What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Voting is open


Gained Trait - Slumbering Titan - Doubles the Action Cost of Development, but automatically improves all Dev-Levels to at least 5 if they sink below.

Choose One Of The Following:
(1-Day Moratorium, 1-Day Voting Period)
[] A Bounty of Labor
(Gain: 25 Actions)
(Jolly-Cooperation DOES NOT APPLY FOR THEM!)
[] The Fruits of Faith
(Gain: A Faith Turn)

[] A Beacon Unto The Future
(Gain: Upgrade [A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Hand to Guide the Sword, A Mouth to Sing the Hymns, Two Feet to March against the Dark, and Eyes to See the Star Child's Light] to [My Soul Has Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of Our Star...])

[] A Society Dynamic, Bold, And True - [Choose 3]
[] Civilian Warp Fleets
Prosperity attracts prosperity. With the lack of stringent taxation by the Imperium in the form of blood and materials, the various systems of the Federation begin to see an increase in the wealth of their population and upper crust. Thanks to the massive build-up of Void Infrastructure of the Candle Keepers, this wealth has been primarily invested in creating several cargo ships owned by groups of wealthy citizens holding shares of the same. These giants owned by these Interstellar Shipping Companies now ply the Warp Routes between the systems of the Candle Keepers, bringing wealth, cargo, information, culture, people, and a growing sense of true nationhood between otherwise isolated polities.
(You can now designate [Civilian Transport] to move your forces, totaling 20% of your controlled systems. Doing so will negatively impact your economy. The systems of the Candle Keepers grow stronger through closer cultural and economic ties. ISCs are unlocked, and patronage of them will positively impact your economy. Can be Upgraded/Chosen Again.)

[] Deep Space Beacons
With the advent of cheaper plasma reactors produced within the Candle Keeper's Manufactoriums, a plan has been brought up once again that many sophisticated worlds have entertained in one form or another: Deep Space Beacons. Due to the fact that civilian Warp Ships do not possess any Navigators, they rely on dipping in and out of the Warp for short bursts to travel between systems. This system of travel, also utilized by the Task Force(s) of the Star Child, is slow and unreliable. However, by assembling burning beacons within deep space, we can string lights between our systems and even utilize unstable Warp Routes we previously would have required Navigators to traverse.
(You can now construct Deep Space Beacons between your systems (2 Actions Total). Additionally, Unstable Warp Routes can be utilized without Navigators and stabilized with DSBs (2 Actions Per Route). Can be Upgraded/Chosen again.)

[] Hardened Seedbanks
There exists the ever-present threat of a planet being cut off from the Federation by internal turmoil, external forces, natural disasters, or other similar cataclysms. A danger that has slowly wormed itself into the minds of many defensive engineers and planetary commanders tasked with ensuring a planet can meet an enemy and hold until relief forces arrive. To remedy at least a portion of that danger, large bunkers have been dug into the ground, not to keep people safe but to hold seeds, plants, and agricultural equipment to rapidly grow enough food to feed a population after such a disaster should the current agricultural fields or facilities be destroyed by accident or intent.
(Planets can recover from orbital bombardment, sieges, and catastrophes without inflicting penalties on Food Production or requiring Actions to aid.)

[] Plump And Happy And Healthy
With more food comes cheaper food. Cheaper food allows people to buy more, eat more, and make better nutritional choices.
(Glimmerlings have their malnutrition reduced to near nothing for as long as steady food supplies and supply lines exist on and to their planets.)

[] Merchant Marine
With the increasing amounts of heavy industry available, a slow-rolling initiative to create a Merchant Marine for military matters has been green-lit, allowing a slow roll-out of troops from within the Federation to the outside, if at the mercy of fleet deployments to protect these lightly armored ships.
(20% of your Total Controlled Systems is converted to Transport Capacity independent of your Fleets.)

[] *Mad Binary Screeching*
*Madder Binary Screeching*
(Auto-Complete 1 [One] Random Research Project at 0.1 Progress Per Turn.)

