The end of the Chaos Threat within Amratur is not merely a priority now, in 515.M42, but a reality that will soon become a reality. The Lamenters have already stated that their liberation of Hausen will not take more than another two years to fully ensure all remnant Chaos Cults have been wiped out, with projections regarding the war on Qulach's Forge likewise pointing to a swift resolution against the Forces of Ruin within the following year.
And that is where the tensions start.
Though the wider Mechanicum sees Qulach's Magi and Techpriests as liberal-minded, the members of the Qulach Orthodoxy are becoming less and less patient and able to grudgingly endorse the presence of those they deem to border on becoming Hereteks due to their dabbling in Tech-Heresy with the slow and gradual removal of threats and dangers to the Holy Machines of Qualch's Forge. Without a unifying enemy, their sensory instruments turn towards repairing the damages done to the manufactories, mines, smelters, and cities of the planet, with more than one of those already producing munitions that are, according to our Star-Mechanicum experts, suspiciously adept at breaking through Ion-shields.
Though our presence, and especially that of the Karnivore Knights, has managed to gather a small cabal of Techpriests and their Skitarii Maniples willing to fight for our cause (in exchange for several concessions within the tolerable margins), and now is the best time to strike as the majority of their defenses have been shattered, the fact remains that the fighting to incorporate Qulach's Forge will be...bloody. Very, very bloody.
If we choose to fight here and now.
Saget remains under threat by Nurgle, and the deployed SAGs could be better used rooting and burning out that blight upon the galaxy than dying for a world that will be extremely hostile to us in the best-case scenario.
The Choice Remains:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Honor Among The Forgotten
(Retreat from Qulach's Forge to focus down Saget. Any armed conflict with Qulach's Forge will be far bloodier, longer, and bitter.)
[] The Rewards Of Traitors
(Unto that bridge once taken by Chaos, re-taken by the Packs of War, now stormed by the Liberators of a world of industry.)
In other news, one of our scouts returned to friendly ports with information regarding the utter anarchy reigning in Sub-Sector 621, specifically about the Xeno Species that had been noticed years before.
Though the majority of information about them has been taken from intercepted broadcasts and translated with very dubious accuracy, the Xenos, which have managed to purge Vorskrit in the Megoxura system of Nurglite Rot, are called 'Mashan. They call their polity or navy/military the 'Mashan Temple Authority.'
Little else could be gleaned from the intercepted broadcasts, but their ships were...strange, to say the least. Unlike literally any other species encountered or known, the Mashan, or Mashan Temple Authority, has built their ships around a spheroid configuration, with a belt in the 'middle' of the spheres for engines, alongside various bristling weaponry-batteries slotted into the upper and lower portions, if said portions aren't studded with half-spheres themselves bristling with weaponry. Through their specifications and engine outputs, alongside a lone engagement against Chaos Ships, our specialists are confident that their technological sophistication is at Low Imperial at best and Warp Space with certainty.
Regardless, they seem to be the enemy of Chaos. The enemy of our enemy may not be our friend, but if guided correctly, they can be used to eradicate more of the Great Enemy.
On that note;
[] We Should Initiate First Contact.
(Attempt to establish First Contact with the Mashan Temple Authority.)
[] Only Observe For Now.
(Gather more information first.)
Though somewhat out of left field for those not in the loop or interested in the goings-on in the Yeeni Protectorate, the Yeeni have finished constructing a Light Cruiser Scout intended to expand their knowledge and fill in some blank spots on the map that their people have been interested in coloring.
On that note, though they have not demanded or asked for such a privilege, the Yeeni High Administration has indeed floated the idea of lending a Choir to speed up the scout's journey toward the frontiers to ensure his Five Year Mission to seek out the strange and unknown will not end barely out of the local stellar backyard.
What will we do?
[] Wish Them Good Luck And Pray For Their Health
(Gain a Light Cruiser Scout.)
[] These Are The Voyages Of The Starship 'Spirit Of Discovery'...
(Lose a Choir but gain a Light Cruiser Scout. Yeeni will like this.)