What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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. . . this is just asking for a random Ad Mech to look at the giant array of reflective mirrors and say
" lets arrange the mirrors so it shoots a massive laser at ships in orbit"
so you can add 1 part anti orbiting ship lance
we can add some other weapon platforms, so void shields and fortified inter structure to basically make it a fortress

I could see it Maybe happening on industry heavy planets, after its been present for a few hundred years and has under gone a couple renovation, But the idea was to make a Monument Cultural building that wouldn't be impossible for even a planet that is still growing to build, Hence why I kinda tried to keep it to the art and the bunker up when the planet is in danger so ortillery doesn't get a big beacon.

... Or a choir does something funky with the Big glowing Mirror pyramid and makes physics cry in the name of the star child
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[x] Plan: The 5 last steps of the departed
-[x] (Other) Post-battle arrangements:
After the battle was won and the Federation had triumphed, the solemn duty of the living is to deal with the dead. The first to go are those who died in the care of the medics, whose injuries were too much for the federation, their last sane words were recorded and sent to their home Lucerna (Latin: for lamp/candle) soon to be followed by those found on the battlefield and whose bodies were recognisable (or their parts). After those Martyrs' there are those who died in a way that made them impossible to identify beyond their membership to the federation, those are given their Right of Unknown Ashes on site the their ashes are stored all together in a number of urns are the multiple of the holy 5. The next are uncorrupted enemies of the federation, it is a sad truth that we will fight and kill the people who were led astray, their bodies will be given the Right of Foreign Ashes and souls prayed so the ENEMY be denied its unjust feast, ashes will be left behind and buried. Last, there are the Orks, the chaos and all who deserve no respect for their barbarity and evil, their bodies burned and ashes scattered in the uncarrying void of space.
--[x] Unfavorable cases: If the battle was lost and retreat ordered, all departed of the federation shall be given the Right of Unknown Ashes with abridged sermon and only 5 hours of body retrieval where and when possible, enemies left behind. Also, if even the battle was won, but the position is impossible to hold the departed shall be all burned but known shall have their separate urns.
-[x] Name: Favilla Bellum (Ember of War), Lucernas Familia (Lamp/candle of the family) and Stella Requiem (Rest of the Star)
(What will the places you will lay your honoured dead, those who died in combat and service to the Star Child? Be it with their bodies or without.)
-[x] Location/s:
  • Stella Requiem: The cemetery stations are built across the Federation
  • Lucernas Familia: The Temples built on the home planet, station or ship (if they have a constant population)
  • Favilla Bellum: The Shrines placed on the sites of the former battlefields (its size depends on the size of the battle)
-[x] Appearance
  • Stella Requiem: it is a station in the shape of the Sleeping Angel in the fetal position which orbits the local planet whose crystal wings surround the main body. The crystal wings direct the starlight of the local star inside the station with full orbit taking around 555 terran days, while also making said station look as if it restfully breaths in its sleep.
  • Lucernas Familia: The most diverse type of resting place of the departed, these buildings often take inspiration from the pre-existing local temples, but in general, they are built in a way that marks them as accommodating and worthy of respect. Those temples do not need to scream or show off their wealth because the solemn and quiet hymns that can be heard around them make people realise, 'this is a resting place of those who were willing to bet everything so their family and friends could live'.
  • Favilla Bellum: These most often present as semi-open 5-sided Gazebos with parks that make use of local nature as an inspiration to blend into a local area, yet they rest in the light for the longest time, with Statues depicting resting soldiers being placed across the surrounding area.
    • Favilla Bellum Vacuum: The sub-type of the Favilla built on the site of space battles, it is a station in the shape of a Lamp with a Burning Candle. It orbits the nearest Astronomical object with a stable orbit.

