What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
For the Yeeni matter, I'm leaning toward the Tertiary posting. The Yeeni are still working through the various shocks from contact with the Federation after all. Best to work them up slowly. Plus it gives them a chance to experience working on proper Warp ships (military transport or otherwise).
I mean, it's already been more than half a century and a whole Yeeni lifetime, how much longer are we going to wait? We're not forcing them to do something they don't want to do and it's not like we're throwing them at the really terrifying stuff like Chaos, Drukhari or Tyrannids. If they are eager to prove themselves and to strike back at the ones who have terrorized them for over a millennia all the while being really receptive to us with not much evidence of deep Chaos corruption, who are we to stop them from getting the chance to become our Kin and seek justice?
Yes to the latter. If you want them as a SAG and are concerned about them just getting butchered, just make it a 4/4 Heavy Tank SAG?
It's less so much that I'm specifically worried about getting butchered per se, but there's a pretty steep learning curve to any kind of military activity, so seeding new recruits into experienced units where they have veterans to learn from and look towards is generally good policy, and I figure the same applies to the cultural integration into the wider Federation, basically getting them immersion learning rather than segregating their units from the rest of the military.
They are demanded ing to fight,,, Shoving them out into a SAG and expected them to operate as well as one of ours isn't fair to them or us, but if they WANT to fight, How can we truly say no? It does neither protector nor those protected good if we protected them even when they ask to help.

[] Allow Secondary Involvement.

I say allow them secondary involvement. It gives them time to see what our military entails, it lets them actually help us, it lets them get a taste for what the galaxy is like ad it gives every a chance to get ready to actually form a proper SAG that will be as good as its contemporaries instead of something unfair to both of us. We can always Form a sah later, but let them get their feet wet first.

If not, Then I will probably advocate for a full SAG. They want to fight, they want to help, if we say no that does neither of us good.
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To those wanting to put the Yeeni on secondary positions;

Who would you rather have them fight their first battle? Because when you look at 40k factions, the only one better than the Imperium is the Tau.

So I think sending their first SAG against orks would actually be worse, and nevermind Chaos or Drukhari.
I feel like their culture will need more than a single of their life times to properly adapt to being part of an interstellar polity. There's just so many issues that I can see going wrong of the Yeeni pigeonholing themselves that the only way they can contribute is by fighting being one of them. I just feel like they need time to properly adapt and grow up on their own before bringing them for our wars.
They are demanded ing to fight,,, Shoving them out into a SAG and expected them to operate as well as one of ours isn't fair to them or us, but if they WANT to fight, How can we truly say no? It does neither protector nor those protected good if we protected them even when they ask to help.
I doubt we would be just shoving a rifle in their paws and then kicking them out to the frontline. Remember that we have decade long turns and even if it is currently the 8th year of the current turn, they could still get 2, maybe 3 or 4 years of training before we ship them out.
That's a pity. Was hoping we get some of that genius tempered by the Star Child's compassion.

Also hope we get some tech we don't got.

It was a little hard to tell from which side the battle was being narrated at times.

[] Allow Secondary Involvement.
[] Create The 1st Protectorate SAG.
I am good with either. I think we can trust them fully but also worried that our tech is too high for them to clear yet.
Secondary I think, good enough to let them feel like they're Halping, but not actually throwing them into the meat grinder yet. We'll see how that works out first before we get into the weeds of things.
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I feel like their culture will need more than a single of their life times to properly adapt to being part of an interstellar polity. There's just so many issues that I can see going wrong of the Yeeni pigeonholing themselves that the only way they can contribute is by fighting being one of them. I just feel like they need time to properly adapt and grow up on their own before bringing them for our wars.
Are we the judges of when they have grown up enough though? That's a very paternalistic attitude, when they are making their desires very clear. They've suffered cullings for I don't currently recall how long, and finally having a chance to fight against people very much aligned with the perpetrators of those cullings could be very helpful in overcoming what's no doubt a race-wide trauma.
Also, when would you consider them ready to join the frontlines? They have already spent 60 years as (junior) members of our federation. If they are considered adults at 20 that's three whole generations that have known nothing but life as a member of the Federation.

