What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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And oh yeah Aramtur subsector is mostly clear of chaos with only Saget having nurgle left but well given that world is a grave-world it's going to take awhile to purge them from that world. So all that left then is convincing/converting all the former Neon worlds to our cause!

It means we're going to collapse on it with the critical mass of Goobers we need to dislodge them entirely, yeah.

The thing is, they can't really stop us, can they?

They cannot, no, their navy and SDFs are gone, we control the orbitals, and their best and most skilled are depleted or defected. The question is how difficult they intend to make the transition of power for us.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 6, 2024 at 10:09 AM, finished with 29 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Partial Standardization, Lawsuit Avoidance
    -[X] First, let it be known that the convocation on the matter considers all of the unique cultural differences within the faith, that do not rise to heresy, as key and vital to the great diversity and beauty. Whether they are the different human systems with their different traditions, or the Yeeni's unique art, we value the diversity of worship-places just as much as we value the diversity of ways to worship as long as it does not stray towards Chaos.
    -[X] However, the Convocation has decreed that the Droman tradition of Pentagonal churches is to be adopted in whole and part for all future churches, and even more so for the big cathedrals which have now begun to rise up as an expression of five-hundred years of Faith and a hope for a thousand more.
    -[X] Additionally, the communal aspect of Cathedrals means that there must be some elements of art that remain consistent at least in their direction. First, each Cathedral is to have at least one Stain-Glass scene, devoted to all Five aspects of the Godhead in some way, to be approved of by local communities. Second, a wall for murals of holy nature is to be created, with control of this given not to the priests but to small local councils of devoted laypeople who will determine which artists get the honor of working on them and how often they should shift.
    -[X] In addition, upon discussion with others, we reiterate the need for safety as well as speed in the construction of Cathedrals, and remind all that compliance with WUSSIES guidelines in building codes is not only suggested, but in fact MANDATORY, their lawyers have contacted the convocation at news of substandard building codes in newly acquired worlds. Lawsuits are to be avoided at all costs.
    -[X] All of that understood, the building materials and the exact dimensions of a Cathedral are to be up to the needs, economic and otherwise, of the community. However, it is to be understood that the place of baptism, and preaching, is to be in the exact center of the five-sided churches, such that it is equidistant to each of the Five.
    [X]Plan:The grandeur of the five cathedrals, each a testament to the 5
515.M42 - The Tensions Start
The end of the Chaos Threat within Amratur is not merely a priority now, in 515.M42, but a reality that will soon become a reality. The Lamenters have already stated that their liberation of Hausen will not take more than another two years to fully ensure all remnant Chaos Cults have been wiped out, with projections regarding the war on Qulach's Forge likewise pointing to a swift resolution against the Forces of Ruin within the following year.

And that is where the tensions start.

Though the wider Mechanicum sees Qulach's Magi and Techpriests as liberal-minded, the members of the Qulach Orthodoxy are becoming less and less patient and able to grudgingly endorse the presence of those they deem to border on becoming Hereteks due to their dabbling in Tech-Heresy with the slow and gradual removal of threats and dangers to the Holy Machines of Qualch's Forge. Without a unifying enemy, their sensory instruments turn towards repairing the damages done to the manufactories, mines, smelters, and cities of the planet, with more than one of those already producing munitions that are, according to our Star-Mechanicum experts, suspiciously adept at breaking through Ion-shields.

Though our presence, and especially that of the Karnivore Knights, has managed to gather a small cabal of Techpriests and their Skitarii Maniples willing to fight for our cause (in exchange for several concessions within the tolerable margins), and now is the best time to strike as the majority of their defenses have been shattered, the fact remains that the fighting to incorporate Qulach's Forge will be...bloody. Very, very bloody.

If we choose to fight here and now.

Saget remains under threat by Nurgle, and the deployed SAGs could be better used rooting and burning out that blight upon the galaxy than dying for a world that will be extremely hostile to us in the best-case scenario.

The Choice Remains:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Honor Among The Forgotten
(Retreat from Qulach's Forge to focus down Saget. Any armed conflict with Qulach's Forge will be far bloodier, longer, and bitter.)

[] The Rewards Of Traitors
(Unto that bridge once taken by Chaos, re-taken by the Packs of War, now stormed by the Liberators of a world of industry.)

In other news, one of our scouts returned to friendly ports with information regarding the utter anarchy reigning in Sub-Sector 621, specifically about the Xeno Species that had been noticed years before.