-[x] Inner Workings
  • Stella Requiem: The corridors of this station are filled with the sound of simple calm music that is accompanied by the light that is reflected by the crystal that fills the station walls and ceiling of the main 5 chambers which are formed into a long-forgotten starry nights (it was revealed in the dream of the first architect and unknown to them it is the copy of the night sky of the day when Emperor/Starchild buried his loved ones who died to protect him and others). Speaking of the said chamber it is where the faithful gather for prayer of thanks and sorrow for the martyrs, for their sacrifice is remembered yet the living wish they didn't need to die. In those chambers there is the 5-side monument made of the crystalise ashes of the forgotten on which the prayers of the living were left be they simple hand prints or engraved words of gratefulness. On one day once every full orbit the lights of the station align and lights create an illusion in the corner of the eye of people made of light who seem to be happy to see the living
  • Lucernas Familia: Despite numerous differences across the different Lucernas, they share the numerous reliefs made of deathmasks of the Martyrs whose eyes are made of the crystal made from their Ashes, with their names and deeds engraved shortly in the deathmask and the crystal eyes. The building itself is filled with mournful music and lit up by the combination of candles, natural light and the reflection from the crystal eyes.
  • Favilla Bellum: The main gazebo of the Favilla holds the crystal tree of the local descent and sets of wind chimes (instead of leaves) made from the 1/5th of Ashes of the Martyrs and Forgotten mixed together and set on the pedestal under which the ashes of the Forgein if there are any, are stored. The crystal wind chimes play a playful tune reminiscent of the soldiers who went on break or leave with reliefs of the battle on the walls broken up by the 5 openings to the surrounding park, often full of civilians who now can live in peace thanks to the Martyrs.
    • Favilla Bellum Vacuum: This is a simple affair be it because navy ship have their own Lucernas or because the Martyrs are already surrounded by the Stars, Vacuum is a station which is made to symbolise the bigger than live naval battles, the models of the ships involved dancing forever to a silent tune while they orbit the "flame" of lamp and manoeuvre between pillars of the station.
-[x] The Forgotten: After the Right of Unknown Ashes, the burning of all unknown bodies of the civilians and soldiers of the Federation, the 1/5th is left behind to undergo the Right of Crystallisation on site for the local Favilla, while the rest are send to undergo said process in the nearest Stella were they join the crystal wings as a 'feather' of the station and the rotation/queue of said feathers with the 5 crystal monuments of the main chambers of the station. On the day the station finishes its orbit when the living will start the personal prayers and thanks beyond the first engraved prayer speaking of the battle they fell in. The song will be sung, the tears will be shed, the smile will someday shine for those who made it so the living can do those things. And even those whose bodies were never recovered shall hear the grateful people, for even without the Right of Ashes, nor Right of Unknown Ashes, nor the Right of Crystallisation, they are given the Right of Heroes, the simplest and most powerful right of them all, the simple down to earth 'thank you, I will remember your sacrifice and live so someday others won't need to join you'. A right that can be done as many times as there are stars in the galaxy if not more.

-[x] The Martyrs: After the bodies of the martyrs are brought back to their home Lucernas Familia they are given the (slightly modified) funeral rites of their local culture before their body is burned during the Right of Ashes and turned into the crystal Eyes of their deathmasks during the Right of Crystallisation, after which they are interned in the Lucerna for the next 55 year, so their immediate family and friends may visit them without difficulty and share with them how their lives which they protected are going. After those 55 years, the deathmask is given to the family/friends (or stored in the crypt below Lucerna if nobody wants/can_have it) while the crystal eyes with the name of the martyr engraved on them are sent to the closest Stella where they join the other crystal eyes that make the starry nights of the 5 main chambers, where their descendants can proudly point to them as their guiding star.

-[x] (Other) Day of All Departed: When the local Stella makes a full orbit the local system/planet celebrates All Saints Day The Day of All Departed, while the Martyrs and the Forgotten are the main focus of the holiday, people who died of natural and other causes are also celebrated and prayed for.
-[] (Other) The secondary duty deaths: People who died from overwork, accident or sabotage while supporting a given campaign, be they clerks or factory workers are given martyr's rights, but 1/5th of their Ashes instead of joining a far away Favilla are used for local one where they join others who died on the homefront (some people say that the wind chimes made from their ashes are very unnerving to bad bosses and managers)