Why should we not let them join the frontlines?
Just because we can put them on frontline does not mean they have to form the tip of the spear.
Make them part of the attack and keep them on flanks is an option.
It's less so much that I'm specifically worried about getting butchered per se, but there's a pretty steep learning curve to any kind of military activity, so seeding new recruits into experienced units where they have veterans to learn from and look towards is generally good policy, and I figure the same applies to the cultural integration into the wider Federation, basically getting them immersion learning rather than segregating their units from the rest of the military.
Well, you can also pair them with Human/Ogryn/Kil'drabi Units if you so wish. They will get at least several years of training to use their tools and weapons (and not like your soldiers actually understand how their stuff works if that isn't their job either) to the level you demand of a Unit.
All that aside, this was the first major engagement of our current Fleet. Any chance you could give us some info on how our ships performed @HeroCooky ?

Are there any that need an urgent rework like the Sagi did? Or are they all broadly doing their jobs as intended, with the major standouts being the Super Aries and the Super Libras?

Was there any major stumbling block that our strike craft were running into? This was massively higher losses than the entire Ork campaign in a single engagement, and I'm not sure how much of that is just "Orks are garbage at shooting and strike craft" and how much is running into a doctrinal blind spot?
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[] Allow Secondary Involvement.
Depending on their performance they can field their own SAG in the future. Sadly, i wont be awake for the actual voting
So I know this would be a waste of an action , but I want to send the neons a letter to stop calling us heretics and tell them we're going to send them to the emperor directly via angels of death.
  1. We have the emperors angels of death, and they vouch for us and denounce you so shut up
  2. We have uncovered and sanctified a Karnivore (a chaos pattern) STC with the light of the god emperor
  3. The emperor/omnissiah has blessed us with 2 divine void weapons upon a destroy design, your ships lack his divine touch
  4. You don't train your Psykers in groups of the god emperors holy number, nor do you aid the deceased to reach the emperors light
    1. The fact you allowed human souls to be left to the Daemons, we know you just ignorant but seriously pray more
  5. We didn't attack you, you attacked another human world and planned to use exterminus weapons; it doesn't matter if it was from the order of an inquisitor or whoever is in charge, that seems like a heretic has taken over so we gonna send some astartes to investigate.
  6. TLDR; good news traitors we can send your souls to the emperor, no need to fear the dark gods , the emperor will do so in their stead, he's most merciful to accept you after your betrayal. Of course you got to repent for your sins.
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All that aside, this was the first major performance of our current Fleet. Any chance you could give us some info on how our ships performed @HeroCooky ?
They did the equivalent of kicking a dude in the balls and then teabagged his curled-up body while playing "Carameldansen" at full blast from a ghettoblaster held over their head.

In less jokey terms, they did broadly as intended, and had the synergy desired, especially with the Pacts acting as Line Holders.

And your fighter casualties were 6% because you were that good. They'd be ~30% if you hadn't juiced your Thules up with all the boni available. Fighter combat is just that horrifically deadly in 40k.
They did the equivalent of kicking a dude in the balls and then teabagged his curled-up body while playing "Carameldansen" at full blast from a ghettoblaster held over their head.

In less jokey terms, they did broadly as intended, and had the synergy desired, especially with the Pacts acting as Line Holders.

And your fighter casualties were 6% because you were that good. They'd be ~30% if you hadn't juiced your Thules up with all the boni available. Fighter combat is just that horrifically deadly in 40k.

Mmm, so we'd need more Cruxes to hold the line, or a dedicated vanguard line warship if we're not going to rely on the Kil'drabi to serve that role, but for the most part, our doctrine works out. Good to know.

How's the salvage going to pan out? Is it just going to be Research Discounts or just straight up getting new stuff added to our list? Another question, are we going to get data on the enemy's disposition, given how we just utterly facerolled a major incursion and kept hitting them until they died? (As well as capturing at least one fireship intact... Actually, good point, that's a fully intact transport ship, would that unlock a dedicated transport ship project to get our internal economy humming along? Even if it was rigged to blow, we managed to stop it from doing that, so we took it completely intact.)

