What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Any ruling on the Warp and the nature of Gods etc etc etc I do, all that is purely for this quest and timeline. I am heavily leaning on fanon I like and my own headcanon here for the finer aspects behind the curtain, so do keep that in mind. Like, many aspects of the Star Child were stolen borrowed from a story with a benevolent Warp Goddess being born and halping around while being adorable. I have since lost the story. : (
Yeah Warhammer 40k lore is conflicting enough as is given all the authors involved and how GW will change things at a drop of a hat, that it's usually a good idea to just pick and choose what to use. And as long as it fits the theme/vibe/narrative of a quest then it shouldn't really be an issue. And that's not even getting into the mess of Fandom is at times lol.
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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 29, 2024 at 2:24 PM, finished with 56 posts and 29 votes.
019.M42 - Information Required
Having been charged with creating a military structure and blueprint to follow in the decades to come, Thule-Omicron 55 went to work drafting up what would be needed, what wouldn't, and which problems and questions had to be overcome and asked.

Unfortunately for all involved, the above sentence could be answered by her with: Guns, luxury, Psykana Experiments, and what the military was asked to do.

Or, in even simpler terms, you didn't build a military based on feelings but on what you needed it to do. Will the legions of the Star Child conquer the galaxy in its name to present a united nation to it after they are born? Will the military be tasked with covert infiltration and strike missions to take out strategic targets and support saboteurs and seeded revolutions? Or will there only be a navy, and if yes, what tasks are demanded of them?

Questions nobody could quite answer beyond: "Well, someone blew up a planet, so..." In her opinion, the best thing to do for now would be to organize the military to take care of the Psykana Experiments in two or three decades after a solid core of soldiers were trained and equipped with actual quality-build equipment and weaponry, with any further changes on hold until she got actionable intelligence about the situation and the threats the followers of the Star Child would face.

And ultimately, she chooses to:
[] Create a Force-Projection Military

Large military formations intended to put boots on stations and planets and then duke it out with the fuckers on the other side of one's weapon. A blunt hammer and anvil, able to march and fight without issues for months.

[] Create a Strike-Group Based Military
Small purpose-built formations specialized and able to perform valuable strike missions and support fifth column efforts initiated by the nation. A knife in the back, a hidden bomb, and a crate of munitions at the right time in the wrong place make all the difference between defeat and victory.

In contrast to Thule-Omicron 55's efforts to create a military with no information on what it would need to accomplish, the enlargened Civilian Administration had to contend with the overarching fact that the station's economy required to turn over from slaves bartering to free people trading, all without a good idea on what would actually work and what needed to be done.

Usually, a Labor Leader got the food required for the upkeep of their Work Unit delivered by the Dark Priests if they met the quota, with punishments applied if they didn't, and were then generally expected to hand out the food on a mostly fair basis. However, more than some dipped the scales for some on one end or the other depending on favors owed or demands met. All other trading usually occurred by bartering items created in what little "down-time" was left, usually medicine and clothes, with wealth measured in direct ownership of valuable resources.

Though there was a debate about whether the system shouldn't simply be continued, just fairer in the distribution of food, there were arguments about the need to create a wealth token, backed by pegging one token to one meal and ration of water, to ensure that trading beyond the station could be done once they found somebody to trade with. Or perhaps not? Something else?

What then?
[] Continue the old system.

Bartering held for so long, it will hold for another six-thousand years.

[] Wealth Tokens
One token for one meal and water ration. People will adapt its worth on their own. Probably.

[] (Write-In)
Another solution, perhaps?
(Keep it simple. These people are barter-level economists. You go fancy, I go veto.)
Strike Group seems the obvious answer here, we're never going to Out Hammer and Anvil the Imperium until we're about to win.

The latter... Well, Wealth Tokens is a good start I guess?
You are. Big E dies, Eternity Gate allows Daemons to enter into Terra, it then swiftly explodes, ripping Terra straight into the Warp, with Sol following soon thereafter, birthing an Eye of Terror directly centered on the Golden Throne.

I pitty Rowboat Girlyman.....actually scratch that, Terra being devoured by an Eye of Terra level Warp storm would definitely be a blessing in disguise, assuming the rest of the High Council perishes along with the Lex Imperialis.......a clean slate would give the guy the opportunity he needs to recreate the abomination that is the Imperium into something that can function without an Immortal God-Man Emperor of Mankind.....I mean sure Terra being destroyed would fucking blow as humanity's cradle is gone, but it's all fucked anyway.