Author notes: By parks here, I meant somewhat open place of civilian relaxation in case people mention ice planets or hiveworlds
Is anything wrong with this, @HeroCooky ?
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Also, not important but my headcanon for the 5 people whose death are immortalised in the starry ceiling/domes of Stellas:
  1. Emps' mortal mother from something mundane
  2. His squire during his fight with the Void Dragon
  3. The last loyal Man of Iron who basically did Independence Day on the main computer of corrupted Men of Iron
  4. Malcador and/or Sangunius during the siege of Terra
  5. Future fuckery that I have no idea when, what and where it happens but it will
[X] Light the way oh honored ones
Candle Crypts
-[X] Location/s
Candle crypts will be built on a one per planet basis, Provided that planet has a large enough population to sustain one, if not, their dead will be routed to a crypt within the same system, Meant for remembering those who past away during combat defending the Federation, Or going above and beyond in their service of the glimmering federation.
-[X] Appearance
From the outside, The Candle crypts take the form of massive Crystal spires, Colors reflecting the Light of that planets sun to illuminate series of Stained glass style art peices, with the angle of the sun changing the illuminated pieces. from a distance, A Candle crypt looks like it poses 5 sides coming together similarly to a pyramid, Presenting 5 large Stain glass-esque murals when viewed from far away, but as one moves closer to the towering pyramid like structure, A person can see as hundreds of smaller facades, depicting acts of sacrifice and tales of heroism, Making up those larger art pieces to help demonstrate how the even the smallest of the honored deads action help create the whole.
Every year, The section of art are rotating, replacing the smaller art pieces were they will go into storage until it is their time to rotate back to being part of thelarger image, so as to make rom for new art and new depictions of the honored dead held inside.
-[X] Inner Workings
Inside the Candle crypt, Their are massive beacons, Used to illuminate the Candle crypts outer crystal shell during the night so that even when the sun sets, the actions of the honoured dead still shine on, a metaphorical beacon and a literal one.
Deeper in the inner workings traveling down under ground, the bodies of the honoured dead are cremated, with the carbon ash of their mortal coil then being used to help form the very crystal that forms the Candle crypts art, Being used to help form a depiction of what they had been fighting for, whether that be a heroic last stand, or a more melancholy piece of art. In this way, the candle crypt is both able to intern the honoured dead, and maintains a Vast capacity, such that it would take untold trillions of dead heroes before the candle crypt begins to worry about over crowding. In addition sit massive catacombs, Meticulously stored and organized pieces of art, waiting for the next time they will be rotated back unto the sides of the candle crypt to once more remind the people of the glimmering federation who they were, and what they fought for.
-[X] The Forgotten
Those who cannot be interned within the candle crypt are remembered through the art that the crypt demonstrates, Remembering the battles that they fought, the homes they gave their lives for, and the Star child who held their soul even as they pass indistinguishable from their mortal coil.
-[X] The Martyrs
The bodies of martyrs are used to form pure, clear diamonds, Diamonds which then form the outer panels of the very same beacons that light the candle crypt at night, Their pure light forever illuminating not only the sacrifice of the honored, but the glimmerling federation as a whole even under the darkest night. To ensure their action are not forgotten, The candle crypt will typically place exhibits of similar crystal art to the outer walls formed from normal crystals near these beacons, Telling the tales of the matyrs who form the Lanterns within the candle crypt.
-[X] (Other)
The monks who care for the candle crypt are, to a man and woman, expert crystal smiths and glass makers, each and artist of their craft, who work together with after action reports, the honored dead's family and both clergy and historians to form the piece of art that will depict the honoured dead, presenting a short form tale of their life and their honorable deeds that will be illuminated and forever more presented to the people who visit the Candle crypt, ensuring that they will never be forgotten.

During times of war and siege, The art is removed from the candle crypt's massive walls, and the beacon turned off and disassembled so as not to provide an easy target. The Stained crystals panels and Diamond Beacons panels are taken deep into the crypt, sealed off and protected to keep them save from defilers even as massive metal irises close on the wall of the crypt and large stone foundations lift, transforming the Candle crypt from a place of remembrance and light into a stout, heavily armoured structure designed to weather an orbital siege with its powerful walls and deep winding catacombs that render invaders lost, confused and easy targets for those taking shelter within.