Ah, one last question, Would we have the budget to refit two Tauruses and a Libra with a single refit action, if we were to design the Super Taurus next turn and do the refits the turn after?
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And your fighter casualties were 6% because you were that good. They'd be ~30% if you hadn't juiced your Thules up with all the boni available. Fighter combat is just that horrifically deadly in 40k.

Again: our elite pilots are very elite. I get the sense we're going to be known for really nasty armored units and fighters, somewhat mediocre infantry, and a diverse and very problematic bunch of Xenos auxiliaries. Sorta like the tau, but we don't suck in melee and have really good psykers in exchange for not having their bullshit guns.

Actually, how would the Tau feel about us? We're religious, which I'm pretty sure they'd find weird, but we're humans who are not actively trying to kill them and are generally at least polite. I think we'd get along, really.
Mmm, so we'd need more Cruxes to hold the line, or a dedicated vanguard line warship if we're not going to rely on the Kil'drabi to serve that role, but for the most part, our doctrine works out. Good to know.

How's the salvage going to pan out? Is it just going to be Research Discounts or just straight up getting new stuff added to our list? Another question, are we going to get data on the enemy's disposition, given how we just utterly facerolled a major incursion and kept hitting them until they died? (As well as capturing at least one fireship intact... Actually, good point, that's a fully intact transport ship, would that unlock a dedicated transport ship project to get our internal economy humming along? Even if it was rigged to blow, we managed to stop it from doing that, so we took it completely intact.)

Ah, one last question, Would we have the budget to refit two Tauruses and a Libra with a single refit action, if we were to design the Super Taurus next turn and do the refits the turn after?

We definitely need a vanguard light cruiser or cruiser that heads up the Crux frigates (preferably a very macrocannon heavy brawler to beat down shields for our bombers to exploit) since we really don't want to use the Kil'drabi battlecolonies if we can help it due to them being mobile colonies on top of being warships.
How's the salvage going to pan out? Is it just going to be Research Discounts or just straight up getting new stuff added to our list? Another question, are we going to get data on the enemy's disposition, given how we just utterly facerolled a major incursion and kept hitting them until they died?
Wait until tomorrow to find out! :p
Alectai said:
Ah, one last question, Would we have the budget to refit two Tauruses and a Libra with a single refit action, if we were to design the Super Taurus next turn and do the refits the turn after?
Depends on the Taurus Refit. If it is a single module, yes. If not, no.
Actually, how would the Tau feel about us?
They'd still look down on you, but that is par for the course for them (T'au Empire, not Farsight Enclaves. They'd be confused as heck), with a major undertone of "The Stoopid Monky Have Learned To Ape People. Novel!"

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T'au aren't much better than the Imperium, they're just better at hiding it behind good PR. At the end of the day, they might not be actively xenocidal, but you never see an Auxillary end up in a position of real influence in the T'au Empire. And there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that the entire thing is backed up by at least some degree of mental influence like the whole bit where they give a "Translator Device" and all of a sudden an extremely hostile insectoid race is perfectly willing to join with the Greater Good. (That also has something to do with their plot armor, like that entire story that takes place where every type of Imperial Assassin takes a swipe at an Ethereal backing an invasion of an Imperial world, and every single one of them fails due to some degree of Suspicious Coincidence--like "Instincts" of a bodyguard somehow detecting a Vindicare lining up a shot and zeroing in on them before they can take the shot. And yet the Culexis just walks in, and while everyone feels weirdly apprehensive when it's nearby, nobody notices them despite them identifying things that were much more subtle before the Ethereal was in any danger, they murder the Ethereal without issue, and then leave.)

Farsight clearly figured something the fuck out when they got isolated from the Ethereals for a while, after all.
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Again: our elite pilots are very elite. I get the sense we're going to be known for really nasty armored units and fighters, somewhat mediocre infantry, and a diverse and very problematic bunch of Xenos auxiliaries. Sorta like the tau, but we don't suck in melee and have really good psykers in exchange for not having their bullshit guns.
And we can make our pilots even better if we start researching better fighters for them to use