[] March of the Machines
With a step, we deliver vengeance. With a knee, we shield our allies. With a roar, we defeat those daring to go against us. We are the wrath of the Machine Incarnate, for we are blessed to walk these worlds upon our legs forged by those whose hands adorn our amor. We are the doom of our foes reborn, for there are none that can deny our advance upon the hills and the cities, the forests and the swamps, the rivers and the mountains. We are the march of a thousand mechanical feet hitting the earth in unison and the last thing they shall ever see. That we swear.
(Improves the effectiveness of your War Walkers (To Date: Anansi, Angel, Karnivore).)

[] Drumbeat of the King
Though they are not always available within void stations, bunker systems dug deeply underground, Cenote Worlds, and in some other situations, the last argument of the King held sway when it was first made, and it does so now. With thunderous proclamations, grid coordinates are deleted, with rumbling speed, entire houses and bunkers are smashed apart, and with the glint of binoculars, formations are shattered. Artillery remains the King of the Battlefield, and we shall see that we will spend bullets before we spend lives.
(Improves the effectiveness of your Artillery.)

[] Hands of the Queen
"Ours is not to ask why, but to do and die." The slogan of any boot on the ground, be they the recently conscripted knowing not where the end and start of a gun are, or the elite veteran clad in power armor and armed with hotshot lasgun, a dozen campaigns upon their backs and within their minds. The humble infantry are the first in the door, the last to leave, the first to die, and the last to live. They are the linchpin of any plan and the weakest link in the chain. And yet they hold, yet they fight, yet they march upon the orders of their superiors to doom and glory, guts and gods snapping at their heels. Over trench and forest, through houses and swamps, within caverns and void stations, through the worst and the best, the humble infantry shall do and die.
(Improves the effectiveness of your Infantry Units.)

[] Rumble of the Brothers
Have you heard the good word yet, sibling? There is no need to fear the foe, no need to shy away from its malevolent glint and deadly weaponry, for you are blessed! Clad in several tons of armor, wielding weaponry that none can match upon any battlefield safe the God-Machines Themselves, you shall fear no mortal or immortal, no angel and no daemon, for you are clad in a hundred tons of adamantium and come bearing the mercy of the Star Child upon their foes!
(Improves the effectiveness of your Tank Units (To Date: Venerable Guardian Mk.1, Morrigan).)

[] Thunder of the Sisters
"Well, looks like shit hit the fan again, and the ground-pounders are asking us to bail their sorry asses out once again. Well, no sense in making them wait, is there? Let's fly and go at 'em, sisters! Maybe we can bag a round of drinks as thanks afterward...or a boyfriend for the crew; who'd be up for that?" Thule-2346 seconds before getting another reprimand for her lack of discipline.
(Improves the effectiveness of your planet-focused airstrikes and CAS.)

[] Mandatory Medical Education
A healthy society is a productive society. A productive society can advance. A society that advances needs does not fear the echoes of the past. Twice over, the medical services of the Glimmering Federation collapsed due to the burdens placed upon it, and twice over, the people relied on nothing more than their skills, as any additional medical attention was spotty at best. Fearful of what a third collapse could bring, the Glimmering Council has handed down a requirement to each member planet to teach every citizen the basics of medical treatment and first aid regularly, hoping that, even if it could never be used, a population capable of always treating the most common injuries and illnesses does not fall victim to the same when in need.
(Reduces Medical Service reductions when integrating or colonizing new systems.)