[X] Plan: The 5 last steps of the departed

[X] Plan: let us meet again as Shimmering Stars
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[X] Plan: let us meet again as Shimmering Stars
-[X] Name
(What will the places you will lay your honored dead, those who died in combat and service to the Star Child? Be it with their bodies or without.)
--[X] Void structures are Angylariums
--[X] Planetary structures are Candle Crypts
--[X] (personally I like Shimmering Sanctuaries for some reason)
-[X] Location/s (Will it be one central location or multiple?)
--[X] Angylarium's will circle around the system's star. Should a system have two or more, they will instead either circle the primary star or be stationed within its center of gravity.
--[X] Candle crypts will be built on a one per planet basis, Provided that planet has a large enough population to sustain one, if not, their dead will be routed to a crypt within the same system
-[X] Appearance (How do these location/s look like from the outside?)
--[X] Angylariums take the appearance of a winged humanoid whose legs have been embalmed and who does not possess arms. Instead, two (5 is our holy number, not 2) massive wings extend from the station and circle around itself as if to embrace those who come to visit. Example1. Example2.
--[X] Candle crypts take the form of massive Crystal spires, Colors reflecting the Light of that planets sun to illuminate series of Stained glass style art pieces, with the angle of the sun changing the illuminated pieces. from a distance, it poses 5 sides coming together similarly to a pyramid, Presenting 5 large Stain glass-esque murals when viewed from far away, but as one moves closer to the towering pyramid like structure, A person can see as hundreds of smaller facades, depicting acts of sacrifice and tales of heroism, Making up those larger art pieces to help demonstrate how the even the smallest of the honored dead's action help create the whole. Every year, The section of art are rotating, replacing the smaller art pieces were they will go into storage until it is their time to rotate back to being part of the larger image, so as to make rom for new art and new depictions of the honored dead held inside.
-[X] Inner Workings (How do they look from the inside?)
--[X] The Angylarium's inner appearance harkens to ancient mausoleums, with steps taken to dampen the noises of visitors at every moment. Candles can be lit in shrines throughout the station, and small churches offer places for solace and for mourners to pray within.
--[X] Inside the Candle crypt massive beacons are used to illuminate the Candle crypts outer crystal shell during the night.
Deeper in the inner workings under ground, the bodies of the honored dead are cremated, with the carbon ash then being used to help form the very crystal that forms the Candle crypts art, Being used to help form a depiction of what they had been fighting for, whether that be a heroic last stand, or a more melancholy piece of art. In this way, the candle crypt is both able to intern the honoured dead, and maintains a Vast capacity, such that it would take untold trillions of dead heroes before the candle crypt begins to worry about over crowding. In addition sit massive catacombs, Meticulously stored and organized pieces of art, waiting for the next time they will be rotated back unto the sides of the candle crypt to once more remind the people of the glimmering federation who they were, and what they fought for.
-[X] The Forgotten (How will those who cannot be given a grave be remembered?)
--[X] At the entrance of each Angylarium, there will be massive monoliths that visitors must pass to enter, and each one's surface is adorned by handprints painted onto their surface by the very same. Prayers of protection and gratitude are etched onto their surfaces, and the monoliths are removed only once they have been filled. Once that happens, these monoliths replace one of the blank feathers of the Angylarium's wings and, thanks to radiation-resistant paint, will be able to show the painted marks of life for generations.
--[X] Those who cannot be interned within the candle crypt are remembered through the art that the crypt demonstrates, Remembering the battles that they fought, the homes they gave their lives for, and the Star child who held their soul even as they pass indistinguishable from their mortal coil.
-[X] The Martyrs (How will you pay homage to your Martyrs?)
--[X] In the Angylariums, A name and a mask, one fashioned after their face, hang over a tablet underneath an urn filled with the ashes of their body. These tablets contain their life and the prayers of all who visited and wished to enter them into their memory. Blessed incense slowly burns within each shrine dedicated to fifty-five Martyrs.
--[X] in the Crypts, The bodies are used to form Diamonds which then form the outer panels of the very same beacons that light the candle crypt at night, Their pure light forever illuminating not only the sacrifice of the honored, but the glimmerling federation as a whole even under the darkest night. To ensure their action are not forgotten, The candle crypt will typically place exhibits of similar crystal art to the outer walls formed from normal crystals near these beacons, Telling the tales of the matyrs who form the Lanterns within the candle crypt.
-[X] (Other) (Something you wish to add.)
--[X] The faithful are encouraged to aid in the cleaning and upkeep of an Angylarium.
--[X] machine spirits are installed to both void and planetary structures to help manage them
--[X] both void and planetary structures with be lined with shields, have fortified & multilayered structures, guns and weapons line the walls (can't have our enemies shoot our Dead)
---[X] Angylariums will have drone swarms lined with solar panels to harvest sunlight for energy, which can then be used to power the structure
---[X] Angylariums will have engines to help maneuver around the system (typically on standby as it should remain in orbit) and Gellar fields in case they need to travel to another system
--[X] The monks who care for the candle crypts are expert crystal smiths and glass makers who work together with after action reports, the honored dead's family and both clergy and historians to form the piece of art that will depict the honored dead, presenting a short form tale of their life and their honorable deeds that will be illuminated and forever more presented to the people who visit the Candle crypt, ensuring that they will never be forgotten.
--[X] During times of war and siege, The art is removed from the candle crypt's massive walls, and the beacon turned off and disassembled so as not to provide an easy target. The Stained crystals panels and Diamond Beacons panels are taken deep into the crypt, sealed off and protected to keep them save from defilers even as massive metal irises close on the wall of the crypt and large stone foundations lift, transforming the Candle crypt from a place of remembrance and light into a stout, heavily armored structure designed to weather an orbital siege with its powerful walls and deep winding catacombs that render invaders lost, confused and easy targets for those taking shelter within.
--[X] there the option of bodies being returned to the planetary biosphere or be launched into the solar body(ies) of the individuals home system. "lets met again as stars"

