Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.
Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.
Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.
Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.
Not Pictured: Non-Locations of Import.
Yay! They (partially)defeated Chaos, less work for us. Now let's hope they are friendly.It seems that the xenos of sub sector 621 have expanded their territory
You'll get more info on them in the update today, but I've made an entry for them in the [Discovered Species] info-tab.Please tell me our Scouts have a little more for us about the minor Xenos, even just what their ships look like, @HeroCooky
Oh, they're Wayfarers.Name: Mashan
Appearance: Unknown.
Age Range: Unknown. Unknown.
Technology Level: Warp Space to Low Imperial.
Psychological Compatibility: Unknown.
Physiological Compatibility: Unknown.
Chocolate Compatibleness: Unknown.
Short History: The Mashan Temple Authority has been waging a war against the Forces of Chaos in Sub-Sector 621 for an unknown amount of time, first being noticed by Scouts of the Glimmering Federation in 502.M42 from scattered tranmsissions, before one of their Armada's was seen in 515.M42 traversing from a conquered/liberated Megoxura to Ghedonion. They are assumed to be hostile to Chaos, on the grounds of the visible scars Vorskrit in Megoxura now bears after its cleansing of Nurglite Corruption.
That's your base, by the way. Your scale literally goes: Inherently Hostile -> Exists -> Cannot Leave Their System -> Our Protectorate -> Kin.
And oh yeah Aramtur subsector is mostly clear of chaos with only Saget having nurgle left but well given that world is a grave-world it's going to take awhile to purge them from that world. So all that left then is convincing/converting all the former Neon worlds to our cause!