opponents to either eat the damage, Go around or spend time clearing the way with small escorts and fighters. I'm not sure if this makes Mines more dangerous to escorts forcing more fighters for clearing, Or justincreasing the control the mines can exert, meaning you need less mines, meaning smaller minelayers on smaller ships can shape the terrain faster.
-[] Unstable Ore Deposits Exploitation
(Gain: Missile Weapon Equipment.)
Weird tech, Missile equipment is cool, and If we do it before any new ground stuff it could see use in Ground missles to. Bit of mystery box.
-[] Directional Ion Shields
(Gain: Directional Ion Shield Emitters for your whole Military.)
We really do want this, It feels like a shame we STILL haven't done this. It would give us more control of the Shields, More control means you can make it smaller, or cheaper, Or bigger etc etc etc. This feels like a big part of what made the Armigers a reward, and we still haven't touched it.
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons Development
(Gain: Infantry Weapons Upgrades.)
Wonder what this could be. Underbarrel grenade launchers? Better sights?
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons Development
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons.)
This will be our step past just using Hotshot Lasguns, This feels like its an important tech, if less important then the armour version
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/3)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
Yah, This is the most expensive, but it should happen AFTER th above to.
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Armor Development
(Gain: Infantry Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Armor Development
(Gain: New Infantry Armor.)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/3)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
Second verse very similar to the first, But I actually think that this is more important then better guns, This hopefully moves us to Sororitas level armour, which is MASSIVE.
-[] Automechanical Augmentations
(Gain: Mechanized Unit Upgrades.)
We kinda picked up that Military doctrine and unlocked this, but we never really looked at it... wonder what it does.
-[] Karnivore Weapon And Equipment Loadouts
(Gain: Improve and add to the weapons of your Karnivores.)
I would push for this more if we actually had better weapons for the karnivores to use. As is the best option we have is basically twin linked Lascannons and a reaper sword, Which isn't THAT different from just a base karnivore. Again, Feels like not having researched this might have gimped our own reward that we had picked up.
-[] Anti-Ork Ecology Cleansing Methods
(Gain: Reduces time to conquer Ork Worlds.)
Not important until we actually fight orks again
-[] New Bombers for a New Age
(Gain: New Bombers.)
-[] New Boarders for a New Age
(Gain: New Boarding Craft.)
I don't need to say it, But absolutely integral, Our entire fleet doctrine is based around Hangarcraft, and we have a bunch of ship traits, applicable to hangar craft. So better hangar craft is great.
-[] Ship Equipment Standartization - [1 DP Equipment] (0/3)
(Gain: Standardize 1 [One] 1 DP Ship Equipment across all new Designs.)
Would be nice, But at three actions this feels way less important to all these 1 action techs that can revolutionize our military.
-[] Shipyard Automatization (0/2)
(Gain: 1 Destroyer every Turn.)
Not that big a deal. We have 36 FP, a destroyer is 2 FP. 2 actions for 2 FP a turn is NOTHING
-[] Academic Initiatives (0/3)
(Gain: +0.1 Research per Action Spent.)
Hello worse heretek trait that is already my biggest regret, 3 actions you say? Never
-[] Psytech Foundings (0/5)
(Gain: Rudimentary Understanding of Psytech. Not the ability to create it.)
uggh, Talk about an action sink, but an action sink that is required to do at SOME point to better leverage out unique advantages.