You know question for ya
@HeroCooky but how viable is it if we try to create a office/department of colonization that just automates colonization for us if we have say more then 3 spare choirs available at a time? That way we don't have to put actions into colonization and just let that work in the background?
If we were to write something up for that in detail could that be an action we could take.
I'd need to see that write-in, but it would be costly in terms of Actions.
But that's the upgrade at Civ-X, isn't it?
No, if a Trait says "Can be Upgraded," then you need to choose it so its Upgraded Version is available in the next Milestone of that category.
@HeroCooky one question about traits. For example, when we reach Civ Inf X, will we get the same two options we didn't pick at V and the upgraded form of the one we did pick or will we get the three upgraded options?
No, you will get other, more powerful, ones, alongside the Upgrade Version of an "Can be Upgraded" Trait if you chose one.
@HeroCooky can we learn what T'au chose for their all-5 (and maybe all-10)?
They took the 25 Actions and dumped them into research.
Mandatory in the no God but me way? Or Mandatory in the Roman we have other Gods as well but this one is on top way?
Mandatory in the "American Christian Missionary in the Colonization Period" way. You aren't going to wholesale slaughter non-believers if they don't immediately know all the intricate rituals and secret yo-yo tricks you have, but you will gradually push your faith onto them and start reaching for the clubs when push-back occurs too strongly for too long.
That being said @HeroCooky , how does the floor we have work now? Is it "You take penalties yeah, but they automatically increase back to your baseline without your intervention?"
What you said.
I don't expect traps in the traits either, but I wouldn't be surprised if a seemingly overpowered trait actually wasn't.
And Civilian Shipping and what we were told of ISCs very much seems to be.
Perhaps patronizing them just takes Actions like Jolly Economic Co-Operation.
The downside is that you have to choose one of the ISCs to activate/make use of every turn, with people naturally being argumentative about why XYZ ISC is better than 123 ISC if
that set of Actions is taken instead of
this set of Actions.
In other words; the other Questers are the downside.
Edit: They are also more narrow than people think? Its not going to be "Half-Cost to all Dev" but "Half-Cost to
this singular specific Dev" in terms of what one ISC focused on development would give you.
Chaos is... Generally not very smart. Powerful, but not smart.
Yes. Because they don't have to be 95% of the time. The other five percent? Horus Heresy.
Chaos can be plenty smart, patient, and resourceful. They are just lazy most of the time.
Did we not make our own version of the Inquisition to look out for Chaos infiltration already?
Fun Fact: Cerberus has already taken down 17 Chaos Cults within your territory! 🎉🥳🎉
Wait a minute aren't C'tan know as the star gods... Could the boosted faith trait rekindle the souls of Necrons...
LMAO, no.
Profilozof said:
Fair enough, I just realised that is minuscule chance that we stole Silent Kings ride
...UTTER Crack Omake Bounty:
Can't Have Shit In The Milky Way - [Crack]
That ship the Yeeni grabbed? Yeah, that was the Silent Kings vacation ride. And now he is stranded on a moon.
(Gain: One Pissed Off Necron. Utterly Non-Canon.)