[] Widespread Augmetic Production
Sometimes, it is not wise to keep treating a person's flesh. Sometimes, removing a limb that cannot be saved or replacing one organ with another is necessary. Many times, the person in question does not have the time or wealth to wait for a replacement. No longer. With the continued investments of the Federation into its medical production capabilities, replacements for fallible and malleable flesh have begun to see a renaissance amongst its populations, millions now enjoying lives that had been forced into wheelchairs and beds, organs of metals pumping and filtering where flesh failed, limbs of striding iron power step after step. Nerves are steadied with electronic calculation from implants correcting what bodies cannot, and spines, once fractured, are whole again, as eyes see where no light could grace their blind gazes. Sight, smell, touch, hearing, holding, all are returned to those who had lost or never had those in the first place, with tears shed upon the simple pleasure of a step taken freely again, happening again and again for hundreds of thousands everywhere. Though for all that it is a breath of relief for the wounded and maimed, none can deny that a mechanical body that never tires does not have benefits in warfare, and it is not like volunteers are lacking...
(Widespread Augmetics improves civilians' livelihoods and the effectiveness of your SAGs and Navy while reducing casualties. Unlocks [Augmetic Legion]s for Recruitment.)

[] Logistical Production Analytica
With more information regarding the use and logistical challenges set against interstellar ship procurement and defense, our shipyards can be optimized to increase our output by a massive degree.
(Gain: 50% Increased Ship Production Rate)

[] The Wonders Of Economy Of Scale
"Look, the deal is simple. You buy a certain amount, I add a bit ontop, and we both make more money when the Fleet starts knocking on our doors on the Regular."
(Gain: Automated Production of Destroyers. 20% of total Action-given capacity. Must be directed.)

Hey, is the fact that the huge vote update doesn't have a threadmark deliberate?
If not then I would like to ping this for possible resolution.
I'd argue Jagahatii and Fulgrim were also pretty well adjusted. Fulgrim just got played very hard by the Goat's machinations.

Forgot about Jagatatii, Ya, Jagahatii Definitely counts as well adjusted. Not as sure about fulgrim, The guy felt like he has a bundle of Image issues even before the sword and his brothers started making it worse.

Really just reinforces my point, The Primarchs that Grew up with even a semblance of a good family unit, whether it be raised by the slaves as a community like Corvax was, Raised by the mongol expy's like the khan, Or just raised by good parental figures like Rouboute or Vulcan turned out as decently adjusted human beings (Well adjusted and mentally stable, I'm not going to say good, They went along with the great crusade afterall), even as Man made demigods of war born in a tube. I think, Given better landing areas, Any of the primarchs could have turned out well, It just happens that in the cannon universe, in the roll of the dice, like 16 primarchs Didn't get that chance, and as such like 14-15 are incredibly Maladjusted people.
[X] Corcrat Logistics Co.

[X] Federation Post

[X] Sutler Courier Services

[X] Caretaker's Wing Inc

[X] Iron Star Shipyard Union Association

[X] Schischi Family & Co.
Last edited:
[X] Schischi Family & Co.
-Grown from the nobility of Droma III, the Schischi company was founded hundreds of years ago, during the birth of the Glimmering federation. They meant to take advantage of the newfound peace present within the Archwan sub-sector and leverage the accumulated logistics expertise of the nobility of Droma III, developed over thousands of years of running ocean fleets. In the following time they followed the expansion of the federation, filling the voids of interstellar trade and developing expertise to manufacture products to met the demands of the people. Over time they learned that the demands of Federation were many, and the importance of flexibility to ensuring success. When medical care was sparse, the Schischi Company specialized in manufacturing and transporting medicine and medical instruments, then switched to building small mining vessels to help develop the federation's void industry. The motto of the Schischi company now is Adapt to the Demand of the Moment, and they will always stand ready to take advantage of novel opportunities.

Plan is for something flexible that can be switched from developing one thing to another with an action?