[X] With Gentle Wings Embrace'
[X] Light the way oh honored ones
[X] From Many, One; From One, Many
[X] Plan: The 5 last steps of the departed
[X] From Many, One; From One, Many
-[X] The Repositiories of The Found, for is it not said that one-fifth of the Godhead are those living faithful, the body of the faith, and yet when a body dies the soul carries on, and so those who have died are not Lost, but are instead Found by the Star Child and all of the Five, embraced within us.
-[X] Each system should have its own, located in such a way that all can access it, given details to honor the particular traditions that have become common, whether the Yeeni's valuation of bones not just as food but as a sign of care, from the ancient times, or the habit among some in Dromar to place a coin minted with a likeness of they who was loved, or the Station habit to compose poems in Binary for the dying.
-[X] While there will be details that will be changed from system to system, each structure holding the memorial to the dead is to be five-sided, and to be bedecked with psalms and scriptures. On holy days songs of martyrdom and faith must be sung here, and these are not to be forgotten places, but places where all those who celebrate, and as part of it, as part of the memory: handprints of the dying and the found, memorialized forever...
-[X] Inside the structure, whatever its details, the graves are to be modest. The name, a death mask, and whatever individual qualities preserve one. Some people embalm the dead, others call sacred their bones, and some burn into ashes or even nothing, thinking no body at all is a greater memorial. These dead, if details are available, are to have space cleared for those who loved them to bring prayers, to bring flowers, to bring all that they want and need.
-[X] A Wall is to exist for all those who cannot have a grave, embedded with names if they are had, and if not handprints and the symbol of the 'lost' who shall one day be found, an embalmed wing humanoid, wings coming together to shelter all the galaxy. It is said that those who are Tombkeepers sometimes dream of these beings, as if they are piece by piece being embodied.
-[X] On one day each year, on top of any holy days, it is declared the Day of the Found, by which those who have passed on must be honored, and on top of that holidays are to be created to celebrate the Venerable, Blessed, Saints and Martyrs in turn, these days to be a gift from the dead to the living, for both celebration and mourning, and for release from the duties of the world for a day as living and dead meet.
-[X] To keep up these shrines is a holy service, and those who do so are deemed faithful. Already an Order has begun to be formed, the Order of the Tombkeepers, monks and nuns and more who dedicate themselves to this task and by doing so also serve as the 'funeral directors' for various systems, their role having expanded over all these many decades without formal guidance.
So, I'm curious now that we've collapsed that wave function, how many turns did we have before that particular time bomb went off?
It's been 162 years since that has been introduced. Out of the three Faith Actions lying there, the [How do we deal with Edge Case Funeral Rites] one is not the one with a ticking timer. :V
Is anything wrong with this, @HeroCooky ?
Not that I can see.