Though the majority of information about them has been taken from intercepted broadcasts and translated with very dubious accuracy, the Xenos, which have managed to purge Vorskrit in the Megoxura system of Nurglite Rot, are called 'Mashan. They call their polity or navy/military the 'Mashan Temple Authority.'

Little else could be gleaned from the intercepted broadcasts, but their ships were...strange, to say the least. Unlike literally any other species encountered or known, the Mashan, or Mashan Temple Authority, has built their ships around a spheroid configuration, with a belt in the 'middle' of the spheres for engines, alongside various bristling weaponry-batteries slotted into the upper and lower portions, if said portions aren't studded with half-spheres themselves bristling with weaponry. Through their specifications and engine outputs, alongside a lone engagement against Chaos Ships, our specialists are confident that their technological sophistication is at Low Imperial at best and Warp Space with certainty.

Regardless, they seem to be the enemy of Chaos. The enemy of our enemy may not be our friend, but if guided correctly, they can be used to eradicate more of the Great Enemy.

On that note;
[] We Should Initiate First Contact.

(Attempt to establish First Contact with the Mashan Temple Authority.)

[] Only Observe For Now.
(Gather more information first.)

Though somewhat out of left field for those not in the loop or interested in the goings-on in the Yeeni Protectorate, the Yeeni have finished constructing a Light Cruiser Scout intended to expand their knowledge and fill in some blank spots on the map that their people have been interested in coloring.

On that note, though they have not demanded or asked for such a privilege, the Yeeni High Administration has indeed floated the idea of lending a Choir to speed up the scout's journey toward the frontiers to ensure his Five Year Mission to seek out the strange and unknown will not end barely out of the local stellar backyard.

What will we do?
[] Wish Them Good Luck And Pray For Their Health

(Gain a Light Cruiser Scout.)

[] These Are The Voyages Of The Starship 'Spirit Of Discovery'...
(Lose a Choir but gain a Light Cruiser Scout. Yeeni will like this.)
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Hoo boy, that's a lot of options here.

But yeah, let's take a peek here.

[] Honor Among The Forgotten
We're not Traitors, and the writing is on the wall. We've gotten defectors and we've continually shown ourselves to be the Reasonable Ones. We're also growing stronger faster than they are. Adhere to the Deal and Kill Chaos

[] We Should Initiate First Contact.
Anyone who also adheres to the Dao of Killing Chaos is potentially a friend, at the very least, there's little profit to be made by poking along the edges.

[] These Are The Voyages Of The Starship 'Spirit Of Discovery'...
I am doctrinally required to encourage Star Trek memes invading 40K.
Hoo boy, that's a lot of options here.

But yeah, let's take a peek here.

[] Honor Among The Forgotten
We're not Traitors, and the writing is on the wall. We've gotten defectors and we've continually shown ourselves to be the Reasonable Ones. We're also growing stronger faster than they are. Adhere to the Deal and Kill Chaos

[] We Should Initiate First Contact.
Anyone who also adheres to the Dao of Killing Chaos is potentially a friend, at the very least, there's little profit to be made by poking along the edges.

[] These Are The Voyages Of The Starship 'Spirit Of Discovery'...
I am doctrinally required to encourage Star Trek memes invading 40K.

I sorta agree, but at the same time, like, they're going to take the victory and continue to do the fucked up things the Mechanicus does while building up their power and more. So, like, we probably should honor the deal, but we can in no way expect them to honor it in turn in anything but the very short term.
Are we doing the propaganda action then? If they don't agree to join directly that seems to be the way, because taking over planets just because doesn't seem like something the Federation would do.
Of course not, the real issue is that they can't magic resources out of thin air either, and a reputation for upholding your deals is a good one to have even if mostly everyone who you interact with takes advantage of it.

It'd be nice if sanity broke out, but we should behave with integrity regardless.
Honestly, if they (the Yeeni) find something REALLY, REALLY cool, that could be a pretty good reason to start moving them towards Kin status, even if we don't grant it immediately.
Actually, @HeroCooky , what's the situation in Grabstein? Can we just surround the fuckers and then accept their independence and know they'll have to play ball with us or voluntarily become Children?
They are mostly leaderless, their shits on fire, and people are scared. You can just make an Action sending your fleet to any Independent/Purple spot on the map of Amratur and declare yourself the Grand Poobah that now owns their shit. And they will likely answer with: "Okay, but please don't kill us!"
Honestly, if they (the Yeeni) find something REALLY, REALLY cool
*Star Trek Reference Intensifies*

*Star Trek Shenanigans Commence*
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Hoo boy, that's a lot of options here.

But yeah, let's take a peek here.