[X] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
[X] New Dawn R&D
Last edited:
[X] New Dawn R&D
[X] Federation Post
[X] Cobalt Terrapin Works
[X] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
[X] Corcrat Logistics Co.
[X] Iron Star Shipyard Union Association
that list includes MAYBE Vulcan provided we don't get to friendly with Eldar children he can BBQ
To be fair for that example, even after that Eldar Child committed perfidy and murdered one of his sons, and then tried to surrender again, he was still like; "What have I done?"
Thought he would be more self-aware than that.
Lol. Lmao, even. :tongue:
Hey, is the fact that the huge vote update doesn't have a threadmark deliberate?
If not then I would like to ping this for possible resolution.
That is intentional.
[X] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
[X] Penta-Co Faith, Security, and Fun Experts Incorporated
[X] Industrial Laborers of the Galaxy Safety Cooperative (Called "Wussies" after the organization that founded them.)
We really should work on softening our stance toward alien religions/societies that actually works against Chaos. We really don't want to come to blows with the Eldar for example. And going to war with the Tau sounds like a bad idea.

is not really negotiable
our religion actively blocks chaos,everyone else doesnt,they HAVE to convert in order to not be a threath

best we can do is either

1) neutral yet amicable relations where we dont attack them and ocasionally trade,but we dont allow them in our territory
2) syncrethism (where their beliefs are fused with ours so they slap the star child in their system of belief)