Also, it's like...1:20 AM here. So...night!
So, did you decide on them being the Principality of ZNeon when we picked a Federation name, or was that always the case?
No, I just workshopped about a good name for this Imperial Enclave and got fixated on the Pricipality part, leading to me adding Neon because I didn't wanted to bludgeon you too hard with the [Bad Guy Here] sign. Just a little, ya know? :V
It's been 162 years since that has been introduced. Out of the three Faith Actions lying there, the [How do we deal with Edge Case Funeral Rites] one is not the one with a ticking timer. :V
Not that I can see.

Huh *looks back to his own previous comments on how the faith militant action gives a proper organized outlet stops idiots from self-organizing and doing themselves*
Feeling weirdly prescient, Probably should have thought of this sooner.

What was the third one aga-
[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown

The Faith militant one is the more obvious time bomb, but Nailing down the psykana use doctrine of the Cult was probably pretty important. We have now had 162 years of an undefined doctrine probably leaving to Doctrinal drift which means that it might be harder to reconciliat them? Either way, Psykana use-doctrine and how to deal with outside psykers seems pretty important given psykers are one of those things that can pop off and kill a planet, even if we have a good way to stop that.

Can everyone stop being on fire for 2 turns so we can sort our shit out!
Huh *looks back to his own previous comments on how the faith militant action gives a proper organized outlet stops idiots from self-organizing and doing themselves*
Feeling weirdly prescient, Probably should have thought of this sooner.

What was the third one aga-


The Faith militant one is the more obvious time bomb, but Nailing down the psykana use doctrine of the Cult was probably pretty important. We have now had 162 years of an undefined doctrine probably leaving to Doctrinal drift which means that it might be harder to reconciliat them? Either way, Psykana use-doctrine and how to deal with outside psykers seems pretty important given psykers are one of those things that can pop off and kill a planet, even if we have a good way to stop that.

Can everyone stop being on fire for 2 turns so we can sort our shit out!

Something is always on fire. We just have to use the buckets as best we can.
Something is always on fire. We just have to use the buckets as best we can.

I would settle for nothing outside of our border being on fire so we have a chance to put out some of the internal fires, But given the cloned astropaths and hints of shit-squid tampering, That's unlikely :cry:

God, I really want Infantry research next turn, Especially if neon explodes in Chaos from the astropaths, Because it would help mitigate the fact that our men are being thrown at CSM and deamons, but From the sounds of it, Those faith actions need done sooner rather then later. Uggggh.

... On the upside, if can find the actions to pair the Faith militant with the infantry research, We can probably sort out our own version of SoB's at the same time... I like the Nuns with Guns ascetic ok, I just hate their attitude.
I would settle for nothing outside of our border being on fire so we have a chance to put out some of the internal fires, But given the cloned astropaths and hints of shit-squid tampering, That's unlikely :cry:

God, I really want Infantry research next turn, Especially if neon explodes in Chaos from the astropaths, Because it would help mitigate the fact that our men are being thrown at CSM and deamons, but From the sounds of it, Those faith actions need done sooner rather then later. Uggggh.

... On the upside, if can find the actions to pair the Faith militant with the infantry research, We can probably sort out our own version of SoB's at the same time... I like the Nuns with Guns ascetic ok, I just hate their attitude.

I will never say no to ladies in power armor.

That aside though, yeah, we're booked solid for a while unless we want to stop our Medical climb. Not Good. And our expansion has mostly ground to a halt until we have more Choirs as well.
I would settle for nothing outside of our border being on fire so we have a chance to put out some of the internal fires, But given the cloned astropaths and hints of shit-squid tampering, That's unlikely :cry:

God, I really want Infantry research next turn, Especially if neon explodes in Chaos from the astropaths, Because it would help mitigate the fact that our men are being thrown at CSM and deamons, but From the sounds of it, Those faith actions need done sooner rather then later. Uggggh.

... On the upside, if can find the actions to pair the Faith militant with the infantry research, We can probably sort out our own version of SoB's at the same time... I like the Nuns with Guns ascetic ok, I just hate their attitude.
Our infantry equipment is already on the highest end of Imperial Guard equipment. If we are facing CSMs we'd be having the Lamenters supporting us so I'm not too worried about CSMs. Faith actions are significantly more important than improving our already high quality infantry equipment.
Voting is open