Mmm, so we'd need more Cruxes to hold the line, or a dedicated vanguard line warship if we're not going to rely on the Kil'drabi to serve that role, but for the most part, our doctrine works out. Good to know.
How's the salvage going to pan out? Is it just going to be Research Discounts or just straight up getting new stuff added to our list? Another question, are we going to get data on the enemy's disposition, given how we just utterly facerolled a major incursion and kept hitting them until they died? (As well as capturing at least one fireship intact... Actually, good point, that's a fully intact transport ship, would that unlock a dedicated transport ship project to get our internal economy humming along? Even if it was rigged to blow, we managed to stop it from doing that, so we took it completely intact.)
Ah, one last question, Would we have the budget to refit two Tauruses and a Libra with a single refit action, if we were to design the Super Taurus next turn and do the refits the turn after?