So what I'm gathering is that we're about to lose a Med Service level, lol.
But also gotta define our policies on surrender and integration.
(Dealing with the risk that some of the rioters are imperial loyalists that gave up on preventing the uprising and want to infiltrate to screw us over)
But all in all... Neon is screwed.
Fuck. Quick replan some stuff!
Yes. Even if one planet surrenders we still need to destroy those shipyards, we can't physically take this system without major complications. So destroying the shipyards is still very much needed.
The question is can we take the planet without putting us in a bad position. The entire plan was made because we can't take these systems, so taking a planet and trying to uplift it and make it defensible, while the enemy is right there…
I don't think we should accept the planet unless we are willing to rework the entire plan.
Why not take the system?
Its gonna set us back infra levels, but if we can push and fortify Brigath, we wouldn't just pause the production of those planets for Neon, we'd out right deny them.
And unless there is something very special about Quintura Diablo system this could also speak volumes about the morale of Neon.
Every planet that we take stops giving resources to Neon. Every ship that surrenders is a ship Neon doesn't have to throw at us, without attrition to our fleet.
I mean, it kinda was our choice to ignore Med Services V in favor of getting a new ship-class. Like, don't get me wrong, it's a really cool ship class, but we made a choice.
Iirc, that didn't really make a difference in this, we would have had to reach Med Services V and keep it until end of turn to be awarded.
Losing Med Infra this turn would have prevented getting the milestone even if we had taken the Med Services V action.
How the fuck could we have anticipated "Quintura Diablo rises up in general revolt in our favor when we show up" though, given how literally every other time we've made contact with an Imperial held world that wasn't outright abandoned, they went Maximum Atrocity to deny us everything they could?
I'm... Uh, willing to take the surrender at face value though. Simply because this is not the kind of tactics that the Imperium is fundamentally capable of. So much of their horseshit is about Performative Piety that even a feigned surrender is just a step too far. Which makes me wonder "What the fuck line did Neon cross that an entire squadron decide to defect as one?"
Dunno, but probably related to the war against Chaos and us requiring resources and Neon pressing harder and harder on their planets to gain resources.
Which would just get worse for Neon with us taking the planets (Neon needing to press the remaining planets even harder).
Man. Being the good guys sucks.
Its giving us a win.