only group i can think can be excempt of this are tau and leagues of Vottan kin,because both have incredibly small souls that avoid most warp influence
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 18, 2024 at 12:35 PM, finished with 34 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
    [X] New Dawn R&D
    [X] Federation Post
    [X] New Dawn R&D
    -[X] A joint venture from survivors of Qualach's Forge and Kil'drabi engineers and scientists, New Dawn R&D is dedicated to the technological advancement of the Glimmering Federation, researching new ways to improve and adapt to the trials our people face.
    [X] Federation Post
    -[X] Originally limited to the Droma system, this private postal service has been quietly expanded to finally service all federation systems. Now for the first time ever Federation businesses have a means to deliver their products (somewhat) reliably to their customers in any planet within the federation without government support, massively opening markets and lowering needed bureaucracy and red tape from the establishment."Neither vacuum nor asteroid nor solar storm stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
    [X] Penta-Co Faith, Security, and Fun Experts Incorporated
    [X] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
    -[X] A smaller company that has grown rapidly in the wake of the explosion of civilian warp vessels, Green Horizons has gone from building specialist supplies for colonization efforts to organizing and funding said efforts themselves-with a generous helping of grants to scoot the work along, of course.
    [X] Triple Helix Genetics Unlimited
    -[X] Intent on spreading the practice of vat grown clone lines to less developed worlds, Triple H promises to genetically survey the entire Glimmering Federation to categorize and clone the best gene lines available. So far, their business makes it's money by selling designer kids to integrated nobility who want to ape the ways of the core station, the sale of off brand, civilian thules to planetary defense forces, and aiding colonization with bespoke gene mods. Small print warns that Education and training of cloned people, vital to the Thule's success, is the responsibility of the customer.
    [X] The Laurent
    [X] Sutler Courier Services
    [X] Caretaker's Wing Inc
    [X]Guard gardeners
    [X] Corcrat Logistics Co.
    [X] Iron Star Shipyard Union Association
    [X] Schischi Family & Co.
    [X] Corcrat Logistics Co.
    -[X] If there's one thing any veteran of the 1st Neumidia SAG can agree on, it's the importance of logistics, especially when noting the effects of the lack of Andromeda ships throughout the Federation's history. To that end the Corcrat Logistics Co. is dedicated to making sure the Glimmering Federation is well supplied, from the PDFs all the way to the mighty and Venerable Proof of our New Path Battlecolonies.
    [X] Shatter the flesh
    -[X] A radical augmetic corporation, founded by a monstrous union between heretic mechanicus, failing proletyzers and recently unemployed neon propagandists. Breaking with the normally insular mechanicus tendencies, Shatter the Flesh jumps hard on public information, aiming to tell everyone about the boundless possibilities of new technologies (please donate). Their rotating cast of public informers, wearing flashy new augmetics every other week, explains complex topics and how people are missing out if they do not buy the next big thing.
    [X] Sutler Courier Services
    -[X] Originally an alliance of smugglers who decided to go above board when the Imperium retreated. They made their fortune selling luxuries and delivering care packages to troops in the Archwan Sector, and as the Federation expanded so did their client base. Renowned for hiring the best and boldest of pilots who use their collective centuries of experience (on both sides of the law) to safely deliver their cargo with their most capable pilots boasting the ability to run through enemy blockades.
    [X] Organized Gentlegryn and Respectable Yeeni 'Ncorperated (O.G.R.Y.N)
    [X] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
    --[X] A smaller company that has grown rapidly in the wake of the explosion of civilian warp vessels, Green Horizons has gone from building specialist supplies for colonization efforts to organizing and funding said efforts themselves-with a generous helping of grants to scoot the work along, of course.
    [X] Jack and Trades All-Purpose Development Inc
    -[X] More a massive alliance of skilled laborers and small businesses than a proper corporation, Jack And Trades (originally founded by two men of the same names) have the resources to handle just about any construction or infrastructure job you might have need for-from farmland to hospitals, factories or foundries, mines or resorts, if it can be built, Jack and Trades can find the people to put it together for you-though the nature of the industry means that progress on a national scale is pretty damn slow.
    [X] Jack and Trades All-Purpose Development Inc
    [X] Cobalt Terrapin Works
    - [X] Originally a civilian shuttle engine company founded by the unlikely partnership between Kroop and Kruller: an entrepreneurial Yeeni and an Ogryn Bone'ead respectively. Through a series of obtuse trades and increasingly outlandish circumstances, the Cobalt Terrapin Works (CTW) eventually became a major ship manufacturer, with shipyards situated throughout the Federation. Mainly based in the End of Line station cluster, the CTW constructs a notable minority of the Federation's various voidcraft, but are most known for their efficient throughput on light cruisers. They've also started dabbling in ship designs, although few have been chosen as of yet. The company's heraldry consists of the shell of an ancient Terran reptilian (Kruller it found in a children's coloring book Kroop purchased for him) and colored in a deep blue (both of their favorite colors) with the Single Wing of the Federation affixed to the shell.
    [X] Worldbuilders Yeeni-tani
    [X]Guard gardeners
    -[X]Originally A farming and fortification/landscaping company that grew in size to include bigger projects and more divorce types of farms Sericulture aquaculture Fungiculture Esc.. and a growing interest in Terraforming and more interesting in natural defenses they are more than happy to Accompany the Environment and diets needs of the species that's a part of the federation and preserving unique ecosystems
    [X] Cobalt Terrapin Works
    [X] Industrial Laborers of the Galaxy Safety Cooperative (Called "Wussies" after the organization that founded them.)
569.M42 - Decades Of Labor
Though the advent of a Chaos Lord within the 621 Sub-Sector has begun to worry many of the Glimmering Federation's military planners, such information has not been released to the public to avoid panic and ill-advised outbreaks of demands to intervene right away despite the shaky military situation and power balance between the United Cults and the Federation, both in the void and on the ground.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that thanks to the Federation's much-lauded economic cooperation with the Ashan Families, the economically conscious portions of the nation have begun to notice that several dozen ships have been laid down within various yards that are not noted in the military's expenses nor in their open lists of vessels that are being added or removed from service.

Instead, these vessels have quickly been revealed by several large corporations of the Glimmering Federation to be the result of decades of labor and funds, offering not only themselves a titanic leap forward in competitiveness but also an opportunity to many glimmerings to purchase shares of the vessels to increase their fortunes. Some cynics have pointed out that this is likely an attempt to offload construction costs to third parties. Still, those are quickly silenced by the mass-stampedes of willing buyers seeking to supplement their income or secure the future of their families by owning a small portion of these vessels.

At the top of these corporations that seem poised to become true interstellar powerhouses stand three, each with the drive and ambition to become a powerful mover and shaker within the Federation as they seek the backing of the Councils in their ascent to economic titans.