[] Honor Among The Forgotten
We're not Traitors, and the writing is on the wall. We've gotten defectors and we've continually shown ourselves to be the Reasonable Ones. We're also growing stronger faster than they are. Adhere to the Deal and Kill Chaos

[] We Should Initiate First Contact.
Anyone who also adheres to the Dao of Killing Chaos is potentially a friend, at the very least, there's little profit to be made by poking along the edges.

[] These Are The Voyages Of The Starship 'Spirit Of Discovery'...
I am doctrinally required to encourage Star Trek memes invading 40K.
Yeah I agree with this. Keep our word and sterilize Saget, unless the Forge is suicidal they likely won't try to attack us. We can incorporate everywhere else in the sector and then slowly work on trying to influence them into joining us.
I'm sorry, but IMO Leaving the Mechanicus to continue their standard treatment of menials is a betrayal of our own ideals. The conditions of a forge world are absolutely Horrid at the best of time, Leaving them for another hundred or so years just we we can come back later, patting ourselves on the back for not sucker punching them is a betrayal of the casualties that our armies will take against the renewed defenses AND a betrayal of our creed on how humans should be treated, because we are leaving another turn or 2 ( Generations) of mechanicus Menials in their conditions.

For what? The ability to pat ourselves on the back that we killed chaos, so we will leave and come back in maybe a turn because qulachs forge is STILL a enemy that we need to deal with, Because at the end of the day, They are still Mechanicus, Imperials who's treatment of humanity is abhorrent? Its a betrayal to the casualties our troops will take against the repaired defenses and the Generation upon generation that will serve and die as lubricant for the machanicuses gears.
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quhan is not going anywhere without imperial support,and as time passes either they go heretek (and indirectly align to us) or they double down in imperial dogma,wich will make them lag behind us in industry and technology

either way we will win

the question is the menials,is it worth to leave them in the hands of the admech?
Qulach ain't gonna last independent for long, considering we now own over half the freaking sub sector. I know I advertised for turning on Qulach not long ago, but we can probably afford to spare them for now and hope they see reason soon.

Make contact with the Xenia and hope they're up for converting to our side.

Don't see why we shouldn't toss a Choir towards the Yeni, never hurts to get closer to them.
so wait we can choose to leave the forge alone to kill chaos vs liberating the forge but stalling the chaos front?

Taking Qualach's Forge is going to be a long and bloody slog, especially since they apparently decided to divert forces from Killing Chaos to digging in to kill us when we got the upswing. It's just that turning on them now would mean we can skip making a landing and a beachhead.

We can't afford to do this and squash Saget at the same time, since Saget is going to be All Hands on Deck to suppress it quickly.

Practically speaking, Qualach's Forge isn't really necessary to our ambitions. Would it be ideal if we could liberate it? Damn right it would. Can we do this without someone else Getting Fucked? Probably not. I really don't want Nurgle to Do a Funni at Saget after all.
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At the same time, Sagat isn't that big of a deal. I'm not saying don't fight it, but it seems like we have it handled for the most part. Actually, I know that the sheets are already filled with info, but what kinds of populations are we looking at, @HeroCooky , on Forge, on the worlds we haven't incorporated, on Sagat, etc?
The thing is, they can't really stop us, can they?
No they can't but we're not the imperium and well at least try and honestly convince them to join. And if that fails then we use force.

And on the update I'm honestly leaning towards attacking the forge now that chaos is handled there and with Saget contained. Said Forge is now our biggest issue in the sub sector since I for one do not want a hostile forge in our backyard as we go about. Better then to attack while the iron is hot in my mind.
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Anyway, realistically, the major issue with Qualach's Forge is that they're stuck where either approach favors our interests. A single system physically cannot threaten a major starfaring power. Especially not with the absurd degree of Specialization inherent in Imperial Dogma where everyone has to be incapable of standing alone so that no one power can resist punishment. Either they find out they can't maintain their way of life without access to a multi-system Power to feed them manpower and material and choose to fade away rather than compromise, or they have to moderate anyway in order to survive which makes them more likely to realize it's bullshit. We have no obligation to give them freedom of travel through our borders given their belligerence, and after this, we will have them surrounded. They should lack the material to produce significant voidships due to being reduced to a Single Planet Power, and you can't just wish adamantium and other Voidship-grade exotics into existence from pure spite. Even Orks need metal and labor to put their shitty scrapships together.

At the end of the day, the cost--both in time and material--to force them into Compliance exceeds the level of good we could do with those resources elsewhere. So lock them in and let Reality Ensue.
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