Hopefully, we don't get the Divine Tyrant (Fifth Chaos God), or something worse.

If Tjapa/The Abomination were to be born we'd be absolutely mega fucked times 100.

Therefore, we have to find the obligatory SV Imperial Deathworld filled with ruins from EVERY major civilization which also happens to be alive, and was a big experimental playground for the Old Ones, only then could we survive the probable onslaught.

Or we get a move on with establishing our Star Child worship and slam that door shut sooner rather than later.
[X] Create a Force-Projection Military
While I doubt that we personally are ever going to get to the point where we can field full fledge Armies, we cant just run spec ops for the entire defense and expanse of one mining station by itself. Spec Op formations are created to fill in roles that the army can't, and not the other way round with an army of Spec Ops (like a certain X-Com game.) Besides, that just means were at the mercy of any other military force that can fit boots on the ground that we are ourselves have deliberately handicapped on doing.
[X] Wealth Tokens
Bartering never lasts past a very simple level basis of economy, so us getting a working order system that works on a greater basis then what amount of materials you have, is a solid win in my view.
[X] Create a Force-Projection Military
[X] Wealth Tokens

changed to force projection because like the above poster said we do need a conventional backbone/framework just to survive
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[X] Create a Strike-Group Based Military
[X] Wealth Tokens
-[X] Also create Half-Tokens and Quarter-Tokens to better facilitate trade for items and services of lesser value than rations
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[X] Create a Force-Projection Military
Going Force Based since with us having the Lamentars chapter reduced as is they fill the role of Strike capable military force for us. So makes sense to me for us to thus create a force meant for larger scale conflict to cover any weakness.

[X] Wealth Tokens
And wealth tokens work for now given we're just getting off the ground though later on as our society gets more sophisticated we'll have to move on too something else and more robust.
[] Create a Strike-Group Based Military
[X] Wealth Tokens
[X] Create a Force-Projection Military

barter systems good but need something official to pass around. Hope it goes slow. Strike group of specialist is best for small community I hope

You are on-board an ex-Dark Mechanicum station capable of housing ~90 million people and the manufacturing capabilities (if reduced due to repairs, revolution, and corruption purges) conforming to that status. I ain't offering you shit you can't do. Both are equally valid things to choose, depending on your reasoning and your plans for the future.
Changing my vote. Strike groups come second to fodder.
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[X] Create a Strike-Group Based Military

Personally, I don't think we have the resources to build a full scale force projection military, so something focusing on core capabilities and keeping our limitations in mind seems a strong plan.
Personally, I don't think we have the resources to build a full scale force projection military, so something focusing on core capabilities and keeping our limitations in mind seems a strong plan.
You are on-board an ex-Dark Mechanicum station capable of housing ~90 million people and the manufacturing capabilities (if reduced due to repairs, revolution, and corruption purges) conforming to that status. I ain't offering you shit you can't do. Both are equally valid things to choose, depending on your reasoning and your plans for the future.
You are. Big E dies, Eternity Gate allows Daemons to enter into Terra, it then swiftly explodes, ripping Terra straight into the Warp, with Sol following soon thereafter, birthing an Eye of Terror directly centered on the Golden Throne
Depends on if Vulcan's Talisman could affect that, since it is supposed to be the emergency self-destruct button so I wonder what that could do if it was activated.

[X] Create a Force-Projection Military
[X] Wealth Tokens
-[X] Also create Half-Tokens and Quarter-Tokens to better facilitate trade for items and services of lesser value than rations
You are on-board an ex-Dark Mechanicum station capable of housing ~90 million people and the manufacturing capabilities (if reduced due to repairs, revolution, and corruption purges) conforming to that status. I ain't offering you shit you can't do. Both are equally valid things to choose, depending on your reasoning and your plans for the future.
To clarify my position, which I probably should have added initially, is that the fanciest full-throated expeditionary force we can build while absolutely valid as an approach, is not going to be able to stack up as well as an equivalent force built by a larger state such as the Imperium/wider chaos warbands. And I want to, at least for now, focus on building a specialized force to serve our needs. I don't want to get into a peer to peer slap fight with anyone at this stage and would rather play things more cautiously.

I should further clarify, when I say stack up with an equivalent force built by a larger state, I am mainly thinking in terms of attrition and support that they will be able to muster.
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