The first of these three giants is Green Horizons Colonization LTD. It began as a small company producing colonization supplies in the early days of the Federation when the name 'Candle Keepers' was prevalent in more than history books. It then shifted to producing all the myriad products and machines required to uplift the incorporated Neon Systems, alongside offering social services to speed along their integrations.

The second is the New Dawn R&D company, initially a venture of survivors of the more specialized non-Techpriest caste from Qulach's Forge and Kil'drabi engineers servicing the vessels that saw them to safety, with the first initially shocked at the presence of Xenos before coming to appreciate their broad and comprehensive education which paired well with their specialized insights and institutional knowledge. Various planets have since employed them to solve multiple problems, yet they have always yearned to be more than they currently are. With a small fleet of outrider ships dedicated to research, both mundane and esoteric, New Dawn seeks to utilize their low operating costs and high income to the fullest potential as the scouts of new frontiers for the Federation.

Last but certainly not least is Federation Post, a shipping enterprise limited initially to operating within the Droma System. Still, they have slowly spread out their services to other Federation Systems in their quiet expansion. With their fat-bellied freighters and tiny cutters now poised to ply the lanes of the nation, Federation Post is sure to become the dominant shipping enterprise of the Federation. Delivering products (somewhat) reliably, ferrying customers and passengers, alongside messages not urgent or critical enough to warrant the horrendously steep fees of using a Celestial Choir, the markets of every planet are theirs to take by storm.

Choose One For Each:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] Integration Specialists
- Reduce the negative Development impact of integrating new systems.
-[] Resettlement Initiatives - Increases colonized worlds by 50% if the Action [Colonize Planet/s] is used.
-[] New Horizons Colony Charters - Colonize a random world at 0.2 progress per Turn as long as this ISC is sponsored.

[] New Dawn R&D
-[] Anomaly Identified
- Uncover Points of Interest (PoI) within and without your territory every Turn this ISC is sponsored. PoI include (but are not limited to) new colonizable systems, Economic Boons, Military Relevant Resources or Locations, and more.
-[] Experimental Outriders - If Two Actions are spent on research in the same Turn, add 0.3 Progress to your Banked Research for Two Turns.
-[] Steady Progress - Adds 0.1 Banked Research per Action spent on Research if sponsored.

[] Federation Post
-[] Merchant Fleet
- Reduce the cost of improving Heavy Industry by 50% (rounded down).
-[] Messenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Civilian Infrastructure by 50% (rounded down).
-[] Passenger Fleet - Reduce the cost of improving Medical Services by 50% (rounded down).

AN: Remember that in future turns you will be required to slot in which ISC you are now sponsoring to attain their perks. Also, no plan vote.
[] Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] Resettlement Initiatives
- Increases colonized worlds by 50% if the Action [Colonize Planet/s] is used.

colonzation goes brrr

[] New Dawn R&D
-[] Experimental Outriders
- If Two Actions are spent on research in the same Turn, add 0.3 Progress to your Banked Research for Two Turns.

research goes brrr

[] Federation Post
-[] Passenger Fleet
- Reduce the cost of improving Medical Services by 50% (rounded down).

I like medical stuff


I thought it was some kind of passive effect, yeesh.

-[] Experimental Outriders - If Two Actions are spent on research in the same Turn, add 0.3 Progress to your Banked Research for Two Turns.

I don't have much to Contribute on the other options, all of them look good, but i'm warry of this one. On the surface it looks really good, Giving .6 actions for every 2 actions, which is increased to a whole action by heretek, But thats the problem, We can barely utilize our heretek trait because of action crunch, finding 2 actions in order for this to be used? get real, we have gone multiple turns without even being able to put 1 into research. Its looks great, Because we can effectively get 1 free action for every 2 actions, but those actions need to be used on the same turn, and with our action crunch we can barely fit 1 research action.

If we dedicate to actually sprinkling in Turns basically dedicated to research, This is Amazing, But if we can't actually do two research actions on the same turn then its useless.
Voting is open